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Thank you so much for 700K reads, nearly 1k followers, and for having me rank in teen fiction! I'll be back with Luke and Maggie soon. 💕 Enjoy!🤍

"Till my last day, I'll be loving you." —Unknown



|Three Years Later|

"Come in," I called out at the knock, staring back at myself in the mirror.

My eyes fell to the door as I heard it click open. A smile plastered on my lips since I expected it to be Teresa or Susie. But, it wasn't.

My lovers' lips tipped into a smile, his eyes fanning over me. I think I saw the moment he lost his breathing as he stepped closer, expression full of so much admiration, passion, love and everything in between.

He was just as handsome in his tuxedo. I didn't even want to think about the price of my dress and his tuxedo, but either way, they were amazing. Somehow, we both managed to match the others' admiration. "Shit," fell from him in a whisper. "You have me wrapped around your pinky already, but right now...I think I'll faint seeing your beautiful ass at the alter, sweetheart."

Immediately, I went to cover up. "Kade," I groaned, narrowing my eyes at him. "It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

His smile only grew, and I turned to fight my own. Instead, I observed over myself again. The makeup was spotless, and the dress was chosen perfectly. Now that I was in it, everything was becoming more real.

I ran a hand over my stomach before I caught myself. Turning, I chuckled as Kade leaned down to catch my lips.

"To hell with the rules," he murmured against the corner of my lip, peppering the smallest of kisses there. "I couldn't stop myself." His fingers were light and delicate against my skin before I moved away.

I glanced back at him through the mirror. "Did you enjoy your party?" His hands went to my shoulders, slightly squeezing. From his reflection, the desire danced across his figure but I wasn't giving in minutes before our wedding.

His lips curled into a scowl. "Fuck no," he responded, bending to eye level. Laughter fell from me as he wrapped his hands around me, tugging me closer. "I was miserable without you, sweetheart. Miserable."

He didn't even want a bachelor party;I had to force him to leave with Luke and Levi. They all just drunk and reminisced with their other friends.

It was funny to think of it now, but it was even funnier in the moment when Luke sent me the pictures of Kade in pure hell as he waited to go home. From one of the pictures, I saw Kade admiring a picture of me in his phone and in the others', my contact was on the screen, just waiting to be pushed. I planned to tease him about it as much as possible, but in truth, I was just as miserable.

"A bachelor party is signifying that I'm sad about it, that I'm sad about marrying you," he had said the night before I forced him to leave with Luke and Levi. "When that's far from the truth. I'm beginning a life with my world; there's absolutely nothing to be sad about."

I hummed against his fingers as he stroked my thighs, his eyes falling. "I have a confession."

I paused, tilting my head. "Tell me."

"I left," he said in one breath. "And, I mean absolutely gone. I booked it right out of the exit when they weren't looking."

I stared back at him before the laughter became too hard to conceal. He beamed as I laughed. "That's why you got home so early?"

At my bachelorette party, I ended up leaving early too. I missed my fiancé, but it wasn't because of that. I ended up getting sick, and Raven and Maggie took me home. I figured they knew why, but either way, it was embarrassing.

Kade had gotten home way before I expected him to. Even though we weren't supposed to see each other the night before the wedding, he had stumbled into the bedroom and had me in his arms in a matter of seconds.

He nodded, focusing a crooked smile up at me. "I couldn't help myself, baby. I missed you." He raised himself, pulling me up. Immediately, he tugged me into his arms.

My makeup was probably smudged, but my body fell right into him. I chuckled into his chest. "Well, you're stuck with me for the rest of your life now."

His arms tightened around me, his figure relaxing. "More like graced." His words were meant just for me, whispered and silky right into my ear. "My beautiful, beautiful girl."

I shut my eyes, hearing his heartbeat or mine or ours. I wasn't sure, it didn't even matter. I wanted to stay here forever, to hear him on repeat. It was all so comforting and warm, but we could resume right after.

I pulled away first, but his fingers remained on my waist. "I'll see you at the alter." I hoped he couldn't read through me, as he had so many times. "With a surprise." I pecked his lips, and had to turn to avoid entirely crashing it.

His beautiful face called to me in the mirror. "A surprise?" I nodded, smoothing over my curls again. "I'll tell you right now if you tell me where we're going for our honeymoon."

His brows drew together as he focused his intense stare on me. Even though I could see him, I felt his warmth growing closer and closer. "Absolutely not, sweetheart. You'll know as soon as I smuggle you onto the plane."

I rolled my eyes, pinching at my cheek to conceal a smile. "You haven't told me this entire time." We'd been engaged for a year, even though it was torture to wait. We both wanted to get married as soon as possible, but after compromising, we agreed that we'd wait until after I finished college.

I stared down at the beautiful, thick diamond on my ring finger. I couldn't wait to accompany it with my wedding band.

For my birthday, Kade surprised me with tickets to Europe. As if that wasn't spectacular on its own, he waited until we were at one of the most beautiful spots. I was so entrapped in the beauty of it all, the beautiful strums of music, the rose petals, the delicious food...I hadn't even noticed until I saw the crowd that Kade was down on one knee right behind me. Fingers shaky, eyes lined with tears, and a beautiful ring in hand.

Instead of responding, Kade craned his neck to peck the corner of my lips. "I'll see you at the alter, beautiful girl." His hand lingered on my skin longer than I could have handled in any other circumstance. I heard the door click behind him as he left.

I shut my eyes as the love threatened to swallow me whole, it was all so perfectly woven.

My eyes snapped open at the commotion outside of my door. My stomach fell instantly at the thought, but my composure remained. It wasn't possible but the thought of my mother being here loomed right over me. I knew she was still alive, that she somehow beat death, but that was it. I didn't care to know much else.

Even though I tried not to venture too much into my past, I dug right into it last night. My diary was itching to be read, even after all these years of not being used. I read through the entire journal, even cried and laughed at some parts, but I didn't stop until the end. A part of me wanted to burn it, to rid myself of that girl, but I didn't. She was a part of me, and she was here. She made it. We made it.

My shoulders fell in relief at Ravens' voice. Moments later', the door swung right open and in came her, Susie, Teresa, and Maggie.

"What was he doing in here? Scratch that. What were the both of you doing in here?" Her eyes narrowed in on me. "I can't trust you two alone." I rolled my eyes, laughing as I stood.

Maggie nodded in agreement, chuckling. She flipped her thick, long hair over her shoulder, sending a knowing look at me. "It's just like Dubai all over again. You two ditched all of us and we caught you in—"

I shook my head at her, my cheeks reddening; Kade's mother was right here.

Raven got the hint quickly, shutting her eyes to breathe for a moment. Her hands ran right over her swollen belly; Raven was always overdramatic, but the pregnancy truly triggered her nerves.

Teresa stepped forward, beaming at me. "Are you ready?"

I gave an uneasy smile, nodding. I wasn't nervous about marrying the love of my life, but more of the walk down the isle. I figured it was because of my nerves, but Kade reassured me that if I fell on the way down, he'd do the same thing. It was a funny thought but definitely one I wanted to prevent.

"We better hurry before Scarlett loops Kade into holding her the entire time," Susie joked, chuckling. "I swear, she knows exactly who to go to."

I laughed. "She's really convincing, that's for sure." It was true. Scarlett had her older brother wrapped right around her finger.

Susie and Louis married two years ago, then the unexpected happened. Susie was pregnant with a baby girl, who was now about to be a year old. Kade and I were incredibly shocked at the news, and at first, Kade kept his distance. I figured he felt as if he were replacing his brother, but after we spoke about it, he began to slowly edge around his baby sister. Now, the two were inseparable. If we weren't home or traveling, we were at his mothers.'

Susie and Kade had gotten a lot better as well. We bounced between my family and his for holidays, but I tried to see his more. When we visited, Kade would usually just observe and respond. The first year was the hardest since the mother and son were practically strangers. After a while, the two began to bond over the simplest things but used that to lead to even more. Now, they were comfortable and respectable in one another's' spaces. It was all about time and communication.

I met my own eyes in the mirror. A couple of minutes, and I would be in the arms of my soulmate. I couldn't wait. "Let's go."

My dad was waiting for me, worriedly glancing back and forth between the time and the groom. I smiled at his jittery back, though he shouldn't be so antsy. He was the reason I was even here right now.

He caught me in the corner of his eye. I let the ends of my dress fall as I approached him.

His eyes ran over me, then they met mine, glistening with tears. The pride in his eyes brought my own.

"You look beautiful, honey," he said, his voice cracking. "I'm so incredibly proud of you." I heard the strums of the violin beginning, but I paid them no mind.

I turned toward my father. "Thank you, dad." He nodded, before pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. "I'm so grateful to call you my daughter, Kimberly." I embraced him without a second thought.

When we pulled back, he released a heavy sigh before nodding ahead. "Are you ready, honey?"

I moved my gaze to the doors, my heart fluttering. Just outside of it, my sweet boy waited. And our future.

"Don't let me trip," I mumbled, earning a chuckle from my father as we linked arms. "If you do, I'll catch you." I believed him, he always had.

Then, time swept from right under me as we started out. I let the strums of the music, and the sight of my waiting fiancé soothe me down the isle. I could hear the murmurs of our friends and family, some admiring me and some admiring the details of the wedding. I took more pride in the decorations.

Kade and I decided on an outdoors wedding. Trees woven with lights and the most beautiful flowers carefully placed. I had told Kade that a recording was fine, but now that I was here, I knew he had hired live musicians to play my favorite song while I walked down the isle. It was all so beautiful and overwhelming, I felt myself clench my dad's arm tighter.

I caught sight of everyone: Shay, Celeste, Annabeth, Griff and Uncle Dylan. Maggie and Jax. Luke and Levi. Ryland and Teresa. Susie, Louise, and Scarlett. They were all beaming, or crying, or both, but they were here, nonetheless. I couldn't imagine if they weren't.

Then, I saw him.

I thought my knees would give out. My eyes trained on him, even past the soft murmurs of our company, even past the cello, past everything. Him.

His eyes were already trained on me, but when I smiled, he blinked as if he had been in a trance. My lips lifted on their own before he mouthed, just you and me. We were close enough so that I caught it, but even if I hadn't, I would have known.

I felt a small tug on my dress but not enough to hold me back. Giggling, I looked past my shoulder to see Scarlett, who was beaming right back at me, her arms up. I'd have to play with her afterwards for carrying on.

Then, I was there. Right in front of my future.

"I told you you wouldn't fall on my watch," my dad whispered in my ear before releasing me. I smiled after him before I caught the eyes of my fiancé.

His own were full of so much love, so much of so much that I couldn't have looked away even if I wanted to. "I think I swooned seeing you come down that isle, sweetheart. Swooned." I giggled, our hands tangling right together.

I could feel the several pairs of eyes weighing right on us. "My hands are sweaty," I murmured, chuckling. Kade tipped my chin to face him, his finger lingering there. "Don't be nervous, sweetheart. It's me and you. Just me and you." I nodded carefully, then the officiant began.

I couldn't focus too well, I only mimicked Kade. I would have teased him for the lovesick expression he was sporting, but I was sure I wasn't doing any better. But I didn't care. In the arms of my lover, nothing could spoil this day, this moment.

I didn't expect that we'd announce vows, but once the officiant paused and continued to remain that way, I glanced between him and Kade.

His fingers danced across the faded scars on the inside of my wrist. "Kimberly," he said, squeezing my hands. Even after so many years, it made my skin tingle. "I know that I say it so much, you probably roll your eyes at me now, but..." his breath came in shaky. "Announcing it aloud, letting you know, showing and proving it to you, I will never get tired of it. Never.

"I don't care where I am or what goes on...I love you, so incredibly much. Even from the moment I first saw you in that park, I thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world. So incredibly strong, and resilient. Now that I have you, now that you have me...I want you to know that I'll never take that for granted. You. Us. You're my life, sweetheart. The reason I breathe. Nothing could change that. You're the very person I walk this earth for, sweetheart. My heart," he paused to grip my hand, fully placing it along the drum of his chest. "It doesn't belong to me, and I don't want it back, baby. It's yours and only yours. Tell me anything, or tell me everything at once, and it will always remain that way. I'll remain this way...so incredibly. Utterly. And, unconditionally, in love with you."

"Kade." My eyes were swimming with tears the longer he went on. His words went right down like water, like honey, so sweet and pleasing, I would have been more than happy to grab our rings and run off with him right now.

The man cleared his throat to say, "Kade, do you take Kimberly to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you honor and cherish her; love, trust, and commit to her, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"

"Fuck yeah," he responded with a snort. Laughter spilled from my lips before he caught himself. "I do."

Then, the officiant turned the same notion to me. Without a second thought, I responded, "I do." I did, I always would.

Kades' eyes remained on mine as he tapped at his watch. My brows scrunched together before his lips tipped up. Then, I got it. He stopped the watch at the time that I said I do.

My makeup was surely ruined by now, but I didn't care. I heard the man say something else, but it was too late.

Kade was already prepared for me. Our lips were swift, so accompanied yet so yearning every time. His hand danced around my skin, holding me flush against his body. Right where I belonged.

The music, the cheers of our family and friends, it was all so beautiful, so close. But, I remained in this man, our tears mixing in with one another's.

"Kade," I whispered in his ear, my fingers trailing right through his curls. "Do you remember our bet? Because I have to tell you something that is terrifying the hell out of me right now."

Past the cheers, I was afraid he wouldn't hear me. I felt him nod against me though so I carried on.

His arm gentled around my waist. "Does this have something to do with your surprise?"

I felt my head nod on its own. Before we fully detached, I placed his heavy hand on my stomach. Slowly, I met his eyes, which were bouncing between me and my stomach.

Then it hit.

"You're..." his eyes widened, the realization setting right in. My skin flushed red with nervousness, but it all washed away at his expression. So bright, so happy. "Shit...are you—" he paused, his Adam's apple bobbing. "You're pregnant, sweetheart? You're having our baby?" I nodded slowly, but before I could open my mouth, Kade was on the move. He swept me right off my feet, literally.

No one else knew yet. I hadn't even known until a month ago. If it weren't for the nausea, I wouldn't have caught on so soon. I thought Kade and I were being safe, but apparently not. I knew there were times where we were too lost in one another and may have slipped up, but I never could have guessed this would come so soon. As hard as it was to keep the secret, it gave me enough time to process the thought of being a mother. Of having our baby.

His grin was so incredibly beautiful. Laughter skipped right out of me as Kade hauled me up against his body. He had done it several times before, but this time, he was wary of my stomach. I wasn't even showing yet, so I could only imagine his protectiveness as time went on.

We were supposed to stay for the food and the activities set up for everyone, but Kade was on a mission. His legs never once stopped as he hauled us past the guests.

"Wait," I called out past my laughter. With a scowl, he paused. "Are you going to tell me where we're going now?"

His expression softened so lightly as he cradled me close. "Any damn where," he responded. "If I don't get you out of that dress soon, I'm going to lose my shit." The strain in his voice only added to my humor.

The thought did sound pleasing. "Let's get out of here, then."

He was careful with every single movement, even putting me in the car. His hand lingered right on my stomach before he snatched a deep, sensual kiss from me.

Through my window, I saw our friends and family surrounding the car in cheers. I let down the window just enough to send us off. Just as our driver began to take off, I threw my bouquet to the waiting crowd. They all squeezed against one another to catch it, but I beamed once I saw who did. Maggie, who was only a bystander in the group of women, caught it right in her hands.



Past the water, I could hear Kade's yell. My shoulders fell in relief at it. He had gone into town to bring me food when my water broke.

Slowly, I tried to move past my swollen belly. He came sliding right into the room. I was straining to wash my back as his widened eyes fell on me.

"Fuck, sweetheart, are you okay—" he paused to examine me over, his mouth falling in shock. "Are you taking a shower? What the—" he paused to pinch the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "You're about to give birth, Kimberly." He grabbed a towel, then approached me. I took his hand, slowly stepping out.

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