skirts and destruction

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February 16, 1977
5:13 pm

The second that Anneliese and Sirius heard footsteps coming from around the corner, they broke apart so quickly that you wouldn't even have to blink to miss it.

A small thrill went through both of them at the adrenaline rush of not wanting anyone to see them kissing, almost as if it was some sort of fun game they were both way too deep in.

When James came around the corner and saw his two friends with their arms crossed at one another still and eyes narrowed, he just rolled his eyes and grabbed both of them by the arm.

"This is what's going to happen, you two," he said, pulling them both over to where the rest of the Gryffindors were waiting. "Since Anneliese is back, that obviously means that things didn't go to total shit. However, you two are also not skipping around with joy."

Callaway was desperately trying to hold in her laugh, the corners of her mouth twitching up. She could still feel the heat of Sirius's lips against her skin from less than a minute before.

If James knew, he would flip his shit, Anneliese thought with amusement. Oh well.

"Who says we aren't just not skipping with joy in front of you?" Black asked along with Callaway's unspoken thoughts that were very similar to his, mysteriously wiggling his eyebrows. "You might never know."

"He's right," Anneliese said with a factual nod, still trying not to smile. "For all you can figure out, we were just making out around the corner."

Now it was Black's turn to try and stop himself from bursting out into laughter.

Things with Anneliese always kept him on his toes the second that he thought he could relax, and that was what he really loved about her. There was no telling if she was going to kiss or insult him at any second.

Sirius had always chased after a thrill his entire life, and now that thrill was personified in the form of a southern blonde girl with a talent for making things complicated.

"Oh my god," Lily sighed with a shake of her head. "Nothing is ever going to be simple with you two will it?"

Callaway and Black looked at one another with identical smirks before turning back to Evans and shaking their heads in unison.

Remus noticed that both of their gazes were more on the other's lips than eyes.

February 17, 1977
10:07 am
Charms Class

As one would expect, Sirius was mildly offended about Anneliese's take on the publicity of what happened in New York.

He personally thought that there was nothing to be ashamed of in loving, and then dating one another.

From the incredibly popular, well liked among both students and professors Marauder's perspective, the entire damn castle knowing about his latest pairing wasn't much of an issue.

But that same entire damn castle had also made Anneliese's life hell for weeks on end, and he didn't fully blame her for not wanting to face that when already coming back in the first place was a rather 'Thunderbird' action, as Queenie put it.

Sirius respected Anneliese deeply, and he wasn't going to let the months it took for him to prove that to her go to waste because he wanted to kiss her in public.

These were the thoughts that a young man had when thinking about the person he cared for.

But there were other thoughts that were much more oriented towards the fact that he was a mildly arrogant teenage boy with the world at his fingertips and much more than just good looks going for him.

Yes, Sirius was going to respect that Anneliese wanted to keep this private for now.

But he sure as hell wasn't going to make it easy on her.

It was fair to say that the entirety of Hogwarts and the tightly knit group of sixth year Gryffindors on their way to charms class had been so confused very few times before.

One of the Marauders had disappeared one morning shortly after Callaway, and now they were both back with absolutely zero explanation from either of what happened.

Anneliese had to internally admit that she really had missed the feeling of Hogwarts castle even just the few days in New York.

The way that it seemed to be both inside and outside half the time between classes and still be insanely luxurious yet also cozy and comforting was a genius balance that she would never understand how they had managed to achieve.

Definitely didn't miss all of the people, though, she thought with a small frown as they passed a group of Ravenclaws, one of them the person who had given her the tally.

Peter's voice snapped her out of it.

"Well, in the case that you two aren't about to kill the other, we'll just assume that you'll now actually sit next to one another in Charms," he said brightly as they walked. "I think Flitwick was missing the lack of conflict."

"That is one thing that I would never miss," Anneliese grumbled. "That man hates me so damn much. It would be funny if it wasn't so annoyin."

"You do get under his skin," Lily said with a small smile as they entered the classroom. "And you do also seem to mildly enjoy it."

"It's just so easy," Anneliese replied, smile on her face now as well as her eyes scanned the room. "Good luck sitting next to Potter."

The redhead whipped around with a groan of exasperation to see that James had taken the seat next to hers. Potter had a cheeky grin on his face as Lily huffed and sat down next to him.

But Callaway saw how her expression wasn't mad enough at his presence, almost amused he had sat near her seat, even.. happy?

Anneliese just gave Lily a mischievous wink that Evans narrowed her green eyes at before climbing up the stairs to the top row of the stadium-like benches that the Charms classroom possesed to sit down next to Sirius.

There was no one behind them, which Black had a very intentional look on his face about that made Callaway slightly nervous.

As Sirius had been watching Anneliese enter the classroom with her bright smile and animated expressions, he realized that he wanted to do much more than kiss in public.

He wanted her to wrap her legs around his waist in the middle of the common room and then to push her back up against the wall. He wanted to make out on the couch with her until both of their lips hurt and throats were dry. He wanted to grab her waist in the Great Hall and pull her closer to him.

He wanted to make sure everyone saw it when they went up to the dorms together.

Unfortunately, Sirius also knew that if he tried something that public as he usually did with girls he liked, then Anneliese would set Peeves on him.

So, when she set down her bag next to him, all he did was smirk slightly and start talking to her in a low tone while Flitwick tried to get the sixth years under control to begin the class.

"Why're you smiling like that?" Black asked, looking curiously at her.

It wasn't in any case that Sirius didn't want her to be happy, just that he hadn't expected Anneliese to be in such a cheery mood after returning to the place that had been so bad to her.

"Look at James and Lily," Callaway replied, eyes landing on the two of them sitting at the bottom of the room. "She's not ignoring him."

With slight surprise, Black realized that she was right.

Instead of James saying something incredibly stupid and Lily telling him to shut up, it appeared that she had actually laughed slightly at one of his idiotic statements that contracdicted his cleverness.

"I heard James tell her earlier that anything is a boomerang if you throw it upwards," Sirius said with a grin.

Anneliese's head tilted back slightly when she laughed, and Black's grey eyes caught on it for a second before he regained control of the air coming from his temporarily strangled lungs at even just the stunning sight of her.

"And she said 'okay James' instead of 'shut up Potter,'" he continued, still smiling. "That's major progress on both of their accounts."

Callaway opened her mouth to reply, Flitwick did his signature crack of a wand to get everyone silent before she could say anything. Anneliese adjusted her position so that her shoulders were no longer turned towards Sirius to pay attention to the class, and Black did the same.

Except her gaze lingered on him for a few extra seconds.

Although Sirius didn't show it, he could feel her dark blue eyes on his face and felt another small smirk forming. Sure, she could not want to make their relationship widely known.

But she clearly wasn't being too cautious at the moment in showing that she found his chiseled features and metallic eyes almost captivating.

"Today I will be introducing you to a very powerful charm called the Gouging Spell," Flitwick told the class. "It is similar to the Reductor Curse, except it is more tailored towards the earth. For example, it easily shatters through earth, stone, and rock.."

His voice faded off slightly as Anneliese almost instantly became bored. One of Callaway's major flaws was that her attention span was about as long as a toddlers. She always wanted to be moving mentally or physically, and Charms wasn't providing much scope for that.

Being one of the cleverest in their year, Sirius also found the lesson instantly dull.

His fingers began to slowly drum on the mahogany desk, making tiny, intricate movements as he hummed Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy under his breath.

Anneliese immediately noticed both his hands and the song, and it was taking quite a bit in her to keep her gaze focused on the classroom and not the boy next to her.

Sirius in turn noticed her change in expression at his actions in a second, and he blinked slowly as an idea to make Anneliese snap out of her boredom came into his mind.

One hand still drumming softly on the top of the wooden surface, Black moved his other hand onto the top of Anneliese's skirt underneath the tabletop.

Callaway didn't even turn her neck away from the front of the room, only desperately tried to keep a smile off her face. Even the smallest of touches from Sirius had her knees go weak, and she was thankful that she was already sitting down.

Black hadn't been expecting her to do much at just that one touch. So, slowly, he moved his hand down her thigh with harder pressure, until it reached the very bottom of her already fairly short, dark grey skirt.

Anneliese at this point was trying even harder to not look over at Sirius. She didn't want him to stop by any means, but this was the absolute worst place and time for him to decide to get like this.

Callaway had yet to learn that for Black, it was always the right place and the right time.

Humming slightly deeper, Sirius slid his hand underneath her skirt so that his palm was now against her thigh without any fabric blocking the contact.

Anneliese temporarily shut her eyes as a small shudder of warmth went down her spine.

"Now, who can tell me the incantation for this spell?" Flitwick asked the class.

To Callaway's shock, Sirius raised his hand that wasn't on her thigh.

"Defodio, sir," Black said with a cocky expression after being called on by his professor. "Coming from one of the Latin words for to destroy."

When the second that he said the word destroy, his hand slipped into her inner thigh instead of just resting on the top.

The electric, pulsing feeling of his fingertips on her leg there again was something Anneliese had certainly enjoyed the first time, but not expected to happen again so soon.

And certainly not in the middle of a damn class.

"Very good, Mr. Black," Flitwick said with an impressed expression at his student who usually didn't show his smarts so clearly. "Five points to Gryffindor for the extra translation."

Of course, Sirius had only done it for his own private reasons and not to seem clever.

His grey eyes flicked over to Anneliese to see her reaction, and his smirk only grew when she saw that Callaway was just barely keeping her grip on her facial expression.

The quill that she was holding looked about ready to snap, her usually tan knuckles white from gripping it so tightly.

"Jesus fucking christ Sirus, now is not the right time," she muttered so quietly so only he could hear. "At all."

"I thought you said that you wanted to keep things hidden," he teased in just as low of a tone. "This is very private."

With those words, Sirius began to slowly trace his nails on her inner thigh, going in slow circles and only letting their skin meet skin every few seconds with heated, brief contact.

Callaway couldn't part her lips without releasing her teeth's grip on her tongue.

Black watched her expression with immense satisfaction of what just his hands against her thigh could do to her. Then, leaning in slightly and acting like he needed to use her ink, his lips were an inch away from her ear when he whispered.

"And darling, it's always the right time."

Anneliese's thigh began to involuntarily tremble as Sirius moved his mouth away from her skin and he finished dipping his quill in the ink.

Then, innocently as if nothing ever happened, Black started to take notes on the spell while his fingertips were still working all around her inner thigh, but never going higher than an inch below the hem of her underwear.

Every few minutes, Anneliese felt like her quill was going to snap as she took her notes. Sirius would look over at her as he continued to hum that Queen song, and their eyes would meet for seconds that felt like hours before they looked back down.

Meanwhile, James and Lily were whispering to each other with a large amount of amusement.

They were sitting at the opposite end of the stacked benches from Callaway and Black, and at the very bottom. Whenever they looked up and across the room, they would nearly always see the blonde and the pureblood exchanging a glance.

"They're like eye fucking each other," James giggled quietly. "Oh Merlin."

"Don't be ridiculous, Potter," Lily said back, but she was fighting a smile. "They're just friends."

Yet the redhead did also notice that when they left Charms class, her friend's legs had a slight shake about them.

And Black's smirk was much more prominent than normal.

this exact thing happened to me in my dr  with him answering that to destroy question and everything thats what its based off of-

2.5k words

what do you wanna see?

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