A few hours later
Nobody's POV
In a hall flanked by guards sat on thrones three men who could easily be mistaken for humans. However, these were the three Kings of the vampire world Aro, Caius, Marcus.
They are the oldest vampires in the world and they rule over their race making sure that humans do not learn of their existence.
They are considered by many to be heartless and soulless monsters but what many don't know is just a show to others. In truth they are a great big family but because of the fact that they have to have a reputation they have to show themselves differently than they really are.
Three fair kings, along with their queens, keep order in the vampiric world. They punish only those who deserve it.
However, that in all their thousands of lives they have not met such a long vampire as Edward Cullen. The kings know that he is Carlise's golden child who does what he wants.
'' I understand why you want to die but we won't do it'' said Aro and Edward look at them with a determined look and they knew he was planning something.
As he left the throne room Aro turned his attention to two of the Elite Guard
'' Demetri Felix go after him and stop him from doing something stupid. He is determined to die and I suspect he will try to expose himself to the humans'' said Aro seriously and they nodded and went after the young naive vampire.
Aro leaned against the back of the throne '' Who has the feeling that there is more to this situation than we can see '' Caius asked
'' I don't suppose you think Edward revealed our existence to him Blood singer'' asked Marcus nervous at the thought.
I looked at him '' You may have seen how he acted. However, I suspect he didn't tell her personally more like he was giving her clues as to what he was.
You noticed how he didn't give me his hand when he came over. He has something to hide and he knows that if we find out about it not only he will die but the rest of the coven as well '' Aro said seriously and he could see that they were thinking about what he had said.
Noticing that something is taking Demetri and Felix a long time to get back '' Jane be good girl and find out what is taking the boys so long'' said Caius
Jane soothed herself and headed off in the direction where Demetri and Felix had followed Edward.
A few minutes passed when the door opened again '' Sister you were sent for one and you brought two and a half. What a clever girl you are'' said Alec praising his sister.
Aro rose from his throne '' Aa Isabella is alive after all. How I love happy endings they are so rare'' he said taking Edward's hand in his.
'' La Tua Canate '' said Aro
'' How you can be next to her is a surprise '' said Aro
'' Not without difficulty '' replied Edward
'' Aro can read people's thoughts by touching a person '' said Edward on Isabella's confused face
'' You yourself can read minds but you can't read her '' said Aro taking Isabella's hand
'' I can't see anything '' he said after a moment
'' Let's see if you can keep the rest of us. Jane girl '' said Aro and after a long moment nothing happened
Aro turned his attention to rest od the kings '' What to do with you now'' he said
'' You know what we have to do'' said Caius
'' She knows too much'' added Marcus
'' You know what to do Felix'' said Uncle A and sat down on the throne.
And of course the young naiv thought he had a chance against Felix and quickly counted his odds. Blood singer started shouting something but they weren't paying attention to her
'' Bella will be changed and it's because of me'' shouted Seener and Aro took her hand.
Aro looked at us '' To see things that haven't happened yet is a real gift. Go and do just that '' he said
'' Remember the Volturi don't give second chances'' Caius said and the silly three of us walked out of the throne room.
'' Thanks to Alex, we know what's going on there and he wants them to solve their problem themselves '' said Aro
''We're giving them three months to clean up their act and change the girl if they don't do it they, along with Esme and Carlisle, will die. I have no intention of punishing young Rose, Jasper and Emmett for the mistakes of their so called coven '' continued Aro
'' Let's send Jane, Alec, Feliz and Demetri to Seattle but not now. Let's give them a moment of security '' said Marcus
'' They will go there in two weeks '' said Caius
'' Jane you will make the decisions from when you will be there. I have a feeling Alice will check my decisions '' said Aro
'' Of course Master '' said Jane
Due to the fact that the Kings did not have any trials or meetings scheduled today so they decided to spend the rest of their day with their mates
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