Chapter 17

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Harry’s jaw dropped because I just told the media that he stabbed me. I smiled brightly at the men carrying cameras and started to explain to them what happened. “Calm down he didn’t try to kill me.” I giggled as one guy stepped closer to me with a video camera.

“Jess you need to go home,” Niall laughed as he carefully slipped his arm around my waist and lead me to the car. He helped me in and closed the door and turned around to the paparazzi and started to explain to them properly how I was stabbed. Although he was smart enough to tell them that I leaned back on the bench and Harry wasn’t hugging me, or kissing me for that matter. Harry was standing by the car with a dropped jaw, he could not believe that I had just told the world that he stabbed me.

Liam put the baby in the car and Niall jumped in to the driver’s seat while Harry jumped in the back with Liam. Liam couldn’t stop laughing and Niall had a goofy grin on his face but my poor ex-husband was just sitting there in shock.  “Why did you do that?” He squawked dramatically as Niall took off out of the hospital.

“Well you did! When it happened you said ‘OH MY GOD I STABBED YOU’ so I was just telling them what you said,” I giggled. I was going to regret this one day but right now after having those incredibly strong painkillers I felt great and this was funny!

Liam started to laugh louder and Niall was grinning like an idiot and poor Harry was just sitting there. “What’s Louis going to say?!”

I laughed, “I think it will be something along the lines of ‘HAROLD!’.” I laughed.

Liam lost it and started to laugh louder and I’m pretty sure he was crying. “Ok Liam I’m going to drop you at your place and take the patient home,” Niall chuckled and turned down a road towards Liam’s flat.

“Can we visit Louis?” He asked.

“Oh please! I want to see Louis!” I shout loudly.

“Jess if you don’t stay still you’re going to pop your stitches,”

“Pfft as if I popped out a baby,” I smile brightly at Niall.

When we finally get home Louis is waiting for us at the door with Molly. “Hi Lou!” I’ve calmed down quite a bit but Niall was still thoroughly amused by my mood. I picked up William from the car seat and took him inside while Louis talked to Harry about what happened. Harry was still sticking with the ‘I was only hugging her’ story. Niall knew what really happened but Louis still didn’t know that Harry and I had been together while Niall was in Ireland so if he knew that we were kissing when it happened he’d probably be annoyed and confused. I put William in his bed because he was still asleep and then went and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

“Alright now?” Niall chuckled as he sat beside me.

“Yeah, I was a bit nuts wasn’t I?” I smiled and shuffled closer to him putting my head on his shoulder. He carefully put his arm over my shoulder and hugged me from the side.

“Little bit,” He chuckled.

“Are you alright Jess?” Harry walked in to the house followed by a surprisingly amused Louis.

“Yeah I’m fine, sorry in advance if you get arrested.” I giggle.

Louis grins at his best friend, “I should probably bash you up for stabbing my sister but I’m so amused that I’ll do it later,” Harry’s face pales and he looks down at the floor, he’s really upset about the whole thing and I guess Louis’ teasing isn’t really helping.

“I’m just gonna go home,” He mutters and walks to the front door. I sigh softly and Niall helps me off the sofa and I follow Harry to the French doors that lead to the backyard and we walk outside together.

“It’s not your fault,” I tell him with a soft smile. It feels funny me being the one running after Harry this time.

“I know but they’re making me feel bad and I feel horrible lying to Niall, I thought we were past all the lying but it just came out. I didn’t want to upset him.” He sighs as we walk past the tradesmen that were cleaning up the mess they had made. So now our houses were connected and Harry could come over any time he wanted and I would be able to go see him whenever I wanted.

“He knows about the kiss,” I say quietly.

“He does?” He cocked an eyebrow as he unlocked the back door and opened the door for me.

“Yeah I told him before I got my stitches.” I reply.

“Can we talk Jess?” He turns to me and looks at me with a seriously expression. I nod quickly and he takes me to the sofa and sits me down carefully and sits beside me and turns his body so he’s facing me. He leans forward and takes me hand.

“What is it Harry?” I ask.

“I miss you Jessi,” He sighs and looks down at the black leather that covers the sofa. I take a deep breath, if I’m honest I know that I miss Harry but I don’t know whether I’m ready to give him another chance. He’s betrayed me so many times over the last three years I’m not sure if I’ll ever trust him properly again. “I know that what I’ve done to you is going to make it hard for you to trust me but please Jess I want you, me and William to be a family again. I know you want that too,” He breathes as he squeezes my hand gently and looks back up from the sofa and right in to my eyes. “I want to have more kids with Jessamine, I love you.” My heart beat picks up at the mention of more kids, he sure knows how to make a girl rethink her whole casual relationship with his best friend.

“More kids?” I repeat.

Of course the thought of more babies like William makes me reconsider everything without even thinking about the consequences or the reasons that Harry and I aren’t together anymore. And then I think about Niall who hasn’t done a thing to hurt me since we were first together those few short months ago. I could have babies with him. “Yes Jessamine, we could have a little sister for William or another little boy. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” He squeezes my hands again and this time it’s my turn to look down at the leather that covers the sofa. Can I forget everything that Harry has ever put me through and go back to him? And then have another child with him? He always said after we got back together that he wanted to have lots of kids and of course I want lots of little brothers and sister for William but do I want more kids with Harry?

Ugh I’m so conflicted.

“I don’t know,” I trail off trying to ignore all the things buzzing around in my head. He’s sending those chills all through my body, I’ve got butterflies in my stomach because I want more babies and I’m confused. I know that Niall always says that he’ll be happy if I’m happy but I always worry about how he’s going to feel.

“Jess think about it, William will be walking and talking by the time we have another baby and -.”

“You’ll be on tour.” I mutter.


“If we have another baby and get back together you’ll be on tour and you’ll leave me alone again like you did when you were with Noelle.” I shake my head and pull my hands back from Harry.

The thought of more kids is lovely but the time isn’t right and I don’t want to be alone with two kids under the age of two, that’s not fair to me. “Jess no it won’t be like that,” He breathes.

“It will Harry, that’s not fair on me or William and to add another baby in to the mix? You’re going on tour for six months, I don’t want to be alone for six months looking after our kids. I have to go,” I shake my head and stand up slowly making sure not to hurt myself. I walk out the back door and across the yard and back in to the house where William is awake and sitting on the floor whining.

I scoop him up not saying anything to Niall or Louis and walk down the hall to my bedroom and feed Will. I sit there and imagine what it would be like to have siblings for William and I smile. I would love William to have siblings but honestly it’s not the right time and I don’t think that I trust Harry enough. When William is finished feeding I take him back out and place him on the floor next to Molly and decide to make myself busy. I head to the kitchen where Niall has cleaned up the mess that Harry and I left. “Alright?” He asks softly as I walk in to the kitchen and pull a knife from the knife block and start to chop up the vegetables for William’s baby food.

“Fine,” I mutter.

“You’re not fine, something happened.” He says.

“No nothing happened everything is fine,” Harry made me so mad, now that I think about it I felt like he was trying to blackmail me back in to our relationship, he knows how much I love my baby and he knows how much I want more kids. He used the one thing he knew would get me to change my mind against me. So now I’m in a really bad mood and I’m unintentionally taking my anger out of the vegetables and Niall because he knows that something is up.

“Jessamine you’re grumpy and you’re attacking the vegetables with a butcher’s knife, something is up.” He presses and Louis watches from the dining room table.

“It’s nothing ok?!” I snap and drop the knife on the bench and walk out of the kitchen and back to my bedroom. I don’t want to deal with anything right now. I can’t believe that I almost fell for that stupid trick Harry was playing on me! The more I think about it the more angry I get and I storm out of my bedroom and back out the back door to see Harry sitting on the veranda feeling sorry for himself.

“Jess?” Harry looks up as I stomp up the stairs like a woman on a mission.

“You’re piece of shit Harry! Seriously trying to blackmail me in to getting back with you with more kids? WE ARE NEVER GETTING BACK TOGETHER!” I swung my arm back and slapped him as hard as I could and stomped back down the stairs of the veranda and back to my place where Niall is standing the deck holding William and Louis is holding Molly and they’re both staring at me with their jaws on the ground.

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