Book 3|13. It's Over

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Chapter dedicated to Cexxyy. You are super awesome for reading and voting!!

Chapter 103 – It's Over – Raine's POV

I didn't understand why they weren't trying to bring him back. Cage and Echo just stood there. I cried urgently, "You have to help him!"

Cage snarled, "I can't! It's too late...He's gone!"

Tears streamed down my cheeks and I begged frantically, "No, no, have to try...please at least try!!"

His expression softened but he shook his head sadly. "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. Only the vampire that drains him, can complete the transition, no one else."

I heard his words.  Only the vampire that drains him. I didn't know how long Talon's heart had been silent, but it could only have been a few seconds.  Instantly, I tore through my wrist and slammed it to Talon's slack jaw.  I didn't care if it was impossible. I had to try.

Cage closed his eyes, hating to see the struggle he knew I was going through. I leaned down and whispered urgently in Talon's ear, "Please...I am begging you...please do not die!!!  Please come back to me...please!!!"

I could tell Cage still thought Talon was a lost cause, but he must have decided to try on my behalf, because he began compressions against Talon's chest.

I looked up at him and whispered through my tears, "Thank you."

He didn't reply. He just kept pumping Talon's chest steadily up and down.

Seconds went by.

It felt like an eternity.

And then something happened.

I could have sworn Talon's eyelid fluttered...just a tiny bit. I choked back the joy that wanted to surge from me because I wasn't sure if it was just my mind showing me what I wanted to see.

Abruptly, Echo hissed to Cage, "Did you hear that?!"

Cage leaned over Talon, intently studying his face, and then he said in shock, "He has a heartbeat."

"Really?!"  I gasped.

"It's faint and only two beats so far, so it still may not be enough," he warned, trying to keep my hopes under control when the outcome still looked so bleak.

But I couldn't help myself.  I just had to believe Talon would make it.

He had to.

Another excruciatingly slow minute passed.

And then it was very obvious that Talon was going to make it.

Because he began to fight me.


And I wasn't prepared. My arm was pushed against his mouth, forcing him to drink, and my free hand gripped the back of his head to keep him there. However, in a shockingly fast maneuver, he jerked his body to the side, trying to wrench free. I maintained my hold, but his movement tossed me over his chest and I landed on his other side.

"Fuck!" Cage hissed and grabbed Talon's head and my arm, to help hold us in place. That still left Talon's lower body free. Echo grabbed his legs, but struggled to keep him from writhing violently.

There was no doubt Talon was in pain.  He groaned and a tear escaped his tightly closed eyes. I could still distinctly recall the feeling of fire in my throat until Cage's blood took effect in me. It had hurt like hell.  I hated seeing Talon suffer.

My thoughts were interrupted when Talon bucked hard, tossing Echo off of him. Having his legs free gave him much more leverage to fight us.  Cage wasn't willing to release his grip on my arm and Talon's head, so he couldn't move to help Echo with Talon's legs.

Rather than try to restrain him from a standing position next to the bed, Echo jumped onto the bed, and wrapped his thighs around Talon's legs. "Holy fuck, he's strong," Echo hissed, still struggling to contain Talon's thrashing.

I whimpered as Talon's newly released fangs repeatedly tore through my flesh as he writhed, trying to get free from me.

Echo growled out, "Ivy!"

She ran to his side, shocked and quivering.

"Get my phone out of my back pocket!" he ordered.

To Ivy's credit, she didn't hesitate. She practically smacked Echo on the ass repeatedly to determine which pocket contained the phone, and then dug it out quickly once she found it.

"Press and hold down the middle button until it beeps."

She did as instructed, and had the foresight to hold it near his mouth. Her hands trembled, causing the phone to shake in the air, but she maintained her hold. When it beeped, Echo growled, "Call Tobias."

"Yes, boss?"

"Get your ass to Cage's room now!"

No other words were exchanged and a second later, five vampires flooded in the room, one of which instantly leaped onto the bed. Echo shifted slightly, so they could better coordinate their efforts to contain him. I was hugely thankful because Talon wasn't able to pull through my arm as much.

Another slow minute ticked by and just as abruptly as when he began to fight, Talon froze.  Another beat later, instead of trying to push me away, he grabbed my arm and sucked deeply. 

Relief flooded through me to know he wasn't in pain anymore. However, regardless of Talon's willingness to drink my blood now instead of fighting me, neither Cage nor Echo released their stronghold on him. I was okay with that. They maintained it for my safety, and I could tell they were not hurting Talon.

Minutes ticked by and Cage's lips were set in a hard line as he said, "That's enough. We need to switch to Ivy."  His eyes flashed up to mine and he explained, "Most vampires do not want to let go. Order him to, but if he refuses, you will have to jerk your arm free."

I stared at him with wide eyes. I understood, and I really didn't want to feel anymore of Talon's fangs slicing through my flesh. I squared my shoulders and spoke, "Talon, its time. You need to let go of my arm and drink from Ivy now."

He didn't respond. He just kept drinking. Shit.

I tried again, this time with more authority, "Talon, let go of me now!"

Shockingly, Talon withdrew his fangs and looked at me. His eyes blazed crimson and his face was set in anguish. He needed to finish. Echo got off of Talon, lifted Ivy and set her right next to us.

She held out her arm, shivering hard.

I guided Talon's attention to her outstretched arm and soothed, "Drink."

I didn't have to give the order twice. Instantly, he grabbed her arm and sank his fangs into her flesh. She cried out in pain and then settled down, while he continued to suckle at her wrist.

In a false sense of security, I climbed off of the bed, thinking everything would be fine. Of course, I should have known better. In a shocking move, Talon lurched forward, pushing Ivy beneath him and trapping her there. She cried out in surprise. I stepped forward so I could help pull him off of her, but Cage grabbed me around the waist and ordered, "Do not interrupt him!  Not yet!"

Cage waited for a few moments and then ordered Echo, "Okay, get him off of her."

Talon apparently had other ideas, because the instant they touched him, he growled and dropped his body lower to keep Ivy curled even tighter in his grasp. She cried out again. I couldn't tell if it was from fear or if he had hurt her.

"Break his jaw!" Echo hissed to Tobias.

"Wait!" Cage interrupted. "The girl could still get lethally hurt."

His words caused ice to run through my veins. How were they going to get Talon off of her?  Cage looked at me and said pointedly, "Call him off of her. Order him down."

I understood. Talon was most responsive and exceptionally obedient to me. I slid closer to him and ordered him firmly in his ear, "Talon, stop, release her now!"

Cage had been right, because instantly, Talon withdrew his fangs and snapped his head toward me. I shuddered to see his blazing ruby red eyes. I spoke gently, "It's done, over.  Come, get off of Ivy."

Talon stood to his feet. He looked a little confused, but his eyes gradually faded back to green.

Cage ordered Echo, "Take him, and make absolutely certain his thirst is satiated." I knew what he meant. Talon couldn't take any more from Ivy, so Echo would have to use another pet if needed. I cringed at the thought.

Everyone left the room, leaving Cage and I alone. I waited nervously. He was still furious. He walked across the room, and refused to look at me.

I mumbled, "Cage, please look at me, I'm so sorry!"

He spun to face me, his eyes blazing and bit out, "You should be! You nearly cost him his life!"

"Cage, please...I'm sorry for hurting him..."

He spun around, cutting me off, "You think I am upset about Talon?!

I blinked and mumbled, "But you said I nearly cost him his life."

He closed his eyes and shook his head. When he finally looked at me again, he hissed, "Did you just assume turning someone was child's play? That it was easy? Without risk?"

"No!" I hurried to explain.

Apparently, that was not the right response because his features twisted furiously once again, and he ground out through clenched teeth, "So, are you telling me you understood how significant and serious and critical and dangerous changing someone was?"

I suddenly felt there was not a right answer to his question. I quivered. I didn't want him to think I was irresponsible. I had considered the danger. I understood how big of a deal it was to change someone, how important that decision and process was. I hadn't made the choice lightly. I whispered, "Yes, I understood."

His eyes darkened and he snarled furiously, "And that right there is the fucking problem!"

And then I really understood.

The fact that I had known the significance was way worse than if I had acted out of ignorance.  He confirmed my thoughts, causing my heart to fill with dread, when all of the volume dropped from his voice, and he spoke with deadly calm, "So, you just considered my input on the matter as worthless, unnecessary?"

"No, I didn't think that!" I rushed and then mumbled, still trying to explain, "I was afraid you would try to stop me."

He glared at me. "That is a bullshit response and you know it! You are not stupid. You know the act of changing someone, no matter who the fuck it is...that choice, that decision, that act is fucking huge! And then to make it even more fun, lets heap on the added complication and danger of you never having done it before!  So do not give me some bullshit response that you completely disregarded how fucking serious changing someone was, because you were afraid I might question your choice of Talon!"

He was right. I stood silently, not knowing what to say to make it better. 

He demanded gruffly, "When did I fail you so miserably?"

"You haven't!" I answered quickly, trying to appease him.

"And yet, somehow you decided that I was not even worth the opportunity that my input might hold some value on such a ridiculously critical matter." He shook his head, paced away and then back again. "If you want to go pick out new curtains without mentioning it to me, fine, have at it! But when it comes to choices and decisions that fucking matter...we do not make those without the other person!" he yelled furiously.

I recoiled back. He had never been that angry with me before. His level of animosity, disappointment and anger stunned me.

And in that moment, a shocking truth became clear.  Pain, I had buried so deep, the result of which had manifested in my decisions even though the root cause had eluded my conscious thought, had to be let out. "How, Cage?! How the fuck am I just supposed to trust you implicitly? You gave me away!"

Cage drew back, eyebrows pressed together in confusion at my abrupt change in mannerism and accusation.

There was a reason I hadn't trusted him.  I hadn't fully recognized it in the moment of my decision to turn Talon, but I did now.  Now, it was all too clear. 

My pain and distrust in Cage—a result of his earlier decision—hadn't gone away. I'd buried it because I didn't want to hurt him, the past was the past, but clearly, this needed to be spoken.  

I drew in a deep breath. "When push came to shove, you chose your honor and your duty above me. You gave me no choice in the matter. I suggested options and you shut me down, not just once but three times. You made that decision all on your own."

Cage's eyes widened as he understood, pain in his expression finally echoing mine.  His voice came out gruff, barely above a whisper, begging me to understand, "What else could I have done?"

I did understand, but then again, I didn't.  His words were clear. If he had to do it all over again, he would make the same decision, and once again, I would have no choice in the matter. 

"I don't know, Cage." Utter sadness made my chest constrict painfully. "I don't know."  

Cage ran a hand roughly through his already disheveled hair. "I was their Prince, heir to the throne. I was expected to honor and uphold our laws..." his voice trailed off as he watched my face transform at his words.

"Your laws?" I worked to keep the frustration and anger out of my voice but it was difficult.  "So, that is my true status to you then?  Right beneath your laws?" 

"No, of course not. I'm not saying that."

"Oh, but you did say that and you did do that to me, all because you were the Prince," I stated flatly. If we were ever to get past this, he had to face the truth. "I am new to your world, and I am new to love, but clearly, your laws can and are proven by a King who felt having me was worth the risk of going to war."

"Marku?" Cage sucked in a sharp breath. "Are you telling me you want that bastard?"

"You know the answer to that," I replied through gritted teeth. "I am merely pointing out the truth as it relates to behavior and choices when it comes to laws and love, or in his case, obsession."

Silver irises burning with contemplation, Cage remained silent.

"How am I to tell the difference?" I continued.   "At what point do I know for certain that we are equal partners versus you deciding all on your own?"

"We talk about it first," he replied quietly. "We talk about it...and then we can decide."

"Really?" I asked skeptically. "Because the last time we talked about it, nothing I said made a difference. At the very least, I wanted to argue my case against it with Armand, but you wouldn't even do that for me! Something so small and insignificant as a conversation and you refused to even open your mouth to Armand." Memories of that horrid time and his rejection to even try washed over me, pushing my anger higher. "I was being held captive for fucks sake! Made to do something against my will. It was never my choice to mate with Alaric. Armand may have made the ancient treaties in the beginning, but your choice not to even have a conversation with him was proof that you much so that you scolded me for even considering running away to my freedom, and you knew General Raed was put in charge of me so that I could not escape the destiny you had decided for me."

Suddenly, some Alaric said flashed through my mind, almost stopping my breath in my throat. "Cage, did you know that Alaric would force me during our ceremony if I couldn't willingly agree to have sex with him?"

Pain swept over his expression as he stood frozen, unable to deny the bitter truth.

"No..." I whispered, struggling with the loss of air in my lungs, "You were willing to watch him rape me?"

"I hated it." He swallowed thickly. His hands clenched into fists, the muscles bulging in his arms. "I prayed it wouldn't come to that, and I hated every second of it."

I was so stunned, I didn't know what to say. How had I not recognized this truth before? Alaric was well aware of the protocol, and Cage in all of his sacrifice to duty would have known it as well. It was all too plain now. Drowning in my own heartache and pain, my mind must have buried the stunning revelation, but clearly, my subconscious had not forgotten, given my distrust of Cage today.

"Please listen to me," he whispered, agony palpable in his voice. "My heart and soul were torn apart."

"But don't you see how that makes it so much worse?" I tried to get him to understand. "If you can sacrifice your very soul and my freedom out of duty to kingdom, what else is there to say? I know where I stand with you, and it is not first. And when I disagree with you in the future, will you have General Raed on hand to forcibly take my choices away again like you did before? You said it killed you but you still did it."

Cage shook his head and swallowed thickly, "I don't want it to be like that."

"I needed to be the one to change Talon. It had to be me. I can't give you a reason other than I just know it in my heart. It was Talon's destiny for it to be me. This was one of those times that was too important for me to take any chances with the outcome.  If I had brought it up to you and you had disagreed, I'm not convinced that you wouldn't have forced your will in the matter and disregarded my words just like you did to me before, whether it be because of the law I didn't know about or just your disagreement in the matter.   Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, whether or not to change Talon and whether or not it was me that did it, was so much less important than you casting me aside and giving me to another man. If you could do that, then don't you see how easy it is for me to think this way and not trust you?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry, Tigru," he muttered. "I never want you to feel like you aren't the most important person in my life or that your opinion doesn't matter because it does. You mean everything to me."

Crossing the room, I stood in front of him. "Can you promise me right now that you will never take away my will again, even if my choice goes against one of your laws?"

"Yes." He gathered me into his arms and dropped his head to whisper in my ear, "I swear it to you on my life."

I clutched him tightly.  I'd suffocated the feelings of betrayal after he'd forcibly given me to Alaric. I hadn't said anything because I'd known he had also been hurt. But if I continued to bury and sacrifice my own pain, it would not just go away.  I realized now that moments that significant didn't just resolve on their own. 

And even though we'd made progress in this conversation, I wasn't one hundred percent convinced that Cage would be able to go against his duty and honor if faced with another decision because those characteristics were so ingrained in him. They were his very identity.

Cage kissed my hair and exhaled softly. The silence around us attested to the truth. For now, we'd both said everything we had to say. Only the future would reveal the true outcome.

Moving on to a lighter subject, Cage murmured, "If I know anything, I am certain Talon is going to make an exceptional vampire. I don't know if he was just predisposed to the change or if he is different because you changed him, but he is strong."

I looked up in surprise. "What do you mean?"

He continued wryly, "His body had filled out with all sorts of muscles. He looks like a fucking beast."

My eyes widened. Cage grinned. I didn't miss the note of pride in his voice as he explained, "I know of only a handful of vampires that compare to his level of core strength.  And that is without training. With training, he is going to be deadly.  I pity any

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