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Yeonjun was arranging his room properly ,there schedules has been tight throughout the past whole 2 months , but  now he got some leisure time for himself , so he decided to clear his room .

Except beomgyu , every one else had gone out for their reasoning .

Beomgyu was under the weather so he stayed in , maybe he was taking nap , yeonjun guess.

Yeonjun inhaled deeply , feeling sense of satisfaction when his room was  neatly organized .

"Ma ur son did it " he dramatically falls onto the neatly organized bed . The  softness under him made him want to doze of , but .

Beomgyu ? He needed to check on his stupid . Yeonjun lazyly stood up and stroll towards the younger room .

He slowly peeked inside, the room was dark which indicates younger was asleep .

He slowly cracked the door  open completely , and came near beomgyu , who was sleeping peacefully under the cover , cuddling with bolster .

He gently brushes the bangs away from beomgyu's forehead , temperature normal , 'thats  good let him sleep' , he thought

As he was about to leave the room , he heard the vibration sound from beomgyu's phone , he looked to see who was calling him

" Heeseung " yeonjun whisper under his breath . 'Any emergency ? Should he pick up the call ? ' He wondered  but choose not to .

Not more than a second the phones went slient , only to start  ringing again , but now it was his phone

He fished out his phone and frowned seeing the caller ID ," heeseung ? Why he is calling me ? " Odd , they haven't called in decades .

Without further thoughts he picks up the call , his gut feels something uneasy .

" Hee " he called out cautiously .

He could hear heeseung mutter ,' thank god ' under his breath ," hyung , it's an emergency. The manager is unconscious . I need help " heeseung rushed his words .

Yeonjun frown , what ? He could hears the youngers uneven breath and  panting sounds .

Something is wrong .

Heeseung was not the person who ask help from others , also he seeking help seems odd .  Plus , the manager being unconscious ? What's going on ? , He frown to his own confused question.

When yeonjun realise he was to in to his head while hee was waiting for his response  , he quickly voice out . "Where are you? I'll come right away." While saying he starts to grabbing his car keys and shoes to reach younger .

He got the  location from younger , it shows they were at the  company building .

If they were in company building why heeseung was not seeking help from the workers there or  his team members ? He need to hurry than trying to connect the puzzle , only when he reach their he would get answer for all of his doubts .

"Hang in there," Yeonjun said gently , "I'm on my way. Just hold on a little longer, can u do that for me sweatheart?" He could hear the younger's uneven breath .

He knew younger was nodding on other side , he stayed on the phone with younger while  driving , he could here several sighs and shaky breath from younger ." Just keep talking to me , anything or whatever u want , ur not alone , I'm almost there"

For few minutes , yeonjun didn't hear any response from the younger, and he panicked thinking something happened .

" Hee , babe , r u with me ?" He checked the call , it was not disconnected .

He dunoo how many traffic rules he had break or going to break today .

His heart beat was raising ," take to me don't be silent , I'm getting anxious" he urged , he was literally driving like maniacs , overtaking every vehicle in his way , his knuckles turn white from gripping the steering wheel so tightly .

" Hyung " a soft , fragile voice came out from younger and yeonjun breath in relief younger was concisous .

" Yes , love "he responded , he horn loudly when one small child came infront his car to pick his fallen toy . Hearing his horn the child shuddered violently seeing this yeonjun mouth "sorry'' to the child and , sped off .

" I'm scared " his voice wavered .

Yeonjun don't know what heeseung was going through but right now he have to be there for him ," I know , sweetie . U r not alone hang on there I'm almost near the company."

" Come fast hyung , he's getting his conscious back " heeseung panicked , when he saw the managers fingers slightly moving .

Now yeonjun was even more confused , wasn't heeseung was asking help for the unconscious manager ? Then why he was  panicking when he saw the manager was moving ? , Yeonjun heart was pounding against his chest , he could feel his oncoming headache from his heavy thoughts .

" I can't face him , I not ... Plz " heeseung begin to hyperventilate , he can't , his whole body was going to shut down heeseung could feel it ," hyung , I can't " heeseung whispers , his voice filled with fear and exhaustion .

" Nothing will happen ,just  focus on my voice' yeonjun could feel , heeseung was going black out ," evey thing is going to be okay " he reasurred him , and trying to calm his own racing thoughts to .

" Mm " heeseung moan and whispering with  his little strength ," I'll...... try" finished each words with lots of struggle .

" Good , that's good , u r doing great , love" yeonjun could see the company building in his far view ," I'm there , will reach u in a minute "

With that he sped up towards the building , he know he have to be strong for heeseung , know matter what was awaiting for him inside , let hope nothing big was awaiting ,but  even his own thoughts were betraying  him as he tries to stay optimistic .

Yeonjun parked his car carelessly near the company and dashed inside , his heart pounding inside his heart , he strumble on the way to were heeseung was , he finally reached the door and tried to open it , only to find it was locked from the inside .

" What the freaking ?" He muttered angrily,  hitting on  the door and shouts for heeseung ,"heeseung , r u inside ? Why it's locked from inside ?"

Yeonjun heard a faint voice," break it , hyung"

Yeonjun nodded and called out ," move aside if u are near the door"

He stepped back a few steps , took a deal breath to gather his strength and charged at the door with all his might , slamming his against it , the impact shudder his whole body ," damn it !"he cursed , he need to hit the Gym later , stepping back again to give another try .

" Hyung" it came so smuch weaker this time , it makes his heart clench .

" Hold on " yeonjun yelled , with that he launched himself at the door again , this time with even more force . The door opened with a loud crash .

Yeonjun stumbled into the room , eyes immediately searching for heeseung and found him on the floor , his condition shake him to the core ,' oh lord , what did happened to him ' he wonder worriedly , mind and heart racing with fear and concern.

Heeseung was looking completely pale and frightened , hair disheveled , did I saw a slap mark on his cheek ? Seeing this , yeonjun's  blood begins to boil .

He rushed to his side and knelt before him ," hee , r u ok ? , ' R u stupid , differently he was not' , his brain quips .

Yeonjun tries to touch the slap mark on heeseung cheek , but heeseung moves way .

Heeseung flinches to  Yeonjun's touch and looked up at him in uncertain and fear , tears streaming down his face.  , whole body trembling ,"hyung"he whispered , his doe eyes show how scared he is , he know it's yeonjun hyung but his body was reacting on its own and flinching when hyung tries to touch him again .

Yeonjun stare at his shivering figure not knowing what to do , heeseung was not a touchy person , but flinching away from the touch is not sitting right in his gut .

Before he can ask anything , heeseung launched himself into his arm and stutter ,"S... Scared"

Yeonjun held Heeseung tightly, his own eyes welling up with tears , seeing him in a such fragile state . "It will be okay, Heeseung. I'm here now. You're safe ," he whispered, pulling him more in his arm .

While comforting heeseung , He looked around, seeing the unconscious manager stirring slightly, is that blood ?  The situation was far from resolved ,"what happened to him ?" He asked in shock , his eyes darting back to the man in his arms .

Hearing his question , he felt heeseung tense against him , heeseung didn't look at the manager, fully burying his head in the crook of yeonjun neck

"Please take me away... Please "he pleaded , his voice broken  before he fainted in yeonjun arms. Knowing he will be safe .

Yeonjun heart stoped for a second as he held heeseung limp body ," heeseung" he called out, tapping his cheek to make him wakeup , his voice was shaking , he needed to hurry .

He couldn't handle single handedly , also with  the bleeding manager so He quickly pulled out his phone  and dailed his manager, but he was not reachable .

With frustration , he dailed taehyun next , he recalled taehyun mentioning that he had to go to the company to fetch something ,

" Please be here " yeonjun mutter , his hand trembling as he held the phone to his ear .

The ringing seemed to last forever before taehyun finally answered .

" Taehyun , where r u ? Oh, in building ? ok , good ! , Come to the enhypen manager office . U will know when u get here . come fast! " with that, yeonjun ended the call and looked at heeseung , the sight of heeseung being so vulnerable is arching his heart .

He cradle his close to him , heeseung breath was stable " u're going to be ok " .

With in few minutes , taehyun come running inside and  ," hyung ?" He called and  flabbergastedly eyeing the scene infront of him .

Yeonjun breathed in relief , when taehyun reached them ,"we need to take heeseung to the hospital , tae ,  we also need to get this injured manager admitted."

"Can u hold heeseung ? I will check on the manager , I couldn't  do that while holding heeseung in my arm " yeonjun said with urgency .

Taehyun knelt beside them and carefully took heeseung hyung into his arms , when heeseung was safe in taehyun arm , yeonjun stroll towards the unconscious manager , who seemed to have  briefly gained conscious earlier but immediately black out again due to  blood loss .

Before he could reach the manager , taehyun Stopped him," wait hyung " .

Yeonjun confusingly , turn around and face taehyun with a frown ," what? Why did u stop me ? we need to hurry !"

Taehyun stare at him for a few moment and said ,"I have seen heeseung hyung being so quite and fidgeting around this manager during some shows " he confessed .

Yeonjun raised a eyebrow and demand, "Explain properly , tae , we don't have time  nor I  have enough brain cell to solve ur puzzle words"

Taehyun took a deep breath and began, "I dunno anything what was going between them ,but one thing I'm sure of is that this manager was not a man he appears to be . By looking this state and their condition,  I'm damn sure something big happened here , so don't touch him or try to get him conscious, u can see he is alive and that's enough for now " and look his surroundings for something , when his gaze caught what he was searching .

He once more turn  his gaze back to his confused yet slowly  realising the thing hyung ," you see the camera in the corner , right ? We need the full footage of what happened here "

Yeonjun brain clicked what possible thing may happened here ," u mean .... Do u think he tried .... ?" His voice trailed off , unable to finish his hunch .

Taehyun shrugs ," don't know , buttt if  yess , do u think this manager needs a proper treatment ?" he utter darkly .

Yeonjun clenched his jaw , the thought of heeseung was being .... Make his blood boil.

Without another word ,Taehyun carried the unconscious heeseung to the couch and placed him gently on it , making sure he was comfortable .

Yeonjun rushed to the get the footage on this particular room from the security room . He fumble with the keyboards and the controls , his hands were shaking in anticipation .

Finally , he got the footage with that he returned to the room , closing the door behind him .

Taehyun looked up to him , yeonjun nod the head , holding up the pendrive to taehyun ." We got the footage , let's see what happened here."

He connects the pendrive to the laptop , and they both gathered around the screen , hearts heavy with anticipatation .

The footage was infront of them , they only have to only click to know what happened . Both exchanged glances before going to start the video , ready to uncover the truth behind heeseung's condition .

Before they can click the video , they heard a knock at the door ,"heeseung hyung r u inside ?" They know this voice .

Sunoo .

Sunno continues ," Hyung, after finishing my shoot , I noticed ur call and called back, but u didn't answered . So , I came to company thinking u should be here and one of the senior said he saw you inside  , if u r inside , answer me "

Taehyun and yeonjun tense , but they know heeseung members  were the one who should know what happened so , taehyun stood up from his seat and opened the door for sunoo .

Sunoo was about to knock again but suddenly opened, he looked up supsrised to see taehyun instead of heeseung ,"hyung , what r u doing here?"

"U good Hyung?" Sunoo concern lacing his voice as he noticed the tense expression on his face .

Taehyun blinks , then said," come in , u will know"

He gave sunno space to enter , sunoo frown at his answer.

As he entered confusingly , and stopped in his track upon noticing yeonjun hyung inside and taking in the condition inside, things were knocked over , like a fight has held inside .

When his eye roamed inside , they landed  on the figure lying in the couch . when he realise it was heeseung hyung, he  rushed to his  side .

" What happened to him !? Why he was lying here !? And who the hell dare to slap him! ? " he demanded , his voice was raising in anger .

He gently traced the slap mark on his hyung's delicate skin , his fingers trembling with with anger and concern ,"who ever did this is gonna pay"he vowed , his voice low and menacing .

Taehyun and yeonjun stood with eyewidened , they had never seen sunoo like , he was sunshine to all , the one who was bright and shine even in the cloudy days .

Yeonjun whisper to taehyun ,"I remember heeseung mentioning  to beomgyu that sunoo has many other side , one that come out when needed , I guess this is one of them "

Taehyun nodded slowly still in shock ,"I have not seen him so dark and intense"

Sunoo's eye blazing with fuzy when he faced them ," I asked some questions ?"he repeated , his voice carry an edge that demanded answer

Yeonjun gulp , it not the time to think about how hot  sunoo looked when he was angry , no trace of cuteness or shine . Ok enough , focus .

Yeonjun braced himself and begin to fill sunoo in on everything he knows .

After hearing only Sunoo notice the manager was lying unconscious with blood around him and on him .

They should been more careful , if they had means this might not have happened , sunoo  sighs , frustration and guilt weighing on him .

He need others here .

Before Sunoo could call them , heeseung phone rings .

Sunoo notice it was conference call with the rest of the members , he notice his own phone was died then he quickly took hyung's phone and attend it .

Before he can open his mouth ,

The concerned questions bombarbed in for heeseung from the other end of the call.

" Hyung , u called me earlier ? Do u want anything , on the way ? "

" Is any thing serious?"

" U called all of us?"

" We thought it was  urgent , so we decided to do a conference call"

"Except sunoo , cuz his phone was switched off"

Sunoo shake his head at their non stop questions, now he know how hyung felt when he was bombarbed by questions by them .

" Hey , it's sunoo here " slightly raising his voice to cut through the chaos ,and gave time for them to register, it was sunoo not their heeseung hyung .

When they calmed down he asked them to come over here .

All were present , video was going on .

As they watch , they clench their jaw in fury , vein popping out , once the video end , niki immediately launced towards the unconscious manager . He  grabbed him by the fist of hair , he was shuddering with rage.

" Cold water" He demand , voice sharp .

Sunghoon moved to the mini fridge inside the room , grabbing a cool water bottle .

" Here " he toasted the bottle towards niki , who caught it with ease and effortlessly .

Without a moment hesitation , he uncapped the cap with his thumb and pouring cold water over the managers bruised face .

The  icy and chill water splashed into the   manager's face , jerk awake and let out a pain hiss as the shock of cold water and combined with the throbbing pain in his head and whole body was paining , feels like his skull was going to splitting open under an unbearable pressure .

His eyes fluttering open , squirting against the brightness , and he frown when he felt an hard pull on his throbbing head and snapped open his eyes only to meet with many angry faces and notice niki was holding his hair tight .

As the realisation of the situation sank in , his eye widened in horror . Reality strike his hard , there is no escape for his doing .

He was damn , screwed ,  the dread settling deep in his gut , the silence in the room only weigh his oncoming doom .

Manager eye landed on heeseung , who was laying on the couch , seeing his beauty he smile with Malice and licked his lips .

They all notice how his  fear look turn in to something almost psychic when he eyed heeseung .

Sunno click his tongue  and clawed near the manager eye , like he was going to pull his eyeball out .

The manager didn't except this and wail in agony . The sound echoed the whole room .

" No !! ,  move ur nail from me  !!!" the manager begged .

All of them wanted to shut their eye from seeing such horrible scene , but they couldn't look away .

They  wanted to see the manager suffer, just as  heeseung suffered at his hand . Maybe more

Sunoo was not pulling his eye out but it felt like it ," do u want it ?."sunoo hissed , his voice dripping with mix of fake concern and venom

The manager whimpered, tears streaming down his face in agony, "no !, .. .. I mean ..... I need it , I'm sorry " he continued to apologize and begging him to leave him

Sunoo leaned closer , eye darken ,"sorry ? , U think that's enough , one sorry will vanish hyung's pain?" Sunoo took the pen from the table and point it to his eyelid , making the manager scream again ," do u feel it now ? The pain , the fear ?"

The pen was not touching his eye ball , but he know sunoo would

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