Chapter Four:

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A/n: Hey everyone. Just a quick note to say thank you so much for 42 views. I wasn't expecting it to get that many so fast, I wasn't even expecting any. So thanks for reading and enjoy this chapter.

A/n: Hi, it's me. I'm just about to begin editing this chapter. I'm trying to keep the original A/n but I thought I'd add one here. Back then I was so happy and surprised for the 42 views but here we are, about two or so years later with 34.3k (as of editing) and I can't be happier or more grateful! Thank you!


**Y/n POV**

I flutter my eyes open and roll onto my back, and stare up at the white ceiling above me, still sleepy. After a few minutes I feel more awake, I roll back onto my side and grab my phone, which was on the bedside table.

 I turn on the screen to see that it's 9:23am. Putting my phone down next to me, I smile as I remember that I finally told Kenny I remembered and how much lighter my shoulders feel.I then spend a good hours or so just laying in bed, on my phone. 

Awhile later, I hear and feel my stomach growl and with that I throw my blankets off me and get out of bed.I slip on my slippers and a random hoodie and leave my room, pulling my bedroom door close behind me. I stroll down the hall, down the stairs and head for the kitchen.

"Morning mum." I smile, opening the fridge.

"Morning Honey." She smiles a me, taking a sip of her coffee.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask, pouring myself some juice.

"Good thank you, Dear. You?" She wonders.

"I slept fine. Thanks." I tell her, taking a sip of my drink.

I then make myself a bowl of my favourite cereal and head to the leaving room, I sit down on the sofa and turn on the TV. I watch Terrence and Phillip reruns while I eat my breakfast, a couple of minutes later and my brother comes down the stairs and sits next to me.

"Terrence and Phillip." He approves.

"Yep, the one and only." I beam.

We sit in silence and watch the show together, we sometimes talk but most of the time we just laugh and their silly jokes and the stupid things they were doing.

< Time Skip Bought to You by Craig's Middle Finger>

Three hours later and there's a knock on the door, and even though my brother and I clearly heard it and the door isn't too far away, we let our mother walk from the kitchen to answer the door.

"Hello Miss Y/l/n. Is Y/n here?" I hear Butter's sweet voice ask.

"Hello boys. She is here, come on in." I hear my mum say.

My mum use to think it was strange that I had a lot of boys as friends and no girl. It wasn't something she was use too, but then I made friends with Debbie, sort of, in the 7th Grade, so she's happy enough with that, and understand more now.

I hear their footsteps come into the living room and I sit up, from my slouched position, and look behind me to see Butters and Clyde.

 I'm still in my pajamas,this is kinda embarrassing.

"Hey guys." I smile at the boys, they've never seen me in pajamas before.

"Hey Y/n. Wanna come to the park? Everyone's there." Clyde questions, energetically.

"Sure, I'll have to get dressed first though." I inform them.

"You're in your pajamas." Gasps Butters, covering his eyes with his hands.

"What are you doing Butters?" I wonder, puzzled by his actions.

"It's ungentlemanly to see a lady in their pajamas. Unless you're dating them or something." Butters mumbles, from behind his hands causing me to smile.

"Awe Butters you're precious. Take a seat, I'll be back in five." I smile, getting up and rushing up stairs.

Hurrying into my room, I try and get as ready as fast as I can. I open my draws and pull out a long-sleeve t-shirt, my black skinny jeans and a jumper. I grab a few other things and get dressed as fast as I can. I brush my hair and do the bear minimal of my face routine, slip on my sneakers and rush down the stairs.

"Almost ready." I gush, taking my coat off the peg.

I then quickly sip into my coat, put my beanie on and within like two minutes I'm ready to go.

"Good to go?" Clyde inquires, giving me a smile.

"Yep." I smile, popping the 'p'. 

With that we say goodbye to my mum and Toby and leave the house, closing the door behind me. We walk out of my garden and down the path, towards the park, talking and laughing as we go. 

Minutes later and we get to the park, we walk along when I notice Craig and Token sitting on a bench talking.

"Hey." I greet.

"Hey. Took you guys long enough." Token says.

"Sorry, my bad. I needed to get dressed." I inform him.

"Oh, that explains why you took so long." Token shrugs skeptically.

"Shut up, Token." I tell him. 

"What are we going to do now?" Wonders Clyde.

"I don't know." Shrugs Craig, not really caring either.

"I bought a soccer ball. Maybe we can get the others?" Token suggests.

"The others?" Questions Clyde.

"Yeah, you know Cartman, Kyle and the other guys." Token clarifies.

"Are you sure?" I quire.

"Why not?" Asks Token.

"Just most of the time it ends badly." I reminds them, remembering countless times when we were kids.

"True, but might as well." Shrugs Token.

"Okay then." I shrug back.

"Cartman is going to be stubborn piece of crap. So Clyde and I will get him. Butters you can go get Stan. Craig go fetch Kenny and Y/n get Kyle," Token instructs. 

"Meet back here as soon as possible." He says.

We all nod before we all go get the boys. I know what street Kyle lives on but I'm not sure what house it is, I think it's the dark green one.

I walk along the path, looking down at my feet as I go, passing random people as I went.I get there a couple of minutes later and look up at the house, I hope he's in. I really don't like needing to knock on people's doors, even it they're friends and I could just text him but I'm here now.

I walk into his garden and up the garden path, and knock on the door. I wait a few moments before the door open showing a woman with red hair, she looks down at me making me feel kind of intimidated. 

"Erm...Hi. Is uh, Kyle here?" I ask her, feeling awkward. 

 "He is. Come on in for a second." She offers.

"Thanks." I smile, awkwardly stepping onto the house.

Looking around the room quickly, I see Kyle's little brother, Ike sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Kyle! There's a girl at the door for you!" She yells up the stairs.

A few moments later, that felt like hours, I hear someone making there where down the stairs, looking in that direction I see Kyle. I glanced at his wild red hair, which I have seen before, he notices me looking and tries to tame it with his hands.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He inquires, looking confused.

"Token sent me. He wants to know if you want to hang out at the park and play some soccer." I answer, hoping it made sense.

"Sure, I'll be right back." He smiles, rushing up the stairs again.

While waiting I wish that he'll hurry up, so I continue to mind my own business, standing by the door awkwardly looking around. When I hear a voice, not too far away.

"Are you Kyle's girlfriend?" The voice asks, I look to see Ike looking at me.

I'm so surprised by his question that I'm speechless for a moment, remembering when I was fourteen I did have a crush on Kyle for awhile before it just went.

"No, I'm not. I'm just his friend, who happened to be a girl." I inform the young pre-teen."

Ike are you asking stupid questions again?" I hear Kyle, from the stairs.

"It's fine." I tell him, pretty sure he heard the whole thing.

"Okay. Ike go away, we're going to the park." Kyle tells his brother.

"Can I come with you?" Asks Ike.

"No, sorry Buddy." Kyle tells him.

With this we head out of his house and to the park, talking about random things as we go. I like Kyle, he's a good guy.

Moments later and we're in the park, I see that everyone is there except Token, Clyde and Cartman.

"Hey guys." I greet, my eyes imminently meeting Kenny's.

Kenny seems fine, he isn't acting like yesterday happened, like I never told him I remember him dying. Maybe that's how he copes with things? The guys all greet us and Kyle takes a seat on the bench next to Stan, while I stand by the bench awkwardly, as the boys talk.

 I love hanging out with them, I prefer it to hanging out with girls, but sometimes it's so awkward being the only girl.

"Mhpmh mph mhp mphp." Kenny brings up {"Y/n you should sit down."}

"There's nowhere to sit." I point out.

"Mph mph mpmhm mhp mph mph." Kenny muffles, I can see he's smirking under his hood by his eyes. {"You can always sit on my lap."}

"Kenny, Dude, really?" Kyle scolds him.

"Mhhp mh mph mphm mhp mhpphmp." Kenny shrugs, smiling with his eyes. {"What it was just a suggestion."}

I look down at my shoes as I feel my face heat up. Kenny is...Well he's Kenny so this kind of behavior is expected but even though he jokes and flirts with me sometimes, for fun, he's never been so direct.

"Don't listen to the Perv Y/n. You can have my seat." Says Stan, standing up.

"You don't have too. I'm fine." I insist.

"No have a seat. You've stood up for like ten minutes." Urges Stan.

"Oh okay. Thanks." I smile, taking a seat next to Butters and Kenny.

We then continue to talk about random things as we wait for everyone else, they're taking forever, then a few minutes later they showed up.

"We're back. Fatass was just being a shit." Token tells us.

"Wouldn't expect anything less from you Cartman." I say to him.

He doesn't say anything and just rolls his eyes at me, because even though Eric Cartman is a complete ass he seems to be able to hold his tongue, just about, when I'm around. He never says anything too insulting to me but he has told me he respects me for not being a whore like the other girls in school...Or something like that.

We then all just hang out and talk for awhile, then a few minutes later we're all standing up.

"We're going to play a game of soccer." Token tells everyone.

"You guys are. I'm not, I don't do sports." Cartman voices.

"Of course you don't Fatass." Kyle says.

"Shut up Jew." Cartman fires back.

"Now, now you two. Leave the bickering for later." I half-joke.

This makes everyone laugh a little, but then there's Kenny who's having a full on laughing attack, which makes me laugh at him, which makes everyone look at us strange...What? Kenny has an infectious laugh, well I think he does.

"Right...Okay," Token beings. 

"There is eight of us, considering Cartman is going to be lazy." Token speaks.

"So what teams?" Questions Kyle.

"Erm, I guess you and me can be captains and pick who we want?" Token suggests, looking at Kyle.

"I don't want to be captain." Kyle points out.

"Okay then. Y/n you're captain." Token points at me.

"Me, why?" I wonder."

Because you are. Now come over here." He answers before waving me over.

I walk over and stand next to Token, and look at the boys standing in front of me. I look at Token telling him he can go first.

"Stan." Token picks.

"Butters." I smile, pointing at him.

"Oh gee, I got picked first." He bubbles, skipping over to me.

"Craig." Summons Token.

"Kyle." I say, waving him over.

"Clyde." Token finishes.

"And Kenny." I finish, with a smile on my face.

They all come over to us and we stand in our teams. Token puts his football in the middle of the snow and I pick Kyle and Token picks Stan. 

They meet in the middle and I yell start and they begin kicking the ball. We play a game of football for a good hour and a half and it's good fun.

Cartman is sitting on the side lines yelling things at us, but he seems to be having a good time, and Tweek arrives after he gets off work, he's sitting on the snow mumbling to himself.

"I'm open!" Butters yell, arms in the air.

Kyle kicks the ball down the field a bit too hard and it hits Butters on the side of the head, making him fall down.

"Oh gosh, Butters." I gasp, rushing towards him.

"I'm okay." He says, rubbing his head as I crouch down.

"I think that's enough football for today." I say, and everyone agrees.

We then sit in a circle on the floor, snow soaking though our clothes but we didn't care and we talk about random things and joke around.

"Oh yeah. Guys, there's a party tonight at Annie's house. Wendy told me to invite everyone. The whole school is invited." Stan informs us, looking at us.

"I'm up for a party." Nods Clyde.

So we sit there and talk about the party and who's going to be there and everyone in between.

"Sounds great. Being surrounded by girls in slutty clothing." Craig says, sarcastically.

"Well, Y/n won't be. She can't be slutty if she tried." Cartman peeps up.

"How do you know?" I question.

"Because I've never seen you in slutty clothes ever." Cartman points out.

"Well, I can be." I protest.

"Prove it. Come to the party tonight looking hot and I'll...Maybe...Bye you a KFC." Challenges Cartman.

Looking at the boys, they didn't look like they care what I wore and then I look towards Kenny, who's staring at me and I can imagine him picturing me in a mini dress and undressing me with his eyes, which isn't what I want. But there is a part of me that wants to impress the boys, mostly Kenny.

"Fine, it's a bet." I say, standing up.

"Where are you going? The party isn't for another few hours." Butters brings up.

"Well, if I'm going to dress girly and stuff. I need to spend the rest of the day getting ready." I tell them, brushing snow off my clothes.

I say goodbye to them and head home. In my way home, I slip my phone out of my pocket to text Debbie.

'Hey. I need u over my house ASAP. Eric Cartman has challenged me to come to Annie's party looking hot. I need ur help u r my only hope.'

I continue walking home and a few minutes later, I hear my phone go off in my hand and look to see it's a message from Debbie.

'Sure thing. B over soon.'

Minutes later I walk into the house and into the kitchen, to see a note on the table. I pick it up and read it. The note is from my mum telling me that her and Toby have gone grocery shopping and then they're going to see one of her friends and they'll be back later.

I grab a drink and head up the stairs, where I wait for Debbie. Ten minutes or so later I hear a knock at the door.


A/n: Hello everyone just another quick note to say thank you for reading! I know it isn't the more amazing fanfiction. It means a lot if you're still reading it. Also sorry for spelling, I know I make silly spelling mistakes sometimes and I know my punctuation isn't great. Thanks again!

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