Part 14

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Five days later

Aisha's POV

It's been five days since Isabella discovered the Cullens' secret and became a daily visitor to their home. 

When she discovered that they were vampires she tried to enter my room and certainly tell me what she knew. 

Edward, of course, told her of their suspicions that I was not human. Isabella tried to order me to tell her what I was. I look at her like she was crazy and I'm sure she was and said I was just a regular human being. 

She started screaming that I should tell her, that I had to tell her. I repeated that I was a man and tried to close the door but she wouldn't let me. 

It wasn't until Papa showed up and threatened that if she didn't calm down he would send her back to Renee. 

That got her to sit down right away and she went to her room stomping around like a little baby. 

I could later hear Edward in her room about how they were talking about me. She took this opportunity abh throw hex on Edward not to tell the story of Em, Jaz I Rose without their permission. 

At on the earliest possible occasion I did the same to Esme, Carlisle and Alice. Every time they tried to do this they would not be able to say a word or would immediately change the subject. Her presence there has caused Rose, Jaz and Em to spend almost all their time in my house. 

It doesn't bother me because I know what Isabella can be like and I'm not surprised they want to be as far away from her as possible. 

Speaking of bad news, Isabella also found out about my winning the contest. She is trying to suck up to me so that I will take her that I alr sooner in hell it will start raining than it will happen. 

These two weeks are my rest from her and I won't let her ruin it. I think I will take Rose or Lucas that I or go alone. 

I still have 4 days to decide so I'm not worried. On the brighter side, tomorrow I'm going on a Girls' Weekend with Rose and we have a spa visit planned, a shopping frenzy and more. 

We had to change the time of the trip because Isabella overheard me talking to Rose about it yesterday and she, along with Alice and Esme, want to drop in and Edward and Carlisle want to drop in for a hunting trip. 

The guys changed the time and place where they want to go. Rose was furious when Alice started talking about our weekend as if she was planning it. Em had to hold her so she wouldn't accidentally tell about the change in our plans. 

I'm glad that my powers and their bracelets block Alice and Edward's powers so our change of time and place would not work. I am also considering buying my own house on the border of La Push and Forks but more in La Push territory.

I looked at my bag and checked that I had everything for tomorrow's outing. I looked at the time and saw that it was 4:45 pm I knew that Papa would be finishing work today at 5:30 or 6 pm depending on how many documents he had to fill out. 

She was home alone because Isabella was at the Cullens house and would definitely be back around 9:00 or 9:30 pm without a minute's delay. 

Papa had put Isabella on curfew because of her behavior over the past weeks. Her grounding was lifted on probation when she started going with Edward. 

He warned her if she was even a minute late her grounding would return and she would end up walking his house. The longer they are together I could see how obsessed they are with each other. 

I could already see how toxic their relationship was becoming. I had 2 plans to stay away from the problems they are sure o bring. However, her relationship has a good side. 

Thanks to this relationship, the rest of them didn't notice how Rose, Em and Jaz are distancing themselves from them. When they finally realize this it will be too late for them to do something about it.

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