020: Midoriya

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I think just before the Training Camp arc I'll do a few chapters on the Two Hero's movie, then one for Heroes Rising, and then finally one for World Heroes Mission eventually. I don't wanna leave those out.

"What do you kids want?" the man said, not taking his hand off the hero. The man didn't move.

Iida said nothing and attempted to kick the man. The man pulled out a sword and hit Iida, sending him flying.

Thoma looked at the two and immediately stopped cold. "Lord Ayato and Lady Ayaka?!" he said, kneeling over to feel the girl. She was warm, and so was the man. Under the girl's ponytail was a bright blue Cryo Vision. To Ayato's side was blue Hydro Vision. "Oh, thank the Archons..." he muttered.

"You know these brats?" the man asked. Thoma looked up. "Yes... what happened to them?" he asked. The man didn't answer. Instead, he turned to look at Iida.

"Get outta here. This is no place for a kid like you," he said.

"A scarf red as blood... armed to the teeth with blades... you must be Hero Killer Stain, am I right? I've been pursuing you. Though I didn't expect us to meet so soon," Iida glared.

"Your eyes. You're out for revenge, aren't you? Watch your damn mouth, or your age won't be enough to save you," Stain growled. The refugees stayed quiet.

"To save me? You don't even consider me a threat? I am the younger brother of a hero you attacked. He was an amazing hero! I've come to stop you in his stead! Remeber the name in the short amount of time left! I am Ingenium, the hero who's going to take you down!" Iida yelled.

"Is that so? Well then. Time to die!" Stain announced. "Careful, he'll attack Iida now..." Kazuha said. "You don't say?" Yanfei muttered, pulling out a book to use for her catalyst.

"Thoma, you protect those two," Noelle said, pulling out her claymore. Thoma nodded, and stayed close to the siblings. But one, Ayato, had already started to move. He wasn't fully conscious yet, but he was near it.

Iida charged at Stain.


Midoriya had run off.

He was interning with an old, retired Hero called Gran Torino. They were in a mission in Hosu when a Nomu attacked the bullet train they were on. He ordered Midoriya to stay in his seat, but clearly, Midoriya didn't listen.

Right now he was running through the streets. He hadn't seen Gran Torino yet, and Gran Torino hadn't seen him yet either.

It really looked like a Nomu, Midoriya thought, If it's as absurdly powerful as the one back at the USJ, then, not just Gran Torino is in trouble, but the whole city is! Including Iida! His internship is here! I need a plan... Midoriya panicked on the inside.

"TENYA!" Manuel screamed, looking for his intern. "How could he run off at a time like this?! And the others too!" Manuel muttered.

A woman hero pushed Midoriya back. "Stand back! Don't get in the way! The Heroes will put a stop to this. Follow police instructions and get to safety," she ordered. "S-sorry!" Midoriya jumped back.

Wait a minute... why would Iida run off at a time like this? Nomus, in Hosu City... the Hero Killer!

Midoriya ran the other way, realizing what Iida had just done.


Stain mainly ignored the refugees, and was attacking Iida istead. While he did attack them, most attacks were focused on Iida. Thoma was currently fighting too, since he set Ayaka and Ayato outside the alleyway where they wouldn't get hit. Ayato was awake now, and he was watching over his sister.

"Ingenium's brother...? So weak," Stain pushed Iida to the ground and stabbed his arm.

"Both you and your brother are weak. Because you're both posers!" Stain spat.


"My brother... he saved so many people. He's a leader. HE'S A GREAT HERO! HE'S A GREAT HERO WHO INSPIRED MY DREAMS!" Iida yelled, now in tears.

"I'll kill you for what you did-" Iida started again.

"Save him first." Stain ordered. "Forget about yourself and focus on saving others. Don't wield your power for your own sake. Because getting trapped in your own hate and actions out of self interest makes you the furthest thing from a hero. That's why you have to die." Stain licked the blood off his sword. Iida froze.

From behind, Thoma jumped up, ready to strike Stain, but Stain just caught the polearm and threw it, and Thoma, to the side.

"Consider yourself a humble offering to the betterment of society," Stain raised his sword up, ready to kill Iida. "SHUT UP! IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU SAY NOW!! YOU'RE STILL JUST A CRIMINAL WHO HIRT MY BROTHER!" Iida scremed.

Stain's face collided with a glowing face, and with perfect timing, the wind.

"Wait... Midoriya?!" everyone exclaimed (except Thoma Ayato Ayaka Stain and Native, of course)

"Iida! I'm here to save you!" Midoriya yelled.

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