chapter thirty Six - Impossible

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Have nothing really to say expect that my sleeping schedule is completely out of order XD! 

AAAAAAAAAAAAND TODAYS QUESTION IS!!! If you could choose what was written on your grave! What would it be? ('I have finally gotten the best sleep ever, one were you don't have to wake up!' yeah, I know, a little dark. BUT HEY, WE HAVE A NEW CHAPTER!)

-(Y/n) P.O.V

It has been three days since I got sick, and I am getting better every second! Edgy, Clover and Cherry did everything they could to cure me faster from my cold, believing that I still would die, no matter how much I assured them. Though... they couldn't really do that much because of their size, but they're trying. That's what counts, right?

In my opinion, I was already perfectly healthy at the moment and could go back to work tomorrow morning! But Edgy and Cherry kept being worry warts and made me stay at home one extra day just to be sure. So I guess no work tomorrow!

At the moment I was in my bed, watching movies on Netflix from my computer screen. Edgy was on the night stand behind me, chewing on the pencils that were present to him, I gave up on telling him to stop after the 5th time saying it. Cherry was on top of my head staring at the screen, his ribcage/stomach was resting against my head, his fist were bawled up around the strings of my hair, to prevent him from falling off. And lastly, Clover was next to me, calmly reading a book.

I heard rattling and grunts from outside, a couple of curses mixed into the noise. I felt a chill going down my spine. I looked at the time and noticed that it was already seven in the evening, far to late for someone to visit.

I started to ask my self questions. 'who is at the door? Why are they at the door? There is no reason for someone to be at my door. WHAT IF IT'S A ROBBER!? But maybe it's just a kid being stupid?'

I did not have many guesses but I let my brain come to the conclusion that it could be a robber. Better be paranoid than sorry, right?

I quickly reached under my bed and grabbed the black hockey stick that was next to a pair of ice skates. I am so glad I forgot to store my Christmas gear in the attic and left it in my room under the bed.

I put my phone into the pocket of my black hoodie, I made sure that I could call the police number with only one click if necessarily.

I took my black hood and pulled it over my head. I Grabbed the three nervous looking bitty's and placed them inside my hood so I would not need to search for them if needed.

I tightened my grip on the hockey stick and left my room. The noise from the outside started to get louder. For some weird reason, the hallway light flickered, only making the situation seem even more scary.

I decided to get some speed and than slide to the other side of the hallway, making me surprisingly fast and silent. I opened the door to the living room and left it open, could not risk the noise that it may cause from closing.

The light in the room was still turned on. Luckily, I had no windows in said room, so, without any risk, I turned off the lights. 

I went to the door and went to the opposite side from the hinges. I held up the hockey stick and waited for the person on the other side to do something. 

Something meaning that I was waiting for the person outside to indicated that they are a threat or harmless.

I felt my heart beat increase every single second I was standing there. Clovers and Cherry's bones were rattling, signalling that they were scared. I could tell that Edgy was scared too, but since he was hugging my neck so tightly, he managed to prevent himself from rattling. I could almost laugh, imagining Edgy denying later that he was ever searching for comfort and be the little tsundere that he appears to be.

 After about two minutes of waiting, the door slammed open and hit the wall. 'good dog, I'm glad that I was on the other side of the hit' I thought as I held my breath to stop myself from making any sounds of breathing. Indicating that I was there and not part of the shadows

I saw someone walk into the house. Their appearance were similar to mine, black sweatpants and a black hoodie that covered the top of their head. Only difference in our appearance was probably the black gloves that covered the guys hands and the fact that the guy seemed that he was not armed. Doesn't mean he can't have a gun under his sweatshirt!

I tightened my grip and brought the hockey stick up. I swigged the hockey stick like a bat and hit the guy on the back of his head with force that matched a baseball player. The potential burglar fell down to the ground with a pained grunt and a painful sounding thud.

I could feel that Clover, Edgy and Cherry were not just scared, they were absolutely petrified, to be honest, me too. If they had lungs, I'm sure that they would not be able to use them at the moment, because it seemed I could not use mine. 

I sighed as I shakily put down the hockey stick. I took a deep breath and after counting to three I released it, making my lungs active again. I dropped the stick to the ground.

I slowly neared the unconscious body, my breath stuck in my throat once again as I kneeled down and stretched out my hand. I pulled the hood off the man so I would be revealed of his identity.

As I saw the face of the man on the ground I quickly retracted my hand. I covered my mouth with both of my hands in shock and choked out a sob. My eye's were already stinging in mere seconds. I felt the cold, salty tears that poured out of my eyes enter my mouth through the small gaps formed in my hand's. 

And you may wonder who the man in front of us is. The man who entered our house without our consent. The man that is currently unconscious on our  living room floor. The man that brought tears to our eye's in mere seconds of just being seen.

And the man Is....


Well, how about that for suspense!?

Sorry, I got a message from a friend that my book needs, a little more "excitement" in it. SO IS THIS ENOUGH EXCITEMENT FOR YA? 

So! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and we will see each other again! Hopefully very soon!

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