/ Beep Beep \

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Word Count: 1898

The next day at school, Alya and Nino were bombarded with several questions about Adrien. Even though you knew more than anyone else what was really going on, their response made you think that maybe things weren't as simple as you thought.

"He didn't wanna tell us anything." Nino said trying to avoid everyone's eyes on him.

"What do you mean he didn't say anything? Is he okay?" Everyone but Marinette, Felix, and you were surrounding Nino and Alya with questions.

Even so, you were showing attention to see what they were saying. You don't have to look them in the face to know they were lying.

Another weird thing you noticed was Marinette, sitting alone looking lost in her own thoughts. You thought she'd be more interested in knowing how Adrien was doing, even if she didn't like him romantically anymore, you knew she'd care as a friend.

Maybe Alya has already told Marinette how Adrien is doing.

You went to Marinette sitting next to her.

"Hi Marinette! I bet Alya already told you about Adrien. What's up?" You gave her a curious look. Marinette looked at you with a big smile but the first thing you noticed was the dark circles under her eyes.

"Hi (Y /n), She hasn't told me anything yet but we'll know soon, hope he's okay." Marinette looked back forward as if her mind were far away from here.

"Yeah, I hope so. But what about you? You don't look good today. Something happened-I mean you want to talk about it?" Marinette looked at you in surprise.

"Is it that obvious?" You two laughed.

"Uh... Luka and I broke up." She replied sighing. You widened your eyes but soon the possible reason came to mind.

Must be hard being Ladybug

Having to give up the person you love to protect it.

You never thought you could admire someone so much.

"Sorry, it must have been sucks. I understand you." She nodded, looking relieved that you hadn't asked for details.

If I told her who the Hawk Moth is, she wouldn't have to go through this.


Later that day, you met Felix on the bridge near the Seine River to hear his brilliant plan.

"Don't you think we'd better discuss this later? We're in the middle of an akuma attack." You looked around but the part of town you were in seemed safe.

"No, it's actually the perfect time. As soon as Ladybug and Chat Noir defeat the akumatized person. You jump into the river and pretend to drown." You widened your eyes and looked at him in disbelief.

"Lost your mind? I can't swim for real!" You shook your head.

"Didn't you say it would be easier to talk specifically with Chat Noir? That was the best way I thought." By his serious expression, you knew he wasn't kidding.

"How do you guarantee that he's going to help me and not Ladybug? Your plan doesn't seem perfect." You crossed your arms looking down at the river, feeling a shiver down your spine.

"His house isn't that far from here, he'll definitely stop by. And if something goes wrong I'll be right here to help you." He winked at you with a confident smile.

"... Fine. But if I die I will haunt you for the rest of your life." You gave him the darkest look you ever had. But he just chuckled squeezing your cheek.

"You look cute trying to be scary. You don't trust me to save you, do you?" You slapped his hand so he would let go of your cheek.

"If you didn't look like a villain, I might trust you." You rubbed your sore cheek.

"Fair enough. But I can be a good guy for you once, that's what you like isn't it? Good guys..." He repeated making a face.

A flock of magical ladybugs flew away interrupting your conversation.

"It's now." He said. "Jump in." He gestured to the river.

"Alright... Here I go..." You said reluctantly walking slowly to the edge of the bridge.

"Argh... I can't Felix, I think in practice it's too insane. Shall we try something else?" You scratched the back of your neck in embarrassment, Felix slapped his forehead but he was laughing.

"Do you or don't you want to talk to Chat Noir?" He rolled his eyes, leaning back against the bridge as he fiddled with his cell phone.

You sighed and followed his example.

"You know how much I want. But this way it feels wrong, plus I doubt he wants to see me, after all I've done he must hate me now." You wondered if you would ever get used to the pain you felt whenever you thought of him.

"All this drama was kind of fun, but it's gone on too long. Look over there." You looked in the direction he was pointing without understanding.

"I'm not seeing... -!!!!!" Your heart rate went from 0 to 1000 beats per second when you saw Chat Noir gesturing to you from a narrow alleyway hidden in the street.

You rubbed your eyes to make sure you weren't hallucinating and looked at Felix in confusion. As if reading your mind he said:

"That was plan B in case you chicken out. But I didn't think it'd work since he hasn't talked to me since that day. I don't know why he has changed his mind." He showed you his cell phone screen and you saw he was on a call with Adrien's number.

"Just go ahead." he said apathetic.

This cannot be happening!

"YOU ARE THE BEST FELIX! Thank you very much!" You said excitedly giving him a bear hug then walking in hurried steps to that alley.

You were so happy and anxious when you saw him right in front of you, finally you could sort everything out.

"Hi... I didn't know you wanted to talk to me that badly. Nothing is making sense lately." He said listlessly, avoiding your gaze with a hand behind his head.

You came out of your short peak of joy and back to reality, there were a lot of things you needed to explain.

"First of all I would like to apologize for what I put you through. I didn't want any of that to happen either. Actually I never stopped liking you." You spoke honestly making him finally meet your gaze with eyes a little bright with hope.

"So why did you break up with me so suddenly?" He asked in a sad voice.

"Even after finding out who you were I never wanted to break up with you. The only reason I did those things was because of Lila's blackmail... She was the one who forced me. I didn't have a choice." You were suddenly anxious imagining he wouldn't believe you.

"What? It can't be... Why would she do that? What did she blackmail you with?" He looked at you with worried, confused eyes.

"She kind of figured out who you are by following us... She had proof and threatened to show it to everyone." Chat Noir's reaction was so mixed that you didn't know if he was surprised, terrified or angry.

"What happened next? Is she still blackmailing you?" He took your hands in a gesture of concern as he looked at you deeply.

You felt a comfort in your chest that he believed you without a doubt and your cheeks warmed now knowing who those piercing green eyes belonged to.

"I-I managed to get rid of the proofs... After you changed schools, she was so happy to be able to break us up that she's going to leave me alone. But her knowing who you're it's still very bad. I'm sorry-..." Suddenly his arms were around you and in the next moment you were with your face against his chest in a long hug.

"No need to apologize, it wasn't your fault. Now everything is clear and I'm glad you never hated me. I have to apologize for giving up so easily." You hugged him back enjoying the feel of his body against yours where you felt sparks all over.

"Your reaction was understandable. I'm glad you don't hate me after everything I've done." *beep beep* You two were so immersed in wanting to make the most of this moment that you both paid no attention to Chat Noir's beeping ring.

"You know... I wouldn't mind if everyone knew. If I were to choose between being Chat Noir or staying with you... It'd definitely stay with you." He said looking into your eyes without breaking the distance between your bodies.

"No... You can't stop being Chat Noir. When you're Chat Noir, it's not just about saving people, it's also your escape to being who you really are. You don't want to lose your freedom right?" You asked smiling shyly at the admiring look he looked at you.

"You know me better than I do... But freedom can be a little lonely without someone..." The two of you looked at each other for seconds that felt like minutes because you were so lost in each other's eyes, until Chat Noir took a quick look at your lips.

*beep beep*

All you heard was your heart as the two of you slowly leaned your heads forward until your lips gently met.

Your kiss was slow as if you wanted to make the most of the time as if it were the last time, until little by little it gained speed.

*beep beep*

A quick flash of light passed through your closed eyes but you didn't care just caring to stay as close to him as possible and deepen the kiss.

"I see if I don't go home I won't eat my camembert anytime soon." A cute voice said pulling away causing you to break the kiss. When you opened your eyes and saw Adrien's face so close to yours you felt your cheeks on fire. You took a step back trying to avoid his gaze, your brain was far from getting used to the idea of ​​knowing who his boyfriend is.

It's like you're kissing another guy.

"Why the shyness all of a sudden? You were never the shy type." He smiled amusedly taking a step forward approaching you again.

"It's your fault for hiding your true self so well." You confessed with a shy little smile looking down playing with your fingers.

"So now it's my turn to tease you and you run away from me, huh?" He lifted your chin making you look at him, and that gorgeous smile almost made you melt.

So gorgeous...

"I-I won't run a-away..." You stuttered, not even you believed your words.

"So prove it... Kiss me again." He challenged with a smirk on his face, as embarrassed as you were, you took the initiative to kiss him again.


You took advantage of the moment that wasn't enough to talk about what happened and how things would be going forward.

You two didn't have to hide secrets from each other anymore. But anyway, no one could have known you were together, especially Lila who's even more of a threat than Hawk Moth.

Things were far from normal, but coming to think of it, things were never normal between you and Chat Noir or if you prefer between you and Adrien Agreste.

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