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To be, or not to be,—that is the question:

—Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?

—To die, to sleep,

—No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to,

—'tis a consummation 

Devoutly to be wish'd. 

To die, to sleep;

—To sleep, perchance to dream:

—ay, there's the rub;

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause: there's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life;

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of despis'd love, 

the law's delay,

The insolence of office, and the spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? who would these fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

—The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn

No traveller returns,—puzzles the will,

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know naught of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;

And thus the native hue of resolutionIs sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought;

And enterprises of great pith and moment,

With this regard, their currents turn awry,

And lose the name of action.

William Shakespeare's Hamlet (1600–01), Act III, scene 1.


" Well, well, well, what do we have here, " the strange man named Ragnaros confronted the six people including Aegis as he held his hammer called Sulfras.

" Boss, Master Dormammu... I mean Lord Thanos has blessed us with more lambs to slaughter! "

" A scarlet cosmic being, a pyromancer, a soldier, a Lunivian, a pink-skinned Kree man and a dark angel have come with the M'Kraan Crystal , " Fighter-Crier-Lover harmonically spoke. " Then, another Earthian woman has joined them. "

" Interesting, " the Cabal Dust Giant member named Valus Ta'aurc spoke. " I wonder why they have the large rose crystal with them. "

" I can sense something with these gang, " the Lunivian-Pyronian woman named Sunburst evily grinned. " Yet I wonder. "

" Wait, I have a strange feeling about them, " Batwing said. " They must be..."

" What?! " Ragnaros and the others exclaimed.

" The Tale of Ten Brave Nijas! " Sunburst widened her eyes in fear. " They have come to destroy the evil king! "

" It's impossible, but they are six! Where are the other four?! " Valus Ta'aurc exclaimed. " Why did you believe in such puny folktale?! "

" Hey! " Kai called their attention and formed a flame on his right hand. " We don't know what you're talking about! We're here to stop this chaos and bring order in this world! "

" Now, stand down and behave! " Skoúro released her ultraviolet light energy.

" We've understood that you all work for Thanos, " Mr. Marvel added and illuminated his bluish-white light on his both hands.

" Give up or get yourselves wiped-out, busters! " Captain Marvel indignantly spoke and formed her bright yellow light. Katean, Detente, and Aegis decided to secure the large rose crystal on the truck as they saw the surviving Cabal Loyalist Colossus and Behni M Troopers surrounding them.

" Hah! " Ragnaros scoffed. " You guys got yourselves surrounded! "

" Heh! Right! " Majordomo took his ray-gun and aimed at Carol Danvers as she immediately dodged by flying. The half-Kree blonde woman gave him an illuminating punch when got struck down. " Cheese! This is not what I am expecting! Boss! Guys! Help! "

" We'll take down this handsome and well-built pink-skinned Kree man first! " the three headed Lunivian replied and turned to Mr. Marvel as they gave him a seductive look. " You are very attractive and powerful indeed. You're just the right man to fall into our trap! "

The masked and crimson suited man sternly glared at Fighter-Crier-Lover as he energized himself into his full power. His skin turned from pink to heroic blue as well as his hair changed from blonde to silvery white. Mr. Marvel or Amnon made his Kree Eternal form and blasted his blue cosmic energy at the three-headed Lunivian. They immediately dodged and quickly ran away as Majordomo joined them.

" Where do you think you are going? " Batwing angrily asked as she was flying.


" Yeah, even the Lady Captain Marvel! " the scientist aide also yelled.

" Cowards..." Batwing muttered.

" No, you're one of them! " Skoúro flew off the ground and confronted the winged Lunivian.

" Well, it's about time that we'll face-off to the planet's destruction! " she began to deliver a kick as the Dark Angel quickly dodged. Batwing attempted to punch her, but Skoúro used her ultraviolet light energy blasts as she aimed the enhanced Lunivian. She instantly fell down into the arms of the Cabal Dust Giant commander and looked at him.

" What are you looking at? " she angrily asked. " Just don't just stand there and do something! "

" Fine! " Valus Ta'aurc grunted and carefully put her down as he took his Slug Thrower fused with Gravitonium and targeted at Kai. The pyromancer glared at him when he again used his Cindersoul form. He was concentrating as his brunette hair turned into spiky orange as his fire became hotter and more intense. The Cabal soldier shot him, however the element repelled and cursed him in his language.

" What's the matter? " Kai taunted. " You can't defeat me! "

" I'll get you! " the Cabal Dust Giant commander growled and kept shooting while Kai was scorching and deflecting his opponent's attacks. Until, he got tired as the pyromancer gave him a scorching blow on his head. Kai returned to his normal form and looked at the others.

" Kai, the others got escaped, " his wife said and turned to the burning alien. " Kai, you've just..."

" Yeah, " he nodded and panted. " His machine gun with that absorbing element almost had me."

" You mean Gravitonium? " Amnon in his Kree Eternal form added.

" I think so. I just don't want to experience Sharon's case. It's gonna be fatal."

" Yeah, it's exaclty from what she said, " Carol nodded and turned to the others. " Four down and two to go."

" We hope we can get there to stop Thanos, " Skoúro said.

On the other hand, Sharon Ventura or Aegis confronted Sunburst which the Lunivian-Pyronian hybrid was ready to scorch her opponent. The red-headed KNIGHT Agent studied the enhanced extraterrestrial's attack as she was ready to absorb her opponent's attack. Sunburst raised her arms to form flames and threw it to her. Aegis quickly dodged the fire.

" So you're avoiding my flames then? " she scoffed and formed another flame. Aegis instantly leapt and grabbed the alien-hybrid's right hand when she back-flipped the opponent. Aegis absorbed Sunburst's energy as she got weakened. " Why are you doing this? "

" To stop you from hurting anyone! " she indignantly replied.

" You can't do this to me! "

" Well, the good guys can take you down, by the way."

The humongous purple man held a burning hammer which he grinned at the Katean and Detente noticed him. The two were protecting the M'Kraan Crystal from the Mad Titan.

" So, you two have come to protect that large crystal, " the purple man spoke exactly like the real Mad Titan. " How about seeing it destroyed and burned! "

" You're going to get down, Thanos! " Katean angrily grinned. The red-headed cosmic being gently patted her shoulders and whispered.

" Kate... Kate..." he called her.

" What? "

" He's not Thanos! He's an impostor! " he replied. " Can't you see what he's holding? "

The Lunivian woman looked at the purple man which he has the fake Infinity Gauntlet and the stones as he was holding the Sulfras. He was leaping and hitting the M'Kraan Crystal when Katean and her companion instantly touched the crystal. Suddenly, the impostor failed to destroy it. The Lunivian woman snapped her fingers when the man was moving backwards. Then, Detente touched the purple man as the cosmic being's red energy revealed his true form as a strange human holding his hammer.

" You two! " Ragnaros indignantly glared. " You have busted me from my disguise and failed me to destroy the crystal! Master Dormammu and Lord Thanos will surely punish you! "

" Hey, meister! " Katean answered. " You will not succeed in your action! "

Mr. Marvel, Captain Marvel, Kai and Skoúro Izaleith surrounded the shape-shifting man as he nervously looked at the six and gulped in fear. Agent KM of Swiss MIB appeared behind him along with Aegis. He was a tall elderly man who held his hammer. Ragnaros quickly ran farther away as he couldn't confront them.

" We've almost taken him, " Skoúro sighed.

" We will get him someday, " the Swiss MIB answered and looked at the six people when Aegis intently turned to him.

" Sir, I think we found them, " she spoke.

" Them? Who are you referring to? What?! "

" Sir, they're six of the Ten Infinity Dogs! " the red-headed KNIGHT Agent lady happily exclaimed. " They're here! They're here! Oh, this is so great! "

" What are you guys talking about? " Carol raised her tone.

" What made you say that? " Amnon added.

" You guys have powers or energies like the Infinity Stones! I can see them in my own naked eyes while we're fighting! You are the chosen people who will defeat Thanos and the other invaders! You're gonna help us save the whole planet! "

" Really? " Kai said in shock.

" Yes! I knew it! You all are gonna bring hope! Oh, you guys should meet the other ten to help you! " Aegis beamed.

" If they are destined, " KM added. " They're only six, but where are the other four? "

" Amnon, Skoúro? " Kai turned to his Kree Eternal friend and angelic wife." Can you sense where are the other four? "

" They're at the verge of this battle, " the masked Kree Eternal sensed the place. " They're struggling with those remaining invaders in New York Times Square. "

" Thanos is summoning another challenger to stop them, " the Dark Angel added. " It's a demon. They're planning to send the heroes fighting as their enemies are setting a death trap! "

" Goodness! " Detente exclaimed in shock. " We need to get there right away and find the other four! "

" Everyone! " Katean called her companions' attention. " We've got more incoming! "

" Who? " Carol asked.

" The Cabal soldiers! " Agent KM raised his voice. " Everyone, prepare yourselves and secure the M'Kraan Crystal on the truck! "

" I'm on it! " Carol nodded as she flew near to the crystal. The Cabal Loyalist Colossus troopers aimed at the team and kept shooting. Katean snapped her fingers and froze them in seconds as Kai scorched them using his Cinder Soul. Then Skoúro blasted them using her ultraviolet energy. Detente moved his right hand forward when his red energy warped the Cabal soldiers. Agent KM struck them using his giant mallet.

" Miss Aegis, " Mr. Marvel or Amnon called the KNIGHT Agent lady while punching and sending the armored aliens flying. " Perhaps, you should help Miss Danvers by her draining her powers and returning it to her to unleash her Binary form to blast these indestrucs! "

" Indestrucs? " she raised her tone as she found the vocabulary unfamiliar.

" Filthy alien goons! "

" Okay, I get it! " Aegis nodded and understood when she saw Carol struggling to fight the wave of Cabal forces. " Hey, Captain Marvel! It seems you need my help! "

" Yeah, these freaks... " the curly blonde lady felt overpowered by her armored opponents. Aegis took Carol's hands and followed the Kree Eternal's instructions. The energy was transferred into her body when Carol reddened her eyes. She formed her red light energy converting into flames and sending the Cabal incinerated into ashes. Carol normalized and her fire subsided as she panted. " Wow, I just unleashed it again! "

" Yeah, " Aegis nodded and turned to the M'Kraan Crystal. " Oh no, they're after it! "

" Okay, we're ready to..." the blonde half-Kree warrior paused and looked at Mr. Marvel. " He's going to secure it! "

The masked Kree Eternal immediately teleported at the truck as he saw the Cabal soldiers were about to destroy the massively huge rose crystal. He blasted them using his bluish-white cosmic rays as Skoúro and Kai joined him.

" Bro, we can take care of them! " she said.

" You can touch the crystal, now! " her husband added.

Amnon nodded and put his hands on it when the crystal was changing its color from rose to deep blue. Detente and the others saw a large portal pulling and sending the surviving Cabal soldiers into another dimension. Finally, the others disappeared, but there were new two wormholes which it brought a hooded man yelling and falling into the ground. He found himself lying on Aegis or Sharon Ventura's back. Still, he kept yelling as the other people saw and heard him.

" Hey! Hey! " Aegis gently patted the man when he ceased screaming. " It's okay! Calm down! "

" Wait, is this Earth? " he curiously asked.

" Yeah, " she looked at him and blushed. The hooded man in his 30s had pink-skin, silvery-white hair, and blue eyes as Aegis smiled at him. " I'm Sharon Ventura. You can call me, 'Aegis'. What's your name? "

" I-I'm Maverick Verne, " he also smiled and blushed at her. " In Kree, I'm Moragg-Vell, a younger and more handsome cousin of Captain Mar-Vell. I'm a hunter Kree or guardian from my second home dimension. Anyway, it's nice to meet ya, Sharon! "

" Sure. Can I call you Rick? " 

" That's more like it! " Maverick grinned, helped Aegis to stand up, and looked around the place as he saw the scattered bodies of alien invaders. " The Cabal? The Vex? The Hive? The Fallen, and then the Behni? Why are they here? Did someone just brought them?'s the ancient Kree Prophecy! It is bound to happen! Thanos is going to make it for sure! "

" How did you know? " she asked.

" My blue Kree buddy, Tengfei had told me of this one before he left! Ya know him? Damn, this is awfully grim! This helluva place can affect billions! Like I imagine millions of Nova Bombs and an entire army of Kree Sentry Bots can pulverize the whole planet! " Maverick exaggeratedly exclaimed and shrugged. " Plus, the gravitonium can powerfully smash everything and the Infinity Stones can wipe-out every living creature! Ya world's gonna be toast! Seriously, ya need to do something before Thanos and the other freaks can mess around! I'm gonna help ya beat these badguys! "

" That's why we're here, pal. " Carol interrupted as the hunter pink-Kree widened his eyes in awe.

" Woah! You're one of the mighty Ten Dogs! " he happily exclaimed. " Y'all save this planet for real! "

" Yeah, sure. Thanks! "

" Guys, where's Meister Marvel? " Katean asked.

" Oh, I found him! " Detente pointed at the Kree Eternal Inhuman who carried someone in princess style. It was a blonde half-Kree and cyborg lady wearing a white leotard with blue linings and a yellow Kree star in her chest. She wore blue gloves and boots and a red sash similar to Carol Danvers' sash. Amnon kissed her as she smiled. The pyromancer and dark angel approached the Kree heroic spouses as they were glad to see her.

" Gourai, you're here! " Skoúro beamed.

" I just get curious of that mysterious blue portal when I was finding you three and it pulled me away from this similar dimension... " she explained and paused when she turned to her husband. " Wait, a second? Galaxy, is this one of your visions, lately? "

" Yes, Cyborg, " her husband nodded. " Me, Skoúro, Kai, and the others are destined to save this world from Thanos. "

" Well, that makes sense, " she smiled and pointed at the M'Kraan Crystal. " Whatever you predicted for this future. You need to do it! I believe in the three of you! "

" Thanks! " Kai replied.

" We'll do our best! " Skoúro winked and made her thumbs-up.

" This is for humanity, " Mr. Marvel or Amnon sincerely smiled. Suddenly, Cayde-6 and Agent Omega in Cabal form quickly ran towards the ten people as Discordia also showed up to them and brought the drawings from a child.

" They're here! They're here! " Omega cried which he sounded like Emperor Calus. " Yes! Hope and True Destiny has arrived! "

" Dude, what are you talking about? " the hooded Exo asked and felt baffled. " You've just dragged me out of the forcefield from Zavala when you saw that humongous canine and insisted me finding these guys? Seriously? "

" Cayde, Discordia just came here and sensed their arrival! "

" Who are you? " Detente asked and turned to the two.

" Oh, I'm sorry. I am Agent Omega of the MIB, " the shape-shifter introduced. " And this is Cayde-6. "

" Yeah, I'm a hunter Exo from another dimension, " Cayde nodded. " I'm a jack of all trades guy! And you guys are? "

" I am Detente, " the red headed man replied. " A cosmic being sent by Lord Order and Master Chaos. "

" I'm Elite Commander Kai Izaleith of the MTF, " the pyromancer added. " And this is my wife Skoúro. "

" Hi! " the Dark Angel warmly greeted.

" I am called Mr. Marvel. " the Kree Eternal Inhuman politely spoke. " This is my wife, Madame Quasar. "

" It's a pleasure to meet you all, " the half-Kree lady added. " My husband, Kai, and Skoúro came from a future alternate dimension same as yours. "

" Oh I see, " Omega nodded.

" I'm Katean, " the Lunivian added. " It's good to be back! "

" Katean? Carol? "

" Yeah, got any problems, handsome? " Carol laughed.

" No, I got surprised! "

" And the name's Maverick Verne! Just helping you guys! "

" Rick? " Cayde recognized the pink Kree guardian.

" Cayde! " Maverick happily beamed and made his friendly fist-bump. " It's been a while! "

" Yeah! Teng's just told of this doomsday! "

" I'm aware, dude! We've got six dogs! We're looking for the other four! "

" Okay, " Cayde nodded and called the huge dog. " Discordia, show'em! "

Discordia handed the crayon drawings to the six Chosen people. Katean and

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