Chapter Seven

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A/N: hello, welcome to padie-land

this is yet another cute, fluffy chapter that will melt all your problems away πŸ₯°

quick recap of the last chapter: adie and peter kiss on new years and now they're finally finally together and from now on, there will be many, many cute and romantic moments

enjoy the chapter!


"It's a date, bugboy."


Mr. Stark, apparently, was not fond of the idea of her sleeping over at anyone's house, not even Viv's.

Who knew that getting hospitalized twice in the same year would cause him to tighten his rules on where she could and couldn't go? So, despite really, really, really not wanting to, Adelaide had to say goodbye to Peter. For tonight.

"What if I pretend to have a heart attack?" Peter mumbled lowly against her lips.

"He'll see right through you," she whispered, stealing another kiss.

She couldn't believe she could kiss him now. Just like that.

After Tony refused to let her sleepover, Peter took them back to the party which was pretty much dead at that point. There were hardly any people left. She and Peter were standing alone behind a tree in Flash's backyard, away from wandering eyes. Adelaide was leaning back against the trunk as Peter stood just a breath away from her.

"What if I told him I accidentally webbed our hands together?" he asked with a small pout on his lips.

He was brainstorming ways Mr. Stark would let him go home with Ada because he didn't want to spend a moment away from her. It was not going so well.

"He'll cut through the webs," she replied, kissing his pouting lips again.

He reached down, curling his hands around the backs of her knees and hoisting her up so she was taller than him. Adelaide laughed quietly, wrapping her legs around him to hold herself up. He grinned, tilting his head up to kiss her again and again and again.

"What if," he murmured against her mouth, "I tell him that I just...don't want to let you go?"

"Mm, before you do that," she whispered, twirling her fingers through his curls, "just let me know what kind of flowers you want at your funeral."

Peter smiled at her. That adorable, completely dorky, lopsided smile that made her eyes crinkle with a happiness she couldn't describe and her heart sing.

"Well, what are your favorite flowers?" he asked.

"Chrysanthemums," she said. He kissed her again.

"Then I want chrysanthemums at my funeral," he said. She rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide her smile.

"You're a dork," she whispered. Her lips brushed against his as she spoke, but she didn't move in to kiss him.

Peter closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. She still smelled like Christmas. Just hours ago, he had been dreaming about what it would be like to hold Ada like this and he had been heartbroken on the sidewalk, alone on New Year's Eve. But here he was now, holding his most favorite person in the world in his arms and he couldn't have asked for a better way to start the new year.

It's funny how things work out sometimes.

"But I'm your dork," he grinned. She laughed quietly, gently brushing the tip of his nose with hers.

"Unfortunately," she smiled, closing her eyes.

"You wound me," he pouted.

She pressed their lips together, moving as his body moved. His strong arms went from her knees to around her back, holding her up and close like she was a piece of his heart. She held his face with both hands until he moved her closer and she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. She kissed and kissed and kissed him until her heart was so full, she thought she would explode with happiness.

"There," she breathed, "All better?"

"Much," he whispered. They both caught each other's eyes and broke into laughter like they were so drunk on love that their heads were spinning. They definitely felt a little tipsy even though they hadn't had any alcohol tonight. Was it really possible to be this drunk on love? Is this what everyone had been singing about since the beginning of time?

"God, I love you so much," Peter laughed, gently dropping her back down to her feet and wrapping her up into his arms. Adelaide felt like shouting to the world that she was in love.

She shook with laughter in his arms. Without warning, he wrapped his arms around her legs and picked her up again. He spun her around as she laughed and held on tight to him.

"I love you," she grinned wildly, "I love you, I love you, I love you, Peter Benjamin Parker!" She was shouting it to the world by the end of it, making Peter laugh until his stomach hurt. He let her back down and dropped his head into the crook of her neck, feeling the snow in her hair melt against his skin. Their laughter died down slowly.

"I love you more, Adelaide Rivers," he whispered into her ear, brushing his lips against her jaw in a way that sent a tingle up her spine.

When he said her full name like that, it sounded as beautiful as she'd ever heard it. Her eyes fluttered closed as she felt him kissing the spot just below the curve of her jaw. His warm breath tickled her cold skin. Her stomach was flipping like a pancake. If he wasn't holding her up, she was sure her knees would give away.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed in her coat pocket. She slowly pulled back enough to get her phone out. Peter read the screen with her as she held the phone between them.

Tony: I'm here by the curb

Adelaide looked back up at Peter who was frowning at her.

"Let's at least give the heart attack thing a shot," he mumbled in complete seriousness, brushing her hair away from her face. She felt so warm and homey, he really, really didn't want to let her go. Like some kind of toddler who wouldn't give up his cookie. She smiled, closing her eyes at the feeling of his fingers softly brushing against her skin like a feather.

"I'll call you," she whispered as he buried his face into her neck once again.

He gently pulled her hair away from her neck and pressed a butterfly kiss just where her jaw met her neck, below her ear. Adelaide swore she felt fireworks booming in her chest even though the New Years fireworks had ended a while ago. He was not making it easy to leave which she suspected was his intention when she felt his lips leaving a trail of quick, soft kisses along her jaw. He stopped just at the corner of her mouth, hovering his lips just a breath away from hers. She held her breath.

"I think my heart is skipping beats," he murmured against her mouth, "Does that constitute for a medical emergency?"

Reluctantly, Adelaide leaned back slightly, away from those magical lips of his. She smiled at him and with those breathtaking blue eyes looking at him like that in the darkness of this wonderful night, Peter swore his heart had stopped beating altogether.

"Goodnight, Spider-Man," she whispered, kissing his lips one last time.

"Goodnight, love," he mumbled back, gently tucking her hair behind her ears.

With one last smile, Ada untangled herself from his arms and walked back to the front of the house where Mr. Stark was waiting, leaving Peter to lean back against the tree and look up at the snowing sky with a goofy grin on his face and wonder if any of this was real.


"You okay, hon?" Tony asked, glancing over at the teenager in the passenger seat.

Adelaide could not, for the life of her, stop smiling.

Every time she successfully pulled her lips together, she would feel the ghost of Peter's lips against hers and butterflies would erupt all throughout her stomach again. The whole keeping it a secret from everyone thing was going to be very hard to do, no doubt. She could barely last a car ride home with Tony.

"I'm fine," she mumbled, trying to not open her mouth too much.

"How was the party?" he asked, eyes on the road. Adelaide bit her lip. She wanted to burst out into song like she was in a musical or something and that's when she realized that she had actually lost her mind.

"It was okay. Can we listen to some music?" she asked, messing with the controls before he could answer.

She hoped she could channel all this smiling energy into singing at the top of her lungs because she really, really couldn't stop herself any longer. If Tony saw her grinning like a madwoman for no reason, he was sure to suspect something was up. She played a song she knew they both liked and turned up the volume to its loudest.

And so for the next few minutes, the world was okay and she and Tony both sang along to Livin' On a Prayer at the top of their lungs on their way home.


Peter had been Spider-Man for a year now and one of the first things he had mastered was swinging with his webs.

But tonight, he just couldn't seem to swing more than a couple buildings without losing his balance.

Call it distraction or call it love, but something had consumed Peter Parker to the point where he wasn't even sure how to spell his own name anymore.

He swung himself off a rooftop and did a loop in the air before throwing a web at the next building. The amount of adrenaline rushing through his veins was insane. He was sure there were some seriously stoned people out there right now who would look sober compared to him. He was doing cartwheels on terraces and dancing in the air.

At one point, he even jumped off a building and let himself free fall until the last possible minute and then shot a web before he crashed.

He felt insane. But a good insane.

Like a I can't believe that I get to be me kind of insane. Like a I want to stand on a rooftop and tell the whole city of New York that Spider-Man is in love.

He wanted the whole world to feel the happiness and energy he was feeling. He wanted everyone to know that he got the girl. He got her and he was in love with her like no one had ever been in love before.

Peter wanted to skip and gallop through the streets. He wanted to buy muffins for strangers. He wanted to hug random people. He wanted to dance in the middle of streets, traffic be damned. He wanted to take a dive in the ice cold Hudson. Peter wanted to write I'm in love in the dark New York sky for everyone to see.

But instead of doing all that, he decided to go home before he did something in this drunken state that he would regret later.

He just hoped May was asleep because he knew for a fact he wouldn't be able to keep this ridiculous grin off of his face for a long, long time.


Adelaide couldn't sleep.

Not at all. But for the first time ever, it wasn't because she was having nightmares or because her mind was drowning itself in negative thoughts and anxiety.

No, she was just too happy.

She was giddy and her body and mind refused to relax. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Peter's brown eyes just a breath away from hers, crinkling at their corners as he smiled at her. Her fingers kept going up to touch her lips which were still tingling, even though it had been hours since Peter had kissed her last. She could still feel his warm arms around her body and his hands in her hair, on her waist, holding her face.

She grinned to herself and then hid her face into her pillow, trying not to let out a muffled scream. Her face was hurting from smiling so much. She was sure that no one had ever smiled this much before.

I love you more, Adelaide Rivers.

Her stomach flipped hard. She bit her lip, wondering if she would ever come down from this high. She had literally never in her life felt this happy before! It was so overwhelming. Is this how normal people lived every day? The only thing that seemed to calm her down was Peter, but he was probably sound asleep by now, all the way over in Queens.

She reached over to her nightstand to grab her phone. Her thumbs hovered over the keyboard as she wondered if she really should send a text to Peter. It was four in the morning. He had to be asleep by now. Any sane person would be.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed in her hand.

Peter: Can't sleep

She smiled to herself before typing back a reply.

Me neither. It's all your fault.

Peter: Right back at you
Did Mr. Stark suspect anything?

Nope, nada. May?

Peter: She was asleep
when I got home

This keeping a secret
thing is hard :/

Peter: I know :(

Still wanna keep me
all for yourself?

Peter: Always, love ;)

Adelaide scrunched up her nose, smiling hard. She stared at the little words on her screen until her phone began buzzing again. Peter was calling her.

"Please don't tell me you're on my balcony again," she whispered, answering the call. She heard him laugh quietly.

"Not tonight," he chuckled and his voice seemed to instantly calm her racing heart down, "So I hear you can't sleep either."

"Not a wink," she mumbled, staring up at the ceiling. If she closed her eyes, his voice took her back to that sidewalk where they were at exactly midnight just a few hours ago. "Sing me a song."

"That's definitely not happening," he said immediately.

"Well, then I guess neither of us are getting any sleep tonight," she said. He didn't reply for a moment and she thought maybe he had spontaneously fallen asleep. She wouldn't put it past him.

"We should go on a date," he said suddenly.

"Oh, so things are getting serious now," she joked, "I thought you were just using me for my good looks."

"Oh, I definitely am. But May raised me a gentleman so the least I can do is take you out on a proper date," he smiled, "And then maybe we can discuss those good looks some more."

"I'd like that, but I'm practically on house arrest, remember?" she said, "Tony wouldn't even let me go to Viv's house."

"Good point," Peter said, thinking hard for an alternative. Then a few moments later, he said, "I have an idea."

"What?" she asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it. Just be ready tomorrow at six. And wear something comfortable," he said. Adelaide couldn't help but feel excited.

"It's a date, bugboy," she grinned. Peter smiled.

"Goodnight, Ada," he whispered as if he didn't want to end the call. She closed her eyes, turning to her side. A yawn escaped her and her eyelids felt heavy.

"Night, Pete," she whispered.

And she was asleep within minutes.


A/N: i live vicariously through ada :,)

okay so now that padie has officially sailed (finally, woohoo!), i just wanna make something very clear.

i will not write smut.

now i know that some of you are disappointed lol but some people reading this are really really young and also i feel like it's an invasion of privacy for both parties involved. not to mention that peter and adie are both just 15 years old and i don't think that 15 y/o's should have sex so i will not write any scenes like that. ever. i'm not gonna keep them virgins lol but when they do do it, i promise you'll know.

that being said, if there's any scenes that have a sort of questionable line at the end that leaves you wondering, did they do it or not?, the answer is no, they did not bc if/when they do, you will know.

i know it seems silly that i have to clarify all this, but it just felt necessary, considering how young peter and adie both are in this story right nowβ€” i mean, they're still kids and they have loads of shit to work through before they even get to that point. i just don't want anyone getting the wrong idea!

anyway, so i hope this chapter made you feel really excited like they felt bc i feel like lots of stories nowadays don't emphasize on that feeling when you just fall in love and you feel like singing and dancing like a complete idiot and i just really love that feeling even though i've never felt it before

so you guys should definitely be excited for this date!! it's gonna be a series of the cutest, most romantic moments in the story so far

i've been so busy packing for my dorm and i'm finally moving this saturday so the next chapter i'll post from my new dormm. ahh, i'm so excited!!

question: what are you guys looking forward to for the first date? πŸ₯°

see you guys next week, ily! πŸ’›

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