Chapter Five:

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**Y/n POV**

With this I get up and head down stairs and answer the door, to find Debbie standing there with two bags in her hands.

"Two bags?" I question.

"Yeah, one for me and one for you. 

Considering I won't have time to go home and get ready." She tells me, as she steps into the house.

"Right, of course." I say, as I close the door and head to my room.

We go into my room and she places her bags down, and I fill her in on what happened at the pond today and she smiles. 

She tells me to go take a short shower and then we'll start. I get a towel and a pair of leggings and a t-shirt, to put on after instead of getting into my dirty day clothes, and walk to bathroom where I spent a good ten minutes in the shower, not wanted to make Debbie wait too long.

Getting out, I dry and get changed into my simple clothes and go to my room to see a a collection of different clothes laid out on my bed.

"For me?" I question.

"Yeah, all for you." Says Debbie, putting on her lip gloss.

"I don't know what to wear." I admit.

"Well, have a look." Shrugs Debbie.

I look at my options and start thinking about what will look good with what, after ten long minutes I decide on my outfit.

"Looks great girl!" Exclaims Debbie.

"It's not something I'm use to wearing. But I can make it work." I smile, looking at myself in the mirror.

"Are you trying to impress someone as well as win this bet?" She smirks.

"No...Yes...I don't know, maybe?" I say undecided.

"Who is this person you don't want to but maybe want to impress?" She giggles, all for the gossip as always.

"You'll judge me if I tell you." I say in almost a mumble, looking down.

"Will I? That's just got me more curious." She says.

"Well, he kind of as a reputation and a nickname to go with it." I hint at her.

"What type of reputation, what do people call him?" She questions.

"You're not going to give up unless I tell you, are you?" I ask.

"Nope." She smiles popping the 'P'.

"Will you promise on out friendship, space and time not to tell anyone. It doesn't leave this room," I barges, knowing I'm not getting out of this. "He gets called Kenny McWhotemick." I confess.

"Kenny!" She says in surprise, that if she was drinking something she'd spit it out.

"Yes. See you're judging me now." I point at her.

"Well how can't I. It's Kenny!" She admits.

"I know it's weird and I don't want to, possibly, like him like this, but there's just something about him." I gush.

"Well, lets make you look hot. Right get changed." She instructs.

So I get changed in front of her, I don't mind we're all friends here. I get dressed as quickly as I can in the clothes I picked, which are out of my comfort zone.

 Then I take a seat on my bed as Debbie dose my hair and make-up, she even paints my nails and within an hour and half I'm done.

"What type of shoes should I wear?" I wonder.

"I'm not sure. What do you have?" She asks.

I then go and pull out all my shoes, which contains all sorts from trainers, to boots to slippers and a few other types.

"Well, how about those." Says Debbie, pointing to a pair of nice boots I haven't wore very often.

"Sure." I smile, getting the boots and putting away the other shoes.

With this, I pull in my boots and quickly decide on a jacket before smiling at myself in the mirror.

"You look amazing!" Beams Debbie.

"I look pretty good." I smile at myself, feeling a burst of confidence.

"That's great." She smiles.

Debbie starts to get ready herself, she gets dressed into a typical short, tight red party dress and wears pretty high black heels, all with make-up, accessories and hair style.

Another hour and half later and we're ready to go, just in time too. The party starts at 7pm and it's currently 7:26 so by the time we get there, we'll be known as fashionably late, well that's what Debbie said anyway.

"Let's go." Debbie declares.

With this we walk out of my house and head to Annie's house, even though it's Wendy's party which doesn't make sense. But Annie's house isn't too far away from my house, I wonder if she really did invite everyone? I barely get invited to parties and half the time I have a boring time and go home within an hour, but hopefully this time I'll have a good time.

Minutes later we're outside her house, in her garden, I can hear the music blasting from inside, there are at least eleven people just lounging in the garden drinking, talking, smoke and even making out, so who knows what it's like inside.

I get nervous and stop half way up the path leading to the door, Debbie stops and looks back at me.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I'm nervous." I confess.

"You'll be fine. Promise." She promises me.

"Okay. Let me text the guys in the group text and I'll go in." I tell her.

"Okay, be quick." She rushes me.

'Hey guys. I'm outside I'll wait 4 u by the front door.'

With that I take a deep breath and head inside, and it's just as bad as outside. There are people every where, talking, laughing, joking, gossiping, drinking and making out.

"Will you be okay on your own? I told Wendy I'll go and find her as soon as I get here." Debbie checks.

"I should be. Thanks for everything. I'll take to you later." I say to her.

"No problem. Have a good night." She smirks.

With that I stand by the front door, kind of awkwardly, looking around to see who's around. I have no idea who half of these people are, not all of them can go to our school can they?

"Y/n?" I hear someone say.

Turning my head to the voice I see Clyde walking over to me, followed by Kyle and Cartman. They scrub up well, they're dressed in nice clothes and not a hat or coat in sight, except for Kyle who still has his hat on.

"Hey guys. I'm glad you found me." I say relieved.

"I didn't recognise you for a second." Clyde tells me.

"Well, it's me." I say, looking down at my outfit.

"What? Wait you're hot. What happened?" Cartman blurts.

"Charming as always Cartman. What happened, well what happened is you owe me a KFC." I smirk in victory.

"Whoa." Gasps Kyle.

"Close your mouth Kyle, you're going to catch flies." I laugh at Kyle's expression.

"Oh, er, sorry." Kyle says flustered.

"Lets go and find the others." Suggests Clyde.

We nod in agreement and head to the living room, where we find Butters, Craig and Tweek sitting on the sofa, hanging out with drinks in hand, we go over to them.

"Hey guys." I greet.

"Hey," Craig responds. 

"Oh, Y/n. You look good." He affirms, giving me a rare quick smile.

"Aw, thanks Craig." I thank.

"Yeah Y/n you look really pretty." Compliments Butters."

Thanks, Butters." I smile at him.

"Didn't gah, didn't know you owned clothes like that." Tweek blurts.

"Well, I'm full of surprises," I smile, looking down at my outfit again. 

"Where's Token?" I question a second later.

"He only got a B on his English test we had like two weeks ago. So, his mum's making him study so he can't come." Clyde informs me.

"Right, that sucks." I speak over the music.

"Well you know how Token's parents are when it comes to grades." Shrugs Clyde.

We then start talking about a new video game that's supposed to drop next weekend, I'm listening to the conversation when I feel like someone is watching me. 

Looking around I see people everywhere, doing their own thing, I then turn my head to see Kenny sitting on the stairs, looking at me. I wonder how long he's been there? He spots me looking at him and waves, I smile at him as I take in his outfit of black jeans and his orange parka with his hood up.

"Look it's Kenny." I affirm.

The guys then all look towards him and wave him over, he gets up off the stairs, drink in hand and make his way though the crowd.

"Mmh mhp." He says. {"Hey guys."}

"Hey Ken." Everyone greets.

"You still got your parka on," Kyle states the obvious. "I thought you weren't going to were it today. You're going to overheat." Kyle points out.

To my surprise Kenny moves his parka down a little so I could see his mouth, the rest of his face still fairly covered, his hood still up.

"It's already hot in here but the tempter sky rocketed as soon as Y/n walked in." Kenny smirks at me, looking at me with a confident look in his eyes.

I could help but blush a little at this. I haven't heard his voice so clear for a long time, it's amazing, is it possible for a voice to be deemed attractive?

"Erm...Thanks." I stammer, not sure what to say still flustered. 

"No problem." He says, unzipping his coat, but keeping his hood up.

I haven't seen Kenny without his hood down since we were kids, feels like a life time ago. He takes his hood down revealing his messy blonde hair, but the first thing my eyes land on is his eyes, he's grown into an attractive guy. He holds eye contact for a few seconds before I look away and check him out, how couldn't I? He's wears a plain blue t-shirt with black jeans and of course his coat but it's undone.

Before anyone can say or do anything else, I feel a tap on my shoulder to be met by Stan.

"Hey guys. Wendy and some others are setting a game of spin the bottle up in other room. Come on." Stan says, not giving us much choice other then following him.

We follow Stan into the dining room, where the dining table and chairs were moved against the wall, leaving a large space in the middle. Looking at the people present I notice Wendy, Annie, Red and Bebe but there's also Scott.

"Good Stan. You got more people." She smiles.

"I'm not playing this game." Craig states walking out, Tweek following him closely.

"Screw you guys. I'm not kissing anyone." Sulks Cartman, walking out.

Clyde then gets dragged away by a girl, I thin it's Lola but it happened to fast, but she earned an evil look for Bebe...But that's drama I rather stay out of.

"Well, there's still five girls and five boys, perfect." Smile Wendy.

Wendy then makes us all sit in a circle and she puts a empty wine bottle down and explains some of the rules like she'll spin the bottle and who it lands on goes first. We all not in agreement and Wendy spins the bottle and it lands on...

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