Part 10

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A few days later

Aisha's POV

It's been about three days since dinner and I can say that I've been spending some Lucas time every day. I don't know why he is so focused to get close to me but I don't mind. 

The other happy news is that Edward is finally back and Isabella will finally leave me alone. I don't know why she is so fixated on Edward but that's not my concern. 

I looked at the clock on my computer and saw that it was 6:40 pm and I knew I had to eat something. 

My dad was finishing up at 8pm tonight and I knew he would come home hungry so I decided to make something for me and him. 

I heard Isabella doing something in her room and every now and then she would say Edward's name. 

I locked my room and went down quickly to the kitchen to get started cooking.

When I was done I threw the pizzerias into the oven and cleaned up after myself. Before I knew it the timer rang and it was time to take the food out of the oven. 

I decided to carry some to my room to get some peace and quiet from Isabell and her questions because I knew she might ask me about him anyway. 

I cast a covering spell and a keeping warm spell on the leftovers and texted my dad where they were so Isabella wouldn't eat them. 

I quickly went into my room and locked up door. I can tell just in time because as I closed the door I heard Demon come out of her room. 

My phone suddenly rang and I saw that it was Rose calling 

" Hey " I said 

" Hey Aisha " she said 

" Can I help you? " I asked 

" I just wanted to warn you that Edward is convinced that Isabrlla is his mate and Blood Singer " she said 

" Tell me the rest don't believe him. They can't be that stupid " I said 

" You would be surprised at that. Carlisle is over 300 years old and believes Edward when he told him " said angry Rose  

I sighed deeply " Rose I think you should inform the Volturi and tell them everything that is going on. You can tell them about the wolves and that I am hybrid but don't say what. That way you, Em and Jaz won't be held responsible if something happens. I advise you to talk to Caius or Marcus from what you told me about them they will make a good decision. I don't know what else I can advise you than the three of you separate yourselves slowly from this stupid coven " I said 

" You are right Moon and we will probably try to carefully separate ourselves from them. We'll still wait with the phone until something more serious happens " she said after a moment's thought 

" Do as is best for the three of you " I replied while swallowing down a bite of pizza. I talked with Rose for a few more minutes and we brought up the subject of our Girls Weekend  we wanted to do next week. 

I knew that such an outing for two would do us good and I knew that Jaz and Em would go on a hunt trip during that time. I rubbed my eyes when I heard someone pounding on my door 

" What do you want? " I asked irritated 

" Where is my dinner? " she asked 

" I didn't do anything to you " I replied 

" Why not! " she asked angrily 

" I am not your cook or servant. God gave you two healthy hands you are hungry then make yourself something to eat " I replied 


" I told you why " replied 

" BUT! " she continued 

" But nothing " I said and slammed the door in her face

I heard her throw a tanteum at my door and wheezed into her room. Probably to call her mom to say what a fer I am to her and do nothing for her. 

Spoiled princess the sooner she learns she is nothing to me the better but knowing her it is a lost cause. 

I sighed as I looked at my work and began to write again suddenly I heard a loud noise in the house as I focused on it and it came from Isabella's room so I didn't worry about it. 

I suspect she wanted to see if I care about her and if she ruins her room that's her problem. I won't buy her new things and I certainly won't let Papa do it. 

She will want new things she has to pull from her savings, from her mom or find a job like I did when I was her age. 

I put on headphones so I can't hear her and I began listen to my favorite music while writing.

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