My father

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Chapter 8

(Y/n) sat alone in her dorm. It was about two am, but the girl couldn't sleep. Her mind wandered and she wasn't able to grab onto a single thought, eventually, she gave up and started reading.

Her phone rang next to her as she read her book. It was her father. She knew what he wanted and decided not to answer. Eventually, the ringing stopped only to be started again.

She eventually thought it would be better to switch it off. Just as she was about to she accidentally hit the wrong button.

"(Y/n) I've been worried sick why aren't you responding?" His voice filled the silent room.

"What do you want?" She seconded with a sigh.

"Don't take that tone with me! Are you studying well? Make sure you're following the rules! You know you won't be anything in life without a hero's license. Your mother and I didn't pass on our quirks to you for nothing! Do what you're told and answer the phone when I call you!" The old man ranted on and on.

The girl quickly grew tired of it and ended the call. She shut off her phone and threw it across her bed. She quickly grabbed her book and walked out of the room.

To not disturb the others on her level she quietly made her way to the other side of the building. She stopped in front of Bakugou's room. Knowing that he was asleep she quietly placed her hand on the doorknob and turned it. To her surprise, it was unlocked.

She knew it was a bit weird to walk into someone's room without their permission but she didn't want to be alone. Her eyes darted to his desk as she made her way over. As quietly as she could she placed her book on the desk and sat in his chair to continue reading. As the hours passed, she was finally able to fall asleep.

Bakugou woke up to his alarm and looked towards his right to see someone at his desk. He jumped but then realized who it was. He rose from his bed and walked over to her. (Y/n) had her head on the desk with a hand on the last page she left off of.

He almost thought she looked cute.


I feel as though Bakugou is too "perfect" to leave his door unlocked but it's not my fault if he gets murdered in his sleep.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Feedback is always welcomed!

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