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Within the hollow crown

That rounds the mortal temples of a king,

Keeps Death his court; and there the antic sits,

Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp.

William Shakespeare's Richard II Act III, scene 2, line 161


" Target fifty feet below, " Colonel Rhodes or War Machine spoke in his helmet . " Undesirables at 21:45, ready to launch. "

" We're gonna blast them down for good! " Hangfire beamed. " Hangfire y'all! "

" Well, we got more remaining, " Sam Wilson or Falcon also flew with them. " This is a dangerous night operation. "

" Target Locked, " Agent E or Earth Warrior aimed at the Behni M-Troopers and Cabal Loyalist Coopers below and fired them to explode. He gave a series of laser blasts at the Vex Goblins.

" You could have targeted your shot at Thanos, instead. " Kingbreaker blandly said.

" I'm searching for his exact coordinates or location. "

" There, I found him! " Blitz Arditi exclaimed in her helmet. " He's going to Seventh Avenue near 47th Street. "

" Broadway! " Firefly added. " We'll try to heat him up! "

" Reach the fire up to over 720 Degrees Fahrenheit, " her husband added when he and his wife scorched the Mad Titan as Tony and Pepper joined them using their repulsors. Then Rhodey, Kingbreaker, Blitz, and Agent E joined him. Hangfire or Corrina O'Neal used her bright plasma energy. Thanos quickly evaded the airstrikes using his Space Stone as he teleported away.

" What the hell?! " Kingbreaker anxiously muttered to see the Mad Titan's disappearance.

" He's too difficult to attack, " Pepper replied.

" He's using one of the stones, " Tony added and surprisingly turned to Hell Diver's fleet to attack and send explosives to the Cabal forces on the ground. " Wait, what the?! "

" That's Hellfire from the Champions! " Agent E beamed.

" She's still alive?! " Dr. P raised his voice in shock.

" Yep! " Firefly or Agent Y nodded.

" Guys, Thanos is unseen! " Falcon reminded.

" Trying to scan or detect his presence, " the armored billionaire Avenger spoke. " Friday, check the Mad Titan in Infrared. "

" Sorry, Boss. I can't detect the target. " the female AI spoke.

" What?! "

" Stark, we tried our best, " Dr. P replied. " But he's using an Infinity Stone! "

" That's impossible! How we would do that?! "

Kingbreaker looked around as he saw the Earth's moon was making a reentry to the atmosphere as he widened his eyes in shock. It was moving towards the city which it seemed larger than they thought.

" Everyone! LOOK OUT! " he yelled as everyone fled into safety. Thanos was ready to crush them down when Captain Marvel, Skoúro the Dark Angel, Mr. Marvel, Madame Quasar, and Aegis used their superstrength to return the moon out of the Earth. The purple menace was watching from afar when he was standing on the streets after he used the Reality, Space, and Power Stone for his act.

" You s-saved us! " Firefly surprisingly exclaimed as she saw the Three Infinity Dogs and the other two fighters returning to Earth.

" You are truly the Chosen Dogs..." Dr. Pyromaniac said in awe.

" You're welcome! " Carol smiled and nodded.

" Bro, this Inhuman couple looked familiar, " Skoúro whispered.

" Yes, they are, " Mr. Marvel nodded and turned to them. " Me and my companions have detected Thanos."

" Where? "

" 42nd to 47th Street, " Madame Quasar replied.

" The KNIGHT Agents need our help there along with the other forces, " Aegis added.

" We'll get there as we can, " Colonel Rhodes replied.


" AIM FIRE! " Jughead Jones yelled to call his fellow KNIGHTs to throw some grenades on the remaining Fallen Vandals and Dregs from the House of Wolves. Kai Izaleith and Gladius Fernal joined them which they kept blasting and scorching the invaders into ashes.

" The Soul and The Rhythm Stone Dog are working together with us! " Jughead beamed.

" Yeah! " Sonic Storm nodded.

" They're cool! " Mad Boar exclaimed in awe.

" Muy Bien! " Crosshairs gleed.

" Okay, guys! I can't wait to see more coming! " Kai grinned as he formed the Cinder Soul on his hands.

" Me either! " Gladius nodded.

" All right boys, Let's do this, " Qrow spoke took his scythe and transformed it into a machine gun.

Meanwhile Agents Frost, Angel, Jackal, Zenofall, Carnifex, Chief, and Morre kept battling with more incoming wave of Hive Thralls. Agents Johnson, Rodriguez, Armanhammer, and Team JNPR included themselves to attack.

" Let's do this! " Agent Frost frozed the invaders.

" Yeah! ' Angel pinned them with her spear as she made them disappear.

" We'll win this war for good! " Carnifex nodded.

" YEEET! " Jackal beamed.

" I totally agree! " Jaune blasted another nuclear strikes to the remaing marauders.

" That makes the town for all of us! " Nora was pleased to use her Magnihild.

" Thanos spotted! " Chief yelled. " He's here! "

" Muy malo..." Yoyo muttered.

" I'm gonna take him down! " Armanhammer replied and used his Hellfire mode which he scorched the Mad Titan, however he again used the Power Stone to crash the ground and caused a tremendous ground shaking.

" What's going on? " Zenofall asked.

" Earthquake from him! " Daisy yelled.

" Oh crud! " Carnifex added. Suddenly, Katean was able to rewind Thanos's actions using her new power as everyone looked at her.

" How did she do that?! " Pyrrha asked.

" I don't have any idea, " Ren answered.

" She has the power of the Time Stone! " Rey Rouge or Blood Bokor felt amazed and turned to his friends. " Stephen, did she acquire it from you? "

" No, but I sensed she has resurrected using the Large Crystal over there, " Strange pointed at the M'Kraan. " She is the new Bearer of the Eye of Agamoto. "

" She must be one of the Ten Chosen Warriors of the Sumerian prophecy, " Hexen explained. " She is the Time Stone Dog. "

" Who? Are they here? " Cha-Der asked.

" Yes. " Wong nodded and turned to the Eight Infinity Dogs. " But the two of them are still missing. "

" I hope they will arrive, " Rey nodded.

Detente and Agent UR approached Katean as she manipulated Thanos's actions using her Time Stone Energy. She looked at two and felt curious.

" You boys are here, " the pale-skinned elf lady said.

" You've almost defeated him! " Detente smiled.

" Yeah! " the Uranian MIB nodded and touched the giant rose crystal into gold. " I still need a boost-up! "

The tall turquoise giant alien emitted a golden radiant energy blasted the incoming Hive Thralls as they turned into ashes. Agents Armanhammer and Jackal got surprised to see him in his new power.

" Wait, is that his new power? " the SHIELD Agent asked.

" Ci, that's the El Chico Urano! " Jackal smiled in his reply. " Remember, he got back to life, ese? "

" Yeah, it's the Ego gem and Doctor Strange's spell which it brought him into that state. "

" That alien kid is the Ego Stone Dog, " Agent TO interrupted. " I saw him using his new semblance. "

" Cool! " the two SHIELD Agents beamed harmoniously as they felt in awe. Loki, Eva, Brandon Cliché, Etoile Foilante, Cherry Tomat, and Colin Sana kept fighting the remaining Behni-Cabal forces.

" This is more fun than sending them into my manic highway! " Cliché beamed and kept shooting for more invaders using the Slug Thrower. Cherry used her poisonous vines which she trapped the red giants as Eva and Loki pinned them. Colin had hit the other remaining Cabal soldiers as he never got tired and hurt as Etoile Foilante joined him.

" Now, it's time to beat up, Thanos! " the red-headed mutant cheered.

" Be careful, monsieur! He's dangerous! " the french lady warned.

" He is the worst being in the cosmos! " Loki added.

" He's approaching at us! " his cyborg daughter cried.

" Run!! " Cherry yelled in fear as Thanos levitated the six using his Reality Stone. Cliché angrily gritted his teeth and glared at the Mad Titan.

" So, do you even think that you can surpass that one? " he evily grinned.

" Thanos, enough of this mess! " the Asgardian god of mischief cried. " Leave us alone! "

" Now, it's time to face your fate! And no more ressurections! "

" POPPA!! " Eva shouted in fear and welled in tears when she saw the Mad Titan snapped her father into as he faded into ashes.

" Eva... I don't feel so good...." he sadly spoke and disappeared.

" NEIN! NEIN! NEIN! " she cried as her companions felt pity and helpless while being levitated. Stryke laughed to see the person's pain when Skreet and Pip the Troll mercilessly watched them. Suddenly, a Lykonian woman came to attacked them as she was ready to clobber them in her Frost Giant form.

" Oh crud! " Pip anxiously muttered.

" You deal with him! " Skreet quickly fled away.

" No! "

" I'll deal with her! " Stryke used his gravitonium bracelet and levitated the Frost Giant. " Now, DIE! "

K'ai Yote felt being trapped and crushed when suddenly a bright purple energy from the Kree-Inhuman Voidwalker Wang Tengfei carefully brought her down along with the others. Levi-0 formed a fireball and projected them to Skreet and Pip as they dodged at the attacks.

" I told you to run away! " the troll yelled.

" Fine! " the pink-skinned fairy joined him to escape. Stryke was infuriated as he wanted to shatter the world and looked at his purple master.

" Should I? " he asked.

" Not yet! "

" Thanos! You're gonna pay for this!! " a blue-metallic skinned android dashed and jumped over him as she was ready to give her fist blow on his face. The purple menace used the Reality Stone to warp her out of proportion as Mulan and Tyrion watched.

" Ow! Now, that really hurts, " Tyrion the white Ghost said.

" Exactly... " Mulan replied.

" Hey! A-Hole! " Quill turned to the tyrant as he finished fighting with some invaders. " Don't you ever hurt her! "

" Don't you ever put your hands on my sister! " Gamora pointed her dagger to her evil adopted father as her boyfriend pointed a gun to him. He was ready to trigger it but the bubbles got released instead of laser beams. Gamora's dagger became bent and weak as Thanos chuckled and tricked them using the Reality Stone.

" Oh crud..." Quill anxiously muttered.

" Now what? " Gamora added.

" Run! "

The couple fled away as the Mad Titan used the Power Stone to crush them. Agent PL and ME kept diverting him using their grenades and got exploded. From the smoke and fire, Thanos was still unaffected and walking over them.

" Oh crud! " PL the Plutonian nervously muttered.

" Let's get outta here! " ME the Mercurian grabbed his fellow MIB alien away from him. Agents MA and V kept targeting him, but Thanos remained unharmed. The red-headed Martian MIB used his cricket gun to send him flying, but the Space Stone helped Thanos teleported behind them.

" This is useless! " the blonde twin-tailed Venusian turned to him.

" Yeah, but I won't give him any chances! " he indignantly glared at Thanos but his cricket gun was shattered when Thanos grabbed and crushed. MA cursed him and yelled. " DAMN YOU! YOU'VE JUST BROKEN MY GUN! "

" You won't need them anymore, Martian. It's useless. You're all facing your fate! "

" Guys! Run! " F the other red-head MIB called out the two to leave.

" Hurry! " Nat added as Agents V and MA followed them.

" You are all arrogant cowards! " Thanos indignantly yelled. " You're fighting for your survival which you messed up the balance of this universe! Your actions are absurd! "

Knightfall took his sniper rifle as he kept targeting and planned to shoot the Mad Titan's head. He triggered his weapon when Thanos used the Mind and Soul stone to find his attacker's location.

" There you are! " he smirked and found him. Knightfall was ready to shoot him when Thanos took his weapon and crushed it. Then, Winter Schnee used her ice glyphs and Pavel Pesnya hindered him by yelling which it sent him flying.

" Guys, you saved me! " he smiled.

" We can't put you down, Comrade. "

" You foolish ones! " Thanos angrily gritted his teeth as he again used the Power Stone to injure the trio. Suddenly, Detente confronted him using his red Reality Stone Energy after he touched the M'Kraan Crystal and brought them into safety. The Mad Titan growled and glared at him. " HOW DARE YOU!"

" Leave them alone, Thanos! " he warned. " You are terribly hurting them! "

" Yeah! Give up, now! " the spartan Chris Halsey added and pointed his weapon at him.

Meanwhile, the Fox Faunus MIB and his companions watched the confrontation between the spartan and the Reality Stone Dog against the mad purple tyrant. The others became more anxious to see.

" It's Détente! " Skoúro the Dark Angel cried. " He's gonna be in trouble! "

" We need to do something right now! " Kai the Pyromancer added.

" We are, but someone is behind us to help, " Mr. Marvel reminded.

" Who? " Gladius asked.

" Oh, hi! " Agent NF smiled. " You guys are the Infinity Dogs right? I'm so glad you guys are here! "

" Yes, meister? " Katean the Lunivian lady turned around.

" Oui, mademoiselle, " Q nodded. " They called themselves Team Endless. "

" They're gonna help you, guys to unleash your powers. " Locke added.

" How are they gonna do that? " UR asked.

" But it's too late! " Carol shrugged. " We've got to finish a Madman right now! The Reality Stone Dog and the others are in peril! "

" Oh no! Détente! " Despair cried as Mr. Marvel or Amnon curiously looked at her. " He's going to get himself killed! "

" That idiot! " Disturb facepalmed.

" That's why we're here to help! " Destroyer sighed.

" All of you and him must prevail including the Barrier and Death Stone Dog. " Destiny sternly explained.

" We must guide you to use your powers, " Desire said

" Thanos should be overthrown! " Dream exclaimed.

" We're gonna do our best to help you! " Delight beamed.

" And you will end his reign! " Destruction stressed his words. " It's about time to show him you are all overpowered and worthy to be the new bearers of each Infinity Stone. "

Kai and the other six murmured and exchanged glances in agreement when they heard their statements. Then, he turned to the other eight.

" All right, " he confidently smiled. " We're all in. "

" We'll follow your instructions well, " his wife nodded.

" Please help us to succeed, " the masked Kree Eternal said.

" We are willing to do this, " Katean added.

" We're meant to be in this act together, " the Lady Captain Marvel agreed.

" This is for justice! " UR determinedly exclaimed.

" And for the rest of our planet upto the whole universe. " Gladius spoke.

" Guys, " Détente panted and interrupted. " Thanos is gonna do it! He's gonna destroy this world while everyone is fighting! We have to do it before the worst thing will happen! "

" Wait? What? " Locke raised his voice.

" Oh crud! " NF watched everyone struggling.

" Sacré bleue! " Q anxiously muttered.

" I guess this is the right time to concentrate yourselves using your soul energies while waiting for the other two, " the dark hooded man said as the eight closely paid attention. " You must unleash your full potential since you have the powers and energies of each colored stones. Now, take a deep breath and close your eyes. We will begin your enhancement as the Infinity Dogs. "

The eight of them followed as Cayde, Ikora, Shaxx, Maverick, Tengfei, Levi-0, and the two ghosts watched them while fighting.

" These Chosen Guardians are starting to unleash their power, " the semi-balded woman spoke.

" They are? " Shaxx curiously raised his tone.

" I think so, " Levi-0 nodded.

" They're gonna blast ugly grape king for good! " Maverick yelped.

" Yeah, " Cayde smiled. " Zavala and Deadpool aren't here yet! "

" Who? " Tyrion asked.

" The other two dogs, " Tengfei the Kree answered.

" As in, the four legged beings who bark? " Mulan added.

" Mulan, they're just symbolisms of my people's ancient prophecy. The rightful people are chosen to be the holders of the Infinity Stones. "

" I see, " she nodded and turned to Tyrion. " What do you think of that? "

" These Dogs are very interesting so to speak. " he agreed.

" Locke!! " Jack called his fellow Avenger's name and ran along with Wanda Maximoff and Clint Barton or Hawkeye.

" Jack, will you shut your mouth! " he grimly spoke and shushed. " The Infinity Dogs are concentrating! "

" Infinity what?! " Hawkeye exclaimed.

" They're the Infinity Dogs, Barton. They are different Avengers with Infinity Stones' aura. Look, do I have to explain this further? "

" Locke, we found the other two, " Wanda answered.

" Where? "

" Are they the Barrier and Death Stone Dog? " NF asked the Sokovian Mutant Avenger.

" I think so, " she replied. " Why can't you take a look? "

" It's Cabal Blue Lips, Kitty, DPool, Dr. W, and the other two dudes, " the soul reaping Avenger saw the newcomers and approached them.

" We came quickly as we could, " Omega panted.

" Where are the other Dogs? " Deadpool asked. " Are we even late for them? "

" They're here, " NF pointed at the eight.

" Concentrating with their energies, " Tengfei the Kree Voidwalker spoke.

" We must catch-up then, " Zavala said.

" Yeah, then bring Thanos into his doom for real! I can have Chimichangas after this! "

" Deadpool! " Dr. W sternly crossed her arms.

" Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm coming! "

" Goodluck you, two! " Cooper beamed.

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