27 - Jealousy is Insecurity

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(a/n): In this chapter - lots of angst and difficult emotions but it all turns soft in the end❤️

(y/n) POV:

In Coruscant...

My eye twitched as I watched a particularly risqué scene play out before my eyes. And unfortunately for me, I've had to watch this exact scene three times today, and now I could hardly contain my anger. I sat at a lone table in the Temple cafeteria, gripping a fork in my hand so hard that my nails dug harshly into my palm.

Today wasn't like any other day; a group of clones and three Jedi—Anakin included—just returned from a three day long mission from a small Republic planet which has a ridiculous name that I don't remember, but what I did know is that the Jedi were sent to protect its Senator, but ended up bringing her here because their planet was overrun by rogue assassins from the outer rim. The other two Jedi and the rest of the clones are still there doing what they can to maintain the state of the planet, while Anakin returned back with the Senator who he was currently conversing with at the other end of the cafeteria.

Well, he was conversing. But she, on the other hand, was practically all over him. She couldn't seem to keep her hands off of him; caressing his arms and shoulders, and playfully hitting his chest. And to make matters worse, he was hardly recoiling or making it obvious that he isn't interested.

Or at least, that's what it seemed like in my short tempered state of mind. Maybe my emotions are heavily exaggerating what's actually happening, which is probably the case, but I'm currently too irritated to care.

A logical part of me was saying that maybe he didn't want to seem rude and ruin this Senators good view of the Jedi, but all logic and reassurance was clouded with an awful, and ugly emotion that I've never felt until now; jealousy.

It's horrible timing as well, because I was going to pull him aside when I had the chance to talk about our commitment and if we're on the same level with that. It's been nagging at me for days, and the more I dwell on it, the more crazy conclusions my mind creates and jumps to.

So I've been constantly worrying; what if Anakin gets bored of me? What if he finds someone prettier, smarter? What if when he learns who I really am, it will scare him away and he'll find a less complicated girl to be with?

Jealousy is a foreign feeling to me, and even though it's the first time I'm experiencing it, I already hate it. It's like a virus, devouring me from the inside until it's the only thing left. But my insecurities are only encouraging it further. And the view I currently have is not helping to ebb it whatsoever.

"....Ha! Wow, you're so funny, you know that?" The Senator cackled obnoxiously and grabbed onto Anakin's bicep as if whatever he was saying made her laugh so hard that she needed support to stand.

My jaw clenched, and I gripped the fork in my hand harder to contain my growing rage. But it hardly seemed to work, as dishes started to rattle, and all the hanging lights in the room began swaying side to side from the weight of my emotions.

There were many other Jedi in the cafeteria seeing as it was around lunchtime, so the moderately loud chatter kept any attention off of the commotion I was causing.

The Senator released Anakin's arm, and instead reached her hand up to poke his chest, "You've really made my day, handsome." She winked flirtatiously.

That's the last straw.

I stood up so quickly out of my seat that it was almost jarring. I then stomped across the room—with steam practically roaring out of my ears—over to Anakin.

"Master." I greeted formally as I stood next to him, throwing on the biggest fake smile I could. "Could I pull you aside for a moment? You know, for Jedi business." I over-exaggerated those last words so that this coquettish Senator would get the hint.

Her eyes widened and she smiled brightly, pointing at me, "Is this your apprentice? She's so adorable!" She reached out and pinched my cheek like I was a newborn baby. It took everything in me to not smack her hand away and punch that condescending grin off of her face.

"Thanks." I said through gritted teeth as I kept my fake smile, tugging my head away from her hand. I turned to Anakin after she let go of my cheek and tilted my head in another direction, signaling that I wanted to leave.

He rose an eyebrow at my strange attitude but nodded anyways, "My apologies, ma'am, but I do have to leave now." He said a quick goodbye to her, while she pouted upon his leaving.

Not caring that we were in public and around other Jedi, I grabbed the black sleeve of Anakin's robe and nearly dragged him through the cafeteria, and then down the long Temple hallway.

"(y/n), what's going on? Is something wrong?" Anakin asked in a concerned voice. He probably assumed there was an issue, because of my stiff attitude and the way I was hurriedly pulling him down the large pillared hallway. And in a way, he was right. But for once I wasn't in the mood anymore to talk about the issue; instead I had other plans.

TW:Spicebecause I was feeling bold

When I was sure that we were alone and no one was watching, I opened the door to an empty communications room and pulled Anakin inside before locking the door behind me. The fluorescent lights flickered inside, along with the thousands of tiny bright lights beaming from consoles and databases.

Gripping Anakin's robes in my hands, I pushed him backwards into the metal wall. I then grabbed his jaw in one hand and directed his head downwards so that I could easily crash our lips together. My other hand held the back of his head, running my fingers through his soft blonde curls as I always loved doing. I was feeling possessive, and wanted him all to myself.

When Anakin eventually registered what was happening, he growled in an animalistic manner and swiftly spun me around so that he could pin me up against the wall. He grabbed my wrists and held them above my head, all while, pressing himself against me, and kissing me much more fervently than usual.

Anytime Anakin and I are about to make love or at least some alone time—as I call it—it's always a fight for dominance. Back when we hated each other and argued every five minutes, it was the exact same way. We used to try and outdo each other, always attempting to prove who had the upper hand. And now it still hasn't changed, but only the way we fight is different, as well as the outcomes.

"So this is what you wanted? Hm?" Anakin asked in a gruff voice as his free hand moved up and down my curves. His lips found their way to my neck, where he his tongue left a shivery trail of fire on my skin, until he started nibbling on it, preparing to leave territorial marks over the side of my throat and down my collarbone, as a reminder that I'm his.

"You have no idea, Master." I breathed out, and began biting his bottom lip as we began to kiss again, which I knew would make him absolutely weak in the knees.

And just like I predicted, he grunted out a soft moan and loosened his hold on my wrists, instead leaning against me for support. I used that opportunity to push him off of me with enough force that I didn't hurt him, but he stumbled backwards into a cushioned spinning desk chair behind him. I climbed on top of him before he could move and straddled his lap, preparing to kiss him again as I leaned in closer.

TW ends

He laughed against my mouth and pulled away from me slightly, "Woah woah, slow down, baby." He breathed out in amusement, placing his hands on my hips. "As much as I would love to continue, I'm afraid we're going to have to do a rain check." He murmured, rubbing circles into my hips with his thumbs. "The Council wants a debrief of the mission. It's a good win for the Jedi since we were able to keep the Senator safe."

The mention of her instantly turned my mood sour. I was hoping that having some intimate time with Anakin would help me to feel less acidic, but it honestly didn't. It doesn't take away the fact that she's still here and had her hands on him, when all I could do was watch it happen.

"Fine." I said flatly. "Go spend time with your new girlfriend."

Am I being melodramatic? Probably. But jealously seems to once again have gotten the better of the more logical side of me. Like I said, it's a persistent emotion that spreads like a deadly virus.

In a flash of spite, I tried moving off of him but he tightened his hold on my hips to keep me in place. "What? Hey hey hey, stop." Anakin's voice was stern but gentle. I sighed irritably but did as he said, and stopped trying to leave. When I looked up to meet his gaze once more, he looked undeniably bewildered and shocked by my words. "Where did that come from?" He asked. "You can't just say something like that and then try to storm away from me."

"I saw the way she was flirting with you, Anakin." I grumbled as I rested my hands around his neck. "She was all but coming onto you, and you did nothing about it." My tone made me sound petty and immature, which I was being, but I felt like I was too far in to stop now.

Anakin furrowed his brows, "What, the Senator?" He laughed in disbelief. "You're kidding, right?"

He really thinks I'm playing some sort of joke on him. That only flared my temper further. "No, I'm not." I growled and pushed myself off of him this time before he could stop me. "The least you could do is take me seriously." I spat bitterly.

He sighed in exasperation and stood up as well, "Okay, what the hell is the matter with you? I'm sorry if you thought we were flirting with each other, but that isn't what was happening. All I did was talk to her because I needed information for the debrief." He shook his head and gave me a look of disappointment, "The least you could do is trust me instead of taking your anger out on me just because you're jealous."

I let out a sharp laugh, finding what I was hearing in the heat of the moment to be thoroughly ridiculous, "Oh, so its okay for you to get jealous when I dance with someone else at a ball that's meant for dancing, but when little miss frisky has her hands all over you, I'm not allowed to be jealous?"

Anakin scoffed, "Don't even try using that excuse. I apologized for that three times already, and told you that I learned my lesson from it. Jealousy is not love. It's insecurity." He crossed his arms, giving me a firm and unyielding stare.

I stared back at him in shock. I couldn't even find the words to respond, because he's right. And the fact that he's right pisses me off, but now I'm more angry with myself than anything.

When I still didn't say anything after a few moments, Anakin pinched the bridge of his nose and huffed, "I don't have time for this." He grumbled and moved to push past me, bumping my shoulder and causing me to stumble. "I have to attend the debrief in a couple of minutes. If you can't talk to me about this like a mature adult, then I'd rather spend my time elsewhere. For now, go back to your room in our quarters and cool off." He instructed in a strict tone, which made him sound more like my Jedi Master rather than my partner.

I stood still, rooted to the spot. I felt like I couldn't move at all. My mind was numb for a few minutes before my guilt finally settled in, so much so that it physically pained my body. What kind of a person am I, getting so cross with Anakin over something that he didn't even do? And I don't even know the full story or context. He's right, I should've trusted him and asked him about it calmly, instead of practically throwing a tantrum.

What kind of a Queen am I? My Mom always told me that I would have to deal with difficult people eventually, and I'd have to be careful to not lose my temper because of them. I told her that it should be easy enough, but today proved just how wrong I was. If I can't control my anger over something as trivial as jealousy, then there's no telling how much of a fool I might make of myself in the near future.

That's not the kind of Queen I want to be. Being born into royalty doesn't mean that everything has to go the way I want. And it doesn't mean I'll instantly deserve respect; that's something that has to be earned no matter who you are.

Anakin was so hurt by my accusation as well. I winced at that thought. I never want to see him hurt like that, especially if I'm the cause of it.

The guilt of everything that transpired because of me raked at my heart, like a bloody claw. It burned in my chest, and seeped through each of my bones like a toxic molten.

Obi-Wan POV:

In Alderaan...

"Obi-Wan." A smooth, luxurious voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, my lady?" I straightened my posture and turned towards the very busy and overworked-looking Queen Regent who was holding a large stack of documents in her arms.

"Someone is at the gates in the palace perimeter and is asking for an audience with me. Will you let them in while I put these away?" She asked while already walking away, before I could answer.

"Just let them in?" I questioned in a louder voice the further away she walked from me. "What if they have ill intentions?"

Of all people, I know for certain that Lilliana would never simply let anyone in. Especially during these times.

Without turning back to look at me, she sighed and turned a corner down a different hallway, "Then you can put that blue oversized glow stick to good use."

After a moment of processing her request in silence, I nodded to myself and made my way to the main double door entrance.

I was still not used to being back in this palace after so many years. These large, marble white pillars intimidated me. I felt so claustrophobic, like they were deliberately looming over me just to spike my nerves. On the bronze walls of the hallway, I noticed the paintings and stained glass murals hung every few feet of the generations of rulers from the royal family. I couldn't help but look for a portrait of (y/n), even though I knew there wouldn't be one. At least, not a recent one.

And it appears I was right; though there is a portrait of her, it is a stained glass canvas of her as a newborn, with both of her parents holding her on either side. I couldn't help but smile. That was a wonderful time for this kingdom; a beautiful and healthy heir was born, the citizens were thriving, and Alderaan had many, many allies.

But these current times are growing more and more uncertain, hence my unyielding nerves.

I sighed and pressed onwards to the large double doors, which were becoming brighter and brighter as I trekked under the lavish chandeliers, which glimmered magically above me.

I pulled the heavily weighted lever that was meant to open the doors, and with a low creaking sound, they slowly opened and let even more light inside from the blazing sun. I brought my hand to my forehead to shield my eyes from the light, and squinted as I stepped back. I saw the shadow of a figure standing opposite of me, but I still couldn't make out who it was since the suns luminosity was too blinding.

"Who are you?" I asked. My voice gave off more skepticism than I meant for.

The person chuckled at my question, and I instantly knew it was a woman because of her feminine voice. "Is your memory that bad, Kenobi? You must be getting old." The woman stepped forward into the building, and stood in front of me so that she was blocking the sun, and I could finally see again.

My brows furrowed in both surprise and confusion when I was able to see who I was looking at. What in the world is she, of all people, doing here?


(y/n) POV:

The rest of the day didn't turn out any better.

I felt horrible, and kept wishing so badly that I could go back in time and take back the childish things I did and said. The physical and emotional pain of my guilt only increased, and I tried desperately to make it go away.

I thought running laps on the indoor track might help, since it keeps my adrenaline pumping and gives me a physical and mental distraction. I usually go for a run around the track anyways if I need to let out any frustrations. And at first it helped, but I didn't even realize how hard I was running until my lungs and throat burned so badly from a formation of lactic acid inside of them, since not enough oxygen was reaching my body's muscle tissues. At least, that's what the nurse told me when I visited her office.

And now, I'm laying under my cold, white comforter, staring up blankly at the ceiling. My throat was extremely scratchy, my chest ached badly, especially whenever I inhaled. So, I guess running did work, since I now have a distraction from the original pain of my anger and guilt. It's not a very fun distraction, since all of my upper body feels inflamed, but it's something.

I coughed and wheezed as I turned over on my side, facing the wall. I expected Anakin to come back a while ago; I need to apologize, but he still isn't here. Maybe he's still angry with me. I wouldn't blame him, I'm angry with myself as well. But I'm too exhausted with myself to try and stay awake worrying all night.

I pulled the comforter fully over my head so that I was now just a lump under the covers of the bed. I thought about just attempting to sleep, even though my lungs and throat still burned, until I heard the faint sound of the door to my quarters opening.

My body stilled. It's Anakin, he's back. But is he still upset with me? Is he even going to talk to me, or will he ignore me now forever? Okay, that's a bit too much of a dramatic conclusion to jump to....I just can't help but remember how hurt and angry he was during our last interaction.

My heartbeat quickened as anticipation settled in when I heard his footsteps grow louder in volume, and soon the door to my room was opening.

Everything was silent for a few moments. Despite our strong force bond, he must be able to know that I'm awake because of how unusually ragged my breathing is.

I then heard the sound of shuffling and the whooshing of fabric, making me assume he was taking off his robes and boots and utility belt. He still hasn't spoken, but objects were quietly being moved around and rummaged through for about another minute.

And much to my surprise, the weight of the bed shifted. Soon I knew he had climbed in under the covers with me when I instantly felt the warmth of his body heat behind me from where I laid. He hasn't even touched me yet, but I'm already relaxing, melting from his warm and calming energy. Maybe he really isn't angry anymore like I thought.

Anakin inched closer to me, slowly and gently wrapping his arm over me and hooking it around my waist, pulling my flushed body back against his warmed and toned front. I let him do so, and even rested my own arm over his and burrowed further into him so that we laid cleaved together. He nuzzled his nose into the back of my neck and began placing soft kisses onto it and further up to my ear.

I sighed contentedly and felt myself getting lost

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