Chapter 5

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Tenley's POV

"And then the French Revolution…" Blah, Blah bullshit. I don't care about the French Revolution; I don't care about the Great Depression or World War I or II because to me learning this is so pointless. I'm not going to join the army; I never plan on getting thrown into a battle field so why do I have to learn about it? I can honestly say in all my years of school, from kindergarten to now I don't really remember anything that involved history, I knew enough to get by the class and knew enough to give a little comment if my teacher asked. However today my teacher seemed more then annoying with his little spill on the Revolution.

Yet it's not Mr. Grains that is annoying me, not really. It's not his weird whistling noise he makes when he breathes or his pants that are just two inches to short, it's not his hair that needs a trim or his squeaky shoes; it really has nothing to do with him or the French Revolution. It's the fact that it's Tuesday and I am still annoyed with damn Colton Wells. I think in my head I let it wonder thinking he might not be the playboy I have built up in my head but that's just stupid thinking. Those few brief moments where he is with Raine, or just me or in a state of not paying attention to if anyone is watching him; where he seems actually human gets quickly erased when he lets his real self come through. His arrogance, his smirks and his thinking that I should just fall all over him is complete bull.

However instead of just telling him he is annoying and arrogant and truly one of the most fake people I have ever met; I just sit in class, chin rested on my hand and point out every small thing that is wrong with my poor teacher in the front of the class, who is just doing his job.

"So just finish reading over that for homework," Mr. Grains' voice pulls me out of my moments of thinking along with the bell to head to next class.

The class all mumble an ok, a groan or some acknowledgement to the older man before zipping out of the room. No one really enjoys that class, it's the longest and most boring of the day and part of me feels sorry for the older man at the front of the class. As I pack my bag I study him and realize he doesn't have a wedding ring, he doesn't have pictures of family or ever make a reference to anyone he is close to like a wife or kids and when you stand back and look at the man with the white hair and glasses he just looks lonely.

"Did you need something Ms. Brady?" he looks up at me as I stand in front of his desk, his left hand shaking as it holds a piece of chalk in his hand.

"No sir," I offer a smile placing my work from class that day on his desk. "Have a good day Mr. Grains," I see a small smile spread across his old face as I head out of the class.

"You think Mr. Grains has a family?" I ask Molly as I lean up against the locker next to hers, my books holding close to my chest.

"I don't know why?" she gives me a weird look as she pauses from putting her books in her locker.

"Nothing, I was just wondering," I shrug tucking my hair behind my ear. "But this Friday we are having a party at my place you coming?"

"Sure," she shrugs chewing on her bottom lip, a habit she has had since I have known her. "I mean I have to check with my mom but she probably won't care," she tells me and I figured that would be the case. Molly runs everything she does by her mom, they are big on that trust thing and tell each other everything and its cool; I just don't really have that so it's a little weird.

"That's cool, just let me know. I mean it's our party but it's really most of Max's friends," I tell her knowing that other then Molly, I don't have really any good friends here. Yeah of course I have friends, people I talk to everyday and the occasional text but other than that I don't actually hang out with them, more like those 'school friends' everyone has. The friends that know a lot about you when it comes to little things but nothing major and ya'll don't really hang out outside of school.

"Well plan on me being there," she gives me a smile, shutting her locker.

"Cool," I spin on my heels linking my arm through hers as we head to our next period.

"So I was working on this project last night…"

"Yeah?" I look up seeing Colton walking right towards me and Molly and I completely go into a blank stare. I don't hear what Molly is saying next to me, the people around me almost seem to go into a fuzzy haze and all I see is the blonde boy walking right at me with a few friends on his side. Normally he gives me a smirk, a wink, a sign that he is thinking something dirty in that head of his but not this time. Right now he has an intense glare and when we are about arms length away from each other, he side steps to my right, completely ignoring me as he laughs with his friends.

Guess he is still pissed at me.

Colton's POV

"So you going to Max's party this Friday?" Jackson, a teammate asks as we sit in health class.

"Yeah," I tell him as I dig my phone out of my pocket checking to see if I have any messages. Nope. "What about you?"

"Yeah I figured I might," he shrugs knowing full well he is going. Jackson I have known since middle school. He is probably more of man whore then me and I will admit I have screwed around with tons of girls. Yet even though he is a good friend Jackson's way of going about it with girls is a lot harsher than me. I might screw around with them yet make it clear its nothing more and they know that, yet Jackson almost makes it a game, he wants to make them fall for him and when they do he drops them. I swear he keeps a count of all the numbers of girls he has broken the hearts of. "You going with Riley?"

"Definitely not," I shake my head. "She is really starting to piss me off." Riley has probably been the only girl I have ever actually dated, it lasted all of a month before I realized we were nothing more than a lot of ok one night stands thrown together in a month's time. We fought all the time, she annoyed the hell out of me with how jealous she would get and after she told me she loved me I got out fast. Now one might feel bad about being with a girl and running when she says that dreadful word but trust me, Riley uses the word to sink her claws into you and make you stay. It is what she does and she has been in love about fifty times since I have known the girl.

"Well that is what she does," he chuckles, "She gets annoying, pisses you off and then you fuck her and it almost pleases her for a few weeks before she does it all over again," he leans back in his chair, flipping his pencil in his fingers before sliding it behind his ear.

"Yeah well I think I am done with Riley for good," I toss my pencil down.

"Yeah sure," he shows no support in that decision. "But I think I might ask Brady's sister."

"What?" I snap my head to look at him.

"Max has a sister and she is actually pretty hot," he tells me and the look on his face makes me want to punch him.

"Yeah I know he has a sister but why the hell would you do that? I mean how are you going to invite her to her own party?" I pull back my anger of him trying to go after Tenley. Why the hell does he think that would ever be a good idea? Tenley is sweet, nice and caring and not like the girls he screws around with. Plus I think there is more going on inside her then she lets out and Jackson seriously doesn't need to fuck with her.

"Well I mean I just figured I would hang out with her there, I entertain her through the party and keep her company as she hosts or whatever and then she could entertain me that night," he smirks.

"Yeah I don't think you should do that. Tenley doesn't really seem like the type who is just going to give into you like that," I tell him trying to steer him away from any thoughts of getting near Tenley. "Plus she is Max's sister and he is our friend and you screwing with her would just be messed up," I tell him trying to ignore the hypocrite in me. I know I say leave her alone yet I won't but it's different with me and her; I don't know how but it is.

"Hasn't stopped me before or you for that matter," he throws back making me realize this is really not working.

"I'm just saying Max is really protective of her, he won't like you playing games," I shrug acting as if I don't care.

"Yeah well he won't really know what's going on and then afterwards I will just act like I always do, just all innocent in it all. Plus when I'm drunk I really don't have the right part of me telling me it's wrong," he shrugs grabbing a piece of paper from his notebook to copy the notes on the board.

"Yeah well if he kicks your ass I'm not helping, you don't screw with brother's sisters," I tell him trying to warn him off one last time but can tell by his face his mind is made up. He wants Tenley and there really isn't anything I can do about it.

Walking out of class, I let Jackson head on to gym as I go on my search for someone else. I need to talk to her, warn her about what is about to happen and hope she actually listens. Maybe if I give her a heads up she will have planned what she is going to say when he asks or when he approaches her and maybe if we talk, for the first time in a day, then she will let me keep her company at the party and I can watch her. Just to make sure Jackson stays away though; nothing more than that.

"Tenley," I can tell my voice startles her as she stands at her locker.

"Damn it Colton," she holds a hand to her heart. "Why do you always do that?"

"Sorry," I apologize not meaning to just scare her like that. I mean I do kind of enjoy that I can make her heart race by just my voice or my small touches but this isn't really what I mean.

"What do you want?" her tone is cold as she flips her hair back, showing her eyes that just seem to be burning holes in me.

"I just wanted to talk to you," I shrug leaning against the locker and she raises her brow at me.

"You have been ignoring me all day, acting like a complete asshole for no reason and now just want to talk to me? Why?" she questions and I just shrug. "Whatever Colton, I don't really have time to play your little game right now," she frowns shutting her locker. "I have class."

"Tenley wait," I grab her hand spinning her back around and her body almost smashing into mine.

"Sorry," she apologizes for stepping on my foot. "I'm kind of a klutz."

"Yeah I know," I chuckle a little reaching up to brush her hair back yet she pulls back from me touching her.

"Don't do that," she frowns and I drop my hand to my side. "But what do you want?" she takes a step back from me, I guess not like being so close to me.

"Nothing I just," I want to explain it but I don't want to come across like an ass, or jealous or anything she might think. "Just watch out for guys who might ask you out," ok slap me now. That was so dumb; I can't believe I said that. Not only did it not make any sense, it also is like telling her to stay clear away from me.

"Huh?" Yeah I expected that answer.

"No, that sounded stupid," I roll my eyes at my own stupidity. "I mean just…alright some of the guys here aren't that great and they don't have your best interest and I just want you to be careful."

"Is this conversation really happening?" she asks and I look at her this time confused. "Are you telling me to watch out because guys here don't have the best interest and that I need to be careful when you," she shoves her finger into my chest. "Have been spending the last two weeks completely screwing with me?"

"I know that ok but I'm serious this time, some of the guys here want to hurt you. They get like this little sick pleasure out of hurting girls and I don't want that happening to you."

"You're so unbelievable," she scoffs spinning on her feet to walk away from me.

"Tenley just trust me here ok?" I will admit I am somewhat begging as I follow her down the hall.

"That's rich," she lets out a harsh laugh. "I don't trust anything about you Colton!"

"Well you should!" I argue annoyed. "I don't want you getting hurt ok! I am trying to look out for you."

"I'm a big girl; I don't need nor want you looking out for me. So just take you little protectiveness and go use it on someone who might actually need it," she hisses at me before stomping away.

"Fine! Get fucked over! See if I care!" I yell at her as she storms down the hall flipping me off as she goes. "Shit," I groan, that didn't work at all.

"Max!" I call down the hall as I see the guy walking towards the gym.

"Hey man what's up?" He pauses at the door as I jog towards the old wooden doors.

"Nothing much," I shrug opening the door and walking into the large gym seeing Tenley and her Molly friend sitting on the bleachers laughing about something. Her gaze slowly lifts from the magazine they are laughing over to me and I see her almost freeze. I don't get her; I don't get anything because all I know is we fight way too much and she did get jealous yesterday. Yet I guess after our little talk she is assuming that is going both ways but I make it clear what I want. She doesn't make it clear at all I know is she gives me about a million mixed signals.

"So what you think?" Max looks over at me and I snap back from looking at his sister to him, completely confused of what he is talking about. Damn my zoning out.

"Sounds good," I tell him hoping whatever he said, sounds good, will work as an answer.

"Yeah," he nods starting to head towards the locker room but I grab onto his shoulder, stopping him when I see Jackson heading over towards Tenley.

"Wait man there was something I wanted to tell you," I drop my hand and I toss a look at Tenley then back at Max.


"Well it's just I don't know Tenley, I mean not really anyway but she doesn't really seem like the type of girl who just hooks up with people," Oh my god what is wrong with me? Why can't I just make any since at all because I just told Max I didn't think his girlfriend was a slut. Why am I just stupid when it comes to Tenley; it's annoying.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Max's protective side comes out as his arms cross over his chest and a look crosses his face that even freaks me out a bit. Note to self don't piss him off.

"Nothing, it's just I was talking to Jackson and he said how he was going to ask her out and I know you know his reputation and I just don't want Tenley getting sucked into that. I mean yeah we aren't the best of friends and we fight sometimes but I don't want to see her get played," I explain truly meaning that. I don't want Jackson hurting her.

"He is going to ask out Tenley?" he questions and I nod hoping I don't sound like such a little bitch for telling him that. I just know Tenley clearly isn't going to listen to me and Max was my last option.

"Yeah, I mean I guess. I don't know man I just thought I would give you the heads up. I wouldn't want Jackson anywhere near my sister," I explain knowing that Raine will never be within ten feet of a guy like Jackson; I will personally kick that guy's ass.

"Yeah man," Max slaps me on the shoulder. "Thanks," he gives me a nod walking off and I really hope I didn't just screw up.

"God I'm such a little bitch," I roll my eyes spinning on my feet to change.

Tenley's POV

"So they have like another child? I can't believe it," Molly laughs as we look over a magazine about some couple with about a million kids. "Two is enough for me, maybe three," she laughs and I let out a nervous laugh with her.

"Yeah I agree," I tuck my hair behind my ear, looking up and seeing him. He looks so cute, I will admit it but he is so infuriating. Why can't he just either leave me alone or stay? His back and forth is annoying and then the fact his reputation is not so great doesn't help. Then what was that about in the hallway? What the hell was he trying to tell me and who the hell does he think he is? We aren't even really friends, not really, yet he is coming to me telling me what to do; that is just ridiculous.

"Hey," a deep voice pulls me out of my gaze on Colton to see some guy that plays baseball with Max walking towards us. He is really cute, not Colton cute but not hard to look at. He has ice blue eyes and jet black hair and his built isn't as great as again Colton's actually I think he might be even a little smaller then Max but it's nothing to sneeze at. However I couldn't tell you what the hell his name it. "Tenley right?" he looks directly at me and I slowly nod, "I'm Jackson," he holds up his hand.

"Umm…hey," I slowly take it, my hand feeling extremely little in his big warm one. "This is my friend Molly," I introduce and he gives her a smile.

"So I heard about your party this weekend," he starts off and I still don't know what is going on so I'm not too sure what I'm supposed to actually be saying. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out there or something."

"Umm…sure," I agree tossing a glance over at Molly who has a smile plastered on her face, hell when is she not smiling.

"Cool, maybe we could hang out before then," he continues to smile, a perfect smile.

"…alright some of the guys here aren't that great and they don't have your best interest and I just want you to be careful."

"…just trust me here ok?"

"I don't want you getting hurt ok!"

"Tenley," I hear a chuckle pulling me out of my thoughts and focus on the guy in front of me. "What you say?"


"Ten!" I hear pulling my gaze away from the smiling guy in front of me and onto my brother moving like a man on a mission towards me.

"Oh uh hey Max," I toss my hair out of my eyes forcing an awkward smile, "What's up?"

"Nothing," he shrugs giving me a look I can't really read. "What's going on here?" he gives Jackson a glare that I roll my eyes at.

"Not much," Jackson shrugs his broad shoulders. "I just thought I would introduce myself. I have known you months but never spoke to your sister, didn't think it was right," he flashes an innocent smile.

"Yeah, not right," Max tilts his head a little giving him a pointed look.

"But anyway," Jackson steps back off the bleachers. "Tenley it was nice meeting you, as it was you Molly, and just let me know what you think about my offer," he winks giving Max a nod as he walks off.

"What offer?" Max asks as soon as Jackson is out of ear shot, however I don't think he really cares if he hears him or not.

"Nothing," I shrug leaning back and picking back up the magazine.

"Bullshit Ten, what is he talking about?"

"Max why are you being so rude?" Molly questions, for once not giving my brother a dreamy look she normally gives him.

"I am not being rude, I am asking my sister a simple question and she is lying about it," he glares at me making me roll my eyes.

"He just asked me to hang out with him sometime; it's not that big of a deal."

"It is a big deal because you aren't going," he spins on his feet signaling this was not up for discussion and he was done with this talk.

"You can't tell me what to do Max!" I yell not letting him have the last word and not caring if everyone hears us.

"Watch me!" He yells back snatching his bag of the basketball court and moving towards the locker room.

"Ugh!" I growl slamming the magazine done. "He is such an ass sometimes. I mean I didn't even answer Jackson and he is already telling me

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