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| B R O O K L Y N |

Tonight is the party, and let's just say that I'm nervous. I have been to an actually party before, and I also have to deal with Aidan. As of right now, I was plunging through my closet looking for an outfit.

"Knock, knock," Melissa said behind me, knocking on my open door.

I turned around to see her standing there with a small smile on her face.

"Hey, I was going to come find you. This top or this dress?" I asked Melissa, placing two options in front of me.

"The too suits you very well," Melissa said, pointing to the shiny, silver crop top with no sleeves.

I nodded,"I think so too."

I threw the dress on my bed before looking for my black skinny jeans. Melissa cleared her throat, nervously.

"What's wrong?" I asked Melissa, turning around to face her.

She had tears in her eyes, and she shook her head with a proud smile on her face.

"It's nothing. Your parents would be so proud of you right now," Melissa said as her lip quivered.

"I miss them," I confessed with a deep sigh.

Melissa nodded in agreement,"Me too. Your mother was my best friend for several years."

I gave her a side smile, but I stayed silently. I grabbed my pants and my top before looking back at Melissa.

"I have to go change. I don't want to keep the girls waiting to long," I said, gesturing to my clothes.

"Right. I came up to tell you that the house has a cover spell so they won't know a witch lives here."

"Thank you."

She waved me off,"Anytime."

Then she turned, and she walked down the stairs. I changed into the outfit before doing my makeup. I decided to go with a shadow eye look with dark maroon lips. I also gave my hair a few stray curls to make it look wavy.

Once I was finished, I put on my white converses and a black leather jacket. Then my phone dinged, letting me know that I had a text message.

Zoey: We're outside!

Me: Coming.

I sprayed myself down in the magical perfume before walking downstairs. Melissa was nowhere to be found so I walked outside to see Allison's white Jeep sitting outside.

I walked to the Jeep, and I opened the bag door to see Zoey in the backseat. I got into the car before shutting the door.

"It's party time girls!" Allison exclaimed before driving away from my house.

"I heard this is suppose to be the biggest party of the year," Isabelle said, typing on her phone.

"Where does Aidan live?" I asked them, causally.

"He lives in this huge mansion on the beach," Zoey answered as I buckled myself up.

"Cool," I replied.

After ten One Direction songs, we pulled into a yard filled with red solo cups. People were on the huge porch, smoking and talking.

The girls and I got out, and I could hear the music from outside. The front door was already open so the girls and I walked right on in.

People were everywhere;dancing, making out, drinking, etc. The girls and I walked into the dance room to see people dancing to the upbeat music.

"Come on!" Isabelle said, dragging me into the dance floor.

We danced along to the music, and once it was over, we were out of breath.

"I'll go get us some drinks! The boys are here somewhere!" Zoey yelled over the music.

"I'll come with you!" Allison shouted as they walked through the crowd of people.

Isabelle and I danced, and I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I knew it was Grayson because of the sparks shooting throughout my body.

I turned around to see him smiling down at me.

"How did you find me?!" I yelled as we danced.

"How could I not? Everybody is talking about Brooklyn Jones' incredible dance moves!" He shouted, making me laugh.

"Don't make fun of my dances! I think they are very unique!"

He bopped his nose with his, and my heart fluttered.

Zoey and Allison came back with the drinks, and they handed me one. I took a sip of it, and I smiled in delight.

It doesn't matter how much I drink, I can't get drunk. I don't know why, but it has something to do with my abilities.

"Where's Jules?!" Isabelle shouted at Grayson.

Grayson shrugged,"I don't know. He was outside on the beach."

Isabelle nodded before leaving us. Soon all of the girls went off to find their boyfriends, leaving Grayson and I alone.

Grayson and I danced with everything in us. Everything went into slow-mo. Grayson was relaxed and smiling like it was Christmas.

Here I was dancing with my mate. If you would have told me that I would have a mate, I would have laugh at you and call you crazy.

I think I'm going to tell him about me.

"Grayson! I have something to tell you!" I yelled at him, making him stop dancing.

"Let's go somewhere quieter!" Grayson hollered back, making me nod.

We walked outside, and waved crashed into the sand. Grayson and I walked along the sand, trying to get somewhere quiet. The breeze was nice and cool.

"What's up?" Grayson asked me as he held my hand.

"Now that we are in a relationship, I want to tell you something huge. Just know that I did this to keep you safe," I said, making him confused.

"What happened? Are you in trouble?" Grayson asked me, protectively.

"I'm a-..." I started to say, but I was cut off by howling.

Grayson wrapped an arm around my waist, protectively, and his eyes were alert.

"Brooklyn, you need to go back inside. Now," Grayson said, lowly.

"That's what I'm trying to tell you."

"Now!" Grayson exclaimed, angrily, making me flinch back. His eyes soften, but I already started to back away.

"Okay then," I said before I walked off. I heard him sigh, but I continued to walk back to the house.

I know that's he is trying to protect me, but he didn't have to get angry with me. I was going to tell him, but you know what, I will just keep my secret from him.

I walked back inside, and I sniffed the air for any of the group. They were all gone.

What on earth is going on?

"I see that you made it," Aidan's voice said behind me.

I put on a fake smile,"Yeah. I wouldn't miss it."

"You wanna go somewhere where we can talk?" Aidan asked me, making me nod.

I need answers from him.

We walked upstairs, and he led me to a bedroom. I looked around, and I'm pretty sure this was his room. There was a balcony with doors leading out to it. Then there was a huge mattress by the wall with books on a shelf beside it.

"Nice room," I commented as he shut the door.

"You can cut the crap, Brooklyn. I know that you know that I know about you," Aidan said, making me turn around to face him.

I gave him a fake grin,"Great, so now what are we going to do?"

"There is somebody out there who is looking for you," Aidan said, stepping forward.

I shrugged,"Who isn't? Now my question is how did you cover your scent?"

"The same way you hid yours."

"So you have a witch on your side, I see. Now, let me tell you how this is going to end. Either you answer my questions, and I'll let you live or I will kill you," I said, twirling a piece of my hair between my fingers.

"I would like to see you try, but I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to bring you in to Carson," Aidan said with his hands up in surrender.

My eyebrows furrowed,"You know Carson?"

"He is my leader."

"What does he want with me?" I asked Aidan, crossing my hands across my chest.

"Your heart," Aidan said, pointing at my chest.

"Well, inform him that will never happen and he can go jump off a cliff," I said, making Aidan.

"You have no idea what you're up against," Aidan said with a dark look on his face.

"Maybe, but I know one thing, I will win," I said, trying to make him scared.

Aidan rolled his eyes,"We have been chatting a little bit too long. My distraction can only uphold for a few more minutes."

My eyes widen,"What did you do?"

"Let's just say that your friends and your mate are probably dead by now," Aidan said, making me growl.

I charged at him, but he was faster. He grabbed a syringe off of his desk, and he stuck it in my neck. I dropped to the floor in pain.

"What is this?" I asked him, pulling the syringe out of my neck.

"Well, I don't have any ravine so I had to release your wolf side so I could trap you with silver. I'm a genius, right?" Aidan asked as my eyes flickered.

I tried to fight my wolf off, but she was much more stronger.

I felt my bones snap as I started to shift into my wolf. I screamed in pain since I haven't shifted in a while.

The last thing I saw was Aidan smirking at me. Then everything went black.


Hey angels!! Sorry for the wait but it's finally here!!!

What do you think will happen to Brooklyn??

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