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I wake up and can barely breathe. Nick was plastered against my poor back and practically pushing me down to hell.

"Nick." I try to say but my face is pushed into the floor.

"Mmmm Alice." He says against my ear and I shiver even though every inch of his hot body pushed against mine is making me sweat.

"Get off me, you big oaf!" I say elbowing him in the side. He groans and rolls off me finally waking up.

"Did I hurt you?" He asks once his eyes open.

"No just broke all my bones," I mumble sitting up and rubbing my head.

I feel his arms swiftly go around my waist and I grip his forearms as he pulls me between his legs and against his body.

His arms hold me loosely and his head goes to my neck and he leaves a kiss there.

"You've been really touchy lately," I say to Nick looking around the room and thankfully everyone was asleep still. The sunrise was just creeping through the curtains. Which meant the ground was either covered in frost or snow.

"I can't help it when you're always around me. You're the one who won't leave me alone." Nick says running his nose up and down the skin of my neck.

"Not true," I say standing up.

I brush myself off and put on my shoes quietly. "Nick I need to go," I say running my fingers through my knotted hair.

"Why? I'll drive you." He insists and I nod. I'd have to walk if he didn't since I already got a ride to the diner from Tracy.

"Are you sure? You don't have to drive me-" I start but he stops me.

"Alice get your coat on." He says his face void of any emotion. I challenge him with my eyes before putting on my coat.

Nick leads me downstairs and into the garage.

"You park in the garage?" I ask surprised.

He nods. "I even have a room here. Nelson's mom lets me stay here sometimes. I think she has a feeling something goes on. I mean she's always been the one to throw birthday parties for me growing up. She cared." A soft smile rests on his face and I watch him silently.

"Ready?" He then says looking and me and I just blink at him.

"Alice..?" He drawls out pulling at my coat sleeve.

I shake my head and go to the passenger side of his car. Closing the door he pulls out of the driveway. I curl into a ball and close my eyes still feeling exhausted.


"Alice." I hear a deep and husky voice call out. I feel a warmth on my cheek and snuggle closer to it.

"Wake up beautiful, you're home." I feel a kiss on my forehead and my eyes flutter open.

He's smiling sadly at me and I sit up. "Why do you look so sad?" I asked placing my hand over his that's still on my cheek.

He licks his lips and my eyes look to them. "I liked spending the last 12 hours with you, Alice. I really like you. You make me feel... better." He shrugs.

"Don't shrug that's sweet Nick," I whisper and turn my head to kiss his palm. "I like being with you too."

His face breaks out into a huge grin and he tackles my mouth with his catching me off guard.

"Nick!" I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck as he kisses my cheeks, jaw, and forehead.

"I need to go in but I'll see you on Monday," I say holding his face in my hands and he pouts.

Reluctantly, I leave his car and he watches me as I go inside before driving off.

As soon as the door opens I'm tackled in a hug. "Alice dear god I was so worried! Why didn't you come home last night?" Jessie exclaims angrily and holds me back by the shoulders.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What? Jessie, I called you last night and we talked about me going out with my friends." I say confused. I really did call her.

"What? You never called." She says seriously.

"Than who answered?" I mumble more confused than ever.

Suddenly Brodie runs down the stairs. He meets my eyes and gives me a smug look but before Jessie could see he changes it to fear.

"Mom! Alice has been hiding something from us again." He says and motions for us to follow him upstairs.

We all quickly race upstairs and Brodie pulls a gun out from under my bed and Jessie screams.

"What the hell?" I say stepping as far away from Brodie. I can't trust him with a gun. My heartbeat picks up and my hands shake. Gun? Gun??

"That's not mine!" I yell and Brodie drops it onto my bed.

"Is too! Your names on it! Don't lie to us Alice you already brought drugs in here, you're skipping school and now this? We trusted you in this house!" Brodie yells gaining Jessie's attention.

Jessie spins around scarily. "You what?! Alice I can't have you here."

"What? Jessie, he's lying." I say and tears gloss my eyes as my body shakes.

"Alice. I told you I didn't want to find any more of this in your room. We know your father. And this behavior is unacceptable." She says tears falling from her eyes.

What's happening?!

"I-I can explain-" I start but Brodie grabs my arms and pulls me out of my room where Jessie's crying in.

"Brodie! Stop!" I sob scratching at his arm and face as much as I can to getaway. This is all happening too fast.

"That guns, not mine and I know it's yours why are you trying to get rid of me!" I scream at him kicking my legs.

"Don't bother coming back. Slut. I'm getting rid of you so Nick will stop beating me up cause of you." He says and shoves me out the front door.

I fall back stumbling on my feet and feel the frozen grass on my back when I hit the ground still in shock. My head hits the ground. Hard.

What the hell just happened?

My breathing accelerates and tears spill out my eyes.

"It's not mine." I cry out.

"I know it's not. And like I've said before. I can tell everyone about what you did before you came here. I can send you back home." He says and spits at my feet before slamming the door.

I wipe my eyes and jump to my feet and run to the front door.

Trying the knob I see it's locked. I bang my fists on it and kick it as hard as I can.

I see Brodie's face appear in the window next to the door and I run in front of the window. Gripping the sill I let out everything I've been holding in.

"Brodie you are sick! You're a foul man! I hate you! I don't care if you tell everyone about my past because I have Nick on my side. I love him and you can't do anything that will change that for me! You're disgusting! I hope you burn in hell... Fuck you!" I scream and I feel the tension in my whole body finally leave.

But I'm still mad. And I wish I didn't do what I did next.

I pull my fist back and punch the window and Brodie and I watch in horror as it shatters around me. I scream and blood comes up from all around my arms. The white shirt I was wearing soon has patches of red on them and my mouth falls open in a silent scream.

I meet Brodie's eyes that are just as wide as mine and I stumble back on the grass.

He takes a step back as well and screams up the stairs to where I assume Jessie still is.

"Some kid through a baseball in!" He says as if this didn't just happen.

My breath picks up and I stumble back further.

"Nick," I whisper before turning around and running to the garage. I get on Brodie's bike with no plans of returning it and ride as fast as I can to Nick's house. Blood dripping down my skin. And tears falling out of my eyes.

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