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//Chapter nine: Will he love you like I love you?

::Will he tell you everyday?::

Violet sat up in her bed, as she hugged both of her knees. Her phone vibrated from her bed. She looked at it and it was Lyndsey.

She quickly picks it up.

"Hey!" Lynn greeted her.

"Hey.." Violet answered, almost like, broken?

Violet wasn't alright, so she pushed her phone at ger ears to hear Lynn's voice more.

"Violet? Are you alright?" Lynn asked as her voice were full of concern.

"Hey Lyndsey, can you meet me at the coffee shop near at the music store?" She requested.

Lynn agreed knowing that she knew that Violet wasn't fine. It was already obvious by Violet's breaking voice. Seems like she's already done crying.

"Just call me Lynn." Lynn said smiling at herself.

"Okay Lynn. I love you." She said.

Violet nod at the thought that Lynn agreed.

Did I just said I love you? Shit. Violet thought.

Violet starting to put her things inside her bag. She looked up to the mirror and watched herself staring back at her. She slowly remove the mascara that runs down at her eyes due to her crying.

She washed her face with lukewarm water, and she let it dry by wiping a cottony towel on her face. Then, she puts up again a new mascara.

She came down the stairs as she shoved her backpack on her shoulder.

She gave her mom a goodbye kiss and walked outside waiting the bus to stop.


Violet waited for Lynn sitting up in the window corner of the coffee shop. She already ordered two frappe for the both of them. She held out her earphones abd started listening to the song Like We Used To by: A Rocket To The Moon.

Violet hadn't notice that her tears already runs down at her face.

She looked at the window pace staring at herself, noticing that the tears had escaped her eyes. She immidiately wiped her eyes by her left wrist.

She looked up when she noticed someone just walked at her direction.

It was a girl wearing up a black shorts and black shirt with a Blink-182 print. Lyndsey.

Violet gave Lyndsey a sweet smile, hiding her sad face from the mask that she was wearing right now.

She slowly put her earphones down. This wasn't the time to listen to music. It's time to speak up.

Lynn sat across her. Looking more closely to Violet.

"Did you cry?" Lynn asked.

Violet sees Lynn's both eyes that they were full of concerned, not curiousity.

But she can trust Lyndsey right?

"Lynn, can I give yiu my trust?" Violet asked looking down at her frappe.

Lynn took a sip in her frappe and nod.

"I have to tell you something." Violet said, which it's almost been a whisper.

"What is it?"

Violet took a deep breath and said, "My boyfriend broke up with me."

Lynn almost looked shocked and said, "Well that guy is stupid. He doesn't know who's he's dumping. Just think of him that he's a shit or garbage, dear. He's not worth for you. He's just too blind to see that you're amazing."

Violet gave her a sweet smile as she wiped the tears that left from her eyes.

"I love you too." Lynn said giving her a smiled.

And both of the girls let out a laugh.

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