Ch 23 :Meetings and Crime Scenes

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"Can I take a nap first?" I asked jokingly.

"I know all that food is about to put me in a damn coma. Derek over there with a food baby." Charlie said.

"Damn." I said chuckling.

"So what do you wanna be for Halloween Charlie? I mean you can't go as yourself as scary as you are naturally." Derek said.

"Haha very funny I could say the same for you." Charlie said being sarcastic.

"Damn your heart wasn't in that one was it?" I asked Charlie.

"Nah it really wasn't my battery is on low I think I'm gonna be Poison Ivy." Charlie spike.

"I don't know about about myself  I'm probably gonna ask Malaysia and see what she wants to do." I told them.

"Yeah I'm probably do the same with my girl, you know how girls are with the whole couple costumes thing." Derek said.

"So tell me why this dude that I met last night at the bar tried to tell me he was the police commissioner's bodyguard." Charlie said.

"What'd you say?" I asked him.

"I acted all impressed and asked him how long had he worked as a guard and he told me three years. Three Damn Years!" Charlie said.

I laughed hard "Wow he was out here telling lies lies." I said. 

"Come on now I know there's gotta be more to the story so spill." Derek spoke.

"Oh you know there is." Charlie said.

"So I'm like gassing him up you know and I asked could I see his badge because I've never seen one before and he tells me he left his badge in his car. I tell him that's fine and he starts telling all these stories and stuff and then my phone goes off." Charlie says.

"Okay and your phone getting a notification doesn't mean shit if you don't explain why." Derek said.

"Damn I was about to tell you, I was just giving it a dramatic pause jeez." Charlie told him.

"Anyway kids lets get back to the story." I told them.

"Like I was saying I asked him what the police commissioner was like and what it was like to work with him-" Charlie was cut off again by Derek.

"But what about the motifs on your phone ?" Derek asked.


"Okay damn just calm down." Derek said. 

"Ooh boy yo ass is grass when we get out this damn car." Charlie said as Derek just shrugged.

"He tells me that the Commissioner was a total creep and that off the books was a total douchebag." Charlie said.

I just chuckled "Why does everyone think I'm a creep what have I done for everyone to think it's true." I said thinking out loud.

"Idk but I asked him if he had any pics with you and he quickly tried to change the subject and switched over to me." Charlie said laughing.

"Hey, there's a bit of traffic a head but we're almost to the mayor's office so we'll still get there with a little time to spare." Derek said to me.

"Okay that's fine." I told him.

"I told him okay and so I pull out my phone  and show him a pic of all the guards, you, Derek, the mayor, and I; his face turned as whit as a damn ghost. He starts stammering trying to make up some bull shit lie. He legit said well what day was that and why wasn't he there and how didI know y'all." Charlie said with all the damn salt in the world.

"Wait which pic did you show him?" I asked him not that it really matters.

"The one from last year's Christmas Banquet." Charlie says.

"Oh that's almost a great pic if it wasn't for the mayor's mistress whatever her name is wasn't throwing up in the background of the picture." I said remembering.

"He asked who I was I told him that it's illegal to falsely claim to be a police official let alone the body to the police commissioner. Then I told him I'm the assistant and he really tried to clown me for being one I quickly told him don't get it twisted I maybe an assistant but I'm official with a badge and a him and I am very well trained to shoot to kill. This ass had to the nerve to call me a liar I threw my damn drink in face so fast. I got up so fast and he starts calling out to me yelling "Babe!" across the bar." Charlie spoke.

"Well then." I said.

"I told him before I completely walked away that maybe I would've slept with him if he would've just told the and began to walk away. He scoffed and said I wasn't  even pretty enough for him I quickly turned around I yelled to him that I am THE BADDEST BITCH he'll never have  and I am the PRETTIEST BITCH he'd WISH TO RUIN HIS BASIC AND BORING LIFE SELLING DAMN LIFE INSURANCE. Some girls in the back of the bar yelled "PERIODT." and I couldn't have agreed more." Charlie said rolling his neck.

"Well I'm proud that you stood up for your without putting your hands on him." I said patting him on the shoulder.

"I am too cause if I was there his ass would've got slammed don't nobody clown my little bro but me." Derek said.

"Thank you. Thank you we all know I am that bitch, and a bad bitch, but that I am also a Classy Bitch." Charlie said proudly.

"Periodt." I said.

"Pooh." Derek said.

"Don't do that." Charlie said looking at Derek.

We laughed "We're hereeee." Derek said pulling into a parking spot.

Derek and Charlie get out as I wait in the car while they check for my safety.

"Okay." Derek said opening my door I got out as we quickly moved to the elevator.

Once the doors closed Derek and Charlie put their guns back in their holsters.

"After this you're done for the day only having to answer some emails and signing a few papers then you'll be done for the day." Charlie said.

"That's great I can not wait." I said running hands down my face.

Once we're on the top floor we walked out the elevator then headed straight to Mayor Rhythm's assistant desk.

"Excuse me we're here for the meeting with the Mayor." Charlie said politely to the girl behind the desk.

"Oh Hi um he's a bit tied up I think he called Amber in there a while ago to help him with some files." She said.

"Mhmm." Derek hummed.

"Be respectful, he is the mayor. You are my guard and you will be respectful no matter how deprived he may be." I told him sternly.

He tucked his tongue into his cheek "Yes sir." Derek said.

"Well that's fine in all but could you let him know that we're here?" Charlie asked her.

"I wish I could but I have no clue how to work this thing. Amber was supposed to show me how tight when he called her in there. I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Gretchen." She said.

"Well that's great but we need to get the meeting started." Charlie said.

"Why does he keep trying to kick the puppy?" I whispered to Derek.

"I don't know I honestly wanna hit him for her she looks like a kid." Derek whispered back.

"I think she is a kid." I said back.

"Have you tried knocking or even seeing if the door's open?" Charlie asked her.

"Yes sir, I have several times and they just tell me to go away and that they're busy. Amber's bees having me run errands all over the city getting coffee and food, picking up some packages from her apartment instead I wish she would've taught me something for my internship so I can at least at I learned something of importance instead I'm pretty sure that the mayor and his assistant are messing around." Gretchen said looking down. 

"How old are you Gretchen?" Sorry for asking you just look so young." I spoke to her. 

"Oh no you're fine Mr.Commissioner I'm seventeen." Gretchen said.

"Oh you're just a baby." Charlie said.  

"You know who I am?" I asked her. 

"Um duh no disrespect or well creepy. You're Stephen O'Brien you're twenty-five the oldest son to the previous Commissioner Levi O'Brien. You went to Saint James Community College because you wanted to stay close to home while also which I must say was awfully incredible going through the Police Academy. While at Saint James you majored in Psychology and Sociology, you played soccer and lacrosse; and  graduated at the top of your class at the Police Academy." She said.

"Wow I didn't think people you're age knew about me." I told her.

"Oh we do, I mean most don't know all that info but the girls I go to school with some are like "I'd smash" or they "Wouldn't mind letting you catch that case and more things along those lines. They say the same thing about you Mr.Martin." She said looking over at Derek.

"Me." Derek said pointing at himself.

"Yes sir." She said.

"People know about me?" He asked.
(A/n: Now we all know Dante "Derek" know he fine as hell.)

"Yeah you're like the second most attractive in the state number one being the commissioner." She said nodding her head.

"Hey!" Derek exclaimed.

"Don't shoot me I'm just the messenger man." She spoke holding her hands up as I laughed. 

"Whatever." Derek grumbled.

"Now you, Mr. Martin went to the same college majoring in Psychology and Communications while also attending the police academy. You also played lacrosse and basketball and I don't know how but also doing track and you have been the head of the security team for as long as the Commissioner O'Brien here." She said smiling.

"Oh look at you." Derek said raising his brow at her.

"That man over there is Charlie Benson." She said smiling at Charlie.

"Oh so you just know all about us." Charlie said pursing his lips. 

"Ehh I couldn't learn as much about the you. You're not as publicly known as them  I guess you could say. But I must say excuse my French but you're a Bad Bitch and people need to stop fucking with you before they get beat the fuck up and that's on Periodttt Pooh." Gretchen said smiling.

"Oop. Oh my god yes that's what I've been saying, hey if you ever decide you wanna learn something let me know I'll gladly take you on sis." Charlie said smiling. 

"Really I would love love that; also your style is yes, yes, and yes you have to teach me your waysss." Gretchen said excited.

"Ohh yes I'm already getting ideas." Charlie said excited about the idea of shopping and getting to dress someone up.

"I do have to say you are an icon to the lgbtq+ community we love you and now I get to tell them at school I met you can I get a pic with you?" Gretchen asked Charlie.

"Yeah sure make sure you get my good side wait who am I kidding all my sides are good. But wait you said you didn't know much about me?" Charlie asked scrunching his brows together.

"I don't need know much about you to know that you're bad af and besides I follow your style blog." Gretchen said.

"Waittt what oh we're going to have a good time."  Charlie said posing for the pic.

"Let me try something I still remember a few things that Mrs. Linda my dad's old assistant taught me." I said pressing a few buttons.

"Why's everyone out here and not in the office?" Someone said as we all looked over to see the captain of precinct nine standing looking confused.

"George welcome. It seems Rhythm and his assistant are "extremely tied up" and have not had a chance to notice the time." I said as George rolled his eyes.

"I wish his wife would hurry up and leave his ass and all this foolery would come to an end." George said shaking his head.

"This don't make no sense I'm about to break this door down." Charlie said.

"Ooh can I help?" Derek asked.

"Why! You two cut it out." I told them.

They both smacked their lips at me "You never let us have any fun." They told me.

"I don't care." I told them.

"George go knock on the door while I call in." I told him.

George went banging on the door, while I hit the button to calling Rhythm's office phone, he finally answered the phone screaming into the line.

"Gretchen stop banging on my Got Damn Door  and get off  the fucking phone Amber and I are very busy we're trying to deal with a crisis in here!" He yelled to me.

I know damn well he didn't just yell at me.

George and everyone else stopped what they were doing to listen to the phone call.

"What crisis?" I asked him.

"Who the hell is this? Gretchen I swear to God if you let a stranger in my office your fired." He said with conviction.

"This is Commissioner O'Brien and Captain Teals." I said.

"Oh Commissioner what're you doing here?" He asked sounding nervous.

"Oh nothing much just here for our meeting that was supposed to start almost twenty minutes ago. You know how I am about punctuality Rhythm." I told him looking at my watch.

"Oh yes I remember let me just pull my pants ... I mean put up these files." He said hanging up the phone.

Two seconds later the doors burst open as Amber walks out wiping her mouth as Rhythm stood by the door "Come in, Come in you guys. Sorry for the wait we were dealing with a city council crisis." He  told us as we rolled our eyes walking into his office.

I gave him a once over "You better hope your wife doesn't make a pop up visit for the sake of not only your marriage but also your reputation." I told him.

"I agree." He whispered to himself.

"Mayor all respect but you're disgusting and if your wife finds about your "crisis" you're as good as the clippings of freshly cut grass." George said shaking his head. 

"I know, I know I try to stop but I just can't seem to help myself." He said voice full of shame as he smiled.

"Your fly is down." Charlie said as he walked past him.

"Shit." He whispered to himself as he pulled his fly up.

"Sir you've got a bit of lipstick on your top lip and on the collar of your shirt." Derek said.

Those two just can't help themselves.

"Damn it Amber." He said to himself  "Amber come here!" He shouted to her.

She strutted into his office  "Yes sir, you wanted me?" She asked batting her lashes.

"Send Gretchen to the store to get me a new shirt you got lipstick on it." He told her angrily.

"Yes sir, I'll get right on that." She said.

"And Amber what have I told you about that damned red lipstick." Rhythm spoke to her.

"That's not what you were saying a minute ago." She said under her breath.

"Did you say something?" He asked her.

"Yes sir, I said I'll get right on that ASAP." She said smiling sweetly.

"Oh okay thank you." He said.

"Wait sir I just remembered that you have some in the closet." She said as she pulled a shirt out and shoving it into his hands. "There you go sir a fresh clean shirt."she said walking out.

I saw Charlie and Derek tuck their lips trying not to laugh I gave them a pleading look because I myself was trying not to laugh.

Because this shit was a mess.

"Okay let's get this meeting started." He said as he began to change his shirt.

"Okay so I wanna hear some ideas for this thing. I've got some of my own but I want to hear your ideas first." Rhythm spoke.

"We could do something with food." George said.

"Eh maybe keep talking." Rhythm said pacing.

"Oh maybe a statue." Rhythm said.

"No just no." I said.

"How about an event for families since most of the officers had wives and kids." I said. 

"I like it, I like it keep talking." Rhythm spoke.

"How about a carnival of some sort." George said.

"Yeah keep it going." Rhythm said.

Was this his favorite thing to say.

"Hey since it's about to be October we do a pumpkin patch team up with a local farm and like what George said street fair with venders for food and merchandise and games." I said. 

"Yeah but how is that supposed to be a tribute to the officers?" Rhythm said like I was the dumb one while George nodded his head in agreement with Rhythm.

"We split the baby half proceeds go to the fallen and injured officers and their families and the other half goes to venders/sponsors." I told them.

"Oh." They both said. 

"Yeah that's a good idea but doesn't have enough mff. We need a little more." Rhythm said.

"How about an all brass plaque with their names on it." George said.

"Yeah that's it and we can hang it up in City Hall. Oh and we should hold a ceremony honoring the injured officers." Rhythm spoke happily.

"Okay then it's-" George started.

"Sorry to interrupt but sir we need to go something just went down." Charlie said standing up.

"Excuse me gentlemen it seems something dire has come up we'll be in touch soon." I told them getting up.

"Yes sir we'll be in touch for sure." Rhythm said sitting down.

"Have a nice evening." I told them walking out.

"What's the situation." I asked Charlie as we stepped into the elevator.

"There was a fire." Charlie said.

"Isn't that a job for the Fire Department?" I asked him.

"I'll tell you more when we get in the car." He said pressing the garage button.

"Got it." I said as we all rode the elevator in silence.

As soon as we got into the car and had our seatbelts on I spoke up "So fill me in what's going on?" I asked him.

"There have been a string of fires over the last two decades all over the state. Unfortunately no one has been able to connect them until today because they were in different cities and counties, but all the fires were started by the same mixed accelerant as the others they used a mix of Kerosene and Butane to start the fires. They've burned down house's, medical clinic's, salon's, and orphanage home's. It's pretty wide spread the arsonist doesn't have a victim type it seems." Charlie spoke.

"I see, so where are we heading now?" I asked him.

"An orphanage it's about two minutes outside the city limits which has been there for almost twenty years then all of a sudden the place gets torched unlike the others in which mixing those to solvents should've exploded  but it didn't strangely enough." Charlie spoke looking down at his phone reading the case file.

"We're there children inside?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Yes but none of the children died from burning they died from smoke inhalation." He said.

"How long until we get there?" I asked Derek.

"We're here." Derek said putting the car into park.

We got out the car walking up to the yellow caution tape "Badges." One of the two officers asked us standing behind the tape.

The other officer elbowed him "Don't you recognize who that is dumbass?" He questioned him.

"I don't give a damn who it is you heard what Serg said." He told the other officer.

"He's fine he's just doing what he was told  but I also appreciate what you tried to do for us." I told as we all showed our badges so that we could gain access to the crime scene in front of us.

"Thank you commissioner." They said side eyeing each other.

I nodded my head as we all ducked to walk under the caution tape "Thank you gentleman." I said. 

As soon as we got close enough to the house I could see the amount of damage that was done; I was completely astonished the fact that the house was still standing.

"Commissioner O'Brien I apologize that we have to meet this way for the first time, I'm Randy Bower the Fire Commissioner over this investigation sir." Randy said out stretching his hand to shake mine.

"Agreed I look forward to breaking this case with you Commissioner Bower." I spoke shaking his hand.

"Hello sir I'm Derek." Derek said shaking Randy's hand.

"Nice to meet you Derek." He said back.

"And you sir

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