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On Friday morning, Jungkook received yet another string of texts from Chloe.

He hadn't answered any of her earlier messages, too preoccupied with Taehyung. Guilt washed over him. As soon as he started having feelings for Taehyung, he should have told Chloe he was no longer interested.

But in today's messages, Chloe had finally announced she was done with Jungkook.

He felt bad for the way he treated her. Jungkook wanted to apologize, so he called her but was sent directly to voicemail. So instead, he typed up a message explaining he knew how badly he behaved and that she didn't deserve it. He wished her the best and left it at that.

Despite feeling guilty, he was really excited for tonight. He was going to join Taehyung at the art class. It definitely wasn't a date, but Jungkook couldn't help but consider it one.

Once his classes finished, he wandered to a small cafe on campus. He ordered a coffee and saw Jimin sitting at a small table in the back.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked the elder, sliding into a seat across from him.

"Waiting for Yoongi," Jimin replied with a small smile. "What about you?"

"I'm meeting Tae at his art class."

Jimin raised his eyebrows. "Oh, yeah? How's everything going there?"

Jungkook couldn't suppress the smile that lit up his face. "Good," he said simply.

"That look on your face tells me it's a little more than just good," Jimin said, studying his friend. "Did you guys finally sleep together?"

Jungkook whipped his head around, looking for eavesdroppers. He found none. "Keep it down, man."

"What?" Jimin questioned. "It's no big deal."

"Says the guy who hid his year-long relationship with Yoongi."

Jimin waved his hand in a very Yoongi-like manner. "Whatever. But you didn't answer my question."

Jungkook sighed. "This doesn't leave this cafe. But yes, we've slept together."

The elder smiled widely. "Hah, I knew it! Who's the top?"

"What is your fascination with knowing who tops, Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

"Just curious," he replied.

Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, a little self-conscious. "We've been switching."

Jimin's jaw dropped. "You guys are versatile?"

"Is that what it's called?" The younger clarified.

"Yeah. Wow. Well, good for you guys," Jimin said with a genuine grin. "Does this mean you guys are dating?"

Jungkook lowered his head into his hands. "No, but . . . "

"But what?" Jimin prompted.

"I love him."

Jimin let out a small gasp. "Really?"

Jungkook nodded.

"Have you told him?" The elder asked, leaning forward on his elbows. "Did he say it to you?"

"No and no," Jungkook said. "Based on the way he's been acting, though, I think he feels the same. But I don't know."

Jimin patted the younger's arm. "I think you should tell him, Kookie."

Jungkook looked up at his friend. "I'm scared of losing him and what we have, though."

"Yeah, but imagine what could happen if you found out you were both on the same page."

"Do you love Yoongi?" Jungkook asked him.

A slight blush rose to Jimin's cheeks. "More than anything. And I tell him that, every day."

Jungkook left Jimin soon after to head to the studio. When he entered, he first wondered if he had the right room. There was no one in there at all, save for an older woman leaning back on a desk chair. She appeared to be sleeping.


Jungkook looked towards the back corner of the room, which looked to lead to another room. Taehyung was walking out, a dirty smock on and his sleeves already rolled up. He looked so beautiful.

He walked over to Taehyung and without hesitation, wrapped his arms around the elder.

"I missed you, Tae," he breathed into his neck before pulling back.

Taehyung smiled at him. "You saw me just this morning."

"Yeah, hours ago." Jungkook pecked the boy softly on the lips. "Much too long."

The elder ran a hand up to push back his hair. "I'm so happy you're here," he said.

Jungkook's heart fluttered. "Me too."

Taehyung brought Jungkook to the supply area and explained the different types of paint. Jungkook chose acrylic because that's what Taehyung was using, and he watched as the elder filled his palette with rich reds and purples. He decided to use similar colors as well.

He was all about matching today.

The first hour went by quickly, with each of them completing a canvas. Jungkook loved that Taehyung didn't take it too seriously; he laughed when Jungkook splattered his own paint onto the half-finished canvas.

At the start of the second hour, the two decided to work on one painting together. However, not as much paint got on the canvas as it did on the boys. Taehyung would fling his brush at Jungkook, getting paint all over his face and hair. In return, the younger stroked his brush down Taehyung's cheek.

The sleeping teacher awoke close to the end, and seeing just the two boys, asked them to clean up and lock the door behind them. They did, washing their supplies and laying them out to dry.

Taehyung showed Jungkook where they'd store their paintings in the back room, pointing to his own small collection. Jungkook looked through the completed canvases and smiled up at Taehyung.

"They're so you," he murmured.

"Is that a nice way of saying they're terrible?" Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook got up and pulled Taehyung into him. "No. They have so much color, so much life. And a lot of love."

Taehyung tipped his head back to look at the boy. "Thank you. That means a lot to me."

Jungkook caressed Taehyung's cheek before stepping closer. He leaned down and kissed him passionately, once again putting all of his feelings into the kiss. He broke apart and ran his finger over the elder's bottom lip.

"I love you," he stated, looking into Taehyung's eyes.

"I love you too, man," Taehyung replied in a very non romantic way.

Jungkook shook his head. "No, Tae. I mean, I'm in love with you."

Taehyung just stared back at him, his expression blank.

After a few long moments, Jungkook spoke up again. "Do you have any reaction to that?"

Taehyung turned away and Jungkook's heart sank.

"Kook," the elder finally said, "I thought we agreed we weren't interested in dating each other."

Jungkook walked closer to him. "Yeah, but that was before everything. Before we started all of this. You kissed me - "

"People kiss all the time and it means nothing," Taehyung said, facing the younger again. "People sleep together all of the time and it means nothing."

"Why does it sound like you're trying to convince yourself?" Jungkook asked, a combination of heartbreak and anger coating his words. "Do not try and tell me that we mean nothing to you."

Taehyung shook his head. "There is no we, Kook. We discussed this. We wanted to fill our physical needs. That's all."

"Well, that changed for me."

"I'm sorry, Kook. I just don't feel the same way," Taehyung said, running a hand through his hair.

Jungkook didn't accept that. "Then tell me why you kissed me first when it was your rule not to."

Taehyung threw his hands up in the air. "I don't know what to tell you!"

"Are you so afraid to admit you're attracted to me that you're willing to throw this all away?" Jungkook felt tears prick his eyes but he brushed them aside.

Taehyung began walking away. "I'm sorry, Kook. I just . . . can't."

"You're a liar, Kim Taehyung." Jungkook sped past the boy and out of the studio.

He was unsure of where he was going to go from there.

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