Chapter 49

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Chapter 49: Prelude to Finale

      The dinner in the duelist kingdom was spent eating his dinner in the guest room. It was all over like Risa's terrifying punch again or maybe it was the fault of the original owner's sickly body that Tokio started to feel unwell after the events that happened to him.

It was terrible for Tokio to end up having a fever again. After learning that Tokio ended up having a fever Pegasus could only feel amusement and disbelief at the same time.

He then sent his right-hand man Croquet to assist Tokio with his troubles. When the morning came, Tokio didn't feel slightly better. It was just the noon came that his fever has slightly alleviated.

When the noon came, one of the guards sent him the food and advise him to not come out of his room as ordered by Pegasus.

Tokio nodded his head and stayed inside the guest room. They must be already dealing with trouble known as 'Kaiba'. Tokio has no plan of getting himself involved in the trouble.

He doesn't want to end up getting held as a hostage or a gunpoint by Kaiba. That must be why Mr. Croquet is missing as he was currently being held in one of the guest rooms here in the annex.

Tokio mostly stayed inside his designated room in the Pegasus Castle from noon to near sunset. He focuses on getting better and thinking of possible candidates who could pull him into a shadow duel.

The least possible candidates for him are Yami Bakura and Marik Ishtar.

Tokio wouldn't simply ask those two people.

The not viable options right now are Shadi and Ishizu Ishtar. For Shadi, Tokio doesn't know where the guys wander around. For Ishizu, she was in Egypt right now.

The only viable and available options right now for Tokio are Pegasus who was currently the villain of the story right now and Yugi who certainly kept on his promises.

While Tokio was worrying about who would be the possible candidates, the best possible time, and things that he need in case he go to the Shadowlands, there was a knock on the door.

" Mister Akai, the other duelists are already entering the castle, the problem earlier is already resolved, Pegasus-sama states that you can come to the duel arena right now. "

Tokio was surprised to hear Croquet's voice. Looks like the problem is already resolved or still ongoing. Leaving the backpack in the guest room, Tokio carried his 40 cards deck with him on his deck holder that was attached to his belt. He arranged his black cap and unbuttoned the black jacket.

Tokio opened the door and replied.

[ I'm glad to see you safe and sound Mr. Croquet. ]

" Oh? It was as Mr. Pegasus have said. You are an interesting individual Mr. Akai. "

Tokio followed Croquet to the Duel Arena. He was guided to the second floor where the 'audience' is supposed to stay. There were chairs, a table, and a tea set prepared for him.

Tokio's eyes widened when he saw Kaiba and Tokio at the duel arena even though he already knows that was supposed to happen. Then, he was more surprised when not just bandit Keith arrived on the second floor. Tokio saw some familiar faces.

" What? Tch, it seems that I am not the first here. "

Bandit Keith looks at Tokio with an irritated expression.

" Old man, could you keep your mouth shut off, you're annoying. "

" You little bitch! "

The so-called 'little bitch' smiled cruelly.

" If you dare to lay your hands on me, I promise that your life wouldn't end up promising. "

" Risa-chan, your abilities are wasted for an old man cheat like him. "

Tokio was thankful that as Vagrant, he was practically emotionless. If he wasn't he was already gaping right now. Another group then walk towards the viewing floor, it was his twin cousins. But unlike the two of his friends having 10-star chips on their gloves, it was only Minoru that does have star chips on his gloves. Minori appears to be accompanying her twin brother.

Minori then exclaimed when she saw him.

" It's you! You're the one who forfeited to Haga during the national duelist kingdom tournament! "

Tokio felt a headache listening to his little cousin as the other people stared at him.

" What, a coward has somehow managed to enter the finals? "

Tokio felt annoyed listening to Bandit Keith's accusations which were also true since Tokio was a coward. Before Tokio could respond, a new group of people arrive.

This time, it was the awaited main group. Yugi, Joey, Anzu, Honda, Bakers, and Mai.

Yugi and the others were surprised when they notice that there were already other people than Bandit Keith. Then Joey exclaimed and pointed his fingers at him which Tokio thought a little bit rude.

" It's you! Akai! "

Tokio nodded his head. He was then approached by Joey and casually sit on one of the vacant chairs in front of Tokio.

" What's this? Did you get special treatment? Since when did you arrive here? "

Tokio was already spouting several curses in his mind when he notice that because Joey approached him, Yugi and the others are already at Joey's back. Mai, like Joey also shamelessly took a seat in one of the chairs and poured herself a cup of tea.

" So you like tea. Cutie gentleman? I preferred coffee. "

She took a sip and frowned. If she doesn't like it. There's no need to taste them. There are still two remaining vacant chairs, Bakura and Anzu took a seat before Honda and Yugi can.

Croquet then arrives and spouts a bunch of words.

" The eliminators have failed in their task and responsibility but although it would delay Mr. Pegasus's plans, he would let it slide since you have shown your skills as a duelist and there were also uninvited guests mixed in. Currently, all of you would remain here as spectators for the current ongoing duel. Take your time and watch the match. Mr. Akai if there was something that you need or you are feeling unwell again, you could ask me or one of the guards to fetch what you need. "

Croquet then left while Joey sent him a dubious glance.

" Are you colluding with them? "

Tokio only shrugged his shoulders and didn't respond.

It was now time for the spectacle as Bandit Keith have mentioned.

Tokio felt amused when Pegasus started messing around with Kaiba's duel disk. But it then disappeared when Mokuba was brought in.

Tokio averted his eyes from the sight. He couldn't help but feel terrible and responsible. He didn't do anything to help Mokuba and just let things happen.

Pegasus then revealed that Mokuba's soul was trapped in the card that he was holding.

Fuck, if his wife in the afterlife knows the shenanigans that Pegasus gets into, she would already berate him for this kind of child treatment and abuse.

Tokio shivered when Pegasus then glance at him for a moment. He was giving him a stare that was different from the jovial stare that he has. But it was only for a moment.

After that, Kaiba agreed to Pegasus's condition of not using a duel disk for their duel. Yugi then shouted a warning before Kaiba and Pegasus started their battle in the duel arena.

" Kaiba-kun! Watch out for the Pegasus dragon-type sealing jar! "

"Dragon-type sealing jar? "

" Against this jar, even the blue eyes white dragon is useless! Choose your cards carefully, Kaiba-kun! "

Joey then asked Yugi why he is advising Kaiba. Tokio then glances between Yugi, Joey, and Kaiba.

Tokio remembers the past years that Tokio has interacted with Kaiba and it started with a misunderstanding and ended up with the latter thinking that he had discovered his dirty secret and blackmailed Tokio.

Tokio wanted to see Kaiba beaten down by a peg which has already happened. Tokio doesn't feel annoyed about the things that happened and it was his fault for not keeping his mouth shut, to begin with.

Before Kaiba could truly Duel Pegasus, Tokio decided to give Kaiba some advice.

[Pegasus's favorite show is Funny Rabbit. Watch out for his Cartoons. ]

" What the hell?! "

" What is this shit?! "

Several exclamations could be heard when they started hearing Tokio talk.

[ You don't need to worry about it. And I absolutely can't read people's minds as Pegasus does. I only talk through my mind and I am incapable of speaking through my vocal cords. ]

Joey then nodded uncomfortably. Kaiba then stared at him for a moment before glancing at Pegasus.

The latter smiled.

" Are you going to ignore their advice or are you going to listen? It was bad that they have given spoilers to Kaiba-boy. But it shows that this person wants you to win. Are you going to disregard their advice? "

[ He's a mind reader. ]

Tokio supplied again. But looking at Kaiba's I don't believe in this supernatural shit face, Tokio wanted to facepalm. Mokuba is already is trapped in the card and his body is currently a mindless zombie, what's more proof are you looking for?

When the duel ended and Kaiba ended up having his soul trapped in the original, Tokio sighed. There was a little difference in changing his strategy a little bit but when your opponent is someone who can read minds and knows the content of your cards and also have a good deck, it was useless in the end.

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