Chapter 32

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Zayn POV:

Mom forces another sandwich into my hand just as I have taken my last bite from the first one.

"Another time , mom. He ain't in a good mood lately. " I take the sandwich from her even though I'm not going to eat it because she is gonna argue anyway.

"Why? Did you talk with him about it? " She is asking to meet Harry again but now as my boyfriend. Since yesterday when I met him in the car , I knew he wasn't okay.

I let it go yesterday but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna ask him about it.

"Kinda. His parents aren't the best , but I think it's deeper than that. He looks like he is hiding something. " I blank out for a little thinking about him and whatever may be bothering him.

"Hey! " Mom waves her hand in front of my face to gain my attention again.

"Huh? " I adjust my glasses.

"I said take care of that boy and be there for him if he is not feeling okay. " She is already making a sad face.

I shrug and nod. "Dad doesn't know anything , right? " She sighs and shakes her head.

"I'm leaving this for you. You need to tell him yourself. "

I groan and run both of my hands over my face. "I'm not ready for this at all. "

She gives me an apologetic smile. "I know baby , but I'm here for you. "

"Okay , mom. I think I gotta go. " I look at the clock in my phone to find that I'm already late at picking up Harry.

"You're not gonna eat this? " She points at the sandwich she handed me a little while ago.

"No , I'm full. Love you. " I kiss her cheek and grab my bag running outside before she can stop me.

I'm on my phone , in front of Harry's house waiting for him in my car when he walks out looking like absolute crap.

His hear is in a messy bun and it's sticking out in every direction. He is wearing a random joggers and a baggy hoodie. It looks like he didn't sleep at all , his face says it all.

He gets in the car with a blank face.

"What's up , babe? " I give him a worried glance.

He sends me a weak smile that looks forced as fuck. "Nothing , just tired already. " He breaks eye contact and leans his head against the window.

"You look like shit , Harry! What's wrong? Talk to me. " I argue with him and grab his chin to force him to look at me.

"I'm fine. " A lie because he avoided my eyes.

"Stop lying and tell me what the hell is going on! " He bites on his bottom lip nervously before finally looking at me.

"Can we talk after school? We are already late. " He gives up.

I check the time to find that we are in fact ten minutes late and the first period is soon to start. I sigh in defeat. "Alright , we will sit and talk after school. "

I lean over and steal a kiss from his beautiful lips. He lets out a real smile this time and that's all I need to cheer me up a little bit.

We arrive at school and climb out of the car at the same time. I walk over to his side and take him into my arms.

"I will see you after school , okay? " He nods into my chest and I kiss his hair.

He lefts up his head which gives me a chance to kiss his lips before we go our separate ways.

"Hey! " A delicate voice speaks from behind my locker.

I look up and a smile stretches my lips when my eyes land on Leo who is holding a book against his chest and looking at me with a bright smile.

"Hey there! How are ya? " I say before grabbing the needed books and closing the locker.

"I'm good , and you? " He is so polite.

"Eh okay. " I shrug. I'm already anxious since seeing Harry yesterday.

"You don't look okay though. " He replies.

I look at him to find he is already looking at me. "Yeah , just worried about Harry. " I finally say.

"You can talk to me about it if you want. " He offers like the good friend he is.

I give him an appreciative smile. "Yeah , thanks buddy , but I don't think Harry would like it if I talked about him with you. Sorry! " I wouldn't invade Harry's privacy like that , especially since he is not fond of Leo.

He smiles in understanding and nods his head. "I understand , I was just trying to help. "

"It's okay , I know. " We walk together to the first period since we have most of our classes together.

I didn't hear a word the teachers said in the first three periods because all I was thinking about was Harry. I was too concerned about him to give a damn about school.

It is lunch time now , I and Leo are walking back to our lockers to leave our books there before we can go to the cafeteria.

"Even though you helped me a lot with math , I still hate it. " Leo rambles from beside me but I don't have the time to reply as my eyes catch Harry standing in the middle of the hall talking to Hunter.

My first thought is him cheating or playing behind my back but that soon changes when their voices start to raise.

"Are you for real? You really left me and not talking to me anymore because of that nerd bitch? "

I can tell that Harry is frustrated already. "This is none of your damn business so fuck off! " Harry answers.

"Oh hell no bitch , I don't play this way. " Hunter yells before he tries to grab Harry's ass to prove something sick.

I watch in surprise as Harry scratches Hunter's face to try and get him off him. The next thing I know , Hunter throws a punch at Harry's face and pushes him hard into the lockers behind him.

I don't know what came over me but I find my legs running on their own. I jump on Hunter sending him flying to the floor with me on top of him.

I'm seeing red as I land a blow after blow after blow to Hunter's face. I block everyone around me and focus into ending this motherfucker.

"NO ONE TOUCHES HIM YOU MOTHERFUCKER. " I scream into his unconscious face.

I don't let his state stop me from punching him with no mercy.

"Stop , you're gonna kill him! " Someone shouts from behind me and it takes three guys to get me off him.

"Get the fuck off me! " I trash into the guys' hold trying to get back to that asshole.

They drag me away still fuming and can't get my breath under control. I take one last look at his blood covered face to at least reduce my anger.

I try to look around for Harry but he is no where in sight. That triggers me more.

They send me to the principal's office but I don't give a shit. I need to fucking see Harry. I won't calm down till I see him.

The guys tell the principal about the whole thing and he is looking at me with a disbelief look.

"I never thought you would do this , Mr. Malik. You are one of the top students here in my school. I have no choice but to call the police. " He informs me.

"I don't give two shits. " I glare at him.

I place my split open hand on the table waiting for whoever gonna enter the room.

I. Want. Harry.

Two officers soon enter the room. One female and one male. The female observes me before she whispers something into the man's ear. He nods and leaves the room.

"Good afternoon , Mr. Malik. " She says as soon as she sits in front of me.

I look at her blankly and don't reply. She sighs.

"I talked to some of the students who were there when the incident happened. They said you were defending another student , is that right? " She inquires.

"Yes. " I reply with a cold tone. My mind is on Harry and the least I want right now is to be talking with her.

"What's his name? "

"Harry Styles. "

"What's your relation with him? Is he your friend? " She leans back in her seat.

"Boyfriend. " I correct her.

Her eyebrows raise but she doesn't comment on it. "Can you tell me what exactly happened? I want to hear it from you. "

"Can I leave? I don't know what the hell happened to my boyfriend and you're locking me here instead of helping! " I spat with a slam on my hand on the table.

She doesn't seem fazed. "You need to tell me what happened so I can help you , Mr. Malik. "

I groan in annoyance. "I was going back to my locker when I found them standing together in the hall. I thought they were casually talking but their voices proved me wrong. Hunter was trying to sexually assault Harry and grab his ass so Harry scratched his face to defend himself but Hunter punched him and pushed him into the lockers. I had no choice but to do that. " I finish.

My chest is moving up and down harshly when I recall what happened. I really want to kill that bitch.

"Do you know why Hunter was trying to do that? " I look at her with a 'bitch are you for real?' look.

"Cause he is a sick fucker , why else? "

Her face shows some irritation but she contains herself. She is still waiting for the answer she wants.

"He is Harry's ex and he is mad that Harry is with me now. "

She sighs and looks at me like she believes me which I am thankful for.

"The other students told me almost the same so you're good. I really hate bullying but you could have approached it another way instead of almost killing him. If Hunter presses charge , you will be in trouble , young man. " She spares me some sympathy.

"I really don't care. He touched Harry and I don't regret a thing. I would do it all over again. " I shrug.

"I can use your words against you but I won't do that. " She gives me a small smile.

"Whatever , can I leave now? " I wonder.

"You can. " She points her hand towards the door.

"Thank god! " I sarcastically reply and stand up.

"Your father is waiting for you outside. " She tells me before I walk out of the door.

I roll my eyes when I come face to face with dad who is giving me this disapproving look of his.

"Save it , dad , please! Not now. " I groan before he can scold me any minute now.

"You have no right to talk like this after what you have done. " He glares at me.

"I know , but can we talk later , please? I gotta see Harry. " He starts to walk away and I follow him.

"Oh and we need to talk about whatever is going on between you and that boy. " I forget that he doesn't know about that.

He leaves me and gets in his car "Don't be late. Your mother is worried sick about you. " I nod before he drives away.

I quickly get in my car and drive to Harry's.

I knock on the front door hoping that he is in there. The door opens to reveal his mother.

"Hey honey! Come in. " She ushers me inside and I find Harry's father in the living room looking troubled.

"Thank you for what you did for Harry. " His mother surprises me with a tight hug.

I bat her back awkwardly. I don't know what to do in these kind of situations.

"Is he okay? Is he here? " I ask trying to look around for him.

"Yes , he is upstairs with his friend. " His father replies.

He stands up and walks to me after his wife has let go of me. "Thanks , kid. I appreciate it. " Here we go again with kid.

"And don't worry , I already called Hunter's parents and told them if they press charge , they can consider their son is expelled from school. " He bats my shoulder.

The advantages of dating a boy whose father owns the school.

"Oh love! Your knuckles are split open. Let me treat that for you. " She tries to grab my hand but I step back.

"It's okay , I need to check on Harry first. " I say without seeming rude.

"Yeah , of course. " She mentions to the stairs and I don't have to be told twice. I take two stairs at a time until I'm standing in front of Harry's room.

I don't spare any time to knock. I grab the door handle and slowly open the door.

I walk on Lenny pressing a cloth to Harry's nose which looks like it's still bleeding.

I should have killed that motherfucking asshole.

Their heads turn to look who has entered to find me standing there staring at Harry.

I can hear Harry's gulp from where I'm standing. They both look at each other.

"You will be okay? " Lenny asks Harry.

Harry nods before Lenny takes off the cloth and hands it to Harry. "I will call you and make sure to keep pressing this to your nose till it stops bleeding. "

Lenny grabs his bag and sends me a smile before walking out of the room.

Harry avoids my eyes which makes me confused.

"Hey baby , you okay? " I softly speak.

I take a step forward which makes him jump off the bed. Is he scared of me?

I frown and hold my hands up in the air. "You're not scared of me , right? "

He ignores me and looks at his feet. That answers my question.

"For god's sake , Harry! I would never lay a finger on you. I just lost control after seeing him hurt you like this. " I can't help but yell.

He tears up a little which isn't my intention to cause him to. "I-I just have never seen you l-like this. " His soft voice whispers making it hard to hear him.

"I myself didn't know that I could lose control like this but I don't regret it one bit. " I admit. He hurt Harry then he deserved it.

"Keep the cloth on your nose , it's bleeding again. " I point at my own nose to get the point to him.

He does as he is told. "Are you sure it's not broken? Did you see a doctor or something? " I make sure not to move any closer even though all I want to do is take him into my arms and never let go.

He nods slowly making me sigh. "I'm sorry if I scared you. "

He tears up all over again.

"Why are you crying now? I really d- "

"I'm pregnant. "

Wait what?

"What the h- "

"And I'm not keeping it. "

Wait what?

"What the fuck are you saying? "

I can hear my own heart beating like crazy. I feel like it's gonna stop anytime soon.

A sob leaves him. "Like what you heard. "

"Are you fucking serious? " I shout which makes him jump in surprise and fear.

"I would never joke about this matter. " He yells back throwing the bloody cloth on his bed.

How the fuck can he get pregnant? Well , he has a vagina so that's not really surprising. But he didn't tell me he could get pregnant , at least we would have used protection.

"When did you find out? And why didn't you tell me? " I growl. Maybe he hid it from me so he could get rid of it with no trouble.

"Yesterday. " He answers.

I run a hand over my face trying to take it all. This is fucked up.

"Okay , I know this is a lot to take in but you're not getting rid of my child. Definitely not. " I make sure to add a tone that means end of discussion.

"I don't want a kid , I'm not ready for it so you can't force me. " He screams at me with a red angry face.

"I will force you. This is not your kid only , I helped to make it too so I have a say in this and you're not going to hurt this baby , Harry. " Even if it takes me holding him as a prisoner , I will.

"Get the fuck out of my house! I already made up my mind. " He grabs the first aid kit on his bed and throws it on me.

I dodge it so it hits the door behind me. "I will not let you , Harry. So don't you dare even think you can do anything to my child. You were the one who didn't tell me you could get pregnant so don't blame it on me or that poor soul. "

He storms over to me and hits my chest. He opens the door and starts to push me outside.

"Get the fuck out! Get out! " He screams over and over again.

"I swear if I didn't want to hurt the child or hurt you and I just almost killed someone who did it , I would have punched you back to your senses. " This is the last thing I have said before storming down the stairs and out of his house ignoring his parents' calls for me to stop or wait.

I slam the car's door after getting in. "Motherfucking bitch wanting to get rid of my baby , over my dead body , Harry. Over my dead body. "

The problem here is how am I gonna tell my parents? I wasn't even planning to tell them about Harry's condition.

Am I even ready for a child? Of course not.

Am I gonna help support that child? Definitely yes.

•• Hey babes! I'm sorry for all this wait and for not updating , school sucks! Don't be mad.

Q: Who do you side with?

=> Lots of love my bitches , don't forget to vote and comment... Mwuaaaaaah

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