Chapter 45- 'Try to stall him without taking your clothes off.'

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A/N: Happy new year people hope you had a cracking night! i would have posted this as a new years treat, but i have only just recovered after NYE im not going to lie.

Anyway, hope you like it and thank you to SammySaysSo for the hot banner i love it!


“I can’t believe he’s still asleep. Should one of us go and check his pulse or something?” I asked Nate, looking up the stairs as I was referring to Drake who had slept, so far, almost 15 hours straight.

“Already did when I woke up.” Nate replied, walking over to the coat rack and throwing a jacket on.

“The fact you’re such an expert on possible drug overdoses is quite worrying to be honest.” I comment, looking at him. Suddenly, I realise he is stood by the door putting his shoes on and I instantly start to panic “Wait, where the hell are you going?”

“Work, some of us have jobs.” Nate tells me.

My eyes widen and I slam my cup of coffee on the table. I stand up, pulling the oversized basketball shirt down to cover a bit more of my ass. Don’t judge me for walking around the house like this, I’ve only been awake for about an hour and the idea of washing and dressing was just too much.

“You’re going to leave me alone here after everything I told you last night?” I ask in amazement.

“I don’t really have a choice Mia, we’ve got 2 waitresses that are sick and another guys on holiday. I skip work my boss will literally deep fry my testicals and serve them as a special.” Nate informs me.

“I’ve skipped yet another day of school to have this intervention with the mafia member that’s currently sleeping off a possible drug overdose, I’m sure you can pull one sickie!” I almost yell, not believing he was going to leave now.

“Yes, and the only reason you got away with skipping school is because I rang your headteacher today and backed up your dead cousin story.” Nate reminds me, and I smile fondly as I remember my immense lie. I was on a roll yesterday. Nate zips up his jacket “Look it’s only a 5 hour shift. I’ll be back just after lunchtime so we can have this intervention when I get back okay?”

“Oh yeah, because that’s going to work. Tell me Nathanial, when he does finally get up from his pit, how exactly am I going to get him to stay? You know him; he’s going to bolt straight for the door if there is any sign of a rehab session!”

Nate cocks his head realising I had a point “I don’t know just stall him. Keep him here until I get back and just don’t give any signs that he’s about to have a therapy session with Dr and Dr Hastings.” Nate grins, clearly finding this quite amusing. His face suddenly turns serious “And by stall him, I don’t mean any activity that involves you taking your clothes off. Got it?”

I roll my eyes “Thanks for thinking so highly of me bro.”

“Well wouldn’t be the first time you slept with my best friend would it?” he comments looking at me with raised brows.

“No chance of that happening considering the last time ended in a WWE beat down.” I mutter.

“Good.” Nate smiles at me, satisfied my clothes were going to stay on “I’ll be back in a few hours just keep him here.” Nate opens the door, before turning and adding “Fully clothed.”

He shuts the door and I do the most mature thing I could think of.

I give him the Ross Geller ‘Fuck you’ hand gesture from Friends.


I told Nate everything last night. I mean everything, from the trip to the hospital detail by detail to the bank robbery to Drake confessing he’s working for his father and this Derek bloke.

Nate was pissed. I knew straight away as soon as I told him Drake’s chosen career path that he was livid, but I didn’t know who he was more angry at, Drake for being a moron an accepting the job or himself for kicking him out and pushing him towards this.

We talked it over, and over, and over. We decided we were going to help him; somehow we were going to help him. Nate said that he needed to talk to Drake about what happened, when Drake was not as high as a balloon, and get it all out in the open. Then it was intervention time, telling Drake he could be better and do better and all that psychobabble bullshit.

Probably the oddest three people to sit an intervention considering we had been either drunk or stoned ourselves for at lead 60% of our lives.

The trickiest thing was however, to get Drake to listen. Unless Drake was drunk or high, he had this wall up. This hard exterior that he thought protected him from these things called feelings. These strange ‘feelings’ we’re like sex to a nun for Drake. Completely fucking wrong.

I had suggested spiking his drink again, but Nate disagreed saying it would just send us around in circles. I think when the intervention time finally comes; I’m just going to spike my own drink. At least it would be remotely entertaining with a slight buzz.

Yeah, I was definitely the best person to hold an intervention…

Nate and I didn’t talk about me and Drake, or the little moment that happened when I put him to bed, or what Drake had said to him on the sofa. To be honest, I didn’t bring it up because I don’t think it mattered. It was way too complicated right now to talk about anything to do with a relationship between me and that boy. Nate avoided the subject completely because I think he was trying to come to terms with it himself before he said it out loud.

At the end of the day, the number one priority right now was not to get me and Drake together to have a Disney ending; it was to get Drake out of the shit storm he was currently in and keeping him out of prison.

I had a mission like this at the age of 16. I felt like Kim fucking Possible right now.


I was definitely not Kim Possible.

Kim Possible would not be shitting herself pacing the hallway outside of Drake’s door right now.

Kim Possible would be decisive and kick some ass.

Then again, Kim Possible was also ginger so what the hell does she know?

I was debating whether or not to wake him up because I thought the longer he slept, the longer he would be here without me trying to stall him. However I was also worried that he had stopped breathing since Nate left so I didn’t know whether to go in, check his pulse then try and sneak out without waking him.

I realised I was going to have to man up and make sure I didn’t have a corpse in the spare room of my house. I slowly opened the door and crept in. I felt like a creepy Uncle sneaking into the kids room while they slept I'm not going to lie. Like an actual ninja, I walked over to the bed where Drake was snoring away face first. He was still in last night’s clothes and one arm was dangling off the bed. The room was dark apart from the faint light creeping through the curtain.

I almost made it to the bed when I stepped on something.

“Oh shit!” I yelped as I tripped over this anonymous object, falling face first into the hard floor. My bare knee landed on the hi-top that had just caused me to fall ass overhead onto the ground, and I suddenly realised if I really was some kind of spy, I would be shot within the hour.

I remained on the floor for a while, cursing under my breath as that fall actually hurt a little bit. I realised there was still no noise from Drake, telling me my tumble didn’t actually wake him.

Either that or he really was dead.

I pushed myself to my feet, keeping an eye on the ground this time for the other hi-top to ensure I didn’t plunge to the ground again. I hovered over the bed (like the paedophile Uncle) and gently placed two fingers on Drake’s neck to check his pulse. A bit extreme I know but who knows what that idiot digested yesterday or what was in the ‘pretty pink pill’. From the way he is sleeping now it probably contained horse tranquilisers or something.

I felt a pulse and breathed a sigh of relief. I turned my head to the little clock by the bed and realised it was just over 3 hours before Nate would finish work and be back, so all I had to do now was sneak back downstairs without waking Drake, make myself some bacon and sit and watch Fresh Prince in my basketball top. Easy.

…Yeah, was about as easy as a catholic girl who didn’t believe in sex before marriage.

As I went to pull my hand away from his neck and sneak back out, I almost had a fucking heart attack because faster than light Drake jumped up, grabbing my wrist and looking ready to attack.

I froze with my eyes wide trying to calm my heartbeat. He was looking up at me dazed obviously from where he had just woken up, but I could tell he must have thought there really was a touchy Uncle in his room or something because he looked seriously ready to kick someone’s ass.

His eyes bore into me and he relaxed as he realised it was me and not Uncle Jerry trying to get in bed with him. I smiled and gave him a nervous laugh.

“Well, this doesn’t look good…” I state still laughing anxiously, realising the next line of thought for him was that I was the creep trying to get a feel while he was asleep.

“I would be worried as to why you’re hovering over me in my sleep half naked, but I feel like I’ve been run over.” He informs me, his voice rough as he spoke.

“That was probable the ‘pretty pink pill’.” I tell him, quoting his exact words.

He closes his eyes and groans, and I stare at him awkwardly.

“Um Drake?”

“Yeah?” he sounds like he’s in actual pain.

“Can you let go of my wrist?” I ask him, and his eyes open as he realises he was still clinging onto my arm like I was about to choke him or grab his balls in his sleep.

He lets go as he realises, and again I realise how fucked up Drake was. That whole looking ready to attack thing a minute ago was definitely some sort of worry from prison. He never mentioned it but I can only imagine how he would be on edge every time he went to sleep, that he didn’t wake up with his cellmate spooning him or something.

Talk about sleeping with one eye open.

“What happened?” Drake asks.

“Well, you turned up at my school yesterday shouting at my headteacher, I told them you were my cousin, took you back to my house where Nate walked in on you using my chest as a pillow case and then we both put you to bed.” I quickly sum up yesterday’s events, leaving out the fact he told me everything and I told Nate everything.

“Nate actually helped me?” Drake asks stunned, and I nod.

“Yep, he was quite the little carer to you.” I tell him with a grin.

“Jesus, I'd have thought he would have been wishing for me to OD in front of him.” Drake mutters, and I shake my head. He didn’t realise how much Nate freaking cared for him, no matter how much even he would deny it.

I was silent after that, not knowing what to say because I didn’t want to say anything that might encourage him to leave, or remind him that he had confessed almost everything last night about why he had turned into an extra from The Godfather because he clearly could not remember anything that happened yesterday.

His hands are covering his face the entire time and I could tell he was suffering. He didn’t look fresh I can say that.

I still wouldn’t say no, but that’s beside the point.

He pushed himself up to a sitting position and started to look around.

“Look I'm sorry for turning up in that state. You didn’t get in shit at school or anything did you?” he asked as his eyes landed on his hi-tops and I could tell he was getting prepared to leave.

I waved my hand dismissively “Don’t worry about it, Nate sorted it. My headteacher might think I’m into incest, but I can live with that.” His eyes shoot to me with a WTF expression. I smile “Long story.”

He raises his brows and shakes his head “I don’t even want to know man, just…sorry. I shouldn’t have turned up like that.”

“Why did you then?” I found myself asking before I could stop.

His eyes don’t meet mine and he just stares at the floor hard.

“I was an asshole the other night. I should never have thrown you against that wall. The fact I did that to you of all people…” he shakes his head in disgust at himself “I have never layed my hands on a woman in my life. I just wanted to tell you I was sorry.”

I furrowed my brows in confusion “You didn’t lay your hands on me, you didn’t hit me or anything did you?” I almost laugh at the idea.

He was far from laughing “It was close enough.”

“It was nowhere near-“

“I threw you against a wall Mia. I stepped to you like I would some dude I was about to fight. How the fuck is that right?” he asked rhetorically because he already knew the answer.

I didn’t know what to say because he was right. The way he looked at me after he pinned me against that wall, it did scare me a little I'm not going to lie. I knew Drake would never physically hurt me, but at the time from the look in his eye I doubted it.

“You were angry.” That was the only thing I could think to say.

He laughed without any humour “And there goes the root to all my problems. I’m angry. We all know how I get when I’m angry right?” he looks at me with brows raised challengingly; clearly referring to the guy he put in the hospital.

“Well maybe if you weren’t hopped up on any pill that’s the colour of the rainbow you would have a better grip of your emotions don’t you think?” I ask him sarcastically, getting angry myself because he was being a right grumpy shit this morning. I mean last night he admitted he liked me to Nate, and this morning he was acting like a girl on her period.

He didn’t answer my question and just scowled, getting off the bed and to his feet.

“Whatever, I do not have the energy in me right now for a lecture.” He mutters, grabbing one of his hi-tops and placing it on the bed. I see him look for the other one on the floor somewhere and I start to panic.

He was going to leave. This is where I’m meant to start mission ‘Stall the Hungover Convict’.

I looked at the clock. Just less than 3 hours now before Nate got home. I rolled my eyes, how the hell was I meant to stall him for 3 hours?

I didn’t even have the option of letting him go and calling him back because we all knew unless Drake found you he was basically AWOL. Jimmy and the rest of the guys have tried to ring him and meet with him multiple times and he’s always been too busy.

…Holding banks at gunpoint apparently for his drug dealing boss.

I frantically try and think of anything to stop him from leaving.

“You’re not going already are you?” I ask him.

“There’s no point in me staying, I came to say sorry.” He got to his knees to look under the bed for his shoe. He quickly looked up at me “Look, say thanks to your brother for looking after me, I am grateful I just need to get out of here. I cannot be fucked for another argument, especially not when I feel like someone just squirted shit in my brain.”

I grimace. Lovely imagery right there.

“Just stay a little while. I can make pancakes?” I ask, blurting out the first thing I thought of which I thought might work. Food. Hell, it would make me think twice about leaving so why not.

He looks at me questioningly “You’re offering to cook for me? Like, voluntarily?”

I hesitate, realising if I nodded right now I would actually have to cook, and I really could not be bothered to start messing around with pans and flour and shit.

I cursed inwardly as I reluctantly nodded “Yeah, it would be a pleasure.” The words actually hurt to get out.

He looks a mixture of baffled and amused for a second, before he shook his head.

“I’m fine thank you for the…weird offer.” He started looking for the shoe again.

“How about wait until Nate gets home? Thank him yourself?” I suggest.

“You said he helped me last night, I don’t really want to push my luck and stick around for round 2 of the bar fight to be honest.” He told me without looking up.

“I could invite Jimmy and that around for a few hours?” I am literally letting anything fall out of my mouth now to keep him from leaving. Nate will kill me if I let him walk out of his house before he gets a chance to talk to him.

He digs under the bed for a few seconds before finally pulling out his other shoe.

“I’ll ring him later or something.” He quickly dismisses again, getting to his feet and then sitting on the bed as he starts to put his shoes on.

Shit, he was putting on the tools to walk…

“Bacon and eggs, I can make Bacon and eggs.” I offer, getting a little desperate now.

He lets out a laugh and stands once both the escape footwear was on. He grabs his jacket and slides his arms in “I don’t know what the hell has gotten into you with this whole generosity thing but it’s weird Mia.”

“I’m just in the mood to cook for someone, practice being a wife and mother one day and all that shit.” I am literally finding out what I’m saying as he is because I have no idea will come out of my mouth next.

“Just keep the draws stacked with takeaway menus and you’ll be the best mother in the world.” He jokes, and his jacket was on. He looks at me and smiles faintly “Thanks for last night Mimi.”

And with that he turns and begins to walk out of the door.

I am panicking big time, like a kid who just found out he’s about to go on Jim Will Fix It.

I need to do something to stop him. My brain is moving so fast to think of something I was starting to feel slightly sea sick, and as I saw him open the door my mouth opens and out falls these precise words.

“Do you wanna’ bang?”

My eyes widen in shock at what I just said, and Drake freezes by the door.

What the fuck was that? Did I really just say that? Out loud?

He turns to me with his mouth hanging open, I think just as surprised as I was at what just came out of my mouth. Talk about Word Vomit, Mean Girls ain’t got shit on this.

“Excuse me?” He asks in disbelief, I think wondering whether to laugh or just be shocked.

I open my mouth to speak and realise I have absolutely no explanation for justifying what I just said without telling the truth about why I was trying to get him to stay.

So I made a decision. A decision I am not proud of, but a decision which I stand by and would do again because I was between a rock and a hard place. And as events will unfold, you will understand this ‘hard place’ I'm referring to, was in fact Drake’s penis.

“Do you wanna’ bang?” I repeat.

His mouth opens to reply but no words come out, a small smile at his mouth I think from shock.

“I heard that…” he slowly speaks “…But I just don’t…get it.”

I shrug “What’s there to get? Banging. Your penis…” I point at his crotch “…my vagina…” I point at my crotch “BANG!” I clap my hands once and then mentally punch myself in the face.

Why, WHY did I do that?!

His mouth is almost on his hi-tops but at the same time he was trying to hold back laughter, I think trying to figure out what the hell I was playing at. He must have thought I was joking, trying to wind him up or something because we both know I would never come out with this bullshit normally. Well, almost never.

“As appealing as that sounds when you put it like that…” he tells me sarcastically, and I roll my eyes “…I don’t really think us two…” he tries to hide a laugh before he claps his hands just like I did “…’banging’, will be such a smart move considering everything that has happened lately.”

I start to panic again as I realise he was turning me down, then I start to get offended as I realised I was

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