Chapter Fourteen: Advice

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Chapter Fourteen: Advice



I touched Luke's penis.

Well, like, through the fabric, of course. But still. I don't think the English language has words to describe the rush of warmth and electricity and inexplicable want that flooded through my body when I felt him, warm and hard and rigid, beneath my fingers.

As soon as his parents came home, it kinda ruined the mood.

I thought maybe we'd have time to make-out a bit, touch each other, rub our bodies together the same way we did last Wednesday, but nope.

Life is so... unfair.

It was later than we both realized. I had to go home and have dinner and go to soccer practice.

Except the entire time I was quite... distracted.

While we were doing drills, I kept imagining what could've happened if Luke's parents didn't interrupt us.

Maybe I... wouldn't have taken my hand away. Maybe I would... squeeze him a little.

Or maybe I'd take my jeans off, take my bra off, and we'd make-out like we did last week, laying on his bed, with my legs around his waist, with him rubbing his lower body against mine until we both... came.

My face is so flushed just thinking about it, and there are so many feelings churning and tugging in my gut.

Oh my gosh. That all sounds so incredibly inappropriate.

Am I too... young to want those things? It's just... I look at him, and touch him, and hear him, and smell him and my body just gets so... hot for him.

Even though thinking of all the bad things we could do together is scary but completely exhilarating.

How do I know if I'm ready for those things? How do I decide if it's okay for us to do those things?

I have the urge to maybe... ask Mom for advice. She always has the best advice.

But I don't want to make her worried, or disappointed. Talking to her about it would just be so awkward.

And what if she tells that she thinks I should wait until I'm done high school or turn eighteen or something?

I'm not sure I want to... wait so long.

Well, Sienna and Darcy both did lots of... stuff by the time they were sixteen. Sienna said she lost her virginity when she was sixteen.

I'm not talking about having sex. Definitely not yet.

But like... third base stuff?

Which is kinda concerning because we literally just got to second base like... just less than three weeks ago.

Are we moving too fast?

This is all so frustrating!

Why can't there just be a book with the rules that tells you how old you have to be to do this stuff? So that I don't have to feel guilty or ashamed for it.

Maybe I should ask Mom. Or Aunty Ali, or Aunt Vic.

Except, Aunt Vic is Luke's mom so even though she's super cool and nice, maybe Luke would be embarrassed if I talked to her about sex stuff.

When I get home after practice, I take a shower and make a cup of tea and then when I check my phone, there's a message from Grandma Erika.

I think you and I are overdue
for a brunch date, my dear
How about this Saturday?

I smile. Yeah, I think we are overdue. Grandma Erika is so funny. And she kinda has no filter sometimes, which makes her like, the world's best grandma.

Uh... don't tell Grandma Nelly I said that. I mean, Mom's mom is the nicest lady ever and she bakes the most delicious cookies in the universe, but Dad's mom is just... super cool, you know?

She makes fun of Mom and Dad all the time, it's hilarious.

Hey Grandma
Saturday works for me.
What time should I be ready?

You realize you haven't yet
told me all about that boyfriend
of yours. I want the details

I'll see what I can do...

Make an old woman happy, you know?
I bet I have some excellent relationship
advice for you, sweetheart. Better than
Cosmo, I guarantee ;)

Lol Grandma, sure, whatever you say

When did you get so sassy?

Me? Sassy? Never.

Smh. See you Saturday, hotstuff

See you

Yeah, my grandma says 'smh'.

Hm. I wonder what kinda relationship advice she has for me.

Too bad she doesn't know that the real advice I need is about... well. You know.


I don't see Luke again until Friday, when we have board-game night at my house.

Uncle Zach and Aunty Ali and Sienna and Jason couldn't make it because they had a family dinner in Oakville or something.

We order lots of pizza and hot-wings and team up to play Trivial Pursuit. We usually get super competitive but it's still lots of fun.

Since there's an uneven number, we roll dice to see who has to be on a team by themselves. Poor Uncle Dylan rolls the smallest number, so he doesn't get to partner up with anybody.

The teams end up being Dad and I versus Darcy and Luke versus Mom and Aunt Vic versus Uncle Dylan.

I don't wanna admit it, but Darcy and Luke make the best team for this game, because Darcy knows a lot about history and arts while Luke is really science-y, so they're good at pretty much all the subjects.

Dad and I are really good at the literature questions. Mom and Aunt Vic, who's a lawyer, are just super smart in general, so.

At one point, it's my team's turn to answer a question. Dad and I decide to pick science because we need to get the chip for that, even if it's our worst subject.

Darcy picks up the card to read the question to us since it's closest to him. His eyes skim over the paper and he laughs, smirks a little, mischievously. "Uh. This one's kinda weird. What's the average volume, in millilitres, that a human male ejaculates during a regular climax?"

Dad and I both blush bright red.


Is it bad that... I read that on the internet the other day?

Half the people sitting around the table laugh and the other half look really uncomfortable.

"Uh..." Dad says, scratching his head. "In mLs? Who the hell measures these things?"

"I know the answer to this one," Uncle Dylan chuckles.

"Of course you do," Mom says dryly, shaking her head.

Aunt Vic hides a smile, leans against Uncle Dylan and jokes quietly, "Honey, I think if you were going from experience, your estimate would be much higher than average."

Uncle Dylan grins wickedly, winding an arm around Aunt Vicky's shoulders.


Oh my God.

"Uh... they gave us a number in health class, once. I don't know if it's the right answer though..." I offer quietly, not really looking at my parents, or my brother, or Luke, or anyone.

"In health class, huh?" Uncle Dylan asks, raising an eyebrow.

Dad clears his throat uncomfortably.

Darcy chuckles. "So do you guys have a guess, or...?"

"What number did they tell you in... health class?" Dad asks.

"Uh... 2 to 5 mLs."

"That's it?" Luke comments, scratching the back of his head.

Darcy and Uncle Dylan and Aunt Vicky snicker a little.

This is so, so, so awkward.

"The answer is a single number," Darcy clarifies, peering at the back of the card.

"An integer or decimal?" Dad asks, because now he's smiling a little, too.

"That's cheating," Mom complains, nudging Dad in the ribs.

"Integer," Darcy replies.

"Do you wanna say... 3?" Dad asks, not looking at me.

"I have no idea, Daddy."

Darcy coughs a little and I glare at him.

"3 mLs?"

"Uh... yeah, that's what is says," Darcy confirms. "Congrats."

Normally Dad and I high-five each other when we get an answer right but this time we... don't.

"Good job, Ophelia," Darcy teases, quirking an eyebrow.

"Shut-up, Darcy."

My face is very warm.

Why am I now busy thinking about Luke's dick?


"So..." Grandma Erika begins once we've finished ordering our food. "Tell me more about Luke."

I don't know why I get so shy when people ask me about my boyfriend. "Uh... he's planning on studying engineering in the fall. He works as a lifeguard, and he's doing some construction work with an engineering firm in the city. He's... really nice."

Grandma takes a sip of her mimosa and seems to be suppressing a small, playful grin. "He's Dylan's son, isn't he? That Uncle Dylan of yours is very handsome. I bet Luke is quite handsome too, huh?"

I blush a little, drinking some hot chocolate to steady myself. "Yes, Grandma, he is."

"Do you have a picture?"

I pull my phone from my bag, scroll through my instagram for a pic of the both of us that we took around Christmas.

Grandma looks at the screen, nods, smiles. "Oh yes, you two are very cute."

Her eyes sparkle a little as she hands my cell back to me. "Did I ever tell you how I met your grandpa?"

I shake my head. "No, you didn't."

"Well. I walked into my English seminar first semester of university. It was a small class, only about twenty people. The only seat left was beside a very hot guy who's name was William. And the rest was history." She chuckles, smiling softly as she reminisces. "But that was a very long time ago, now."

"That's so cute. Did he ask you on a date?"

She nods. "After that very same class. He asked me out for coffee." A small, amused laugh. "By the end of the semester we were getting busy in the backseat of his old Toyota, and by the end of the school year he asked me to marry him."

I raise my eyebrows. Okay, was not expecting that.

"My parents were understandably mortified. I was barely twenty years-old but I was convinced I had found the love of my life." She winks at me. "And of course, I was right."

Aw. "I love that story." I bite my lip before asking, "Was grandpa... your first?"

She doesn't bat an eyelid as she replies, "No, my first was a very good-looking track-and-field athlete when I was in grade eleven." A snort. "He wasn't too smart, though."

Grade eleven. I'm in grade eleven. Hm. "Grandma, can I... ask you something?"

"Anything, sweetheart. You know it's impossible to embarrass me."

"Is it... okay for me and Luke to... do stuff? Because... people keep saying I'm too young but..." I trail off, blushing.

Her lips tilt up knowingly, the sides of them crinkling with laugh-lines. "It can be hard knowing where to draw a line, right?"

"Yeah. Exactly."

"Well, my personal opinion, Ophelia, is that it's completely up to you and Luke to decide that for yourselves. Everyone is different. As long as you're safe, and you're being kind to each other, then no, I don't think you're too young. Just depends on if you feel you're ready."

"That's... helpful. Thanks."

She winks, taking another sip of her drink. "If I was your age and I was dating such a gorgeous young man, I would certainly be... exploring a little." She laughs. "But then again, I was born in the sixties. We can be quite liberal about these things."

Sigh. Boomers.

The waitress drops off our food and my stomach rumbles.

Before we dig in, Grandma gives me one last piece of advice. "Ophelia, honey. Don't be ashamed of... the things you might be feeling. Because that's a normal part of growing up. I'm always here if you have questions that you're too embarrassed to ask Mum about."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Grandma."

"Anytime. I'm not as young as I used to be, you know. Now I have to live vicariously through the younger generation."

Yeah, well. Unfortunately for Grandma I'm gonna be keeping a lot of details to myself.



Sorry for those who wanted more smut. Poor Fee was having a crisis of conscience. Glad we got that out of the way.


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