Activate Instant Kill Mode

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Okay so I read on tumblr somewhere that Peter protects Queens like every person is a brother or sister. I thought I'd add to the thought. (No duh) Peter webs his enemies or the criminals he fights and refuses to kill them. Why? Because even though they still have done wrong, he wouldn't kill a family member, no one in the right mind would. I thought to myself since Peter can't ever catch a break, why don't I make a shitty one shot where Peter tries to bargain the lives of his family. I'm sorry in advanced.

     "My name is Gladys Beet and we are  Live on the west side of Queens where reports of a hostage situation is imminent. We have received information that there are seventeen male and females who are being held at gun point inside the local bank. I'm being that Spider-Man will soon arrive — there he is! Ladies and gentlemen watching, Spider-Man has just arrived. He is currently being informed of the situation and will be sent in along with the official hostage situation police force. More on the story as it develops."

(Idk man)

      The chief officer, Captain Stacy, was debriefing Spider-Man about the situation. He told Peter about the four well-known criminals who were heavily armed, the seventeen hostages, how they wanted seven million dollars in cash before they would ever consider letting one person out alive.

    Peter nodded and without hesitation shot a web at the building and swung himself into the building window. He made his way into the main entrance but was stopped by the shouting of the masked criminals. Two of the men were holding a large man in place as another stood pointing a gun at him, the last man aimed a gun at all of the other hostages.

     "Spider-Man," the man who pointed the gun at the separated hostage sneered. "Take one step further and I will blow his brains out." He turned the safety off of the gun. Peter gulped, trying to figure out what to do. If he shot a web at the gun, there was a chance that the other man with the gun would either shoot him or the other sixteen innocents.

    "C'mon, dude, lets talk about this," Spider-Man put his hands out in front of him. "Just put the gun down and let these people go, okay?" The man shook his head and let out a bitter laugh. Peter took a cautious step forward before stopping suddenly as the men began shouting at him, ordering to move back.

     "I warned you, Spider-Man," he said and pulled the trigger. Peter shouted out as the innocent man dropped to his knees before falling forward revealing a gaping hole in the back of his head. Blood splattered on the floor and his brain was in pieces around the room. Peter wanted to vomit, he had vowed to never kill anyone and to see someone like this felt so disgusting. He stumbled back in shock.

    "Karen?" He said loudly which confused the men. He became suddenly overcome with anger for the life that was just cruelly taken. "Activate instant kill mode." Karen seemed more than happy to oblige as Spider-Man's eyes suddenly turned black with a red dot in the centre. The sudden change of aura and features shocked the men to almost dropping their weapons.

    Peter charged without hesitation at the murderer, shooting a high voltage taser web at the other two gunmen who were ready to release a spray of bullets when they got the chance. He fired another web at the man behind him, killing him instantly, Peter turned his attention back to the killer in front of him, who happened to be shaking with fear. The teenager kicked the man in the stomach roughly, sending the criminal to the other side of the room and into the wall. Less than a second later, Peter shot a web at the ceiling and swung himself back over to the man. Before he had a moment to regain him balance, Peter swung a punch to the mans face, hitting him from both sides continuously. Sure that the man was still alive, Peter held him by the neck into a choke hold and lifted him high into the air.

    "I let a murderer get past me once," Peter seethed, his voice controlled by anger. "It costed me the life of my uncle. There's no fucking way I'm ever going to let that happen again." With that, Peter squeezed hard, the clawing against Peter's grip ceased as life drained from the mans face, his body crumbling to the floor.

    Slowly, Peter began to hear the sobs of the remaining sixteen innocents. He turned and gasped, suddenly realising what had just happened and what he just did. He just killed a man.

He just killed a man.

He just killed a man.

   "Oh god, oh god, oh god," he screamed as he fell backwards, trying in vain to scramble away from the corpse. What had he done? He was a murderer. He wasn't a saviour. His mask fell inside his gaping mouth as the young teen tried to desperately breathe, however his brain didn't seem co operative, his oxygen intake felt restricted against the material.

    He took a quick glance at the remaining sixteen before shooting a web at the high ceiling and swinging out of the building, ignoring the cheers from below. He didn't deserve their shouts, he didn't deserve their praise, he didn't deserve their loyalty.

He was a murderer.

Murderers don't deserve happiness.


   It had been four days since the incident. Peter hadn't been to school on account that they were off for the weekend, staff meeting and renovations. Peter hadn't even thought about putting his suit on again, the mere idea made bile rise in his throat and he had to dash to the bathroom, only to spew up what little content resided in his stomach. The media hadn't been told about the incident. The hostages, although they gave a true account on everything they could, they simply couldn't remember anything about the man who was murdered. Peter wasn't sure where May was, he hadn't seen much of her. He stayed confined in his room, sobbing into his pillow, feeling worse and worse as he was left to his poisonous mind.

    "Pete?" May said, knocking on his door. "Sorry I haven't been around, I was speaking to Pepper about the whole Spider-Man thing. You'll be happy to know that we got you a new schedule to help you stay on track. You know, studying patrol, nerding out with Stark and ages of time left to do whatever you want."

   Peter sniffled from under the pillow and wiped his teary eyes. "Thanks for the effort May, but you can forget about it. I don't wanna be Spider-Man anymore."

   "What?" May said behind the door. She jiggled the handle, jumping a little as it opened with a jolt. She pushed the heavy door, only to see her nephew's head completely disappeared under the depths of feather filled pillows. His back was shaking and his shoulders were jolting, the cause she quickly recognised as crying. "Oh Peter."

The Italian widow made her way over to Peter's bed, sat down next to him and sympathetically ran a hand down his back. Peter flinched under the expected touch of his gentle aunt and tried to stifle his cries.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked tentatively. She wasn't sure what had made her nephew so distraught, her mind went crazy with theories, but they subsided the moment she heard the boy gasp a short 'no'. She sat there in silence as the teen slowly began to turn his sobs into occasional hiccups.

"Can I guess?" May said after a while, knowing that Peter wouldn't start talking anytime soon. She sighed in relief when he nodded a little, so May continued rubbing his back.

"So it's something to do with your alter ego, correct?" Peter nodded again. "Did you mess up somehow?"

"May, I totally fucked up," Peter groaned from under his pillow, his aunt for once didn't fix his language. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-" he resumed to his sobs. May sat next to him, feeling helpless as she was unable to help him in any way. So, instead of just leaving Peter to figure it out on his own (like most people would), May took out her cell and sped dialled "Peter's dad". It rang twice before it was picked up.

   "Hey Aunt Bae. What's up?"

    "Tony, Peter is really upset. Can you come down and talk to him?" May said, for once not correcting him or reminding him about his marriageable status surrounding the nickname.

   "Of course I can. I'll be three minutes."

    "Thanks Tones. I really appreciate it." May ran a hand through her long hair with a sigh, clearly stressed.

   "No worries, you know I'll do anything for that kid."

     "I know. Do you want me to end the call so you can focus on driving?" May unlocked the door and put the keys in the glass bowl allocated next to the peeling paint.

   "'I'm in the suit. You can still talk. So what's going on with Pete?"

    "I don't know. He won't stop crying, it's something to do with Spider-Man though."

    "Alright. I'll see what's up. I'm at the building so I'll be right up."

"Okay. The door's open so just let yourself in."

     May ended the call and went back into her nephew's room, who had probably heard the entire conversation but didn't mention it. She wrapped her arms around his now sitting frame and hugged him. Due to their unnatural quietness, they could hear Tony enter the apartment and close the door as clear as the sky is blue.

(Idk what I'm doing)

    "Pete?" Tony said as he walked in the room, noticing the shaking boy and his worried aunt. Tony sat down next to Peter on his other side and shared the embrace. "Do you think you can tell me what happened?"

   "I killed a man."

   "I killed someone who had his own life, his own problems, his own family. I-I'm so sorry."


So just gonna end it here ha.

Now you don't have to read the rest if you don't care but pls do anyways

So I'm gonna do a q and a as a sort of end of chapter thing cuz I know that there's nothing more depressing than seeing an update but it's just a thing that not many ppl care about. (Apologises to other authors but yall know it's true)

So if ya feeling nosy then go ahead and ask a question and I might answer it. If I don't like the question I won't answer it sorry. Okaybye

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