Chapter Fourteen

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Just a random thought: for those who are wondering, 'My Brother's Best friend' is set in Australia, where I'm from :3

"Tonight, tonight!" I sang in my head, as I walked to Economics with Drew. Jace and I had arrived late to school, earning us a scolding from Drew, but other than that I hadn't seen him all day. And Macie and Louis were out 'sick' so it was only the usual trio today.

"What's tonight?" Drew asked confused. "Why do you keep singing 'tonight?' "

"Oh my lord." I cried, face palming myself. I really needed to get this speaking my mind thing under control.

"Yes. Yes you do."

"I'm done." I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Whatever." Drew said as we entered the classroom. Drew was still mad at me about last night, because apparently I 'worried' mum and himself. Although mum wouldn't say anything to me - I knew that, but she'll be walking on eggshells around me for a while. And that is the bit I hated.

"You coming home tonight?" Drew asked - although it sounded more like a demand than a question - as we sat down.

I ran a hand through my hair and rolled my eyes. "We have a substitute."

Drew reached over and grabbed my wrist, forcing me to look at him. His eyes were burning with irritation. "You are not changing the subject. You're going to come home tonight and apologize to mum..." Drew said sternly, then he hesitated. "And dad."

"Dad? What did I do to him?" I shouted, forgetting we were in class. I blushed, although anger was still burning inside me. Why did I have to apologize to dad? For throwing an apple at him? That asshole had done much worse to me.

"Excuse me!"

I looked up to see the substitute teacher glaring down at me. "Yea?"

"What's your name?"

I looked around at my classmates, who were watching intently. I flashed them all a cocky smile before turning back to the old lady in front of me. "Andrew Sage." I said smugly, not looking at Drew.

"Ash!" Drew cried. Ha. That's what he gets for suggesting I should apologize to dad.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is my twin brother Asher. I'm Andrew." Explained Drew, then leaned into my ear and whispered, "And that's what you get for identity theft, asshole. Learn to not speak out loud."

I'm going to sew my mouth shut: it has been decided.

"Is that true Mr. Sage?" The substitute asked me in an annoyed tone.

I offered a innocent smile and shrugged, knowing that I wouldn't get anywhere by lying. "Looks like it."

"Right, off to the principal office you go. I won't have raised voices and identity theft in my class." She said, writing me a pink slip and then ordering me out of the class. I picked up my bag and without another look at Drew, I ventured out into the halls.

As I walked through the halls at a slow pace, I passed a maths class and peeking in I could see Jace, looking bored as hell. I smiled to myself and knocked on the door, keeping my eyes on Jace.

The teacher looked up at me and so did Jace. "Asher Sage, what may I help you with?"

I looked at him in surprise. "You know who I am? I've never had you as a teacher."

The teacher smiled at me from his desk. "I'm Mr. Naval: I teach Andrew. And since you boys are the only twins in the school, I knew your name."

Ah, so that's it. "Ah, so that's it."

Mr. Naval shot me an odd look. "Why'd you say that twice?"

God damn it.

"I have a illness." I lied. "Can I speak to Jace?"

Mr Naval nodded and gestured at Jace to get up. "Be quick." I watched as Jace packed up his things and pulled me out of view of the class.

"Thanks for saving me from boredom." He said, still holding the wrist he'd grabbed when he had pulled me out of the class's sight. "But what are you doing?"

I smiled at him, loving how close we were. I knew I'd be eternally grateful that Jace had admitted he had feelings for me. I liked this boy so damn much. "Um Drew was being an ass so I tried to get him into trouble, though that back fired. Then I was sent to the principal's office but I saw you instead."

"Uh-huh." Jace said nodding. "How was Drew being an ass?"

"He said I should apologize to dad and come home tonight."

"Well you're not doing that. Let's hit the streets." Jace said with a smile and pulled me out of school. Once out the school gates we made our way down high street and towards the park we had been at last night.

As we walked over to the all familiar twin slides, Jace grabbed my hand in his. I looked up at him and smiled softly. I knew that what we were doing right now would have some serious consequences, but I didn't care. I couldn't even bring myself to care, I just didn't want to.

Jace and I reached the slides and sat down on them. Jace sighed and smiled at me. "Happy first date."

I laughed at him. "It's special yet lame at the same time."

"The perfect type of date." He said, wrapping an arm around my waist. "So serious talk: are you going to apologize to the devil?"

I sighed and dug my head into his shoulder. "Nope."

"Good boy. I don't know what Drew was thinking when he thought you should apologize."

"He was probably thinking: 'I'm going to get Ash to apologize and fix my family'. He thinks he can fix everything, but he can't. Nothing can fix our family."

It was painfully true. Our family was too far gone and I know Drew wants to be the hero in this but it's not going to happen. Dad's always going to be a cheater, mum's always going to be a workaholic and I'm always going to be me. He can't change anything.

"I know the feeling." Jace said simply, yet I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"What happened with your parents when you got into trouble at school the other day?"

Jace groaned. "Drew saved me from death, but it was pretty bad before he got there. They kept going on about how Damo did this too me; how he ruined me." Jace said in a small voice. I reached up and kissed his chin. I hated when he was feeling this way. "I ruined me. Damo just tried to save me."

"We're both self destructive, Jace. Though we've had examples and help. You can't blame yourself fully for who and what you are." I said. Despite how much we wanted to blame ourselves, it wasn't entirely our faults for how we turned out.

"Hey Ash?"


"I'm glad I kissed you that day."

I smiled up at him, happy that he thought so. "Me too."

"Want to kiss me everyday?"

I laughed at him. "You suck at asking someone out." I said, punching his shoulder. "But yes, I do."

"Never in my life did I think that I'd ever have a boyfriend."

"Well, I hope you're not disappointed."

"Not even in the slightest." Jace said, pulling me close and kissing me deeply.

Question of the chapter: What do you think will happen to Ash when he gets home? Comment!

Edited by: @eithervb [May 5, 2018, 12:19AM]

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