Someplace Safe p.2 | Azusa Mukami

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"Uhm...sir?" Y/N spoke, wiping her face that was wet from tears while following the male.


"I'm sorry, but I don't think we got your name?" Her gaze wondered around the place.

"Ah, how rude of me. My name is Reiji Sakamaki. I have five brothers, I'm the second eldest of them all," The male explained as he walked into a much bigger room than before, "And your names are?"

Y/N stood there in shock by the sudden question. "Our names? I'd suspect you to already know them..."

"Must I repeat, I have five brothers. One of them must've gotten the information before me," he turned around, his crimson eyes gazing at the two.

"What're their names?" Asked Lola, going off topic.

"I suppose we're going to figure that out later," Y/N looked down at the younger girl before looking back up a the male, "My name is Y/N, and this is my younger sister, Lola."

The male nodded, about to speak before being interrupted by his brother.

"Oi, Ore-sama is trying to get some beauty sleep!" A redhead spoke, all eyes going towards him.

"Ayato, please rearrange your words, as we have guests." Reiji spoke sorely to the one named Ayato.

"Two," Y/N whispered, counting the brothers.

"Mmm, Reiji needs to calm down a little, right Kanato?" Another male appeared, a fedora covering his redhair. He had his elbows resting on the couch, hands holding his head.

"Teddy agrees," a small boy with purple hair came out from behind the one with a fedora, holding a teddy bear. "Ni, teddy, they look oddly young, wouldn't you agree?"

"Four," two more... oh boy, "And your names?"

Reiji spoke up before the other two could, "The one who referred to himself as 'Ore-sama' is Ayato. The one with a fedora is Laito and lastly, Kanato."

"Nfufu...they do seem a little young but—." Laito spoke with a smirk on his face, being cut off by an annoyed voice.

"Tch, shut up you manwhore," another brother appeared, leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. He had white hair that faded to pink.

"Be quiet..," a tiring voice spoke, not in sight but Y/N knew he was the last brother.


Reiji sighed at the impoliteness of his brothers, taking the lead to introduce them all.

"The one that told everyone to be quiet is Shu, the eldest yet the most worthless. Then, the triplets came after me, Ayato being the first, Kanato the second, and Laito the third. After, Subaru came, he is the one with the faded hair."

Y/N gazed at each and everyone of them, finally being able to find Shu in the back. The girl looked down at her younger sister, she had her eyes glued to Kanato's teddy bear.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Y/N looked up at everyone, "My name is Y/N, and this is my sister, Lola." She gestured to the shorter girl.

"As it seems we are done with the introductions, I will lead you two to your rooms," Reiji left off at that note. He started walking up a staircase, the girls following him.

As Y/N started walking she looked back at everyone, getting different looks as she walked by. It smells...weird here...

- I hate doing this but time skip -

It had been a week since the two had arrived. Y/N felt uncomfortable as can be, Lola seeming fine with the whole situation. It took awhile for the two to get used to night school, but it seemed normal as of now.

It had been the weekend, Y/N was fast asleep until she heard yelling that woke her up. Once her memory returned to her, she immediately knew who was screaming. Kanato.

His screams were muffled by the walls, yet the girl had been curious. She knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but something about it just felt so right.

The girl slipped out of her bed, stretching before moving on. She quickly and quietly opened the door. The hallways had been clear, but the yells got louder.

She looked to the left, following the yells, until she stopped in front of a bathroom. The door had been wide open, leaving a good opportunity for Y/N to peek.

Kanato was yelling at a man, who's face was hidden by Kanato's body, slouched over the side of a bathtub. That smell...






The girl watched the scene quietly, until she felt a cold hand hit her arm. She yelped, jumping and turning her gaze to whoever caught her.


"Hmm?" She heard a hum behind her, the hum coming from the bathroom.

Oh no.

Y/N quickly decided she had no choice but to play it off. She walked in front of the bathroom door and acted surprised.

"Oh, hey Kanato. Sorry, I just tripped because of Lola—." The girl stopped running her mouth of excuses, looking at the mysterious man.

I don't know him, but it feels like he's been here my whole life.

"Y/N....?" The man spoke, triggering memories in Y/N's head. Though, the memories didn't load through correctly, her mind had been like a tangled VHS tape.

"Dad?" The word slipped out of her mouth without Y/N even noticing. She looked as if she were paralyzed, staring blankly at the man.

"That's why you smell like...complete, utter filth!" Kanato started talking so calmly until he raised his voice midway through the sentence.

Y/N completely ignored his yelling as she left Lola standing in the hallway to watch the scene. Y/N walked slowly and composed to the male dripping of blood, hugging him.

What am I doing? I swear I don't remember anything of him...yet at the same time I remember everything.

He hugged back, neither of them caring about the bloody cuts on his arms.

This feels weird. It feels like I'm...someplace safe.

(Ok shoutout whoever can spot my reference to my other book and one of it's chapters

Also sorry for double post today, I won't be here this weekend so I'm trying to make up for it. Replacement p.2 will be coming out tomorrow <3)

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