(30) Revelation

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[INTERVIEWER] Good morning sir, new evidence has been uncovered.

[SUSPECT] And what might that be?

[INTERVIEWER] First, I have a few questions for you.

[SUSPECT] Well, spit it out already.

[INTERVIEWER] Please recap what happened to Elle Jansen after you left her.

[SUSPECT] I don't know. She either had the kid or she didn't, I haven't spoken to her.

[INTERVIEWER] And you feel no regret about doing so?

[SUSPECT] None. Like I said, haven't seen her.

[INTERVIEWER] And if the child were alive?

[SUSPECT] Look dude, me and Elle were a thing when I was fifteen. I'm not fifteen anymore.

[INTERVIEWER] Ah, but our problems don't go away with age.

[SUSPECT] Good thing people do. I mean you're pretty old. I can only hope you grow older and go away.

[INTERVIEWER] Your cooperation will be appreciated.

[SUSPECT] I don't want to be here. Is it even legal to hold me here?

[INTERVIEWER] When we have strong accusations against you for the death of the lady we think you hit with your car? Yes, it is legal to keep you here.


[INTERVIEWER] How much contact have you had with Parker Jansen since you and Elle?

[SUSPECT] He's my friend.

[INTERVIEWER] To be clear, you've been in contact with Parker, but not Elle?


[INTERVIEWER] Why did you willingly leave your home?

[SUSPECT] After I got kicked out, I figured why not leave.

[INTERVIEWER] You weren't concerned about being financially stable?

[SUSPECT] My family's loaded. So no. I was not concerned.

[INTERVIEWER] Where did you live at this time?

[SUSPECT] I bought a house.

[INTERVIEWER] By yourself?


[INTERVIEWER] Your family didn't question you?

[SUSPECT] They don't care about me.

[INTERVIEWER] You mentioned you lived with your father. I think it's a little strange he didn't care about his son moving out.

[SUSPECT] He had a better son, or so to say.

[INTERVIEWER] Are you aware that your dad is now married?

[SUSPECT] To who? His girlfriend from the time?

[INTERVIEWER] No. A different lady.

[SUSPECT] Of fricking course he had multiple. Probably knocked her up too, add some more kids to the mix.

[INTERVIEWER] How much contact has your father had with his previous wife?

[SUSPECT] Not sure. A few years. They seemed happy. I never met her, but I hear she's a sweet lady.

[INTERVIEWER] Interesting.


[INTERVIEWER] Nothing of your importance.

[SUSPECT] Tell me what you're not telling me.

[INTERVIEWER] Might I remind you of the suits we're in? Yours is the orange one, not mine.

[SUSPECT] Funny, funny. Fuck off.

[INTERVIEWER] Your extensive or SO to say vocabulary is not helping your case.

[SUSPECT] No matter what I say, I'm locked up aren't I? All these questions and shit, you know, don't you? You know I'm never going to get to leave.

[INTERVIEWER] I'm afraid I cannot be the judge of that.

[SUSPECT] Yeah, yeah. Whatever.

[INTERVIEWER] Let's talk more about your step siblings.

[SUSPECT] Easy. My dad liked them better. He was with his wife a lot back then. He'd leave me at home to be with them. His perfect little family.

[INTERVIEWER] They clearly aren't so perfect if they're not together anymore.

[SUSPECT] Serves them right, they abandoned me.

[INTERVIEWER] Did you ever meet the children?

[SUSPECT] Yeah, the son went to my school. He's only a few years younger than me. We got along okay.

[INTERVIEWER] Just okay?

[SUSPECT] He didn't like the fact that I slept with all his flings. But it's not my fault they liked me better, is it?

[INTERVIEWER] Did you think about how this made him feel?

[SUSPECT] Does it look like I give two shits about how he feels?

[INTERVIEWER] Once again, language. Please, have some respect.

[SUSPECT] Why? You're going to lock me up anyways.

[INTERVIEWER] You need to understand that whatever happens to you is not my fault. Ultimately it comes down to your choices and your actions. You chose to drive under the influence and if you were the one, that is completely by the fault of you.

[SUSPECT] Listen up. You might be able to prove I drank and drive. But as for killing someone, why would I want to? What's my movie, huh? I don't have one. I may be mad but I'm not that mad. Have fun trying to prove that one in court.

[INTERVIEWER] Thank you for your time.

[SUSPECT] As if it wasn't forced.

[INTERVIEWER] We now have to run through a few things for the record.


[INTERVIEWER] State where you live.

[SUSPECT] New Jersey. A big house off the corner on 8th street.

[INTERVIEWER] State your occupation.

[SUSPECT] I take tickets at the door at a theater. For fun, of course. Way to pick up girls. I don't know need the money.

[INTERVIEWER] Lastly, please state your first and last name, and we'll be done for the day.

[SUSPECT] Myles. Myles James Derivan.

a few of you called it a few chapters back. I'm exited to finally reveal that it isn't Parker (everyone's first thought.)
also thanks for 146k, much appreciated.

what is your honest opinion on this book? (Bc I honestly don't know)

I always respond on kik, and I love talking to you all!
---> tinylighthearted

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