fragile pride and ancient rivalries

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March 15, 1977
4:09 pm
Quidditch Pitch

The aftermath of the Pillowfight had been so severe that McGonagall didn't even want to step into the common room any more after seeing the amount of destruction that had occurred.

Two weeks of detention had been given to all ten of the sixth years.

They had also been instructed to clean up the entire mess themselves, but they all kept getting so distracted with how bad their stomachs hurt from laughing so much that it had ended up taking the entire night to get the common room into any resemblance of neat and clean.

When McGonagall had told them to clean up the room, she was expecting something to happen to add on even more mischief, but nothing like what Anneliese, James, and Sirius had managed to pull off.

James performed one of his best spells, a very crafty Duplicating Charm.

A Permanent Sticking Charm was used by Sirius, just like he had used to hang up the Gryffindor and Muggle paraphernalia in his old room at Grimmauld Place before running away.

Diffindo, the Cutting Charm, was very precisely used by Anneliese with her Seeker's hand eye coordination and steady, practiced grip from doing so many tattoos on herself over the years.

Using all of their various skills, they successfully carved out the piece of burned carpet, duplicated another to replace the ruined part, and then stuck the ashy, crimson, square leftover onto one of the blank walls of the common room.

Anneliese and Sirius had found a frame in a spare classroom and smuggled it in, mounting the carpet on the wall permanently as a tribute to the Pillowfight.

In addition to their two weeks, Potter, Black, and Callaway had also warranted an extra eight days of detention for this stunt.

They had all been absolutely exhausted the next day from staying up so late, but much more good than bad had come from that night.

For one, it only took a week for nearly the entire school to start to use the Pillowfight as a reference point for how much trouble they had gotten into. Anneliese had already heard some Hufflepuffs say 'yea, we lost a few points, but at least it wasn't as bad as the Pillowfight.'"

James and Lily's relationship had also only gone upwards from that night. After their alliance, neither of the two seemed to be in such a delicate balance of almost enemies, acquaintances, and friends anymore.

Now things had transformed into a steady beat of still being a bit on edge around one another out of years of habit, yet still managing to let much more loose and taking things much more lightly.

For Sirius and Anneliese, that kiss behind the couch, no matter how short, had been a very enjoyable expression of how much they both still cared for the other, even if they weren't necessarily showing it in public.

Black knew the reassurance he felt now wouldn't last long, but it still felt good.

The next quidditch match against Slytherin was quite a long time from then, but James was still drilling the team as hard as ever, making sure that they were in top shape. If they won that next game, then they would just have to beat Hufflepuff to win the Quidditch Cup.

The weather was still gradually getting warmer, and Anneliese could actually feel her fingers as she and Fabian went over specific motions for both being a Keeper and Seeker.

Being the two players who didn't have others of their kind like Beaters or Chasers, they were often paired to work together so they wouldn't have to be alone.

Sirius, Remus, Lily, and Frank were all in the stands studying while half watching their friends practice, taking the outdoors as a refreshing break from the castle that was becoming more stuffy as the weather became warmer.

"I swear to Merlin Frank, if you sneeze on me one more time, I will take you to Pomfrey myself," Remus declared, slamming his book shut. "Do you have allergies or something?"

Wiping his nose apologetically with a tissue graciously provided by Lily, Frank nodded.

"This is why I hate spring," he told them, giving Lily a thankful nod that she smiled back at. "I get awful allergies from all the pollen and stuff."

"I like spring," Sirius said cheerily, slightly out of character. "With all of the flowers and how it gets so much more sunny and the thunderstorms."

"Does this have anything to do with the fact that A said yesterday spring was her favorite season?" Remus asked, a small grin forming on his previously annoyed face. "Or a bit of a coincidence?"

"Absolutely not you weirdo," Sirius said, rolling his eyes. "There's a twenty five percent chance that any of us have the same favorite season, so it is purely coincidental. I didn't even hear her say that."

Despite these words, Sirius did in fact hear Anneliese say that spring was her favorite season a few days ago.

And then, he may or may not have started to pick a few of the wildflowers all around the school every day and leave them 'anonymously' in her bag for her to find.

Half the school may or may not believe that Anneliese had a secret admirer.

Sirius may or may not act thoroughly upset whenever she found the flowers so that people would believe that he was jealous and that they weren't from him, when they really were.

Anneliese may or may not know good and well that they were from her beloved Black, and start pressing them into that same green notebook to repurpose those pages into something new and beautiful.

The dark spells seemed like some sort of rough beginning compared to the perfect flowers now that she looked back at them.

"No, all the first years are still scarred for life because you three hung up that carpet," Fabian countered to Anneliese. "I think that the Pillowfight was the most terrifying thing that they've seen in their time at Hogwarts so far."

The two of them were currently walking at the bottom of the pitch, picking up quaffles so that the Chasers could go another round and he could practice keeping.

"Then Hogwarts first years don't know what it means to be scarred for life," Anneliese replied with a grin. "At Ilvermorny, we had like three Pudgewikies leave within the first week because the seventh years pranked them so much."

Fabian gave her a both alarmed and amused look that made Callaway giggle slightly.

"Don't worry, they came back," she shrugged, mischievous smile still present. "Eventually."

Fabian had a sneaking suspicion that it hadn't just been the seventh years to prank them.

"So I guess a flamed carpet against a wall doesn't seem like much, then." Prewett muttered, but he was still smiling. "Did you ever-"

"ENOUGH CHITCHAT DOWN THERE!" James shouted from above them. "HURRY UP!"

Sirius was silently thankful for Potter's interruption of their peppy conversation.

Even though Anneliese and him were now silently together, Fabian would always be a sore spot for him ever since his birthday party and that whole fiasco. Black watched as she and Prewett went up to join James and the others, really wishing that Anneliese hadn't raced up Fabian.

Racing her his my- our thing, Sirius thought with a slight frown, turning back to his Potions notes.

"A, I need to talk to you," Potter said, beckoning her over to where he was hovering on his broom with a completely serious expression on his face. "Now, come over here."

Slightly nervous that she had done something wrong and also half thinking that James was just being dramatic, Callaway steered her broom over to where Potter had relocated near where their friends were sitting on the stands.

"So, do you like Fabian or something?" James whispered to Anneliese once they were both out of earshot from the rest of the team. "Because-"

"That's what you wanted to talk to me about?!" Callaway hissed under her breath, cutting him off. "Are you fucking serious?"

"See, I was under the impression that you were doing that," Potter said back with a raised eyebrow. "But I just can't prove it."

"I have got to stop using that phrase," Anneliese muttered, rubbing her eyes with one hand. "Everyone takes it the wrong way, you dirty minded British whores."

"Rightfully so," James retorted. "Have you seen the way you two look at each other- obviously not, that's a stupid question, sorry- but it's like eye sex if that was a thing-"

"James, you amaze me," Callaway sighed, shaking her head. "Honestly, what the fuck is eye sex-"

"An invention created by Anneliese Callaway and Sirius Black in 1977," he replied quickly. "Obviously. Now, back to the question, do you like Fabian or something?"

"No," she said firmly. "He's just a friend."

"Cool, cool, cool," James said, nodding casually. "Just like you and Sirius are just friends?"

"Listen, whatever you're trying to get out of me, it's not going to happen," Anneliese told him, eyes narrowed. "And yes, Sirius and I are just- we're not- we're just friends."

"Smooth," Potter smirked, and Callaway's cheeks flushed dark pink. "I can really tell because of how you're tripping over your own words."

"I despise you," Anneliese declared, not even bothering to keep her tone low now. "Truly."

"Just like you despise Sirius?" James pushed, the smile on his face growing larger as she got more and more annoyed.


Lily, Frank, Remus, and Sirius all looked up to see Anneliese and James in a very heated discussion. Potter was talking animatedly with his hands while Callaway looked genuinely ready to punch him in the nose.

"Broomstick Boy," Sirius muttered with a slight shake of his head, laughing. "Never going to let him forget that one."

"I wonder what they're arguing about that they had to go away from the team with," mused Remus mildly with vague interest. "I don't think that it's quidditch."


Sirius slammed shut his book, all amusement wiped from his face.

Anneliese furiously turned around to see Fabian's ears turn red from where he was looking at her and Potter with the rest of the team ten yards or so away, then whipped back to James.

Potter's gaze, however, had focused on where the Slytherin team was coming onto the pitch.

"Practice is almost over, let's continue this somewhere more private, shall we?" she asked through gritted teeth upon seeing their arrival and knowing nothing good could come from them.

"No, this is just fine," James countered, daring her to say something again about not liking Sirius. "If you have something to say, say it now."

Before Callaway could answer, though, more trouble had already arrived in the form of a bunch of emerald robed purebloods coming up to hover by them as well and join in on the drama.

"Oh, hell no," Black said under his breath, standing up from where he was studying. "This does not look good."

Anneliese seemed to be having the exact same thought, and gracefully landed her broom next to Lily in the stands to get back to the castle without too many people bothering her.

"Anneliese, what the fuck was James talking about you going out with Fabian?" Sirius asked with an angry tone, shoving all of his things haphazardly into his bag. "What's going on?"

"Potter's being a prick," Callaway said back after pulling her hair down from its tight ponytail so that her golden curls spilled all over her shoulders. "Come on, let's go back to the castle before-"

"Before we come?" Lucius asked in a cruelly teasing tone, landing in the stands next to where the five Gryffindors were. "Sorry about that, I just haven't had much drama to enjoy lately."

James immediately touched down by where the Slytherins had landed and rushed over to stand next to his house members, a now apologetic look on his face. The Gryffindors had all formed a protective group close to Sirius and Anneliese, obviously the targets of this confrontation.

"Fuck off, Malfoy," Black snapped. "Or is your pride still hurt from when Anneliese rejected you and your mates trying to be friends with her months ago?"

Sirius had struck a nerve right on the spot, and he knew it from the way Malfoy's expression instantly changed from bored teasing to genuine anger.

"Easy, Black," Anneliese soothed, eyes narrowed at the Slytherin. "We can't say those kinds of things, he has a bit of a fragile masculinity."

Remus, James, Lily, and Frank were all glaring in turn at a different Slytherin while the conversation was going on, making sure they knew they had their friends back no matter what.

"He's the fragile one?" Nott asked with a dubious expression. "Says the one who had to go to another country to get her emotions in check."

"As if you would know about emotions," Sirius sneered. "At least she has the ability to feel something besides anger when daddy can't fix everything for you."

"I thought you would be better than this, truthfully," Regulus snapped, but to Anneliese and not his older brother. "It's rather disappointing. I had high hopes for you, Anneliese."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Callaway asked, arms crossed.

"I thought you would have more self respect than to become my brother's latest conquest. Congratulations, by the way, you're another one of Sirius Black's bitches."

This was exactly why Anneliese was afraid of being public with Sirius: everything about her would become irrelevant besides her relationship with Black.

Lily both pulled out her wand, and everyone was instantly shocked by the redhead; none of them had ever seen her this angry before.

"I swear to god, Anneliese has more dignity in a strand of her hair than you do in your entire body, Regulus," Lily hissed. "So do us all a favor and shut the hell up, would you?"

"Besides, they're not even together," Frank added on, eyes narrowed. "Get your facts straight if you're going to try and insult one of us, mate."

"Don't you have something better to be doing than going after her?" Sirius spat to his brother, protectively stepping slightly in front of Anneliese. "Kids to be cursing, house elves to be best friends with?"

"Don't you dare talk to any of us like that," Malfoy said, angrily defending Regulus. "Blood traitor."

"See, I think that you mean that offensively," Sirius retorted. "But I'd rather be a blood traitor than the likes of you."

"Well, I suppose you two deserve one another even just as friends, then," Lucius said, glaring directly at Anneliese. "Filthy orphan mudblood-"

Sirius's wand was at his throat before any of them could blink.

Anneliese sharply inhaled with surprise, while Lily and James instinctively moved closer to one another. The two of them realized what they were doing in a second, and quickly stepped away again.

Furious tension was building up between the two houses as each of their members were insulted.

"Padfoot," Remus warned in a low tone from behind his friend. "Don't be stupid."

"He's the one that made the mistake," Sirius hissed back, not taking his eyes off Lucius. "He deserves it, and don't you dare try and convince me otherwise."

"Listen to me, Sirius," Anneliese said, eyes narrowed at Lucius. "Take your wand away."

Black didn't move, not breaking his cruel glare. Callaway's eyes darted nervously between the two boys, genuinely not wanting either to get hurt no matter what he had said.

"Take your wand away."

All of them watched as Sirius slowly moved his wand away from it's highly threatening position on Malfoy's throat. Both sides took an exhale of relief.

"Pleasure talking with you," James said tersely, sensing that this needed to be broken up before the tension exploded again. "Have a good day, lads."

With that, all of the Gryffindors exited the stands and the Slytherins flew back onto the pitch to practice as they should have earlier. Their ancient rivalry had only been stirred further.

Well, almost all of them.

Before Lucius could fly away, Sirius grabbed the arm of his jersey and yanked him roughly towards his face. The cousins glared at one another, the complete opposite types of purebloods face to face.

"You're lucky that I listen to her, because she's my friend," Black spat coldly. "Otherwise you'd be dead with your neck snapped on that quidditch pitch. Understand?"

Lucius was silent.

"I said, do you understand?" Sirius prompted, and Malfoy finally nodded. "That's what I thought. Now run along, and pray on your albino ass that you don't see me alone anytime soon."

Black watched with his chin tilted up as Lucius walked away, rubbing his arm where he had been grabbed by Sirius, certain it was going to leave a bruise.

"Albino ass?" Anneliese asked with slight amusement, watching from the frame of the rickety stairs going down to the ground. "You shouldn't have done that, Sirius."

"The albino ass?" he asked with a small grin. "I know it's not as good as broomstick boy, but it's something."

"No, that's not what I meant," Callaway said as they started down the stairs, the rest of their friends far ahead by this point. "I mean you should have just left it at walking away."

"No, I shouldn't have," Sirius countered. "He can't just say that kind of thing, and get away with it. None of them can."

Anneliese took in a deep breath, knowing she wasn't going to change his mind on that one.

"Do you get now more why I don't really want people to know?" she asked softly. "Exactly that reason. I'm just going to be Sirius Black's bitch."

"But-" Sirius started, but she cut him off.

"I would rather be Anneliese Callaway the filthy mudblood orphan than have no identity besides being attached to a boy."

Sirius just frowned and muttered something about needing to finish studying before using his height advantage to walk ahead of her.

Anneliese's eyes widened in shock at his sensitivity. She thought they both knew that it was nothing personal towards him, but apparently she was wrong.

"Apparently Lucius isn't the only one with fragile pride," she called after him.

Sirius just kept walking.

and she has too much pride to, come on now

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