Hero interships!

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f/n's POV

I walked into school at sat in sat in my seat, the first thing we learned was English.

during English

We took notes on words and other stuff but I got bored and started to day dream. Right before I snapped out of my day dream we all heard mr.azawia come in and told us that we need to pick our internships.

He handed papers out and he explained what we had to do. Then he showed us how many hero's want us to internship with them 'huh I got 4 wow' I said in my head shocked.

"You have 3 slots to fill out and you have 2 days to think about who you want to intern with" mr.azawia said in his monotone voice.


I went in line to get my lunch and I didn't know who to sit with until i felt someone stand next to me and say "so where are sitting" It was bakugou.

"Uhh it don't matter" I said with a smile. He grabbed my hand a lead me to a table with all his 'friends' we both sat down and I saw at the table kirishima,denki and sero.

"Hey guys" I said while waving to them "hey (f/n)" they all said.

After school

I was walking to the bus and got on. Then bakugou sat right next to me and put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I looked up at him into his eyes he came closer to my face and kissed me. "Love you (f/n)" he said while glaring at me "I love you" I said.

As he walked me home I asked him "soo who are you gonna inter?" "Ehh I don't know mabe best jeanist" "how bout you?" "Umm I only got 4 hero's that want me so probably <insert fav hero here>" "ya know if I was a pro hero I'd pick you" he said kissing my cheek. "Aww you so nice" I said to him as I hugged him.

time skip to the next dayyy

I went to go brush my teeth and get ready for the day, I looked at my paper that I'm suppose to turn in tomorrow. I was still blank I went to go find a pencil to right who I wanted inter with.

at school

I turned my paper into mr.azawia and sat in my seat. We learned what we needed to learned then left (cuz that's how school works)

another time skip 2 days later

I grabbed my hero suitcase and headed to my hero's company ( let's just say you did ectoplasm)

If you forgot that's what he looks like 👍

I headed up to the building and went to his office. "Welcome (l/n) please get into you're hero outfit then meet me in the front office" he told me "yes sir".
I changed into my hero outfit and walked to the front office "oh hello" "so what are we doing today mr ectoplasm?" "No need for the mr (l/n)" "oh I'm sorry" I told him while rubbing my hand on my neck.

"(L/n) what you're hero name I'd like to use that instead of you last name since we're on the job" "oh ok its <insert hero name hero>"

( h/n = hero name)

"Ok (h/n) were gonna patrol the area today"

after the 2 out of 3 days of the hero inters

I was on patrol and my phone buzzed I went to grab it and it was bakugou.

From: boom boom boy💥☺️
To: me

Hey who's you're internship goin?

To: boom boom boy💥☺️
From: me

Good hbu?

From: boom boom boy💥☺️
To: me

I hate it look
* picture attached*

To: boom boom boy 💥☺️
From: me

Hold up the picture is loading..

To: boom boom boy💥☺️
From: me

😂😂 what happened

From: boom boom boy💥☺️
To: me


From: me
Tom boom boom boy 💥☺️

😂😂 I love it

"(H/n) come on" ectoplasm said "oh ok"

From: me
To: boom boom boy 💥☺️

Ok bye I gots to go love you

I put my phone back to where it was then I felt another buzz I knew it was Bakugou 'not right now but later' I told myself while running.

Done with the hero internships

We went back to school as normal but izuku, lda and Todoroki were all beat up. I walked up to all three of them and said "and now why the hell would go after the hero killer" I said staring deathly at lda.

"(L/n) I'm sorry for worrying you but I'm ok" "well that's good" "now for you two" I said turning my head facing Todoroki and izuku.

"Good job" I said to them. They both looked confused "uhh thanks" izuku said while giving me a smile and Todoroki just looked at me.

"OH SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DUMBASSES" I heard bakugou yelling at someone, I turned around to see him with the 'best jeanist hair' and holding kirishima and sero while they laughed.

I quickly grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of all 4 of us. "DELETE THAT NOW" he screamed at me "I'm good" I said while teasing him *poof* "it went back to normal" we all said while laughing even harder.

Hey guysss😙

Word count:897
Date this was make: August 20

- kid

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