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Valencia Carter

"This is so cute!" Saadia squealed, admiring the nursery Sebastian put together.

"Isn't it?" Malina gave her a phony laugh before slickly rolling her eyes.

"I know." I couldn't wait for him to get here. Mostly because I was to hold my baby in my arms, but also because I'm ready to go back to normal. No crying, back pains, swollen feet, the list goes on.

No, Saadia and I aren't doing anything. I don't see a problem with being friendly now that we've settled our differences. She showed up unexpectedly and I didn't see a reason why I should tell her to leave.


"What is she doing here?" Sebastian's voice came from behind me making me jump.

"Oop." Amir peeked into the room and turned back around.

"Well I'm gonna um...yeah." Malina scurried out of the room making me suck my teeth. Why would she leave me?

"You can't talk now?" Sebastian looked directly at me with piercing eyes. Here goes the yelling.

"Well I-"

"What's your name?"

"Saadia." She seemed taken back by the way he was speaking to her, but didn't dare putting up an argument.

"Exactly so shut your ass up because I'm talking to Valencia." He was being calm and it was scaring me a little.

"You gonna let him talk to me like that?" She glared at me, waiting for me to say something, but I didn't. "You done got soft."

"And you about to get slapped if you don't get out." Sebastian told her.

"And if I don't?" She challenged, placing her hands on her hips.

He let out a laugh before his face quickly went straight, "I told you. I'm going to slap your ass. I won't hit a woman, but I'll smack a bitch."

She rolled her eyes and gave me another nasty look before storming out of the room. Soon we heard the front door slam.

"Aye, don't be slamming shit!" We heard Amir yell from the living room.

Sebastian looked at me and smiled, shutting the door as he walked more into the room, leaning on the crib with his arms crossed.

"Cat still got your tongue, baby? What possessed you to bring that bitch in here? In my son's room." His eyebrows furrowed and I could see his jaw clenching.

"This is my-"

"You can dead that shit right now. Why was she in here."

"I don't know."

"You don't know." He chuckled. "You still fucking her?"

"What if I was? Would that upset you, Sebastian?" I smirked.

"You want to get smart now? Where was this talk earlier? Don't play with me Valencia. Answer my damn question."

"No, I'm not fucking her. Does that make you happy?"

"It does." He said making me roll my eyes.

"Is that it?" I was expecting him to yell. Maybe a repeat of what happened five months ago.

"I'm looking out for your dumb ass and you can't see it."

"Keep calling me out my name." I warned.

"I'm just saying, I can't stand your ass half the time, but I still care about you. I don't trust that girl and I don't want to see you hurt. That's all I'm saying."

"Shocking that you care me, your little ole mistake."

"I told you I didn't mean it. You just know how to piss me off the right way. That's your problem, you like to hold grudges." He pointed out the obvious. I've been known to hold a grudge.

"And you like to point fingers a lot. What about the fact that you have a horrible temper and you have a reckless mouth. You don't think before you speak."

"I've been working on it for my son...and you." He said making my head snap in his direction, but he was too busy avoiding eye contact.

"Why for me?" I asked curiously.

"Because I--you're the mother of my child and my actions effect both of you."

"Is that right?" I mocked him.

"Shut up." He mushed my face.

"Make me shut up fool."

"Make you?" He moved closer to me and grabbed my face before kissing me. That one kiss had me ready to jump his bones right here in this room.

Pulling away from the kiss, a cocky grin formed on his face. I rolled my eyes, "I didn't give her permission to lay your nasty lips on me."

"You didn't stop me."

"Shut up." I opened the door making Amir and Malina stumble in.

"Ear hustlin' I see." Sebastian said.

"No, Amir was helping me look for my contact." Malina said as her and Amir patted around on the floor looking for her 'contact'.



"Get your ass up, you don't even wear contacts or glasses for that matter." Sebastian lightly kicked her with his foot.

"What was y'all in here doing?" Amir  helped her off the floor. "Y'all better not have been fucking in my nephew's room."

"Ain't nobody fucking him. He'll never get that again in his life."

"Says who? I own that pussy."

"Oop. This tea is scorching." Malina put her pinky up as if she was taking a sip of tea.

"That's a lie."

"But there was that time before you got pregnant at Malina's-"

"Anybody hungry?" I cut him off.

"Oh Me! Me!" Amir waved his hand in the air.

"Malina's!" She looked between me and Sebastian.

"I'm gonna go cook."

Saadia Marcel

"Girl, what took you so long to answer? It's cold as hell out there." Ava complained when I let her in my house.

"My bad, I didn't hear you knocking at first."

I met Ava while on a vacation in New York a few years ago. We were at a bar and at first glance I could tell she was prissy. Not my cup of tea when wanting to pursue a woman so I left her alone.

I like my women with a strong head on their shoulders and about their business. You can tell Ava isn't that from a mile away.

But you give her enough drinks she's not that bad. She rambled on and on about her boyfriend being on a break. I didn't really care for his name, but we exchanged numbers and we've been cool since.

"Why didn't you tell me you moved here?" She sat on the couch, crossing her legs.

"I've been a little...busy." I smirked.

She gave me a skeptical look, "With what?"

"I came across my ex-"

"The girl you wouldn't shut up about? You two talk?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

"Oh we talked alright, over and over and over...and over."

"Gross." She cringed. "What's her name again?"

"Valencia." When that came from my mouth her whole demeanor changed.

"That home wrecking bitch."

"Watch your mouth." I warned her.

"No, that's the hoe who got pregnant by my boyfriend."

"Well technically she isn't a home wrecker because you weren't married. And from what you've told me, you can't wreck something that was already broken."

"I loved him, Saadia. I still do."

"Well there's nothing you can do." I shrugged.

She was silent then a smirk formed on her face, "But what if I could? We could."

"Ava, gone with that mess." I waved her off

"What? You want Valencia back, right?" 

I chewed on my bottom lip nervously as I contemplated on my next answer. I did want her back, but if she found out about me doing some sneaky shit there won't be no coming back from it.

"Yeah I do but-"

"Then you keep getting closer to her, which will drive Bash back to me." She smiled.

It didn't sound like a bad idea.


Valencia and Bash?



Excuse mistakes.

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