Ch. 21: Work Flow 3/3

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"So what brought you to move here?" I asked Iman.

"My parents still live here and they're getting older so I wanted to move back so I could be closer which was perfect timing for my transfer into the precinct." Iman said.

"You're a good son and based off the things I read in your file you're a stand up cop and an even better captain. That's why I approved your transfer so quickly." I told him.

"Thank you sir." Iman said.

"Your welcome it's an honor to have you on the force here with us." I told him.

"Sir can I ask you something?" Iman asked

"Sure thing shoot." I said.

"There was an older man that I met was talking to himself." Iman said.

"Did he have salt and pepper hair balding at the top, clothes disheveled and face had some cuts on it." I said.

"Yes sir and not to be rude but he smelled a little ripe." Iman making a face of displeasure.

"Yeah that was Sergeant Willows." I said rolling my eyes.

"That was Willows I've heard plenty about him." He said.

"Oh that's great do you met Willows." I said as I could feel the pained expression on my face.

Iman had the most unhappy face "Yeah it was a great first impression he bumped into me on his way out of the elevator and told me to watch myself because bad things are always happening to my kind." Iman said looking like he didn't really know how to react.

Charlie struts back into my office "Here you go." He says handing each of us our coffees.

"Thanks." I said to him as he nodded his head.

"Thank you." Iman said "Your welcome." Charlie said back smiling taking his seat on the couch opening up his lap top.

"Okay let's get this meeting started." I said as I popped the pills into my mouth swallowing them with some coffee.

"Charlie don't start recording just yet I want to say something to Iman." I told Charlie as he nodded his head.

"Iman before we get to actually debriefing on everything some key things I want to tell you for your protection only." I said to him.

"Okay so what is it?" He asked me.

"I don't want you to say your name at all,I don't want you to say what rank you are, what precinct you're from, I don't want you saying anything at all about yourself just talk about the officers and that's it." I told him. 

"Yes sir, I understand." Iman said.

"Okay go ahead and start Charlie." I told him as he nodded hitting the record button.

"Okay I am Matthew O'Brien Police Commissioners badge number 14529. Today is September 23, 2019 and it is 12:36 pm. I am here with a fellow officer to discuss possible corruption." I said.

"So when did you first notice these things?" I asked him.

"About two months ago." He said.

"What brought your attention to what might be taking place.?" I asked him.

"I noticed case files going missing, inventory of large sums of drugs, guns, and money we just got I'll go to check the log sheet to see if those items have been taken. No one. Not a single person has been there all day I ask to see the footage and then all of a sudden they're broken. No one can explain why they're broken or when they'll be fixed." Iman said.

"Now the missing inventory could they still be there just possibly mixed in the wrong file or under the wrong case number because I know it can happen get lost with all the cases and file system." I said truthfully.

"That's possible but it's rare." He said.

"Did you notice anything else?" I asked.

"Yes I noticed officers investigating cases that don't exist, following leads that don't make sense but when these people are brought in under total different charges then what they got arrested for." He said

"When asked about certain things because things aren't adding up they act cool and calm if someone said I didn't know how to do my damn job I would hit the damn roof. When I bring up something they told me because I've walked in on a conversation or two they act like they don't know what the hell I'm talking about, real cases are going unsolved because they're to busy following leads on these made up cases. Real cases are being dropped against suspects that would've been found guilty if the evidence wouldn't have mysteriously went missing." Iman said.

"Okay, Okay." I said nodding my head in understanding.

"So let's get started on talking about the suspected officers." I told him.

"Okay first up is Marlene Johnson." Iman said.

"What precinct is this officer from?" I asked him.

"13." As soon as he said that I leaned back into my chair this is most certainly going to be a while.

"Now I've figured out that's there's multiple members of this group and of officers from all different precincts and counties and I haven't figured out who's the leader in all this; but I did figure out who the second in command." Iman said.

"Who is it?" I asked him.

"Marc Stratien Sergeant of precinct 31." Iman said.

Hmm I've heard about him I looked into him after cousin Danny started talking about how something wasn't right with him. He was just too perfect but when I looked into his file and it was empty. Cleanest record I've ever seen I knew I should've had Snoop look into him.

"Interesting how's you come to the that it was him?" I asked him. 

"I followed some officers from precinct 14 with a tracker I put on their car they made occasional stops like the gas station but they're final stop was at this abandoned old candy factory on 113 in downtown." He spoke.

I nodddd my head thinking back to my conversation with Liam telling me that Gunner thought she had pinpointed three locations but had yet to figure out if one of those were they're base the old candy factory being one of the locations she found.

"Well they walked around back of the building meeting up with Stratien and some other men I don't believe those other men are on the force though. They started talking about deliveries and shipments coming and going along with deals and money." "I stayed trying to see if I could figure out about what they meant by shipments and  deliveries. Then they started talking about having the perfect product to sell, that the females they've got for this batch we're going to make everyone rich and that the little kids will go for a hefty price too, because they're the perfect drug mules because no one is going to expect a children to be carrying almost 6 kilos of ice  on them and  that they'll all be flying out on separate airlines." Iman said disgusted.

"What'd the officers say about this?" I asked Iman.

They laughed Stratien said that it was perfect and that he couldn't wait to break those who're in before he ships them off to where ever the hell that were going. I'm guessing the leader of that gang said something to Stratien along the lines of calling him a real wolf in sheep's clothing acts like a total gentleman and turns up the charm when he's not all that act just goes down the drain said he has the most Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality he's ever met. He laughed like a mad man saying that's the best part they'll never suspect me even if you tell them yourselves." Iman said shaking his head.

"What about the other two officers did they say or do anything after they arriving?" I asked him.

"That's what I was just about to get to that after giving Stratien almost 2 million  dollars." Iman said dropping that heavy ass hammer in me.

Mattias said they were trouble.

"2 Mill?" I said raising my brows.

"Yeah 2 mill." He said nodding.

"That's quite a bit of money." I told him.

"I mean that's a small fee to keep the cops quiet and helping in your crimes." He said shrugging." He said shrugging.

"They get paid monthly." He said.

I nodded my head.

"Although Officer Marshall Diggs did ask could he buy one of the kids and I know I was thinking the same as you like why the hell does he want to buy a child for right. Then he gives this sob story about how he and his wife are trying to adopt and how it's drying out all of their funds but it'd be easier to buy a child than to try and adopt one. I didn't stay to hear the answer." Iman said finishing.

"So we have four confirmed names they are Sergeant Marc Stratien of precinct 31 as the second in command, who the leader of these corrupt officers is still to be determined. Also other officers include Marlene Johnson of precinct 13, Marshall Diggs and-" I was cut off by Iman.

"Lance Cophmen of precinct 14." He spoke.

"And Lance Cophmen of precinct 14. I am Commissioner Matthew O'Brien and that is the end of this meeting we shall meet again in another two weeks to discuss more intimate details of this investigation. Thus is the end of the meeting the time is now 2:39 pm." I said as Charlie ended everything.

I sent Iman a hand gesture for him to stay quiet until Charlie said it was clear for us to talk.

"Okay we're good." Charlie said.

"Iman thank you for bringing me this information I will see you a few weeks  to  check in on your squad. If anyone and I do mean anyone ask what we were discussing in this very room tell them I was checking in on the new captain and making sure your settling in alright." I told him.

"And for your sake of you and your loved ones I want you to stop following them and don't ask any questions because if you ask too many or just the right question it'll set them off and then your going to end up dead or might as well be." I told him gripping his hand.

"Yes sir." He said nodding.

"I'm serious Iman if Stratien is as twisted as you say he'll come for everyone you love and care about he'll destroy you and then kill you. That's what a cornered animal does they fight dirty." I said to him.

"Yes sir I understand I value my family and my life too much to not listen to you." Iman said.

"Good. Now if you'll excuse me I am five minutes late for a lunch with my mother and sisters and they are going to have my head." I told him smiling grabbing my coat putting it on.

"Yes sir, I wish you all the luck with that." Iman said walking out of my office  

"Charlie get a car sent to Sarah's house to pick her up." I told him picking up my phone  as we walked out the door.

"Already on it." Charlie said as we got on the elevator.

As soon as we were in the car garage we walked over to the black SUV, Charlie opened my door as I got in the back he closed the behind me and he got in the front with Derek.

We pulled out so quickly "Your Mom's gonna kill us." Derek said with a little fear in his voice.

"I know!" I shouted from the back seat feeling the same fear about what my mom would say but at least I get to see my baby.

That's  the end for this chap guys sorry I took so long to put this up y'all this unedited so... yuh

If y'all see something incorrect let me know.

Actually the last two chaps and the next two or three depending on how I break it down we're all supposed to be one chap but I ain't wanna kill y'all so here we are but ye y'all enjoy.

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