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He loves me. Just the mere thought gives me a thrill. I have been missing him throughout the day since he insisted on going to the office alone while I took a day off.

Last night Alex and I talked, a soul to soul talk, and we are now on the same page. Strangely we didn't engage in any sexual activities but rather held each other just rocking in our commitment. We are going to take it slowly and see what the future has in store for us. For now, I am happy to call Alexander Anderson my lover, and my boyfriend.

Ma isn't exactly thrilled, and she made it clear again this morning.


“ How did you know?” 

“ You are my son, I know many things about you, things you have no idea I do.” She sassed. “… I didn't know it was him, though," she added. “Until I saw his face last night, he looked wretched.”  She confessed. 

“He makes me happy, Ma. More than I have ever been. "

“ He was married before…” She offered in a conspiracy, and I wondered how she found out. 

“ He told me,” I responded, making her pause and stare, inviting me to share more.  I took a moment to think if it was okay to share Alex's story and since it was to our advantage to have Ma's blessing I went ahead and gave her a summary of it. 

“ His own father?” Ma asked, stunned. “My God, how cruel can people be?” 

“ You can't tell anyone about this," I begged. 

“ I promise baby,” she leaned and kissed me on the forehead. “ Now I understand why he said he didn't want to love you or anyone for that matter. “ 

“ Yeah,” I agreed, knowing how hard it has been for Alex to admit he feels for me.

We had a good talk and by the end of it, all Ma had a better insight into who my boyfriend is. She did promise her support and I couldn't have been happier. 


I agreed to meet with Ben and Amy after work because I didn't want to carry their gifts to work. 

I had hardly sat down in the bar when I saw Ben making his way over with a stupid, contagious grin on his face. 

“ Babe…” I called when he got within a hearing range as I stood ready for the hug which I knew was coming. “ I missed you,” I whispered, wrapping my hands around him. 

“ Missed you too, babe.” 

Ben couldn't hold still, he eagerly went through the gifts I had brought for him and wowed every step of the way. That's how Amy met him when she arrived. After a quick hug, I passed the remaining shopping bags to her, and she readily accepted. 

“ Thanks, Chris. " She kissed me on the cheek delightfully. After placing our orders, my two very eager friends made me tell every detail of my trip to Uganda. I mostly talked about the food, culture, people, and streets. 

“ Alexander is my boyfriend now.” I dropped the lines I had rehearsed in my head for a few minutes before their arrival.

“ What?” And “Babe…” From Amy and Ben, respectively. Their reactions were hilarious. Amy had paused with her drink midair, while Ben choked on his. I understood their disbelief, since I was the one who had told them how he had said he couldn't be with me. 

“ Someone enjoyed himself a little too much in that Uganda trip.” Ben wiggled his finger eyeing me mischievously, and I blushed in return giving a coy smile. “Ooh… Would you look at that! " Amy gushed, pointing at my flushing face.

“ Must have been one hell of a reunion,” Ben drawled making Amy snicker and I poked his ribs making him groan. “ It was incredible,” I said with a permanent smile on my face. “… the supposed reunion,” I added cheekily. 

“ Are you happy?” Amy queried.

“ Of course, he is,” Ben laughed, answering Amy's question. “Look at that glow,” pointed at my face, making me laugh. “Didn't know a dick can have that effect.” 

“ I am happy, so damn happy!”

“ We are happy for you, Chris," Amy said heartily, hugging me. “ Come here, babe.” Ben beckoned, engulfing me in a light embrace, “be happy.”

I nodded in his embrace, knowing I would do exactly that. I will be happy. 

“ Richard's wife showed up at my apartment this morning." Amy whispered casually like it wasn't a big deal.

“What did she want?” 

“ What else?” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “ To meet the b*tch screwing her husband,” At my shocked gaze she added, “her words. "

“ Are you okay?” Her tough exterior wasn't fooling me or Ben. She sipped her drink quietly, fighting back tears, 

“She called me a homewrecker. "

“ How dare she? " Growled Ben, “you should have told that b*tch her husband lied to you too. " 

“ I did.”

“And?” I quipped!

“ She didn't believe me at first, but when I showed her my chats confronting the bastard, she broke down…” Amy shrugged, but she was deeply affected. 

I rubbed her back soothingly, feeling for my friend. She didn't deserve everything that has been happening to her. “ I have never been that humiliated in my life…” 

“ I am sorry, love," I whispered. 

“They have been together since they were teenagers… and here I was planning a future with him. " 

“You didn't know,” Ben muttered.

“ Doesn't matter,” she shrugged off, swinging at her drink once again. 

“ She said she will divorce him,” Amy added after a while.

“Are you…?” 

“ Hell no! I am done with his lying ass.” She cut me off, answering the question I hadn't asked yet. “ Let's forget the whole thing.” 

“ Gladly," Ben motioned the waiter for additional drinks, and we drank the night away. It was a weekend the following day anyway.

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