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"What do you mean something's wrong? What?"

"Just come."

He leads me down the hall and towards the elevator but it was not working so we traveled up the stairs.

"What's going on Jaxon?" I question but he just kept shaking his head 'no'. I was starting to get annoyed because every fûckin time he would ask something I would answer right back.

What a great fûckin friend.

We made our way up to forth floor and walked down to a room number 425A. He knocked once and walked in. I sighed and brushed back my hair trying to look as best as I could for Jordan. Even though my face is fûck up.

I stoped once we actually made our way fully in, because it wasn't fûckin Jordan! It was his fûckin ma!

I clenched my jaw and glared at his back. He walked towards her and whispered something in her ear and kissed her cheek. She nodded her head and kissed his cheek.

He turned back around and walked past me. I pushed his shoulder but he didn't care. I looked over my shoulder and see him not even waiting for me. I look straight and see her staring at me. I put on a fake smile and nodded my head at her and turned around and walked out.

"The fûck! Where's Jordan!?" I yelled once I closed the door and speed walked towards him. His back was already tensed but he ignored me. "Jaxon!"

He rushed down the stairs and I had skipped some to catch up to him but we were already on the first floor. "JAXON!"

He speed walked towards some doors and I jogged towards him. "Jaxon!" I reached out to grab his shoulder but he spun around and fûckin punched me!

He fûckin punch me!!!

My head snapped back and I felt blood flowing down my chin.


I punched his nose back and I started to fight him. I got him in his jaw and eye. He started to punch me to and I felt my stitches come out. He punched my swollen eye and that fûckin hurt like a bîtch!

Doctors started to pull us apart but it didn't help. They weren't do anything really. There was blood on the ground. Busted lips split apart. Noses probably broken. Bruised ribs. Bruised jaws. Split eyebrows. And now swollen eyes.

Are fighting skills kept us going. I knew all his moves from his fighting so I was always a step ahead, but he knew mine too. I always go for the ribs and he always go for the temples.

We haven't fought in a while so our stamina isn't the best. So when we were huffing and puffing the doctors took that as their chance to pull us apart. The security barley came and hand cuffed us. They pushed us around towards different ends and I was yelling profanities at him while he tried to get out of their grips. 

They pushed me around till they made me sit down in a room. I was still cuffed and they were breathing hard from pushing me around, but I was fine.

I think.

Denise came in and glared at me. She nodded her head towards the security and he walked out. When the door closed that's when the yelling came on.


I rolled my eyes and laid down. "Nothing." I murmured. 


"It's nothing. Just a dumb ass fight."

She sighed heavily and I felt her hands around my wrist. "I still don't believe you."

"I don't even believe myself."

I felt the cuffs click and my hands came loose. I pick up my head and see her unlocking the last cuff.

"How the fûck do you have a key?"

"Shut up, I have to fix you again. So, don't ask me questions. I already don't want to see you after that stupid act you pulled." Her voice was filled with anger and I felt like looking down, away from her. But instead I looked up and saw her glaring at me.

She sighed and walked out and came back with the stuff from before, but more. She cleaned my face, felt my nose and didn't even told me, but she pushed fast and twist and I yelled in pain. "There, its straight now." I glared at her and she clean the blood that flowed down from my nose.  

She pulled out the needle and started to thread my eyebrow. Both. I hissed when she pulled to hard but she still had the glare. She knotted it tight and she pulled my arm telling me stand up.

"Why are you mad!?"

"Because! Because! UGH!!!!" She slams on my chest and then she fûckin slaps me!

I felt my lip wound starting to bleed again and she gasp.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

I spit out the blood and slowly turn to her. I have a glare on my face and I walked past her. I brush my arm with her shoulder and she stumbles a little bit.

I walk out the door and try to find my way to Jordan.

"Landon!" I hear her behind me but I ignored her. 

Fûck her.

I walked the way Jaxon was leading us and pushed past some doors.

A doctor was walking by and I grabbed him by the collar of his white jacket.

"Jordan Johnson. Where is she." I said while he paled. 

"I-I don't know."

I sighed and pushed him away from me.

I continued to walk down and grab every doctor I would see and ask the same question.

I felt like I walked around the whole hospital just asking for Jordan, but finally when I rounded a corner and grabbed one more doctor he knew where she was.

"Jordan Johnson. Where is she."


"Do you yes or no. Do you know where she is."

"She just came out of surgery."

"So you do know where she is."

"Yes but she is just recovering. I can't let anyone in yet ."

"Well when can you!?"

"Once she starts-wait."

"What!" I glared at him.

"Who are you?"

I clenched my jaw and spat,"Landon Xyne."

"Who are you to her?"

I breathe in and pushed him away.

"Her boyfriend."


Landon has a little crush? Or is it more than a crush?

My baby. Well my babies, both fighting for the same girl.

And now they are fighting.

-_- wow. Now they are fighting.

Ugh, I make this book so difficult some times! Ugh!!

Anyway, the next chapter you will get to know what happens to Jordan. Just got to be patient.


Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

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