Part 24

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Tree days later

Aisha's POV

It's been two days since Isabella went to Italy to rescue Edward and Papa gave her hell when she returned home a few hours ago. 

Isabella threw a big tantrum when Papa told her about the rules for her. I almost lost my hearing when she started screaming and it pleased me that she obtained strike one and had two more before Papa kicked her out of the house. 

She wanted to move into my house but when I told her that she would be paying me rent to live with me she immediately backed out. 

Unfortunately Carlisle, Esme, Alice and Edward have also returned to Forks and I know Rose and Em will be back in two weeks to help us with Victoria. 

I still think we should give Victoria to Isabella but I know the idiotic four won't let us. I sat on my bed and thought about what happened yesterday at the pack meeting

We decided to meet on neutral ground so that neither of us would feel that we had the upper hand. I arrived at the meeting place first 

'' How do you think this will end? '' asked Papa 

'' I know they will have questions about me and what I am but we don't have to tell them everything. We have the right to have our own secrets and don't let them make you feel bad that you have them '' I said 

'' They are here '' I said after a longer moment hearing their footsteps 

'' What are you? '' asked Harry 

'' I am a Hybrid, my mom was a good powerful witch and my dad was a shape-shifting panther. I am one of the few of this kind of mixture but there are different kinds of hybrids in the world '' I said 

'' What kind for example? asked Sam

'' Half vampire half human, half mermaid half witch/wizard, half shape-shifter half fairy and so on. We hide more and better than you or vampires. There are plenty of supernatural species that you don't know about '' I said

'' Why didn't you tell us what Aisha is Charlie? '' asked a disappointed Billy 

'' Why didn't you tell me what Lucas and Jake are '' replied Papa '' It '' began Billy

'' It's not my secret to tell and I wouldn't betray the trust her parents had in me. I still think it's not important business what Aisha can and can't do. Trust is earned as much as respect and not government is earned '' said Papa seriously 

'' Don't try to make me feel bad for not telling Lucas what I am, he is also hiding his true nature from me '' I said seeing Billy open his mouth. 

He quickly closed them '' Would you tell me what you are? '' said Lucas

'' I would tell you but would you do the same? '' I asked 

'' We can talk about it when we are alone Luna, for now I would like to know if you know what this red haired Vampire wants '' said Lucas and I told them everything I know from Jazz, Rose and Em about her. 

I saw them fall into thought '' If we deliver Alice, Edward, Carlisle, Esme and Isabella to Victoria she will stop killing. Don't they have their own office '' said Sam 

'' They do and I know the Kings know what the Cullens have done, I suspect they will give them a time limit to clean up their filth if they don't they will be destroyed '' I replied seriously. 

We spent the next few hours talking about this and when we decided to go our separate ways Lucas followed me to my house.

I spent several hours with him talking about my background and different hybrids.

He had many questions about what I could do and I enchanted a bracelet for him no one will be able to read his memories but they will be able to talk to him telepathically. 

The bracelet will also prevent his clothes from tearing during the transformation. Lucas told me I was his imprint and explained to me exactly what that meant. 

He could be my brother, my friend, my lover, my protector, and we decided to stay with romance. 

We knew that our lives had changed and for the better because we didn't have to hide from each other what we were. 

Lucas kissed me hard and passionately. He picked me up like a bride, carried me to my room and gently placed me on the bed. 

I knew what I wanted and I wasn't opposed to it when he checked to make sure the door was securely closed joined me on the bed. 

You can imagine what happened next

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