Chapter 35 || Y/n's POV

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After I had cloned Aiura, we went to Kusuo's house to check and see if he'd stayed home. Aiura would use her powers to find him if he wasn't. Either way, she barely knew him so it was important that she get familiar with his environment. That meant his house and family.

I had to admit, I was nervous too. I hadn't met his family before, and since it was the middle of the school day I hoped they wouldn't see me as a delinquent playing hookey. I glanced at the gyaru walking by my side. Her uniform was unbuttoned to display cleavage, her hair was bleached and her skin was tanned. She was the definition of a rebel. Considering I was hanging out with her, my first impression was not looking so well.

We arrived at the Saikis' residence and rang the doorbell.

A petite woman opened the door. She was cute and wore a bright smile.

"Oh, hello ladies, can I help you?"

"Hello Saiki-san, I'm Y/fn and this is Aiura Mikoto. We're classmates of Saiki and was wondering if he was here."

"We have some, like, uh, homework and stuff for him."

I glared at Aiura. She was a terrible actress.

"Oh, sure thing. Ku-chan's not feeling well so I could take it for you."

"Oh, actually it's a project between the two of us. Is it okay if we just go explain our progress to him?"

"Oh, by all means. His room is upstairs to the left."

She welcomed us in and we walked to his room. I knocked once, twice, no answer. Aiura barged in and we observed the room. Plain, not a single decoration. I pondered why I liked this boy again.

"He looks so average. You never would have guessed he's a superhuman who's gonna save the world."

"Thanks, we get it. Anyways, it appears he's not here. What do we do?"

"Well there's more than one room in the house you know. If he's got superhearing then maybe he heard us and decided to hide."

Now she was picking up on his personality.

"That's possible, but if he teleported then we don't have a chance."

"Or, we could start at the nearest location, the bathroom. If he's sick there's a good reason to visit there often. Why don't you use your x ray vision. "

I scowled at Aiura." No, gross. I don't have a piss kink unlike you."

" Unlike me? Why would you think I have a piss kink?"

"Your hair color," I pointed out.

"That was rude," she said, crossing her arms. " If you can't see if he's in there, I'll just barge in."

"Fine," I conceeded, not wanting an even more awkward encounter than my mid canceled love confession. At least he wouldn't know I was spying on him. I crossed my fingers, praying for both our sakes that he wasn't naked.

Using the x-ray vision Kusuo taught me, I peeked behind the bathroom door. Nobody. I sighed in relief.

"Nobody's in there," I said.

"Let's go back to my place, then." Aiura tapped her long nail to her temple. "It's time we being out the big guns."

As we made our way downstairs, a heavenly aroma hit my nose. Like fresh coffee and sweets. We perked into the kitchen to find Mrs. Saiki baking.

"Oh, you done already, girls? I've just been baking some sweets to heal my precious Ku-chan, but I've made extras so feel free to help yourself! I'll just be taking these to Ku."

She held a platter of coffee jelly and cake that was intended for Kusuo.

"Oh, uh, he told me to tell you he wasn't hungry and wanted to be left alone. That's why we finished fast, because he didn't want company."

"Aw, I'm sorry dear. Would you like to sit and chat with me? I've got all these sweets out."

"Oh, actually, we've g-"

"We'd love to!" Aiura cut in.

She pushed me to the table and forced me to seat myself my mouth immediately began watering at the sight and aroma of the sweets.

"I'm sorry about Kusuo, he can be such a shy boy sometimes. Either way he shouldn't be ignoring such gorgeous girls like you," she said, looking at me. Aiura stuffed her face with cheesecake while glaring, thinking "whot abot meh"

"Oh, thank you," I laughed a bit. "He's a bit more talkative at school."

"Really? Tell me about him. He rarely ever talks about school."

"Well, he's very competitive with me," I said, recalling that time we argued about who was paying the bill. That may have been out of school, but I couldn't tell her the real experiences.

"Really? Are you and Kusuo close?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say-"

"Yes, they're very close," Aiura once again interrupted. She swallowed her lump of cake, "In fact, you might say they're lovers."

Mrs. Saiki and I let out a gasp in unison.

"That's not tr-”

Mrs. Saiki squealed. "Our Ku has finally grown up! Come, come, the girlfriend's got to see Baby Ku. You know, he's only competitive with those he cares about. Like his brother, Kusuke."

"He has a brother?"

"Older, studying in London. Actually, he just arrived back home on a business trip but is currently in town. You'll have to meet him sometime."

I remembered Kusuo telling me about a brother that was a crazy genius. He'd ranted about how annoying his brother's challenges were and that he was plotting some scheme to take over the world with his futuristic high tech inventions. I was interested in seeing this brother.

We followed Saiki to the living room. She opened an album and sure enough the pink haired psychic was there, in miniature form. Aiura and I let out an awe as she showed us pictures of him on a motorcycle as an infant, with rice wine as a newborn, and playing chess as a toddler. His brother was unexpectedly normal. Well, normal looking- as it was compared to Kusuo.

We laughed at the pictures Saiki showed us. Soon enough an hour had passed and all the sweets were resting comfortably in our stomachs.

"Well, we should get going," we announced. Saiki sighed.

"Aw, goodbye, girls. Please remember underneath his hard shell, Kusuo's a real sensitive kid. Please take care of him."


Aiura and I arrived back at her work place. It was definitely sketchy- teens in revealing clothes giving fortunes to older men... Even so, I ignored it so that we could find Kusuo. If he didn't know how urgent things were, we could be in trouble. 

"Alright, now that I've got a grasp on this Saiki Kusuo, I can def see what he's up to."

Aiura cracked her knuckles and neck, taking a seat behind her booth. I took one in the customers seat. She wrapped her fingers around the ball and closed her eyes, concentrating. I could see them move around from under her eyelid as she visualized.

"See anything?" I whispered. There was no response until suddenly a scene rolled into the crystal ball. Kusuo was battling a boulder.

"Has it already started?" I jumped to my feet, ready to aid him.

"No," she replied. "He's merely practicing. The volcano will errupt exactly 1 hour and 11 minutes from now."

"Where is he?"

She told me. Unfortunately, it seemed like we would not get there in time.

"What are we going to do?" I whined, stress and panic possessing me.

Aiura sighed. "Lighten up, I know a guy. He's annoying but he can probably be a pilot."

I gulped. "Can probably?"

. . . . . . . . . .

A/n: tysm for reading. Please remember to vote and comment, as well as follow me for more stories! Chapter saiki pic:

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