chapter thirty four - Fourth Wall Broken

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Welcome, welcome my friends. How do you do?

This chapter's name is mostly based on a request that I got from @Creepy9Pink in a chapter (I STILL REMEMBER IT!!!). ... hope you like it Pink-Pink!

Today's question: what is your favourite song (I have way to many to choose from. I basely like every Nightcore that has drums and/or a guitar and a fast beat ex. she wants me dead, I'll sleep when I am dead, Policeman [I was totally listening to those songs while making this chapter])


- (Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up to Cherry and Clover both snuggling into my stomach. I smiled, they looked so cute and innocent.  My smile faltered when I noticed that Edgy was not with me at the moment. 

I looked around franticly in a search for Edgy, but I did not see him, instead I spotted a bouquet of dandelions and a note. I got confused, where did this come from? For a second a panicked question crossed my mind, 'WHAT IF EDGY ESCAPED AGAIN?!'. I reached for the note that was under the flowers. The note was a plain white pice of paper. I unfolded the folded the white paper. Before I read what it said I mentally prayed that it was not a good bye note.  I read the words that were written on the note.

I am sorry for biting you  ~Edgy

The written words were in a very sloppy hand writing, and I mean VERY sloppy. I could barely read the text. I was confused, that was it. Nothing more, nothing less was written there. In a worried state I moved Cherry and Clover off of me and on top of the couch. I quickly stood up and started searching in every room for the tiny skeleton.

I walked towards the kitchen, the last room I have yet to check. I grabbed the handle and slowly opened the door. I was relived that Edgy was in the room, I giggled and covered my mouth as I noticed the empty mustard packets that were in front of Edgy. He was mostly clean, just a little of splatters of mustard surrounded his mouth. 

I neared the counter and cupped my hand beside Edgy. He first looked at my hand then at my face, he huffed and looked away, but still stepped into my hand. I smiled and wiped the mustard off with my thumb. Edgy blushed and just looked away, making me giggle.

I turned to look at the clock and felt panic course through me, again. I WAS LATE... once again. I walked to the fridge, grabbed a pack of blueberries and walked out the kitchen and entered the living room. I grabbed the bitty's that occupied the couch and walked towards the exit of the house. I put on my jacket and shoes that was located near the door and left the house. 

The skies where grey and it looked like it was about to rain. I huffed and started walking to the store, Cherry, Edgy and Clover all in separate pockets. I was eating the berriers that I got from the fridge, and occasionally gave one or two to the bitty's.

When I finally reached the building I worked at I felt droplets of water landing on my jacket. I sighed and entered the building quickly before the rain picked up. I placed Edgy and Cherry in a pen, but when I tried to place Clover there too he refused to let go of me. I sighed and just let him be in my hood as I worked.

~~~Time skip~~~

My shift was finally over so I went to grab Cherry and Edgy so I could leave the store/adoption centre. as I was at the glass doors that stood right in the entrance I could see rain that was pounding towards the ground. I sighed and decided to put Clover, Cherry and Edgy in my inner pockets to protect them from the harsh rain. I put my hood up and finally left the store to go home. 

The falling water practically hammered my head. There was a cafe on the way home so I decided to grab a Hot Chocolate to warm myself up. I entered the cafe building and embraced the warmth with glee. I subtly shook off some of water that was still on me and went to order a large hot chocolate, I also asked for three small cups. Making the person at the cash register give me a weird look.

When my order came I thanked them for my hot chocolate and took a seat. The smaller cups where the size of a shot glasses. I smiled and poured some of my hot chocolate in the smaller cups. I took the bitty's out of their hiding spots and gave them each their own cup of hot chocolate.

All four of us drank our drinks, we would talk occasionally but mostly just sat in silence, enjoying the warmth that we got from our drinks. When we finished our drinks the rain has already weakened greatly and the skies have gotten brighter. I smiled and was ready to leave, but then I heard an unpleasantly familiar voice, I just could not remember why the voice was familiar.

"I CAN'T believe this place! Is THIS what you call an Espresso!? This Place is just such a dump!"

My eyes widened as I realised who the voice belonged to 'ISN'T THAT CHERRY'S OLD OWNER!?' I thought to myself. I did not want to be apart of this, so I decided to leave as quickly as I could. 

I left the cafe and started walking home. As I was walking by an ally way I was pushed into it and lost my balance. "Ugh! WHATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!" said a snobby voice, that belonged to the person I was trying to avoid. 

(ok, so this is where the request comes in...)

I was about to speak but my unsaid words were interrupted by a ripping noise located beside me and the fake blondie. 

I looked into the direction of the noise and saw something that looked like a rift, that lead into nothing. I saw someone on the other side that was nearing our side of the rift, it was a girl, with dark brown hair that reached her shoulders, she had brown eyes that suited perfectly with her tan skin. She was wearing a light pink shirt and white jeans that were ripped at it's ends, black sneakers with white shoelaces covered her feat.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the blonde bitch beside me, she looked just as confused as I am. the girl on the other side of the rift finally reached to our side, but she stumbled out of the hole that was in mid air and landed on the cement floor. She quickly stood up and brushed of the dust that covered her pants. She looked up towards us and her eyes widened. "HEH. I DID IT. I OFFICIALLY BROKE THE FORTH WALL!!! I actually broke into the story!" I felt very confused of the words that the girl said.

"Wait... what am I doing here again?" the unknown girl quickly asked her self. Her gaze looked at me and a slightly unsettling grin reached her features as she looked at the blond beside me. "ooooh riiiiiight~ there was someone that needed to be taught a lesson~" she said in a sing-song voice. 

I mentally prayed that she was not talking to me as I made a side step away from the-former owner-of-Cherry. I saw the girl from the other dimension reach into the rift and pull out a baseball bat with spiked nailed into it's tip. The girl beside me quickly turned around and started walking away, the song 'fuck this shit, I'm out' rang in my ears as I looked at her walking figure. "HEY! GET BACK HERE! y0O St1lL HaVe t0 PaY f0R Y0Ur eArNeD S1Ns 1n HuRtInG ChErRy!" the browned haired girl yelled and started to run after the blonde girl that was trying to retreat from the scene. How the last sentence turned into the demonic voice unsettled me greatly. 

I decided to just ignore this and walk home. I do not know what happened next, I just went home. I kinda hoped that I would not have to find out any time soon.

but deep inside, we all know, we hoped that she will suffer 

this took me way longer than planned... I had to look through every comment to find the description on how Pink looked like again...

welp, hope you enjoyed this chapter and... Pink? you can do anything you want with her, let your imagination go wild


Wait... I am forgetting something....

OH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S FINALLY SUMMER VACATION OVER HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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