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I sniffed up from my runny nose, and popped my neck. I rolled my shoulders and stood taller. I sighed and walked around the hall back towards her room and went in. It did happen. She did have one.

I'm not saying I didn't believe Landon. I just....I couldn't wrap my mind around the thought of that.

I walked out slamming the door and walked towards one of the nurses. She just came out of the same room Landon came out of.
I grabbed her arm,"Jordan Johnson, she just had a seizure, I need to see her. Where is she." I said with my face expressionless.

"I don't know where they took her. Probably doing cat scans and test on her right now."

I clenched my jaw and tighten my hand, "I didn't ask what they were doing. I asked where she is. Didn't I?" I said with a hint of anger in my voice.

I saw her gulp and tried to back her arm. "I know sir, but that's all I know. I don't know what room she is now...or if she not even in a room, I still don't know."

I pushed her arm back and walked away, "thanks for the help." I murmured.

I grabbed one of the doctors walking towards a set of door and asked him the same question.

"I don't know who this Jordan girl is." He said while he tried to pull away from me. I held his white coat collar tighter. "Her name is Jordan Johnson. She just had a seizure."

"I understand that sir, but I still don't know who you are talking about." I clenched my jaw again and pushed him away from me. He stumbled back and almost bumped into two nurses talking to each other.

I looked at him while he said sorry to one of the them. I tilt my head and I felt my lips go up. He looked at me and walked off somewhere.

I walked back to the cafeteria trying to look for Landon, but he wasn't there. I sighed, "fûcker can't stand still for shît." I mumbled.  I walked in the halls and I saw that fûcker talking to the nurse I asked for Jordan. I narrowed my eyes and put on a blank face. I walked towards them and clamped my hand on his shoulder.

"I need help." I said while I looked at the nurse who was staring at Landon for a while then to me. I tilt my head but she looked away. I took a step to the side and he had a confused face on. "With?"

"Does it matter? Just help me damnit." I walked away from them and I heard him sigh. They said something to each other but I didn't hear.

I walked back to the cafeteria and leaned against the wall. He came in with a glare. "What."

I popped my jaw and licked my lips. "We have to get in the doors where they took her, but it has a stupid pin and card reader. I was looking at the pin the doctors would type in. It was something like 823708. But we can't get in, not with out a card. So, how would you and I become doctor Hunt and Xyne for awhile." I said while a had a smirk.

He chuckled and shook his head, "I've already been Doctor Xyne already before you."

I sighed and walked past him. "Now the hard part is getting a card."


We pushed the unconscious doctors in the the cafeteria, with two empty coffee cups in their hands. I buttoned up the white coat and pushed my hair back. I buttoned it up all the way it could trying to hide my neck tattoos. Landon was looking at his reflection on the glass, smirking. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the ID cards. We walked out and made our way towards the doors but not until Landon stopped us.

"Here." He slammed a clipboard on my chest. I gritted my teeth and pushed him. "Where the hell did you get this?" I said while hitting the top of his head with it.

"The fûck, I got it from the little holders next to the doors."

I looked down and saw some ugly ass dude with major wounds on his face. I gave a disgust face and sighed. "Whatever, lets go."

We walked side by side, making our way towards the set of doors. Landon smiled at some nurses then quickly looked down when that same nurse we talked to walked by. She wasn't looking but right when we're going to past her she looked up and met my eyes. I raised and eyebrow waiting for her to say something. She had wide eyes and her mouth open, but I tilt my head to the side and that slammed her lips shut. I gave a smirk and walked over to pin pad and typed in the numbers then swiping the card.

The doors unlocked and Landon pushed open the doors. He looked behind me and I took a glance over my shoulder and I see her glaring at Landon. I shook my head and pushed past him. The doors closed behind us and I walked over to one of the doctors.

I sighed and placed a fake smile on and cleared my throat. "Excuse me, I'm looking for one of my patient, Jordan Johnson. Have you heard of her."

"No." He said not even bothering to look up at me. I tried so hard not to break his neck because I hate, hate, when someone has attitude with me. My smiled stayed strong and I showed my teeth. "I think you didn't hear me sir, have you seen Jordan John-"

"No I said." He said while flipping some pages on his clipboard and writing something down. He sighed and flipped back some pages.

I started to bend the board and I gritted my teeth.

If we were not in a hospital, I would've have blown your brains out already.

The board started to make squeaking noises and I heard him sigh again. "Are you going to stand there staring, or are you going to go back to work..." He looked up and looked at my chest looking for the ID. "Doctor?"

He then looked down and I felt my blood boil and rushing through every vein.

"No but I can put you-"

"Jax-um I mean, Doctor Hunt." I looked towards Landon and I see him talking with some doctors and looking at me moving his hand telling me to come. I looked back to the doctor and the board snapped. He sighed again and looked up to mean with a bored look. "Look, I'm trying to work then taking to people like you, so excuse me. I need to g-" he didn't finish his sentence because I dropped the board and snapped his head to one side and heard a crack and he fell limp.

I picked up his board now and made my way towards Landon.

"What." I whispered harsh in his ear while I put on a fake smile and nodding towards one of the two doctors in front of us.

"Doctor Warner, would you tell Doctor Hunt what you told me." Landon said while he smiled to the doctor I nodded to. My heart rate sped up while I held my breath.

"Of course," he cleared his throat, "Jordan Jonson, she's okay." When he said that I felt my shoulders relax and I sighed out. "We ran cat scans and took x-rays on her. I don't know how her brain got damage, but I felt like she bumped her head really hard or fell a lot. But we are going to start giving her medication so they would control them. She's asleep right now, I'm just going to call her parents-" he looks through his clip board and he brings his eye brows together, "huh. It doesn't show her parents number, only...Jaxon?"

"Oh um, I think I just talked to him, he kept asking for her. So that's why I came to ask you. I should go tell him."  Landon said while he nudged me.

I was about to step back but he spoke,"No, it's okay me and Doctor Joseph could tell him. Now where did you say you last saw him?"

"Umm, I think in the waiting room." Landon said while telling me to go already with his head and eyes.

"I need to go check one of my patients, it was nice meeting you two." I said while I jogged out of the room but almost tripping on the dead doctors body.

I ran to the cafeteria and took off his coat and threw his ID card on the table with the jacket.

I ran towards the waiting room, but I didn't know where the fûck it was!

I ran in circles turning the same corner and I end finding them walking out of the doors. I pretended to go up to them and ask for her.

"Jordan Johnson, have you seen her?"

"Um yes, Jaxon Hunt?"

I smiled, "yes, Jaxon Hunt."

"Um follow me."


I lied.

Not a sad chapter.


Well, my babies are okay.


But still, my heart aches with out Maria.

Anyway, Jordan is okay!!!


And I couldn't help but picture both of them in a doctors uniform.🖤

Anyway, this book is so close to the end!:,( I think I might put up five more chapters or seven, not sure.

But that means 'Running into the gangster' is going to come out soon!!!!
Ahhh!! I can't wait for that one!!!!!

Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

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