37| Sorry

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"What the fuck are you doing?," I asked Sebastian annoyed. I have stayed at my moms house for the last week and everyday since he's been coming over and calling me. "You're not coming in."

"Why not?," he challenged.

"Because you wanted me to leave and I did. Now, I want you to leave." I tried closing the door only for him to stick his hand out, stopping me from closing it.

"I never wanted you to leave," he stressed out. "I was angry. I said it in the heat of the moment."

"But the fact is that you said it without thinking. That tells me that you want me gone." Here I go, breaking my own heart. Fuck.

"I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't mean it. Just come back. Just come home," he said softly.

Maybe I should forgive him. It's been a week.

Bear sat next to my feet. Sebastian glanced down at him before looking at me. "Please."

Sebastian's PoV

"Please," I begged. I'm not one for begging but she's different. Since I told her to fuck off, I've felt guilty. Since when do I feel guilty or remorse? I don't but that time I did.

I should've asked her about the text instead of jumping to fucking conclusions. But who the fuck calls someone 'lovey'? A guy that's in love with his best friend, that's who.

She bit her lip as if she was mulling over the idea of forgiving me now or later. As she was deep in thought, I took this time to check her out. It's been months and her beauty still keeps me mesmerised till this day. Her brown eyes gleamed in the sun as she arched her perfect eyebrow.

"What?," she snapped.

If only her personality was as beautiful as her looks.

I'm joking.


I've grown to expect her sarcastic jokes and comments. Without them, my day feels incomplete. For me, it's scary how much someone can impact your day. Before, I never gave a shit about anyone. Now, I make her breakfast and make sure she eats throughout the day. Well, I did until I kicked her out.

But she'll never know that.

"Be my girlfriend," I suddenly said. She looked taken aback as she realised what I said.

"Are you telling me or asking me?"

"Asking?," I said questioningly. She let out a small chuckle before quickly dropping her smile.


"Gonna have to do better than that," she said coldly as she crossed her arms over her chest, making her boobs look even bigger in that thin cami top. I averted my eyes from there, not wanting her to get riled up before resting them on her face.

"Okay," I cleared my throat. "I won't act like a jackass most of the time. I acted like a jealous prick because I want you to be mine so will you be my girlfriend?"

A small smile graced her lips making her look ten times more attractive than normal. "I guess so," she shrugged like she wasn't bothered but that smile told me she was. She opened the door wider as I outstretched my arms for the first time pulling her in for a hug. She let out a surprise noise at this before returning the hug.

Of course, I've initiated a hug before with other people but I never have with her. When we pulled away, my arms remained wrapped around her, holding her close to me. She craned her head to look up at me. "You know that if you got me chocolate ice cream, I would've forgiven you a lot sooner," she said with a smirk.

"Next time I piss you off, I'll get you some," I promised.

I lowered my head before connecting our lips. Our mouths moved in sync as she refused to open her mouth. I bit down on her lip, not enough to make it bleed but enough to make her open her mouth. My tongue slipped inside, trying to get familiar with it. The familiar taste of chocolate entered my mouth. I didn't notice her arms were wrapped around my neck until we pulled apart. "I love chocolate too," I said breathlessly against her forehead as I left a little kiss.

What's wrong with me? I've never been like this with anyone.


Liliana's PoV

"Congratulations," Matteo scoffed out bitterly. My eyes widened as I let out a soft sigh. "So he's the reason why then?"

"He's not. I told you that I don't feel the same way about you. Why would you want to be with someone who can't love you like you love them?"

"You know what?," he said. I didn't answer. He stood up from his seat causing it to screech as it moved back. "I'm happy for you, genuinely." He walked out.

He did not sound happy at all.

"Ready to go?," Sebastian asked as he carried my bag filled with my stuff. I nodded my head. I quickly said goodbye to my family, knowing that I'll be back soon since they don't live far from me.

I put Bear in the car before getting in myself. Sebastian closed my door for me before getting in. Once he started the engine, he began driving.

"Can I put some music on or are you gonna argue with me again?," I joked. He narrowed his eyes at me.

Too soon. Whoops.

I gave him a smirk before blasting my music through his speakers. Obviously, not too loud because of Bear. I don't want to pop his ear drums.

"But you belong to somebody else! Yeah, I know how bad we both want it. Fuck our logic seize the moment!"

"Fuck me," Sebastian said feigning shock. "Go and tune your fucking voice please. You might've made Bears ears bleed." I let out a gasp before I burst out laughing.

"I can sing better than you."

"You've never heard me sing," he said smugly.

"Oh really. Then what's this?," I questioned as I got up the video I had taken once of him singing while making me breakfast. He probably thought no one was there.

A smile grew on his face as a chuckle left his lips. "I'm gonna get you back for that video, babe."

"I'd love to see you try."


Isabella was still here at his house. As soon as we had entered, she hugged Sebastian. "I'm so happy you're back," she said feigning happiness to me. He was literally here in the morning.

"I'm glad to be back," I told her. Valentina heard my voice and came tumbling down the stairs before landing on top of me causing me to tumble to the floor.

"Fat ass get off me," I gasp out as the air left my lungs.

"Fuck you. I missed you!," she exclaimed.

I stared at her weirdly for a moment. "You literally came to see me a couple of days ago when you came to drop off Bear."

"A couple of days is a couple of days too much," she said sadly. She jumped up off me and before she could offer to help me up, Sebastian had already helped me up and tucked me into his side with his arm thrown over my shoulder.

He gave my bags to one of the many people that work here. "Put this in my room," he told the person.

"Why your room?," Isabella asked confused as she stared at the bag with hearts covering it. It could be his but he's not a heart type of guy or a colour type of guy. He lacks colours. The only colours he has in this entire house are black, white and grey.

I wasn't complaining either about my bag gong into his room. His room is much bigger and more comfortable than mine. He has a bigger and softer bed than me.

He has no reason to wake up pissed off.

"Because it's my girlfriends bag," he said simply as she eyed up the arm he had around me.

"And she's your...?," she faltered, unable to finish the sentence. Valentina struggled to contain her happiness as her mouth was wide open in shock, ready to let out a squeal.

"She's my girlfriend," he confirmed for her.

"It was about time," Vin exclaimed as he emerged out of nowhere with Dom by his side. "Why the hell did you ignore my calls? You were mad at that asshat not me!"

"Sorry," I winced. "I didn't mean to."

"Next time he pisses you off, don't ignore us too," Dom said.

"I won't," I promised them both. "This is starting to become some sort of a family fucking reunion. Let go watch a movie or something." I left Sebs hold and spun around to grab his hand before turning around and walking forwards as he walked behind me, still gripping my hand.

We all walked towards the movie room. We got our popcorn and snacks sorted as we decided on the movie.



"Bad boys for life."

"Rush hour."


We did a mini vote and got the most votes for Deadpool. We quickly got in our seats as the movie began.

Seb and I sat on one couch while Vin and Valentina were sat on one a couple of rows behind us. Dom and Isabella sat together on one somewhere.

The movie room was set out like a movie theatre. The screen was down at the bottom and the couches were on steps (I guess) that get higher the further away you are from the screen.

I rested my head on Sebs shoulder as he had an arm around me. Halfway through the movie, I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up, it was around 4 in the morning and the screen was off and snores filled the room.

Somehow, Sebastian was laying on the couch, not sitting anymore, while I was on top of him. I dropped my head back onto his chest before closing my eyes once again. I finally felt safe and at peace.

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