Chapter 14

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It's been at least 2 weeks everything was settling I still haven't seen my rents and I was planning to face them .

I walked to their house and saw my "mom" on the porch .

Janet your back she exclaimed.

You are too I fired back . She looked away . Janet , I can't give you an excuse about my behavior but I'm here now .

You think it's so easy to forget what you did ? I asked getting frost .

No but---

But what I yelled interrupting . Do you know what I've seen dad go through I bleated . He cried for 5 months straight he didn't even go to work for almost a year I blurted out of anger .

Please give me another chance Janet I won't run out on you again she begged .

I saw the desperation in her eyes .

Promise me mom I asked

Promise Janet she avowed .
I still needed time to trust her . I walked into the house to see a greasy haired guy with a weed in his mouth .

Who are you I commented walking in the house . He had a beautiful jaw line and a mysterious look in his face .

I'm Vincent he introduced with his strong New York accent .

I still wanted to know what he was doing here .

Yeah that's good and all but what you doing here ? I declared . Ma you didn't tell her ? He shouted to my mom on the porch .

Ma? I repeated confused . What are you trying to say ? I asked hoping for a different response .

He sighed and rolled his eyes and stood up .

That lady on the porch is my ma and she's your ma so that makes me your ........ Here's the drum roll....... Your brother ! He said sarcastically happy sitting back down watching the boob tube .

Janet this is your older brother Vincent she said .

How much older? I asked curious

I'm 18 years old sis he stated .

I was an only child how is this possible.

Now I have some one to boss around he said with a smirk .

As if I said rolling my eyes . Anyways I'm just gonna go upstairs . I fell asleep later that day .

Next Morning
I was planning to get my life straight and go back to school and work .

I woke up and laid in bed thinking about my messy life ever since I've been here . I've kissed three guys . Fell madly in love with one and grown a strong bond with another I met my mother again and I have the best friends a girl could ever ask for . & now I have a brother.

When I got ready I went downstairs and get something to eat . I went in the cupboard to get crispy critters .

There all gone you ditz I said staring at Vincent that had a big bowl.

Sorry sis he snickered stuffing his face .
I'm starting to think he's gonna be a pain in my ass .

Don't call me that I argued . He reminded me some much of Dallas .

Fine sis he said just to irritate me .
I saw my dad walked downstairs and so many came in at once I didn't know what to feel .

Pops! I said running and giving him a hug . I'm sorry for leaving I'm sorry for everything I said holding tighter .

It's ok Janet he confirmed I love you Janet he added .

I love you too I declared. I was running late. I walked out the house to see Pony.

Pony wait up I exclaimed. Hey Janet he greeted cheerfully .

What made you come back to konk class ? He inquired.

Well because I'm like you I'm a Ding-a-Ling ( A nerd ) I joked pushing him .

He laughed . Did I ever tell you how greasy your hair was ? I nagged

Yes all the time Janet he confessed rolling his eyes . The greasers really took their hair serious in that department .

What's going on with you and my brother? He questioned.

I started to feel my face fluster and I paused and tried to figure out how to answer it . To be completely honest I don't know how to answer that.

Uhh I don't really know I said rambled . Do you have any kind of feelings? He wondered .

Soda was a friend well more than a friend but I had feelings for him but I didn't wanna act soda deserved better .

Keep it between me and you I asked pony.

Of course Janet he assured . Well Soda is very special to me and it ain't no any ol way I care so much for him but honestly he don't my drama in his life , I still go weak at the knees when Dallas even touches me or is in the same room as me I can't let Soda through that I confided secretly .

Think you and Dal a match made in heaven? He joked tryna lighten the situation .

Nah , not all used too I answer walking up to the school .

Hey Janet a paper shaking soc said to me .

She had blonde hair and big expressive blue eyes not much make she was naturally pretty and she was wearing her cheerleader outfit . This was the soc Pony was talking to .

Hey I said smiling awkward . I nudged pony to say something to his little girl friend.

Hey , you look real breeze today he complemented .

I smiled walking away without looking straight and BOOM ! I crashed into someone .

I looked up to see the pretty eyes . He was dressed way to nice for a greaser . His smell was so good it was Ricky . I haven't seen him since Dally and I broke up and when the socs jumped me .

Hey Janet he said hugging me tight . I've missed you Ricky I exclaimed hugging .

Dallas Pov

What do you want ? I inquired drinking a beer .

It's was soda he called me up to talk to him .

He pulled out a pack of weeds and offered me one . I was smoker I couldn't say no .

Sure I said taking it .

I'm sorry it got out of hand between us Dal he started . You really don't have to do this I told .

Is that your pride talkin ? He questioned. Whatever you wanna call it I answered with a sarcasm .

Dally this ain't all my fault , I love Janet he informed . So how is you telling me gonna do me any good I replied trying not to sound affected .

She loves me too but not they way she loves you . I can tell you mean a lot to her and you treat her like shit dal he confessed .

What the fuck am I supposed to do man ? I'm Dallas Winston I don't do the "love thing " I fibbed . You think your too proud to be in love ? Soda roared starting to get angry .

Do you know how much I care for Janet but I'm giving you advice he added getting frost . " I don't need anyone's fucking help " I declined.

Wow dal you really are that stubborn as a mule ? He asked walking away shaking his head .

She didn't love me at all . He was right my pride made me even more afraid of this .

A/N ; her brother is Johnny Depp .

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