Loving Husband Oneshot

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One night I couldn't sleep so I toss and turn in my bed for what feels like hours. My husband sleeping beside me wakes up and notices that I'm uncomfortable.

 "What's wrong?" he whispers.

 "I can't sleep and my back hurts." you whine 

 "Roll over, I'll help." he says while gently pushing me over. He puts his hand on the strap of my nightgown and slowly starts to slide it off of my shoulder. 

 " think that this will be better if you have nothing on." he quietly says. He finishes sliding it off me and then he gets on his knees with me under him.

 He starts to massage my back, starting at the top and working his way to the bottom, while loosening my tight muscles. 

 When he finishes he lays back down and holds me very close to him. 

 "Just try to relax, you're safe here in my arms." he softly says while running his hand through my hair.

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