Part 17

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At the same time

Jasper's POV

I had finished my conversation with Ash when I felt Alice gather around me. I had had enough of her for days urging me to use my power to get her to agree to have a birthday party. I decided to agree because I knew she wouldn't give me a break about it. 

I unkinned her lips when she wanted to kiss me on the cheek 

" Bella is coming " she said 

" I know let's get it over with " I said 

" Come on Jazzy Boo everything will be great " she said trying to hug me. I quickly took a few  steps back 

" Alice you know we are not together. I also told you many.times not to call me that " I said seriously 

" But " she said sad 

" But nothing " I interrupted her and directed her towards Isabella. I saw Edward escort her away from Jacob Black from what I know Jacob does not feel night to Isabella thanks to Aisha. 

Aisha also told me gave what Blood Singer does not like her birthday. The reason is that Isabella is afraid of aging and death that is whay she pressuring Edward to change her. 

I heard Edward resent the fact that Jacob can give blood bag a gift and he doesn't and she gives him a weak excuse. Alice when she saw Isabella quickly approached her 

" Happy Birthday! " she said excitedly 

" Shhhh Alice " she said looking around a bit. Alice just smiled and gave her a gift 

" I saw that you would look great in this at the party for you " she said 

" Party but " she started to object and I quickly changed her feelings about it. I moved away before she could notice me 

" Sounds great " she said surprised and started looking around. I could see that she wanted to spot me 

" Vampires you can't trust them " Edward said while leading her to her first lesson. I made it to my class before Alice could see me and want something from me again. 

I was glad that me, Rose and Em only had lunch with the three of them.

A few hours later

When we returned that school to the moment immediately with Rose and Em we went hunting.

 We knew that if we didn't leave the house right away they would somehow force us to help them. 

I also had a feeling that they wanted to keep me holding the food for some reason. I suspect that if something went wrong they would put the blame on me so that I wouldn't be blamed. 

I am an Empath meaning I can feel all emotions and the desire for blood is an emotion. With the Luna bracelet I can block other people's emotions im 100% in control of my power.

Some time later

As I suspected, the party ended in failure. Isabella spread her finger on an envelope from Esme and Carlisle. Like the idiot that she is she showed her bloody finger to us. I knew she thought I was the " weakest " in their child and would attack her. 

This would force Edwart or the other three to change her. However, the golden child decided to push Isabella into the glass table even though I wasn't drying a step. 

He also wanted to push me away but Em pushed him hard into the wall.

 I quietly went outside with Rose and Emmett to wait when the show was over. Not long after us Alice and Esme came out of the house 

'' I said it was a bad idea and you didn't listen to me '' said Rose seeing Edward lead Isabella to his car. 

When we got home I saw that Carlisle had cleaned up the blood '' It was a waste of time '' I said bored 

'' We have to leave Forks '' said Edward entering the house 

I looked at him '' We are dangerous for Bella '' he continued 

'' You are just saying that. You should have stayed away from her '' I said 

'' It's your fault that Blood bag got hurt. None of us moved to attack when she cut her finger '' added Rose 

'' We have to leave before people notice Carlisle isn't aging '' Edward said and gave the reason and I could see Carlisle was thinking about it 

'' We're leaving Forks in two to three days '' said Edward 

'' We'll go by sport to Alaska and '' said Carlisle

'' I'm going to visit Peter and Charlotte '' I interrupted 

'' Me and Emmett are going to Paris and London for our second honeymoon '' added Rosa and the three of us went to our rooms 

'' We'll tell Luna about our departure tomorrow. She will be ready at that time if Isabella would do something '' I said seriously and they nodded their heads in agreement.

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