Chapter 29

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What a day!

The hours flew by in a blur. Grumpy Jeet and I worked on the details of the press kit that required changes.

Our conversation was strictly formal. Whenever I would try to joke or attempt to talk about the past three days, he would veer the subject of our conversation back to work. After a few attempts, I gave up and stuck to speaking strictly about the job at hand.

I realized that Jeet was a stickler for perfection. He noticed the smallest of details and made sure everything was done perfectly. He is very intelligent, he could calculate multiple complicated costs in his head and give the correct answer in a jiffy, while I was still struggling to punch in the numbers on my calculator.

I also noticed that he has a very sharp memory. He quoted articles from DeNote that were, I remember vaguely, published probably months ago, as well as knowing names of almost all the staff, despite him being here for only around a month.

I was low-key impressed at his extremely high level of intelligence.

It was almost six thirty and boy was I ready to go home and take a nice long shower and relax watching my current favorite Netflix series. Everyone else from my department has left for the day, though there are one or two guys from the other departments.


I look up from checking my handbag to ensure I have my phone, earphones, and other items I had taken out during the day.

"I can drop you home, I am going to Andheri and passing that way," he pushes his thick glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"No, it's alright. I can take the bus home. Thanks for the offer though," I pretend to check my wallet. Oh! now he wants to be nice? After being grumpy and aloof throughout the day. Hmmpff!!

"As you like. See you around." He does not wait for me to look up, as he walks towards the exit.

Oh damn!!!!! I forgot to withdraw money from the ATM during the lunch break. I gave the last change I had, for the bus ride in the morning.

The closest ATM is a 10-minute walk away and it will take me another 15 minutes to walk back to the bus stop. I could take an auto, but with evening traffic, the fare would be at least twice if not more than the regular fare. Its nearing the month end and my bank balance is already precariously low.

"Wait!" I call out to Jeet.

He stops and walks back towards me.

"What is it?" his face full of concern.

"I.. I would like to take you up on your offer of dropping me home," I say meekly.

He gives the smallest of smiles, before nodding his head. We head down in the elevator in silence. Inside the small confines of the elevator, Jeet's proximity is even more obvious and his sexy perfume is exhilarating. Mental images involving Jeet & me in very compromising positions inside the elevator, cross my mind. I can feel my face heating up at the unwanted thoughts. What is it with elevators and intimacy?

This is not a Fifty Shades scenario, I chide myself. I furtively glance in his direction. His hands are stuffed in his pocket and he is staring intently at the floor of the elevator.

Well he seems to be least affected. It gives me a reality check and I banish all naughty fantasies from my mind.

Jeet probably notices my movement. He looks at me giving that awkward smile, the one when two people have nothing to say. I awkwardly smile back.

"You did a fantastic job on this kit. Everyone is very happy with the result," he says, making me look at him in surprise. "Thanks, but it was because of your input." I reply.

"No," he shakes his head, "adding that unique pen stand was brilliant, and it was all your idea and the writeup of the promotional material is fantastic. You understood what was needed and delivered a perfect product."

I beam with pride at Jeet's words. Rarely have I received words of appreciation for my work, and for some reason coming from Jeet, made it more special.

"Thank you," I reply shyly.

We exit at the ground floor. Jeet walks towards the same nondescript sedan, that he came in to rescue me at the bus stop.

The same chauffeur as the last time, is waiting behind the wheel. Jeet holds open, the back door of the car for me to get in, which I do albeit a bit clumsily. He grabs my hand to hold me steady while I seat myself. This time I am sure he brushed his thumb against the back of my hand.

Jeet sits shotgun and gives my location to the chauffeur before we drive off. He does not make any attempt to initiate a conversation, therefore I break the uncomfortable silence.

"How do you get to use the company car to drop you?"

"You know why. I don't want anyone to know for another 2 weeks," he answers without turning back.

"Know what?" I ask absolutely confused. What is he talking about?

Jeet swivels his head to look at me, with a 'are you joking?' look.

"You know what I am talking about. You figured it out in the NDA, didn't you?" his voice getting more doubtful with every word. I don't answer the question, avoiding his intent gaze by looking everywhere except at him.

"Didn't you?" Jeet narrows his eyes in suspicion.

"Uh huh," I reply with a quick brief nod, before pursing my lips.

"Tarana? Did you read the NDA?" Jeet removes his glasses, tossing them on the seat, to glare at me.

"I.. uh.. well, I saw where I had to sign my name," I answer in a guilty whisper.

"Are you saying you did not read the NDA?" he asks incredulously.

"We...ll!" I simply shrug as I know he has already guessed the answer.

"We need to talk, but not here," he states emphatically before turning to look ahead.

When the car stops at the gate of my house, Jeet gets down along with me.

"I need to talk to you. Do you mind if I come in for a few minutes?" His tone indicates that he will not take no for an answer. I agree and Jeet instructs the chauffeur to wait for him, as we go inside.

"Now tell me did you read the NDA?" Jeet asks as soon we enter the house.

I close the door slowly before I answer, "I was angry at you for calling me a blabber mouth remember? I just wanted to get out of there. So, I signed the agreement. I told you before, I have no intention of telling people we are married. That document is more important to you. A simple promise of not telling anyone would have sufficed for me."

I rattled off, not allowing him to interrupt me.

"You should have read it. No wonder you did not have any questions. So basically, you still don't know anything." He shakes his head.

"Jeet please, I am tired of this cat and mouse game. Will you just tell me what is going on? What don't I know? Why all this secrecy to this extent? Not that I wish to tell anyone, but what is it that you are hiding?" I step closer.

Jeet takes a step back, "It's complicated. I am not sure how you will react." He sounds pensive.

"Fine, as you like! But then why did you propose this arrangement and go through all this inconvenience? This was never your problem in the first place. You could have just walked away and let me figure out a way out of this mess. Why did you get involved, if it will cause you trouble?"

He looks down and shakes his head, "I do not know myself. I can't seem to think clearly when it comes to you." He looks up, giving me a look that reminds me of a sad puppy, "All I know is I cannot see you sad. I would do anything to protect you."

His voice sounds downright sinful, reverberating within my chest, "Your smile lights me up. I don't know what it is, but ever since I met you, I can't stop thinking of you."

For once, he lets his guard drop allowing me to see what he feels exactly. His eyes are ablaze, glowing with a burning passion which makes my heart start hammering way too fast.

He takes a step closer and I take one too, drawn to him like a magnet. We are inches apart. His hands slowly caress my arms moving up, trailing fire in its path. Slowly and smoothly his hands move over my shoulder to my neck till they cup my face. He hooks his index finger under my chin titling my face upwards towards him.

"Tarana," he whispers, looking deep into my eyes. Oh god, I can't breathe.

"I want to kiss you. I want you so bad," his eyes turn into fiery, golden brown orbs. He takes a step, closing the little distance between us. "If you don't want me to, tell me to stop now." His eyes search my face for an answer.

I should tell him to stop. But how can I say it when every inch of me is on fire? Screaming for his touch. My quivering lips, craving for his kiss.

My mouth feels dry and I lick my lower lip to moisten it. His eyes follow the movement, and he inhales audibly. My brain is urging me to tell him to stop, this should go no further. I have barely known him for a few days. But the connection between my brain and mouth is lost; all that comes out of my mouth is a breathy "Jeet!"

"Dammit Tarana!" he utters, before his mouth swoops down claiming mine.

Holy shit.

This is way, way better than I had ever fantasized being kissed. I close my eyes, giving in to the heady sensuality as his lips touch mine.

An explosion of fireworks flares within me, sending waves of heat all over my body. His lips gently nibble mine, starting from the center and working its way to the edge and back again. His mouth is gentle, soft, coaxing. His hands cup my head, angling it to give him better access to my lips, his thumb slowly rubbing my cheekbone. I feel the heat rising in my body, especially raging in places I did not know could heat up.

Every bone in my body seems to have turned to jelly as I clutch his shirt to steady myself before my legs give way. I realize I am kissing him back, sucking his soft lips.

A moan escapes my lips, giving Jeet the opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue flicking to lick the inside of my mouth. My body is on fire and I pull on his shirt to draw him closer, wanting to feel more of his body against mine, trying to quell the heat within, building up to unbearable levels, melting me from within.

My hands move up slowly from his rock-hard chest to his taut shoulders up to the nape of his neck. Our bodies are now flush against each other. All I can think is I want more of this, more of Jeet. All of Jeet.

I wish we could go on like this forever, but slowly Jeet moves away, breaking the kiss. I keep my eyes closed savoring the sweet sensations coursing through me. Dear lord! the feelings that his touch has stirred up are something I have never felt before. My body feels like it has been set on fire from within.

My eyes slowly flutter open, expecting Jeet to continue where we stopped, but instead, he has moved towards the window, pacing the floor looking agitated. His hair is messed up, falling on his handsome face, as he runs his hands continuously through them.

He stops when he sees me looking at him but does not come closer. I move towards him, but he raises his hand to stop me.

"I am very sorry for what just happened," he says tightly, squeezing his eyes shut.

Uh.. was Jeet regretting kissing me? Maybe this is not the way one is supposed to kiss. This was the first kiss of my life. I don't know how one is supposed to kiss.

Jeet seemed to be pretty experienced in this department, seeing he knew exactly what to do and he was probably repelled by my inexperience. That thought just turned my heart to lead.

"I have never done this before, I am sorry if I am not..'s not ...the way .. to" I tell him shakily, as I wring my hands in embarrassment.

"Stop Tarana! Please don't say that. What just happened was incredible. YOU are incredible. But I have to curb this here, else I won't be able to stop myself." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I just don't want us to end up doing something we could regret later."

"Let's talk it out. I know this happened too fast. We should take things slowly," I plead, not wanting to let go of this moment.

"It's not that," he replies shaking his head, "You won't understand. I should not have let this happen. I, of all the people should know better. I was stupid to let this go so far. I am sorry for what I have done, but I cannot allow this continue."

"Maybe you can tell me what is going on so that I can understand.. What is stopping you?" I look up at him expectantly.

Jeet looks at me with forlorn eyes, probably contemplating what or how to tell me. "I.."

His iPhone plays a familiar tune. Damn thing rings at the most inopportune moment. Why does his phone keep ringing all the time? He checks the name of the caller, takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders, steeling himself.

"I have to go; the driver is waiting for me. I won't be coming to office for the next two weeks." I nod stoically, but inside it feels like my heart just got tied with a millstone and dropped to my gut.

"You should be able to collect the marriage certificate next week and submit it to the society. If you have any problem, you can contact Rajiv. I will have him message you, so that you can save his number."

I am too numb to answer, so I just stupidly nod. His eyes soften as he steps forward and gently cups my face. He softly caresses my cheek with his thumb. Instinctively I close my eyes and lean into his hand, relishing the thrill of his touch.

Abruptly he jerks his hand away and my face feels cold where the warmth of his hand had been. Jeet is already at the door.

"Good night Tarana. I will see you at the launch."

He leaves, closing the door behind him with an air of finality. Why does it feel like Jeet just exited my life as well?

I am rooted to the spot unable to move. I try to process all that happened just now. My body is still shivering from the passion of the kiss. I tenderly touch my lips which a few minutes ago, were covered with Jeet's.

I had my first ever (and out of this world amazing !! inner voice squeals) kiss. I rerun the scene in my mind and my body heats up at the mere thought.

Eventually, I am able to gather my wits, though a million thoughts run through my mind as I mechanically do my daily chores.

What did he want to tell me? I wonder. Does he feel same as I do? Did it mean anything to him? Did he tell I was incredible, just to pacify me, when in fact he just wanted to get rid of me? I have so many questions but no answer.

I think I will ask Jeet to give my copy of the Non-Disclosure Agreement, just to understand what would have been made clear, had I read it.

It has been quite an eventful day and I am glad when I finally hit the bed. I can still feel Jeet's soft lips over mine as I drift off to sleep.

What a day!!


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