Chapter Twenty Six

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Ashton's POV***

        When we finally landed in Boston, the look on her face got even brighter than it had been on the way here... if that was even possible. She practically pranced through the airport as we were walking out, and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at how cute she looked being this excited.

She rushed to the first Dunkin' Donuts that we passed as we walked, insisting that it 'tasted better here'. I highly doubted it, but I knew that even if it didn't taste any different I would play along just to make sure that the beaming smile she was wearing stayed right where it was.

When we were finally outside, we were immediately submerged into the cold air and beeping cars, but if you were only judging off of her face you would have thought we were in wonderland. She put a hand on my arm to get my attention as she stopped in her place and took in a deep breath as if smelling the air. My arm tingled from her touch, even now practically a year after we met.

"Do you smell that?" She asked, her eyes closed.


"No. It smells like home," she countered, and I shot her a really weird look as she took my hand in hers and practically yanked my arm off as she pulled me along.

The entire time in the back of the taxi, she played tour guide. It seemed like everything we passed somehow had historical significance or was a place she loved to hang out by. I didn't really listen, though. Not because I wasn't interested, but because I could barely focus on anything other than the pure excitement in her eyes. I kept my arm resting on her thigh as she continued rambling on.

Apparently our hotel was in a part of the city that she claimed was the best for food, so she already had a hundred different plans in her mind to chose from before we even got to the hotel. I couldn't help but chuckle as she did that weird smell-the-air thing one more time. I didn't know what she was smelling- the air honestly didn't smell the greatest. I wasn't complaining, though. This was the most excited I had been in a while, too.

Once we made it into our hotel room, she leapt onto the bed and started jumping up and down like a five-year-old. She let out a giggle as she let herself fall down into it, and I chuckled as I put my stuff down in the corner.

"We have the best friends. How did we get such good friends?" She flipped onto her stomach to look at me, her legs up behind her and her chin resting on her hands. "Do we even deserve them?"

"Probably not," I admitted with the same smile I hadn't been able to wipe off my face this whole time.

My heart felt a different kind of full as she gazed up at me- a light in her eyes that I had rarely ever gotten a glimpse of. All I could think about was how much I loved her, so much that it almost hurt.

"This is perfect," she giggled again and rolled back onto her back, laying out like a starfish on the queen sized bed.

I couldn't help but fall down onto the bed with her, resting the back of my head on her stomach and looking up at the ceiling. My lips stretched into a grin as she naturally began playing with my hair- probably without even realizing she was doing it.

"Isn't the ceiling so pretty," she commented, and I laughed, looking up to her as she remained staring at the ceiling with a timeless smile painted on her perfect face.

I decided against all the cheesy replies my brain instantly came up with, and instead moved so that I was on top of her. Our faces centimeters apart, we smiled at each other for a moment or two before I leaned in and locked my lips on hers.

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Crystal's POV ***

        "Damn. Damnnn you look good," I continued to compliment Ashton as he sat across from me at the table. I had been relentlessly showering him with compliments for the past ten minutes, which since he hated being complimented, left him chuckling yet again and turning slightly red as he shook his head.

"Stop saying that," he tried to look serious, shooting me a warning glare.

"But why would I stop if you look so damn handsome? Like shit this is my boyfriend right here," I continued to hype him up, finally letting myself laugh as he rolled his eyes and took a long sip of his water.

For dinner, I had finally decided on taking him to one of the best Italian restaurants in Boston, which since we were staying near the North End, our hotel was right around.

My mom and I used to come here a lot when we would have 'mother-daughter dates' away from the guys. Thinking about it, surprisingly, didn't make me sad. It might have been the first time since everything happened that I actually thought of a memory from Boston and didn't immediately get sad and hide it away.

Something about seeing Ashton in one of my favorite restaurants from my past made me realize on a deeper level that my past wasn't something I necessarily had to run from, or hide.. I could move forward without shoving it down and away. This of course was easier said than done, but at least I was now starting to say it.

"It's so cool seeing you here," I told him after the waitress gave us our bread. "It's like your a part of my other world now, or my whole world I should say. This feels almost like seeing you meet my family." I humored with a smile.

Ashton had looked like a little boy in the airport on the way here. He, of course, was trying with all his might to keep his straight, stoic expression... but there was no hiding his child-like awe from me. It didn't surprise me in the least, I mean he hadn't been on a plane in so long, I didn't even think he remembered what it felt like.

Seeing him a little nervous on the way up in the plane was a cute as hell, but I let him keep his weird pride and didn't let onto this as he held onto my hand for subtle support.

And now, as we sat here at dinner, I couldn't take my eyes off of Ashton. My Ashton. My favorite person, in my favorite city..

My heart felt so goddamn warm.

He was wearing one of his nice button-ups, his hair the usual effortless perfection that it was. He had replied to me, but if I was being perfectly honest, I hadn't heard it. The corners of his lips turned up into a grin after a few more moments.

"It would be great if you stopped smiling at me like a crazed psycho," he joked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Well then stop looking so good," I countered. "How are you liking Boston?" I wiggled my eyebrows a little.

We had spent our time before dinner just walking around, checking out shops I had liked and buying as much Boston Sports merchandise as I could fit on him. He had tried to object at first, but he quickly withdrew his objection when he saw my threatening glare.

'Kev and Eli are gonna kill me for wearing this shit,' he had said after I bought him a Patriots beanie and forced him to put it on. I had simply replied by telling him that the hat suited him, and dragged him to the next place mercilessly.

"It's great, it's kind of cold though.. the west coast is definitely better," he answered, and I shook my head to disagree.

"You're just saying that because your a Californian... it's a fact that the East Coast is superior," I told him and he raised his eyebrows as I took a sip of my drink.

"Oh ya? Says who?"

"Says me," I winked.

When our food arrived, I almost let out a moan just at the smell. I had gotten my favorite pasta, and my Italian side was immediately in heaven as it was placed in front of me.

"So what do you want to do with your future?" I asked casually, then quickly realized that that was not a very casual question. I looked up at him warily but he didn't hesitate as he replied.

"Not entirely sure, but whatever it is it involves you and a ring that I currently can't even fathom affording," he said, and laughed before smiling at him as he looked up to meet my gaze. I hoped he could sense the love that was radiating off of me. The small smile now on his face made me think that maybe he had.

• • •

I leaned into Ashton's warmth as we laid there, letting the steady rising and falling of his chest lull me to sleep. His embrace felt like a deep sea of blankets and hugs that I was utterly engulfed in under the sheets.

"Do you ever get scared of being happy?" He asked softly, also pretty tired. I kept my eyes closed as I answered, my fingers softly drawing circles on his chest.

"All the time. I used to much more, though. The downfalls seem a lot less daunting now that I have someone to free fall with," I replied, and I looked up to see him smile a little at that, "We're just dancing in the rain these days.. no need to be afraid of the inevitable clouds that are gonna pop up."

"You and your clouds," he commented, and I chuckled, repositioning myself to snuggle in even further into him as he wrapped his arms around me again, holding me close.

"I like the rain," he matter-of-factly thought out loud.

"I like you," I replied, feeling myself growing more and more tired with each word.

"Well, that's good to know, thanks," he said and I smiled, a little too tired to muster the energy of an actual laugh.

A few minutes later, I was just about to officially fall asleep when he spoke again, his voice low and sleepy.

"We gotta take our kids to that restaurant one day."

My heart started beating like crazy, and I smiled. I couldn't get to sleep for a little while after that.

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Eli's POV ***

"Let's fucking GOOO!!" Kevin hollered from the other room, running past me one second later and towards the door. I watched him swing it open and scoop Ali up in his arms as she let out an excited laugh. I smiled to myself as I finished laying out the cups.

Scarlett and Savanah were in the other room putting up various halloween decorations and streamers. I had told them it was pointless and that they would just get torn down at some point, but they simply waved me away and kept putting them up.

Kevin and Ali had dressed up as the 'modern Bonnie and Clyde', and as much as I wanted to make fun of Kevin for the cheesiness of a couple's costume, they actually pulled it off really well.

I was guessing that everyone would start getting here in about another half an hour or so, and Layla still hadn't gotten here. Checking my phone, I saw that she had texted me saying she'd be a little late because she forgot to get ready and had to bring Jake to his friends house for the night.

I realized as people started showing up that this was the first party of mine that Layla was coming to. And I was excited, but a part of me was a little nervous. I didn't know why this was, and I figured it was probably nothing, so I brushed off any of these nerves and just focused on the excitement.

I had sent Crystal and Ashton to Boston because they really did deserve it, and we all wanted them to have fun, not just me. I didn't do it to have more alone time with Layla..

But maybe with Ashton gone I could afford to let loose just a little more. Maybe. Possibly.

I let the grin on my face shift to a friendly smile as I walked toward to door to let people in as they arrived.

Well, this night would be fun.

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Hey guys!!

[insert evil smirking devil emoji here]

Next chapter coming very soon ;) muahaha

QOTD: What are you dressing up as for Halloween?? (Or what would you have if it weren't for the pandemic)

>>> Beetlejuice but make it ~feminine~

Be kind, Be safe, and wash your hands!

And of course stay beautiful,
Briella <3

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