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" To be imprison'd in the viewless winds,

And blown with restless violence roundabout

The pendent world; or to be worse than worst

Of those, that lawless and incertain thought

Imagine howling; 'tis too horrible! "

- William Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, Act III, scene 1, line 124


" Well, it seems all of you are here..." General Talbot evilly smirked at the people that surrounded him and his Lunivian companion.

" This is not good..." Jack the Reaper muttered in fear.

" What do you mean? " Cayde-6 curiously asked.

" He has the Gravitonium within! " Omega answered as he arrived in his Cabal Loyalist Colossus form. He arrived with Kitty and Kamala. " He almost killed me and brought me to see Thanos. "

" Rockford..." he grinned. " It's nice to see you in that form. Definitely, you sounded just like Emperor Calus, but I can easily crush you into pieces along with your friends..."

" Glenn, stop this! You're my friend! " Omega raised his voice. " You're hurting anyone else here! You're supposed to be an honorable soldier, not a monster! "

" Well, that's what you think. I decided to help Thanos and his friends in stopping his ebemies. And all of you are hindering me! " Talbot answered and turned to the others. " NOW, KNEEL BEFORE ME!! "

" Talbot, Omega's right, " TO calmly said and brought his Sangre. " You should stop doing this. "

" We don't take orders from a megalomaniac like you! " Locke pointed his Flintcock at the former general.

" Stand down! " Agent Armanhammer took his sword.

" These humans are asking you to stop. " Xenon the winged demon added.

" No one follows my orders, then! " the bearded man indignantly replied. " I'll show how you will end up! "

General Talbot levitated and tried to crush the heroes, starting with hard ones like Armanhammer, Xenon, and the others but the Hulk went after his old enemy and quickly dashed towards him. The gravitonium infused man sent him levitating like the others. The green giant growled at him as the man mercilessly grinned.

" Glenn! Don't do this! " Omega yelled.

" Hey, freak! Put us down! " the hooded Exo added.

" I won't put you down unless you have submitted yourselves before me! "

" You monster! " Armanhammer yelled.

" You're gonna be banished from this world, you evil mortal! " Xenon growled.

" Talbot put us down! " Kitty demanded.

" You're a bad soldier! " Kamala added.

" She's right! " Jack yelled.

" You're messing with us right now! " Locke indignantly said.

" Just wait and see what I can do! "

" Meister Talbot, shall I do something? " Stryke the Lunivian asked and waited for his approval in doing the destructive activity. " We should start destroying this planet, right now! "

" Not yet! Wait before Thanos arrives! "

" But..."

" If you disobey me, do you want to join them? " Talbot sneered as the Lunivian nervously gulped and felt sweating. Stryke was too dumbfounded to answer as the enhanced Earthian man gave him a wicked glare. He sighed and shrugged as he had no choice and submitted to the former US Air Force General.

" So, what should I do now? " he asked.

" Run along with your friends, " Talbot answered. " Just wait for Thanos to arrive and do your stuff. Is that understood?"

" Yes, sir."

" Now, go! " the gravitonium infused man demanded to the Lunivian as he left and turned to the others being levitated. " Where was I? Oh yes, I'm gonna crush you until your friends find out! "

Commander Zavala found the others under Talbot's captivity when he wanted to save them. He was about to shoot the enhanced man from a distance when Dr. Pyromaniac, Firefly, Agents E and Johnson arrived and hindered him. Zavala was not pleased and frowned as he saw them.

" What are you doing here? " the tall Awoken man indignantly asked. " Aren't you supposed to defend all the bases? "

" Sir, you don't understand! That man is enhanced by gravitonium! " Dr. P replied and raised his voice. " He can distort and absorb you in seconds! He's releasing that element by his bare hands. "

" Please let us handle him, " Firefly added. " This is for your own safety! "

" Are you underestimating my..."

" Sir! Look out! " Daisy warned as Talbot dragged the Vanguard Commander and sent him floating with the others.

" Zavala! Seriously, you're joining with the floating party?! " Cayde raised his voice. " You know what will happen if you blast this guy's butt! He's gonna crush you down for good! "

" Cayde, I ordered you to remain silent, " Zavala sternly muttered.

" Okay, okay, I'll zip my mouth! "

" It seems I have to burn him right now! " the Inhuman blonde Avenger said as she remembered her husband's activity in the lab and the mission in Manila.

" Well, that's the plan though, " Agent E replied. " But Daisy and I will lure him to you guys, she has to talk to him first and then we save them, afterwards ." He pointed at the other heroes levitating on air.

" So, do you think it's a good idea? " the Inhuman SHIELD Agent asked.

" Yep, we'll just bring to the MIB lovebirds and burn him! Okay, are we in? "

" As long as we can repel the gravitonium man and throttle him into space." the armored scorching Inhuman Avenger shrugged. " Let's just say, my wife and I can combust him in 6,000 degrees Fahrenheit and faster than 3,000 miles per hour."

" Good idea, doc! That's just like the NASA Space Shuttle Engines at work! " his fellow armored MIB made his thumbs-up gesture and nodded. " I like what you're thinking! "

" Yeah, Talbot's gonna lift-off with a Yang! "

" Okay, let's do this! " Daisy nodded in agreement. Glenn Talbot turned around to the four people in front of him and approached them. He made his wild evil grin and put his hands on his waist. Daisy and Agent E were the first couple to confront the enhanced man which they were prepared to fight him. Omega and the others watched the confrontation as they waited and hoped to get saved.

" Agent Johnson, it's good to see you again, " he greeted and turned to the curly brunette Inhuman SHIELD agent. " I never expected you to be here along with your armored boyfriend! "

" Well, you brought my friends in trouble. You're supposed to be a hero like you were used to, " she reminded. " You are not meant to do evil."

" Actually, I'm doing it now! " Talbot replied. " Perhaps, you can help me destroy this world for real."

" Daisy! Don't listen to him! " Omega warned. " He's gonna absorb and turn you into his powers! "

" Get out of here, If I were you," Locke added.

" He's gonna reap your soul and semblance for real! " Jack yelled.

" Run, Quake, Run! " TO cried.

" He's going to destroy you! " her fellow SHIELD Agent Armanhammer added.

" Sorry, guys, but I'm not giving up on you like that," she answered and pushed the enhanced bearded man using her vibrating semblance as she pushed him down and sent him crashing on a bus which his body wrecked the vehicle. Talbot moved himself out and punched the ground which it caused a tremendous earthquake. The other heroes noticed the sudden powerful tremors which the Vex Goblins got trapped on the fault line and destroyed their creations. Xenon attempted to use his powers, but Kitty made a negative gesture which he heavily sighed.

" Let's say, Quake is responsible for this mess! " Talbot grinned and stepped. " She's the so-called ' Destroyer of Worlds! ' "

" Daisy, don't listen to that monster! " Agent E used his repulsors and aimed to the man. " Who's the destroyer, now?! Punk! "

Talbot was unaffected by the blue and green armored man's laser strikes as the front line couple kept averting and targeting. Daisy sent him flying as she could while her boyfriend shot the man's chest. The gravitonium infused man gripped his fists as the two also levitated from the ground and readied to crush them. Suddenly, the Inhuman spouses prevented him from doing it when the flames weakened and pushed him down. Dr. Pyromaniac and Firefly descended from the ground with reddened eyes and fire on their hands.

" It's the flaming mad scientist and his wifey! " Cayde-6 noticed the other two scorching Avengers. " Hey! Can you guys put us all down for a while? We're on stuck on air! "

" Yeah, hurry! " Kamala exclaimed with haste.

" Well, well, well, another addition to the party! " Talbot scoffed. " But you lovebirds are too powerful to defeat me!"

" We'll just teach you a lesson which you will never forget in your lifetime," the scorching armored male sternly replied.

" That is? "

" Don't mess us with a Yang! " his blonde wife added and turned to her spouse. " Shall we? "

" We shall! "

Dr. Pyromaniac and Firefly both scorched the man as Talbot was being combusted and accelerated into the atmosphere and brought into the cold outer regions of the planet's orbit. Suddenly, Omega and the others descended to the ground as the other heroes arrived into the scene. Chris Halsey, Pavel Pesnya, Chris Knightfall, and Governor Winter Schnee saw the incident which they couldn't believe what was unfolding earlier.

" That is really perfect! " the Russian-Remnite Inhuman beamed.

" Yeah, Pavel! " Knightfall nodded.

" I've never seen anything like it, " the spartan smiled inside his helmet.

" Everyone, we need to assist them! " Winter ordered at the three. " They have to get medical attention. "

" Got it! " they replied in unison.

The other SHIELD Agents on duty also arrived as Agents Jackal, Chief, and the others helped recovering the other survivors including the heroes taken captives by the madman named Talbot. The Hulk removed the fallen debris from the earthquake as the others joined him. Cayde-6 and Zavala aided the remaining people out of the way. Kasius Royce looked up in the sky as he saw the young Inhuman girl named Robin with her mother on the streets.

" You are all fine now, amigos," the Hispanic SHIELD agent smiled.

" I hope so, " Locke nodded and took his Flintcock. " We're still in action though."

" We'll be fighting around more goons, " TO added.

" We can't let you down this time, sir." Chief said.

" Royce? " Carnifex turned to the other SHIELD Agent as he got curious. " Are you okay? "

" Talbot is gone," he said. " You're all safe now..."

" Please don't hurt my mom! I'll tell you what your..."

" No! Please! I'm seeing the same future as yours! " Royce replied. " I said he's gone! "

Robin's eyes widened from the man's words to her surprise which she couldn't believe that an infamous general had disappeared and someone hindered him from destroying the world. Daisy Johnson approached at the young girl along with Yoyo Rodriguez as she saw them.

" Robin, Agent Royce is also an Inhuman like you. He's helping us," she assured. " We'll get you out of here."

" Kataclys and the others are dead! You drew that picture about the hero who saved you! " Yoyo added.

" That's Levi-0, the one who saved all of you in Central Park." Royce said when Robin looked at the picture which she drew and nodded.

" But I've only seen one thing defeat him! "

" Same here.. All of us are going to be defeated. " Royce added.

" I realize what you were doing now, but that thing probably destroyed the Earth! The Energy Monster is too powerful! " Coulson exclaimed in worry.

" Thanos must have sent it. "

" Yes. " 

" No, it's been long buried in the past. But how? "

" Unless Thanos went deep in the past to place it there. Time Stone, remember? "

" Is it possible? "

" Yes, " Royce nodded. Stark and Coulson saw Robin had a picture of Tengfei and Levi-0 who defeated the Energy Monster. " The Kree Voidwalker and an Exo will stop it! "

" Hey, guys! " Agent Zenofall called their attention as Coulson and the others turned to the armored SHIELD Agent. " We have some bad news. "

" What is it? " Coulson curiously asked.

" Some skeletal aliens just invaded Chicago to take the element and brought out a weird invisible creature from the ground, " he continued.

" Do you mean the Hive? " Zavala asked. " When did they attack? "

" It was just earlier around two hours ago I heard it from the TV news. It had caused earthquakes and electric shocks. It attacked the other invaders there. "

" Tch, this is terrible, " Locke muttered. " That freak came from Chicago then it'll go to the Big Apple? "

" That is a possibility. " Royce replied.

" The Energy Monster...." Coulson snapped his fingers and remembered. " If my memory serves me right, I read some notes from Kolchak. He wrote that one from his cases. "

" Kolchak, who? " Xenon seemed to be unfamiliar to the person's name being mentioned which he scratched his head.

" Sorry for those people who found the name unfamiliar. Carl Kolchak was a supernatural investigator from the past. He wrote a lot of strange cases which were still in SHIELD Archives. " the balding man informed.

" Oh okay, I see then. "

" So, why is it coming to us? " Omega asked. " Could Thanos have placed it there to keep anyone trying to use Earth's Gravitonium against him? "

" I think it sensed that this city has a strong energy field which the element can emit. It could be huge and explain why the Behni deployed their Thunder Tank to defeat it. "

" So, what does it look like? " Cayde-6 raised another question.

" It's a huge invisible bear according to his description. " Coulson answered.

" Did you say an invisible energy monster? " a small white levitating machine interrupted as the others looked at him. The Ghost came with an Exo dressed in a white armor as Robin recognized him from the park. " I apologize for eavesdropping your conversation. My owner and I find it interesting. "

" And who you might be? " Stark asked.

" My name's Tyrion and this is my owner, Levi-0. " he answered as the Exo nodded.

" Great, you guys are here! " Cayde beamed.

" Agent Coulson has discussed about the mysterious powerful entity from a city called Chicago, " Zavala added. " You and Tengfei are going to defeat it according to the soothsayers' prophecy. "

" That Kree Warlock, where is he? " Tyrion asked.

" Over there with his female ghost, " Levi-0 pointed at the blue-skinned man running along with another ghost towards to the group.

" Zavala, Agent Coulson, and everyone..." the Kree-Chinese man panted and put his hands on his knees. " I've been rallying with Ikora and the others. We saw something on Fifth Avenue after we met at Central Park and New York Times Square. My Chitauri blaster gun has exploded! " 

" Tengfei, what is it? " Coulson asked.

" An invisible energy monster has stunned some of the surviving local law enforcers! "

" Yes, I scanned its appearance of that creature using Ultraviolet light, " Mulan the Ghost added. " It is approximately 50 feet tall. "

" Mulan, do you think that it's too excessively big to defeat by our owners? " Tyrion curiously asked.

" Well, Teng and your Exo could find away to defeat it, " she answered. " They must be very extra careful when the monster releases any fatal energy. "

" Good, " Levi-0 nodded.

" Well, we handle this one, " Tengfei confidently smiled and turned to the Levi-0 and Tyrion. " I know how to get to Fifth Avenue. You two can follow me and Mulan. "

" Great! I think I'm going to like this Kree man. He seems very dependable. " Tyrion said.

" Do tell, " Mulan added.

" Okay, let's go, " Levi-0 called the two Ghosts as they went to their destination.


No Time To Run

It's the fight of your life

Your time has come

Just follow the light

Steady Your Guns

With all of your might

Til the fight is won

This is our time to rise...

The invisible energy monster had arrived from Chicago where it travelled underground and sensed the presence of gravitonium. The creature had absorbed some of the remaining element as the Hive had observed its activity. Going towards the surface, it lurked around the streets as some of the people sensed its energy.

" What on earth is going on? " Ikora Rey muttered as she saw the electricity.

" This is getting weirder than I thought, " Natasha Romanov added.

" That's not it... " Mack muttered.

" Everyone, it's going to aim at us! " Fitz raised his voice in fear. " Look out! "


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