chapter twenty seven - EMPTY THE SHELF

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*stares at the photo* (the one above, not mine)

*clicks accept* *nothing happened*

*click's again* *nothing happens, again*







*nothing happened*

*curls up on the floor and cries* 

WHYYYYY!?!? Why won't it work!

Nice to talk to you guys once again. I am sorry for not updating I had writers block. IT'S SO ANNOYING!!!! Like, I know what I want the chapter to be about, but the second I sit down in front of the computer my mind would go blank. I swear EVEN A LOG WOULD HAVE BETTER IDEAS!!!! After a lot of suffering and even coming up with a poem about writers block I CAME UP WITH THIS!!!!

I also managed to get sick... it was not fun! I felt like a dead fish in a radioactive lake.


... WAIT! I ALMOST FORGOT! Today's question: what is your weirdest/stupidest childhood fear and is there a reason for it? (blanket covers, yep, you read that correctly. The reason for it was because I once went inside a blanket cover to hide myself (in a 'hide and catch' game) almost like hide and seek but not quite, and I got stuck. That moment scared me so much, so until I turned 6–7 I didn't dare to go near blanket covers in fear it would eat me!!! I got over that specific fear when I was seven or six, not sure, my memory is failing me. it might have even been eight or nine, but I don't really think so) 

-(Y/n) P.O.V 

After I greeted Clover silence overcome the room. It was very uncomfortable. To break the silence between me and the bitty's I decided to speak "who is hungry?". "we are!!!" said Cherry and Edgy in unison. Their posture changed into a happy and energetic one in seconds. "What would you like Clover?" I asked Clover since he seemed not so enthusiastic about food as Cherry and Edgy. "s-spaghetti please...I-if you h-have I-it." Clover replied shyly. I smiled and nodded. 

I stood up and outstretched my hands so the three little guys could climb up. Edgy and Cherry instantly knew what I wanted them to do so they walked over and both settle themselves on my arm. Clover just stared at my outstretched hand, waiting for...something. "(Y/n) wants you to climb onto their hand, dump ass" Edgy said to Clover in a rude tone. Clover quickly nodded to Edgy as a reply and ran over to my palm. 

I gave Edgy a glare, making Edgy shrink in my gaze. I took my eyes off Edgy and started walking over to the kitchen. 

When I entered the kitchen I left the bitty's on the counter next to one of the shelves stuffed with snacks and sweets. I decided to put some trust in the bitty's and leave them there while I made some spaghetti for the four of us.

~~~Time skip brought to you by the author because they don't know how to cook spaghetti~~~ (Still your P.O.V)

I was just placing the plates on the table, laughing to myself of how silly it looked to see three small plates next to a huge one. I was just about to bring the bitty's to the table when I heard a crash.

I quickly turned around, ready for any disaster. When I looked into the direction of the crash I saw a quite hilarious and shocking sight: Cherry was standing under a shelf, covered in crumbs and bags of chips. He had a guilty look and he also looked like he was about to cry. Edgy was on top of an empty shelf that was previously filled with snacks and sweets. There were beads of sweat visible on his forehead and his facial expression was of someone that knows that they just made a very poor life's decision. Clover was just standing on top of a deflated chip bag. He was scanning my facial expression, trying to understand how badly he messed up and how bad his punishment could be.

I just stared at the bitty's with a blank look (-_-) as they nervously stared back at me, sweating and silently pleading that they will survive the punishment they probably will get for messing up the clean kitchen.

I opened my mouth slowly making every bitty flinch, they probably expect to be yelled at. Instead of yelling I start laughing. I clutch my stomach and almost tip over from laughter.

The bitty's exchange a worried and confused glances before Edgy decided to speak "A-are we I-in trouble?". His expression was PRICELESS!!! He looked like a little confused puppy that was expecting to be scolded but instead got a treat.

After couple of try's to collect myself from my laughing fit I finally succeeded. "no guy's, you are not in trouble... but you do need a bath though" I said, still snickering.

I saw all the bitty's give a sigh of relief. I grabbed the three dirty bitty's and started walking into the bathroom. 

"but, if you ever do that again i'll make sure my punishment will be worse than anything you ever experienced" 


I decided to end the chapter here so I could at least publish something

hope you enjoyed

I am sorry for all the spelling mistakes and the improper grammar, it is ok to correct me if you feel like it

If you have ideas or requests for future chapters you may comment them, I will gladly read all of your ideas!!!

 If there is something that you didn't understand just tell me and I will gladly explain it to you


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